/** * Execute Python scripts * * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "SCA_PythonController.h" #include "SCA_LogicManager.h" #include "SCA_ISensor.h" #include "SCA_IActuator.h" #include "PyObjectPlus.h" #include "compile.h" #include "eval.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // initialize static member variables SCA_PythonController* SCA_PythonController::m_sCurrentController = NULL; SCA_PythonController::SCA_PythonController(SCA_IObject* gameobj, int mode, PyTypeObject* T) : SCA_IController(gameobj, T), m_bytecode(NULL), m_function(NULL), m_bModified(true), m_debug(false), m_mode(mode), m_pythondictionary(NULL) { } /* //debugging CValue* SCA_PythonController::AddRef() { //printf("AddRef refcount = %i\n",GetRefCount()); return CValue::AddRef(); } int SCA_PythonController::Release() { //printf("Release refcount = %i\n",GetRefCount()); return CValue::Release(); } */ SCA_PythonController::~SCA_PythonController() { //printf("released python byte script\n"); Py_XDECREF(m_bytecode); Py_XDECREF(m_function); if (m_pythondictionary) { // break any circular references in the dictionary PyDict_Clear(m_pythondictionary); Py_DECREF(m_pythondictionary); } } CValue* SCA_PythonController::GetReplica() { SCA_PythonController* replica = new SCA_PythonController(*this); /* why is this needed at all??? - m_bytecode is NULL'd below so this doesnt make sense * but removing it crashes blender (with YoFrankie). so leave in for now - Campbell */ Py_XINCREF(replica->m_bytecode); Py_XINCREF(replica->m_function); // this is ok since its not set to NULL replica->m_bModified = replica->m_bytecode == NULL; // The replica->m_pythondictionary is stolen - replace with a copy. if (m_pythondictionary) replica->m_pythondictionary = PyDict_Copy(m_pythondictionary); /* // The other option is to incref the replica->m_pythondictionary - // the replica objects can then share data. if (m_pythondictionary) Py_INCREF(replica->m_pythondictionary); */ // this will copy properties and so on... replica->ProcessReplica(); return replica; } void SCA_PythonController::SetScriptText(const STR_String& text) { m_scriptText = text; m_bModified = true; } void SCA_PythonController::SetScriptName(const STR_String& name) { m_scriptName = name; } void SCA_PythonController::SetDictionary(PyObject* pythondictionary) { if (m_pythondictionary) { PyDict_Clear(m_pythondictionary); Py_DECREF(m_pythondictionary); } m_pythondictionary = PyDict_Copy(pythondictionary); /* new reference */ } int SCA_PythonController::IsTriggered(class SCA_ISensor* sensor) { if (std::find(m_triggeredSensors.begin(), m_triggeredSensors.end(), sensor) != m_triggeredSensors.end()) return 1; return 0; } #if 0 static const char* sPyGetCurrentController__doc__; #endif /* warning, self is not the SCA_PythonController, its a PyObjectPlus_Proxy */ PyObject* SCA_PythonController::sPyGetCurrentController(PyObject *self) { return m_sCurrentController->GetProxy(); } SCA_IActuator* SCA_PythonController::LinkedActuatorFromPy(PyObject *value) { // for safety, todo: only allow for registered actuators (pointertable) // we don't want to crash gameengine/blender by python scripts std::vector lacts = m_sCurrentController->GetLinkedActuators(); std::vector::iterator it; if (PyString_Check(value)) { /* get the actuator from the name */ char *name= PyString_AsString(value); for(it = lacts.begin(); it!= lacts.end(); it++) { if( name == (*it)->GetName() ) { return *it; } } } else if (BGE_PROXY_CHECK_TYPE(value)) { PyObjectPlus *value_plus= BGE_PROXY_REF(value); /* Expecting an actuator type */ // XXX TODO - CHECK TYPE for(it = lacts.begin(); it!= lacts.end(); it++) { if( static_cast(value_plus) == (*it) ) { return *it; } } } /* set the exception */ PyObject *value_str = PyObject_Repr(value); /* new ref */ PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "'%s' not in this python controllers actuator list", PyString_AsString(value_str)); Py_DECREF(value_str); return false; } #if 0 static const char* sPyAddActiveActuator__doc__; #endif /* warning, self is not the SCA_PythonController, its a PyObjectPlus_Proxy */ PyObject* SCA_PythonController::sPyAddActiveActuator(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { PyObject* ob1; int activate; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oi:addActiveActuator", &ob1,&activate)) return NULL; SCA_IActuator* actu = LinkedActuatorFromPy(ob1); if(actu==NULL) return NULL; CValue* boolval = new CBoolValue(activate!