/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Scenegraph controller for ipos. */ /** \file gameengine/Ketsji/KX_IPO_SGController.cpp * \ingroup ketsji */ #if defined(_WIN64) && !defined(FREE_WINDOWS64) typedef unsigned __int64 uint_ptr; #elif defined(FREE_WINDOWS64) typedef unsigned long long uint_ptr; #else typedef unsigned long uint_ptr; #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER /* This warning tells us about truncation of __long__ stl-generated names. * It can occasionally cause DevStudio to have internal compiler warnings. */ # pragma warning(disable:4786) #endif #include "KX_IPO_SGController.h" #include "KX_ScalarInterpolator.h" #include "KX_GameObject.h" #include "KX_IPhysicsController.h" #include "DNA_ipo_types.h" #include "BLI_math.h" // All objects should start on frame 1! Will we ever need an object to // start on another frame, the 1.0 should change. KX_IpoSGController::KX_IpoSGController() : m_ipo_as_force(false), m_ipo_add(false), m_ipo_local(false), m_modified(true), m_ipotime(1.0), m_ipo_start_initialized(false), m_ipo_start_euler(0.0,0.0,0.0), m_ipo_euler_initialized(false) { m_game_object = NULL; for (int i=0; i < KX_MAX_IPO_CHANNELS; i++) m_ipo_channels_active[i] = false; } void KX_IpoSGController::SetOption( int option, int value) { switch (option) { case SG_CONTR_IPO_IPO_AS_FORCE: m_ipo_as_force = (value != 0); m_modified = true; break; case SG_CONTR_IPO_IPO_ADD: m_ipo_add = (value != 0); m_modified = true; break; case SG_CONTR_IPO_RESET: if (m_ipo_start_initialized && value) { m_ipo_start_initialized = false; m_modified = true; } break; case SG_CONTR_IPO_LOCAL: if (value/* && ((SG_Node*)m_pObject)->GetSGParent() == NULL*/) { // only accept local Ipo if the object has no parent m_ipo_local = true; } else { m_ipo_local = false; } m_modified = true; break; default: ; /* just ignore the rest */ } } void KX_IpoSGController::UpdateSumoReference( ) { if (m_game_object) { } } void KX_IpoSGController::SetGameObject( KX_GameObject* go ) { m_game_object = go; } bool KX_IpoSGController::Update(double currentTime) { if (m_modified) { T_InterpolatorList::iterator i; for (i = m_interpolators.begin(); !(i == m_interpolators.end()); ++i) { (*i)->Execute(m_ipotime);//currentTime); } SG_Spatial* ob = (SG_Spatial*)m_pObject; //initialization on the first frame of the IPO if (! m_ipo_start_initialized && currentTime != 0.0) { m_ipo_start_point = ob->GetLocalPosition(); m_ipo_start_orient = ob->GetLocalOrientation(); m_ipo_start_scale = ob->GetLocalScale(); m_ipo_start_initialized = true; if (!m_ipo_euler_initialized) { // do it only once to avoid angle discontinuities m_ipo_start_orient.getEuler(m_ipo_start_euler[0], m_ipo_start_euler[1], m_ipo_start_euler[2]); m_ipo_euler_initialized = true; } } //modifies position? if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_Z] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Z]) { if (m_ipo_as_force == true) { if (m_game_object && ob && m_game_object->GetPhysicsController()) { m_game_object->GetPhysicsController()->ApplyForce(m_ipo_local ? ob->GetWorldOrientation() * m_ipo_xform.GetPosition() : m_ipo_xform.GetPosition(), false); } } else { // Local ipo should be defined with the object position at (0,0,0) // Local transform is applied to the object based on initial position MT_Point3 newPosition(0.0,0.0,0.0); if (!m_ipo_add) newPosition = ob->GetLocalPosition(); //apply separate IPO channels if there is any data in them //Loc and dLoc act by themselves or are additive //LocX and dLocX if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_X]) { newPosition[0] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_X] ? m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[0] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[0] : m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[0]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_X] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newPosition[0] = (((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_point[0]:0.0) + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[0]); } //LocY and dLocY if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_Y]) { newPosition[1] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Y] ? m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[1] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[1] : m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[1]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Y] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newPosition[1] = (((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_point[1]:0.0) + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[1]); } //LocZ and dLocZ if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_LOC_Z]) { newPosition[2] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Z] ? m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[2] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[2] : m_ipo_xform.GetPosition()[2]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DLOC_Z] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newPosition[2] = (((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_point[2]:0.0) + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaPosition()[2]); } if (m_ipo_add) { if (m_ipo_local) newPosition = m_ipo_start_point + m_ipo_start_scale*(m_ipo_start_orient*newPosition); else newPosition = m_ipo_start_point + newPosition; } if (m_game_object) m_game_object->NodeSetLocalPosition(newPosition); } } //modifies orientation? if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Z] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Z]) { if (m_ipo_as_force) { if (m_game_object && ob) { m_game_object->ApplyTorque(m_ipo_local ? ob->GetWorldOrientation() * m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles() : m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles(), false); } } else if (m_ipo_add) { if (m_ipo_start_initialized) { double yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0; //delta Euler angles //RotX and dRotX if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_X]) yaw += m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[0]; if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_X]) yaw += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[0]; //RotY dRotY if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Y]) pitch += m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[1]; if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Y]) pitch += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[1]; //RotZ and dRotZ if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Z]) roll += m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[2]; if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Z]) roll += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[2]; MT_Matrix3x3 rotation(MT_Vector3(yaw, pitch, roll)); if (m_ipo_local) rotation = m_ipo_start_orient * rotation; else rotation = rotation * m_ipo_start_orient; if (m_game_object) m_game_object->NodeSetLocalOrientation(rotation); } } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Z]) { if (m_ipo_euler_initialized) { // assume all channel absolute // All 3 channels should be specified but if they are not, we will take // the value at the start of the game to avoid angle sign reversal double yaw=m_ipo_start_euler[0], pitch=m_ipo_start_euler[1], roll=m_ipo_start_euler[2]; //RotX and dRotX if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_X]) { yaw = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_X] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[0] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[0]) : m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[0] ); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_X]) { yaw += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[0]; } //RotY dRotY if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Y]) { pitch = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Y] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[1] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[1]) : m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[1] ); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Y]) { pitch += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[1]; } //RotZ and dRotZ if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_ROT_Z]) { roll = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Z] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[2] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[2]) : m_ipo_xform.GetEulerAngles()[2] ); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Z]) { roll += m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[2]; } if (m_game_object) m_game_object->NodeSetLocalOrientation(MT_Vector3(yaw, pitch, roll)); } } else if (m_ipo_start_initialized) { // only DROT, treat as Add double yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0; //delta Euler angles //dRotX if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_X]) yaw = m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[0]; //dRotY if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Y]) pitch = m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[1]; //dRotZ if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DROT_Z]) roll = m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaEulerAngles()[2]; // dRot are always local MT_Matrix3x3 rotation(MT_Vector3(yaw, pitch, roll)); rotation = m_ipo_start_orient * rotation; if (m_game_object) m_game_object->NodeSetLocalOrientation(rotation); } } //modifies scale? if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_Z] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_X] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Y] || m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Z]) { //default is no scale change MT_Vector3 newScale(1.0,1.0,1.0); if (!m_ipo_add) newScale = ob->GetLocalScale(); if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_X]) { newScale[0] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_X] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[0] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[0]) : m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[0]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_X] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newScale[0] = (m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[0] + ((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_scale[0]:0.0)); } //RotY dRotY if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_Y]) { newScale[1] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Y] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[1] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[1]): m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[1]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Y] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newScale[1] = (m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[1] + ((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_scale[1]:0.0)); } //RotZ and dRotZ if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_SIZE_Z]) { newScale[2] = (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Z] ? (m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[2] + m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[2]) : m_ipo_xform.GetScaling()[2]); } else if (m_ipo_channels_active[OB_DSIZE_Z] && m_ipo_start_initialized) { newScale[2] = (m_ipo_xform.GetDeltaScaling()[2] + ((!m_ipo_add)?m_ipo_start_scale[2]:1.0)); } if (m_ipo_add) { newScale = m_ipo_start_scale * newScale; } if (m_game_object) m_game_object->NodeSetLocalScale(newScale); } m_modified=false; } return false; } void KX_IpoSGController::AddInterpolator(KX_IInterpolator* interp) { this->m_interpolators.push_back(interp); } SG_Controller* KX_IpoSGController::GetReplica(class SG_Node* destnode) { KX_IpoSGController* iporeplica = new KX_IpoSGController(*this); // clear object that ipo acts on in the replica. iporeplica->ClearObject(); iporeplica->SetGameObject((KX_GameObject*)destnode->GetSGClientObject()); // dirty hack, ask Gino for a better solution in the ipo implementation // hacken en zagen, in what we call datahiding, not written for replication :( T_InterpolatorList oldlist = m_interpolators; iporeplica->m_interpolators.clear(); T_InterpolatorList::iterator i; for (i = oldlist.begin(); !(i == oldlist.end()); ++i) { KX_ScalarInterpolator* copyipo = new KX_ScalarInterpolator(*((KX_ScalarInterpolator*)*i)); iporeplica->AddInterpolator(copyipo); MT_Scalar* scaal = ((KX_ScalarInterpolator*)*i)->GetTarget(); uint_ptr orgbase = (uint_ptr)&m_ipo_xform; uint_ptr orgloc = (uint_ptr)scaal; uint_ptr offset = orgloc-orgbase; uint_ptr newaddrbase = (uint_ptr)&iporeplica->m_ipo_xform; newaddrbase += offset; MT_Scalar* blaptr = (MT_Scalar*) newaddrbase; copyipo->SetNewTarget((MT_Scalar*)blaptr); } return iporeplica; } KX_IpoSGController::~KX_IpoSGController() { T_InterpolatorList::iterator i; for (i = m_interpolators.begin(); !(i == m_interpolators.end()); ++i) { delete (*i); } }