# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # Contributor(s): Campbell Barton # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # import bpy def build_property_typemap(skip_classes): property_typemap = {} for attr in dir(bpy.types): cls = getattr(bpy.types, attr) if issubclass(cls, skip_classes): continue ## to support skip-save we cant get all props # properties = cls.bl_rna.properties.keys() properties = [] for prop_id, prop in cls.bl_rna.properties.items(): if not prop.is_skip_save: properties.append(prop_id) properties.remove("rna_type") property_typemap[attr] = properties return property_typemap def print_ln(data): print(data, end="") def rna2xml(fw=print_ln, root_node="", root_rna=None, # must be set root_rna_skip=set(), root_ident="", ident_val=" ", skip_classes=(bpy.types.Operator, bpy.types.Panel, bpy.types.KeyingSet, bpy.types.Header, ), pretty_format=True, method='DATA'): from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr property_typemap = build_property_typemap(skip_classes) def number_to_str(val, val_type): if val_type == int: return "%d" % val elif val_type == float: return "%.6g" % val elif val_type == bool: return "TRUE" if val else "FALSE" else: raise NotImplemented("this type is not a number %s" % val_type) def rna2xml_node(ident, value, parent): ident_next = ident + ident_val # divide into attrs and nodes. node_attrs = [] nodes_items = [] nodes_lists = [] value_type = type(value) if issubclass(value_type, skip_classes): return # XXX, fixme, pointcache has eternal nested pointer to its self. if value == parent: return value_type_name = value_type.__name__ for prop in property_typemap[value_type_name]: subvalue = getattr(value, prop) subvalue_type = type(subvalue) if subvalue_type in (int, bool, float): node_attrs.append("%s=\"%s\"" % (prop, number_to_str(subvalue, subvalue_type))) elif subvalue_type is str: node_attrs.append("%s=%s" % (prop, quoteattr(subvalue))) elif subvalue_type == set: node_attrs.append("%s=%s" % (prop, quoteattr("{" + ",".join(list(subvalue)) + "}"))) elif subvalue is None: node_attrs.append("%s=\"NONE\"" % prop) elif issubclass(subvalue_type, bpy.types.ID): # special case, ID's are always referenced. node_attrs.append("%s=%s" % (prop, quoteattr(subvalue_type.__name__ + "::" + subvalue.name))) else: try: subvalue_ls = list(subvalue) except: subvalue_ls = None if subvalue_ls is None: nodes_items.append((prop, subvalue, subvalue_type)) else: # check if the list contains native types subvalue_rna = value.path_resolve(prop, False) if type(subvalue_rna).__name__ == "bpy_prop_array": # check if this is a 0-1 color (rgb, rgba) # in that case write as a hexidecimal prop_rna = value.bl_rna.properties[prop] if (prop_rna.subtype == 'COLOR_GAMMA' and prop_rna.hard_min == 0.0 and prop_rna.hard_max == 1.0 and prop_rna.array_length in {3, 4}): # ----- # color array_value = "#" + "".join(("%.2x" % int(v * 255) for v in subvalue_rna)) else: # default def str_recursive(s): subsubvalue_type = type(s) if subsubvalue_type in (int, float, bool): return number_to_str(s, subsubvalue_type) else: return " ".join([str_recursive(si) for si in s]) array_value = " ".join(str_recursive(v) for v in subvalue_rna) node_attrs.append("%s=\"%s\"" % (prop, array_value)) else: nodes_lists.append((prop, subvalue_ls, subvalue_type)) # declare + attributes if pretty_format: tmp_str = "<%s " % value_type_name tmp_ident = "\n" + ident + (" " * len(tmp_str)) fw("%s%s%s>\n" % (ident, tmp_str, tmp_ident.join(node_attrs))) del tmp_str del tmp_ident else: fw("%s<%s %s>\n" % (ident, value_type_name, " ".join(node_attrs))) # unique members for prop, subvalue, subvalue_type in nodes_items: fw("%s<%s>\n" % (ident_next, prop)) # XXX, this is awkward, how best to solve? rna2xml_node(ident_next + ident_val, subvalue, value) fw("%s\n" % (ident_next, prop)) # XXX, need to check on this. # list members for prop, subvalue, subvalue_type in nodes_lists: fw("%s<%s>\n" % (ident_next, prop)) for subvalue_item in subvalue: if subvalue_item is not None: rna2xml_node(ident_next + ident_val, subvalue_item, value) fw("%s\n" % (ident_next, prop)) fw("%s\n" % (ident, value_type_name)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # needs re-workign to be generic if root_node: fw("%s<%s>\n" % (root_ident, root_node)) # bpy.data