=0); m_sCurrentLogicManager->AddActiveActuator((SCA_IActuator*)actu,boolval); boolval->Release(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } const char* SCA_PythonController::sPyGetCurrentController__doc__ = "getCurrentController()"; const char* SCA_PythonController::sPyAddActiveActuator__doc__= "addActiveActuator(actuator,bool)"; const char SCA_PythonController::GetActuators_doc[] = "getActuator"; PyTypeObject SCA_PythonController::Type = { #if (PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02060000) PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) #else /* python 2.5 and below */ PyObject_HEAD_INIT( NULL ) /* required py macro */ 0, /* ob_size */ #endif "SCA_PythonController", sizeof(PyObjectPlus_Proxy), 0, py_base_dealloc, 0, 0, 0, 0, py_base_repr, 0,0,0,0,0,0, py_base_getattro, py_base_setattro, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, Methods }; PyParentObject SCA_PythonController::Parents[] = { &SCA_PythonController::Type, &SCA_IController::Type, &CValue::Type, NULL }; PyMethodDef SCA_PythonController::Methods[] = { {"activate", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyActivate, METH_O}, {"deactivate", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyDeActivate, METH_O}, {"getActuators", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetActuators, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)SCA_PythonController::GetActuators_doc}, {"getActuator", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetActuator, METH_O, (PY_METHODCHAR)SCA_PythonController::GetActuator_doc}, {"getSensors", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetSensors, METH_NOARGS, (PY_METHODCHAR)SCA_PythonController::GetSensors_doc}, {"getSensor", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetSensor, METH_O, (PY_METHODCHAR)SCA_PythonController::GetSensor_doc}, //Deprecated functions ------> {"setScript", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPySetScript, METH_O}, {"getScript", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetScript, METH_NOARGS}, {"getState", (PyCFunction) SCA_PythonController::sPyGetState, METH_NOARGS}, //<----- Deprecated {NULL,NULL} //Sentinel }; PyAttributeDef SCA_PythonController::Attributes[] = { KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RO_FUNCTION("state", SCA_PythonController, pyattr_get_state), KX_PYATTRIBUTE_RW_FUNCTION("script", SCA_PythonController, pyattr_get_script, pyattr_set_script), { NULL } //Sentinel }; void SCA_PythonController::ErrorPrint(const char *error_msg) { // didn't compile, so instead of compile, complain // something is wrong, tell the user what went wrong printf("%s - controller \"%s\":\n", error_msg, GetName().Ptr()); //PyRun_SimpleString(m_scriptText.Ptr()); PyErr_Print(); /* Added in 2.48a, the last_traceback can reference Objects for example, increasing * their user count. Not to mention holding references to wrapped data. * This is especially bad when the PyObject for the wrapped data is free'd, after blender * has alredy dealocated the pointer */ PySys_SetObject( (char *)"last_traceback", NULL); PyErr_Clear(); /* just to be sure */ } bool SCA_PythonController::Compile() { //printf("py script modified '%s'\n", m_scriptName.Ptr()); m_bModified= false; // if a script already exists, decref it before replace the pointer to a new script if (m_bytecode) { Py_DECREF(m_bytecode); m_bytecode=NULL; } // recompile the scripttext into bytecode m_bytecode = Py_CompileString(m_scriptText.Ptr(), m_scriptName.Ptr(), Py_file_input); if (m_bytecode) { return true; } else { ErrorPrint("Python error compiling script"); return false; } } bool