# ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # import bpy from bpy.props import * class CONSOLE_HT_header(bpy.types.Header): bl_space_type = 'CONSOLE' def draw(self, context): sc = context.space_data # text = sc.text layout = self.layout row = layout.row(align=True) row.template_header() if context.area.show_menus: sub = row.row(align=True) if sc.console_type == 'REPORT': sub.menu("CONSOLE_MT_report") else: sub.menu("CONSOLE_MT_console") layout.separator() layout.prop(sc, "console_type", expand=True) if sc.console_type == 'REPORT': row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(sc, "show_report_debug", text="Debug") row.prop(sc, "show_report_info", text="Info") row.prop(sc, "show_report_operator", text="Operators") row.prop(sc, "show_report_warn", text="Warnings") row.prop(sc, "show_report_error", text="Errors") row = layout.row() row.enabled = sc.show_report_operator row.operator("console.report_replay") else: row = layout.row(align=True) row.operator("console.autocomplete", text="Autocomplete") class CONSOLE_MT_console(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Console" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.column() layout.operator("console.clear") layout.operator("console.copy") layout.operator("console.paste") layout.menu("CONSOLE_MT_language") layout.separator() layout.operator("screen.area_dupli") layout.operator("screen.screen_full_area") class CONSOLE_MT_report(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Report" def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout layout.column() layout.operator("console.select_all_toggle") layout.operator("console.select_border") layout.operator("console.report_delete") layout.operator("console.report_copy") class CONSOLE_MT_language(bpy.types.Menu): bl_label = "Languages..." def draw(self, context): import sys layout = self.layout layout.column() # Collect modules with 'console_*.execute' languages = [] for modname, mod in sys.modules.items(): if modname.startswith("console_") and hasattr(mod, "execute"): languages.append(modname.split('_', 1)[-1]) languages.sort() for language in languages: layout.operator("console.language", text=language[0].upper() + language[1:]).language = language def add_scrollback(text, text_type): for l in text.split('\n'): bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append(text=l.replace('\t', ' '), type=text_type) class ConsoleExec(bpy.types.Operator): '''Execute the current console line as a python expression''' bl_idname = "console.execute" bl_label = "Console Execute" bl_register = False def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data module = __import__("console_" + sc.language) execute = getattr(module, "execute", None) if execute: return execute(context) else: print("Error: bpy.ops.console.execute_" + sc.language + " - not found") return {'FINISHED'} class ConsoleAutocomplete(bpy.types.Operator): '''Evaluate the namespace up until the cursor and give a list of options or complete the name if there is only one''' bl_idname = "console.autocomplete" bl_label = "Console Autocomplete" bl_register = False def poll(self, context): return context.space_data.console_type != 'REPORT' def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data module = __import__("console_" + sc.language) autocomplete = getattr(module, "autocomplete", None) if autocomplete: return autocomplete(context) else: print("Error: bpy.ops.console.autocomplete_" + sc.language + " - not found") return {'FINISHED'} class ConsoleBanner(bpy.types.Operator): '''Print a message whem the terminal initializes''' bl_idname = "console.banner" bl_label = "Console Banner" def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data # default to python if not sc.language: sc.language = 'python' module = __import__("console_" + sc.language) banner = getattr(module, "banner", None) if banner: return banner(context) else: print("Error: bpy.ops.console.banner_" + sc.language + " - not found") return {'FINISHED'} class ConsoleLanguage(bpy.types.Operator): '''Set the current language for this console''' bl_idname = "console.language" bl_label = "Console Language" language = StringProperty(name="Language", maxlen=32, default="") def execute(self, context): sc = context.space_data # defailt to python sc.language = self.properties.language bpy.ops.console.banner() # insert a new blank line bpy.ops.console.history_append(text="", current_character=0, remove_duplicates=True) return {'FINISHED'} classes = [ CONSOLE_HT_header, CONSOLE_MT_console, CONSOLE_MT_report, CONSOLE_MT_language, # Stubs that call the language operators ConsoleExec, ConsoleAutocomplete, ConsoleBanner, # Set the language and call the banner ConsoleLanguage] def register(): register = bpy.types.register for cls in classes: register(cls) def unregister(): unregister = bpy.types.unregister for cls in classes: unregister(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register()