/* * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "util_debug.h" #include "util_foreach.h" #include "util_logging.h" #include "util_system.h" #include "util_task.h" #include "util_time.h" //#define THREADING_DEBUG_ENABLED #ifdef THREADING_DEBUG_ENABLED #include #define THREADING_DEBUG(...) do { printf(__VA_ARGS__); fflush(stdout); } while(0) #else #define THREADING_DEBUG(...) #endif CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Task Pool */ TaskPool::TaskPool() { num_tasks_handled = 0; num = 0; do_cancel = false; } TaskPool::~TaskPool() { stop(); } void TaskPool::push(Task *task, bool front) { TaskScheduler::Entry entry; entry.task = task; entry.pool = this; TaskScheduler::push(entry, front); } void TaskPool::push(const TaskRunFunction& run, bool front) { push(new Task(run), front); } void TaskPool::wait_work(Summary *stats) { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); while(num != 0) { num_lock.unlock(); thread_scoped_lock queue_lock(TaskScheduler::queue_mutex); /* find task from this pool. if we get a task from another pool, * we can get into deadlock */ TaskScheduler::Entry work_entry; bool found_entry = false; list::iterator it; for(it = TaskScheduler::queue.begin(); it != TaskScheduler::queue.end(); it++) { TaskScheduler::Entry& entry = *it; if(entry.pool == this) { work_entry = entry; found_entry = true; TaskScheduler::queue.erase(it); break; } } queue_lock.unlock(); /* if found task, do it, otherwise wait until other tasks are done */ if(found_entry) { /* run task */ work_entry.task->run(0); /* delete task */ delete work_entry.task; /* notify pool task was done */ num_decrease(1); } num_lock.lock(); if(num == 0) break; if(!found_entry) { THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d, Waiting for condition in TaskPool::wait_work !found_entry\n", num); num_cond.wait(num_lock); THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d, condition wait done in TaskPool::wait_work !found_entry\n", num); } } if(stats != NULL) { stats->time_total = time_dt() - start_time; stats->num_tasks_handled = num_tasks_handled; } } void TaskPool::cancel() { do_cancel = true; TaskScheduler::clear(this); { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); while(num) { THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d, Waiting for condition in TaskPool::cancel\n", num); num_cond.wait(num_lock); THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d condition wait done in TaskPool::cancel\n", num); } } do_cancel = false; } void TaskPool::stop() { TaskScheduler::clear(this); assert(num == 0); } bool TaskPool::canceled() { return do_cancel; } void TaskPool::num_decrease(int done) { num_mutex.lock(); num -= done; assert(num >= 0); if(num == 0) { THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d, notifying all in TaskPool::num_decrease\n", num); num_cond.notify_all(); } num_mutex.unlock(); } void TaskPool::num_increase() { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); if(num_tasks_handled == 0) { start_time = time_dt(); } num++; num_tasks_handled++; THREADING_DEBUG("num==%d, notifying all in TaskPool::num_increase\n", num); num_cond.notify_all(); } /* Task Scheduler */ thread_mutex TaskScheduler::mutex; int TaskScheduler::users = 0; vector TaskScheduler::threads; bool TaskScheduler::do_exit = false; list TaskScheduler::queue; thread_mutex TaskScheduler::queue_mutex; thread_condition_variable TaskScheduler::queue_cond; void TaskScheduler::init(int num_threads) { thread_scoped_lock lock(mutex); /* multiple cycles instances can use this task scheduler, sharing the same * threads, so we keep track of the number of users. */ if(users == 0) { do_exit = false; if(num_threads == 0) { /* automatic number of threads */ num_threads = system_cpu_thread_count(); } VLOG(1) << "Creating pool of " << num_threads << " threads."; /* launch threads that will be waiting for work */ threads.resize(num_threads); int num_groups = system_cpu_group_count(); int thread_index = 0; for(int group = 0; group < num_groups; ++group) { /* NOTE: That's not really efficient from threading point of view, * but it is simple to read and it doesn't make sense to use more * user-specified threads than logical threads anyway. */ int num_group_threads = (group == num_groups - 1) ? (threads.size() - thread_index) : system_cpu_group_thread_count(group); for(int