SCA_PythonController::Import() { //printf("py module modified '%s'\n", m_scriptName.Ptr()); m_bModified= false; /* incase we re-import */ Py_XDECREF(m_function); m_function= NULL; vector module_func = m_scriptText.Explode('.'); if(module_func.size() != 2 || module_func[0].Length()==0 || module_func[1].Length()==0) { printf("Python module name formatting error \"%s\":\n\texpected \"SomeModule.Func\", got \"%s\"", GetName().Ptr(), m_scriptText.Ptr()); return false; } PyObject *mod = PyImport_ImportModule((char *)module_func[0].Ptr()); if(mod && m_debug) { Py_DECREF(mod); /* getting a new one so dont hold a ref to the old one */ mod= PyImport_ReloadModule(mod); } if(mod==NULL) { ErrorPrint("Python module not found"); return false; } Py_DECREF(mod); /* will be added to sys.modules so no need to keep a ref */ PyObject *dict= PyModule_GetDict(mod); m_function= PyDict_GetItemString(dict, module_func[1]); /* borrow */ if(m_function==NULL) { printf("Python module error \"%s\":\n \"%s\" module fount but function missing\n", GetName().Ptr(), m_scriptText.Ptr()); return false; } if(!PyCallable_Check(m_function)) { printf("Python module function error \"%s\":\n \"%s\" not callable", GetName().Ptr(), m_scriptText.Ptr()); return false; } Py_INCREF(m_function); Py_INCREF(mod); return true; } void SCA_PythonController::Trigger(SCA_LogicManager* logicmgr) { m_sCurrentController = this; m_sCurrentLogicManager = logicmgr; PyObject *excdict= NULL; PyObject* resultobj= NULL; switch(m_mode) { case SCA_PYEXEC_SCRIPT: { if (m_bModified) if (Compile()==false) // sets m_bModified to false return; if (!m_bytecode) return; /* * This part here with excdict is a temporary patch * to avoid python/gameengine crashes when python * inadvertently holds references to game objects * in global variables. * * The idea is always make a fresh dictionary, and * destroy it right after it is used to make sure * python won't hold any gameobject references. * * Note that the PyDict_Clear _is_ necessary before * the Py_DECREF() because it is possible for the * variables inside the dictionary to hold references * to the dictionary (ie. generate a cycle), so we * break it by hand, then DECREF (which in this case * should always ensure excdict is cleared). */ excdict= PyDict_Copy(m_pythondictionary); resultobj = PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject*)m_bytecode, excdict, excdict); /* PyRun_SimpleString(m_scriptText.Ptr()); */ break; } case SCA_PYEXEC_MODULE: { if (m_bModified || m_debug) if (Import()==false) // sets m_bModified to false return; if (!m_function) return; resultobj = PyObject_CallObject(m_function, NULL); break; } } /* end switch */ /* Free the return value and print the error */ if (resultobj) { Py_DECREF(resultobj); } else { // something is wrong, tell the user what went wrong printf("Python script error from controller \"%s\": \n", GetName().Ptr()); PyErr_Print(); /* Added in 2.48a, the last_traceback can reference Objects for example, increasing * their user count. Not to mention holding references to wrapped data. * This is especially bad when the PyObject for the wrapped data is free'd, after blender * has alredy dealocated the pointer */ PySys_SetObject( (char *)"last_traceback", NULL); PyErr_Clear(); /* just to be sure */ } if(excdict) /* Only for SCA_PYEXEC_SCRIPT types */ { /* clear after PyErrPrint - seems it can be using * something in this dictionary and crash? */ PyDict_Clear(excdict); Py_DECREF(excdict); } m_triggeredSensors.erase(m_triggeredSensors.begin(), m_triggeredSensors.end()); m_sCurrentController = NULL; } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::py_getattro(PyObject *attr) { py_getattro_up(SCA_IController); } int SCA_PythonController::py_setattro(PyObject *attr, PyObject *value) { py_setattro_up(SCA_IController); } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyActivate(PyObject *value) { SCA_IActuator* actu = LinkedActuatorFromPy(value); if(actu==NULL) return NULL; CValue* boolval = new