if method == 'DATA': ident = root_ident + ident_val for attr in dir(root_rna): # exceptions if attr.startswith("_"): continue elif attr in root_rna_skip: continue value = getattr(root_rna, attr) try: ls = value[:] except: ls = None if type(ls) == list: fw("%s<%s>\n" % (ident, attr)) for blend_id in ls: rna2xml_node(ident + ident_val, blend_id, None) fw("%s\n" % (ident_val, attr)) # any attribute elif method == 'ATTR': rna2xml_node(root_ident, root_rna, None) if root_node: fw("%s\n" % (root_ident, root_node)) def xml2rna(root_xml, root_rna=None, # must be set ): def rna2xml_node(xml_node, value): # print("evaluating:", xml_node.nodeName) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Simple attributes for attr in xml_node.attributes.keys(): # print(" ", attr) subvalue = getattr(value, attr, Ellipsis) if subvalue is Ellipsis: print("%s.%s not found" % (type(value).__name__, attr)) else: value_xml = xml_node.attributes[attr].value subvalue_type = type(subvalue) tp_name = 'UNKNOWN' if subvalue_type == float: value_xml_coerce = float(value_xml) tp_name = 'FLOAT' elif subvalue_type == int: value_xml_coerce = int(value_xml) tp_name = 'INT' elif subvalue_type == bool: value_xml_coerce = {'TRUE': True, 'FALSE': False}[value_xml] tp_name = 'BOOL' elif subvalue_type == str: value_xml_coerce = value_xml tp_name = 'STR' elif hasattr(subvalue, "__len__"): if value_xml.startswith("#"): # read hexidecimal value as float array value_xml_split = value_xml[1:] value_xml_coerce = [int(value_xml_split[i:i + 2], 16) / 255 for i in range(0, len(value_xml_split), 2)] del value_xml_split else: value_xml_split = value_xml.split() try: value_xml_coerce = [int(v) for v in value_xml_split] except ValueError: value_xml_coerce = [float(v) for v in value_xml_split] del value_xml_split tp_name = 'ARRAY' # print(" %s.%s (%s) --- %s" % (type(value).__name__, attr, tp_name, subvalue_type)) setattr(value, attr, value_xml_coerce) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Complex attributes for child_xml in xml_node.childNodes: if child_xml.nodeType == child_xml.ELEMENT_NODE: # print() # print(child_xml.nodeName) subvalue = getattr(value, child_xml.nodeName, None) if subvalue is not None: elems = [] for child_xml_real in child_xml.childNodes: if child_xml_real.nodeType == child_xml_real.ELEMENT_NODE: elems.append(child_xml_real) del child_xml_real if hasattr(subvalue, "__len__"): # Collection if len(elems) != len(subvalue): print("Size Mismatch! collection:", child_xml.nodeName) else: for i in range(len(elems)): child_xml_real = elems[i] subsubvalue = subvalue[i] if child_xml_real is None or subsubvalue is None: print("None found %s - %d collection:", (child_xml.nodeName, i)) else: rna2xml_node(child_xml_real, subsubvalue) else: # print(elems) if len(elems) == 1: # sub node named by its type child_xml_real, = elems # print(child_xml_real, subvalue) rna2xml_node(child_xml_real, subvalue) else: # empty is valid too pass rna2xml_node(root_xml, root_rna) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility function used by presets. # The idea is you can run a preset like a script with a few args. # # This roughly matches the operator 'bpy.ops.script.python_file_run' def _get_context_val(context, path): path_full = "context." + path try: value = eval(path_full) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print("Error: %r could not be found" % path_full) value = Ellipsis return value def xml_file_run(context, filepath, rna_map): import xml.dom.minidom xml_nodes = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filepath) bpy_xml = xml_nodes.getElementsByTagName("bpy")[0] for rna_path, xml_tag in rna_map: # first get xml # TODO, error check xml_node = bpy_xml.getElementsByTagName(xml_tag)[0] value = _get_context_val(context, rna_path) if value is not Ellipsis and value is not None: print(" loading XML: %r" % rna_path) xml2rna(xml_node, root_rna=value) def xml_file_write(context, filepath, rna_map): file = open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') fw = file.write fw("\n") for rna_path, xml_tag in rna_map: # xml_tag is ignored, we get this from the rna value = _get_context_val(context, rna_path) rna2xml(fw, root_rna=value, method='ATTR', root_ident=" ", ident_val=" ") fw("\n") file.close()