group_thread = 0; group_thread < num_group_threads && thread_index < threads.size(); ++group_thread, ++thread_index) { threads[thread_index] = new thread(function_bind(&TaskScheduler::thread_run, thread_index + 1), group); } } } users++; } void TaskScheduler::exit() { thread_scoped_lock lock(mutex); users--; if(users == 0) { /* stop all waiting threads */ TaskScheduler::queue_mutex.lock(); do_exit = true; TaskScheduler::queue_cond.notify_all(); TaskScheduler::queue_mutex.unlock(); /* delete threads */ foreach(thread *t, threads) { t->join(); delete t; } threads.clear(); } } void TaskScheduler::free_memory() { assert(users == 0); threads.free_memory(); } bool TaskScheduler::thread_wait_pop(Entry& entry) { thread_scoped_lock queue_lock(queue_mutex); while(queue.empty() && !do_exit) queue_cond.wait(queue_lock); if(queue.empty()) { assert(do_exit); return false; } entry = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); return true; } void TaskScheduler::thread_run(int thread_id) { Entry entry; /* todo: test affinity/denormal mask */ /* keep popping off tasks */ while(thread_wait_pop(entry)) { /* run task */ entry.task->run(thread_id); /* delete task */ delete entry.task; /* notify pool task was done */ entry.pool->num_decrease(1); } } void TaskScheduler::push(Entry& entry, bool front) { entry.pool->num_increase(); /* add entry to queue */ TaskScheduler::queue_mutex.lock(); if(front) TaskScheduler::queue.push_front(entry); else TaskScheduler::queue.push_back(entry); TaskScheduler::queue_cond.notify_one(); TaskScheduler::queue_mutex.unlock(); } void TaskScheduler::clear(TaskPool *pool) { thread_scoped_lock queue_lock(TaskScheduler::queue_mutex); /* erase all tasks from this pool from the queue */ list::iterator it = queue.begin(); int done = 0; while(it != queue.end()) { Entry& entry = *it; if(entry.pool == pool) { done++; delete entry.task; it = queue.erase(it); } else it++; } queue_lock.unlock(); /* notify done */ pool->num_decrease(done); } /* Dedicated Task Pool */ DedicatedTaskPool::DedicatedTaskPool() { do_cancel = false; do_exit = false; num = 0; worker_thread = new thread(function_bind(&DedicatedTaskPool::thread_run, this)); } DedicatedTaskPool::~DedicatedTaskPool() { stop(); worker_thread->join(); delete worker_thread; } void DedicatedTaskPool::push(Task *task, bool front) { num_increase(); /* add task to queue */ queue_mutex.lock(); if(front) queue.push_front(task); else queue.push_back(task); queue_cond.notify_one(); queue_mutex.unlock(); } void DedicatedTaskPool::push(const TaskRunFunction& run, bool front) { push(new Task(run), front); } void DedicatedTaskPool::wait() { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); while(num) num_cond.wait(num_lock); } void DedicatedTaskPool::cancel() { do_cancel = true; clear(); wait(); do_cancel = false; } void DedicatedTaskPool::stop() { clear(); do_exit = true; queue_cond.notify_all(); wait(); assert(num == 0); } bool DedicatedTaskPool::canceled() { return do_cancel; } void DedicatedTaskPool::num_decrease(int done) { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); num -= done; assert(num >= 0); if(num == 0) num_cond.notify_all(); } void DedicatedTaskPool::num_increase() { thread_scoped_lock num_lock(num_mutex); num++; num_cond.notify_all(); } bool DedicatedTaskPool::thread_wait_pop(Task*& task) { thread_scoped_lock queue_lock(queue_mutex); while(queue.empty() && !do_exit) queue_cond.wait(queue_lock); if(queue.empty()) { assert(do_exit); return false; } task = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); return true; } void DedicatedTaskPool::thread_run() { Task *task; /* keep popping off tasks */ while(thread_wait_pop(task)) { /* run task */ task->run(0); /* delete task */ delete task; /* notify task was done */ num_decrease(1); } } void DedicatedTaskPool::clear() { thread_scoped_lock queue_lock(queue_mutex); /* erase all tasks from the queue */ list::iterator it = queue.begin(); int done = 0; while(it != queue.end()) { done++; delete *it; it = queue.erase(it); } queue_lock.unlock(); /* notify done */ num_decrease(done); } string TaskPool::Summary::full_report() const { string report = ""; report += string_printf("Total time: %f\n", time_total); report += string_printf("Tasks handled: %d\n", num_tasks_handled); return report; } CCL_NAMESPACE_END