CBoolValue(true); m_sCurrentLogicManager->AddActiveActuator((SCA_IActuator*)actu, boolval); boolval->Release(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyDeActivate(PyObject *value) { SCA_IActuator* actu = LinkedActuatorFromPy(value); if(actu==NULL) return NULL; CValue* boolval = new CBoolValue(false); m_sCurrentLogicManager->AddActiveActuator((SCA_IActuator*)actu, boolval); boolval->Release(); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetActuators() { PyObject* resultlist = PyList_New(m_linkedactuators.size()); for (unsigned int index=0;indexGetProxy()); } return resultlist; } const char SCA_PythonController::GetSensor_doc[] = "getSensor (char sensorname) return linked sensor that is named [sensorname]\n"; PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetSensor(PyObject* value) { char *scriptArg = PyString_AsString(value); if (scriptArg==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "controller.getSensor(string): Python Controller, expected a string (sensor name)"); return NULL; } for (unsigned int index=0;indexGetName(); if (realname == scriptArg) { return sensor->GetProxy(); } } PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "controller.getSensor(string): Python Controller, unable to find requested sensor \"%s\"", scriptArg); return NULL; } const char SCA_PythonController::GetActuator_doc[] = "getActuator (char sensorname) return linked actuator that is named [actuatorname]\n"; PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetActuator(PyObject* value) { char *scriptArg = PyString_AsString(value); if (scriptArg==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "controller.getActuator(string): Python Controller, expected a string (actuator name)"); return NULL; } for (unsigned int index=0;indexGetName() == scriptArg) { return actua->GetProxy(); } } PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError, "controller.getActuator(string): Python Controller, unable to find requested actuator \"%s\"", scriptArg); return NULL; } const char SCA_PythonController::GetSensors_doc[] = "getSensors returns a list of all attached sensors"; PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetSensors() { PyObject* resultlist = PyList_New(m_linkedsensors.size()); for (unsigned int index=0;indexGetProxy()); } return resultlist; } /* 1. getScript */ PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetScript() { ShowDeprecationWarning("getScript()", "the script property"); return PyString_FromString(m_scriptText); } /* 2. setScript */ PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PySetScript(PyObject* value) { char *scriptArg = PyString_AsString(value); ShowDeprecationWarning("setScript()", "the script property"); if (scriptArg==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a string (script name)"); return NULL; } /* set scripttext sets m_bModified to true, so next time the script is needed, a reparse into byte code is done */ this->SetScriptText(scriptArg); Py_RETURN_NONE; } /* 1. getScript */ PyObject* SCA_PythonController::PyGetState() { ShowDeprecationWarning("getState()", "the state property"); return PyInt_FromLong(m_statemask); } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::pyattr_get_state(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_PythonController* self= static_cast(self_v); return PyInt_FromLong(self->m_statemask); } PyObject* SCA_PythonController::pyattr_get_script(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef) { SCA_PythonController* self= static_cast(self_v); return PyString_FromString(self->m_scriptText); } int SCA_PythonController::pyattr_set_script(void *self_v, const KX_PYATTRIBUTE_DEF *attrdef, PyObject *value) { SCA_PythonController* self= static_cast(self_v); char *scriptArg = PyString_AsString(value); if (scriptArg==NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "controller.script = string: Python Controller, expected a string script text"); return -1; } /* set scripttext sets m_bModified to true, so next time the script is needed, a reparse into byte code is done */ self->SetScriptText(scriptArg); return 0; } /* eof */