diff --git a/_locales/en/messages.json b/_locales/en/messages.json index a1b9cd0..0967ef4 100644 --- a/_locales/en/messages.json +++ b/_locales/en/messages.json @@ -1,66 +1 @@ -{ - "l10nTabName": { - "message":"Localization" - ,"description":"name of the localization tab" - } - ,"l10nHeader": { - "message":"It does localization too! (this whole tab is, actually)" - ,"description":"Header text for the localization section" - } - ,"l10nIntro": { - "message":"'L10n' refers to 'Localization' - 'L' an 'n' are obvious, and 10 comes from the number of letters between those two. It is the process/whatever of displaying something in the language of choice. It uses 'I18n', 'Internationalization', which refers to the tools / framework supporting L10n. I.e., something is internationalized if it has I18n support, and can be localized. Something is localized for you if it is in your language / dialect." - ,"description":"introduce the basic idea." - } - ,"l10nProd": { - "message":"You are planning to allow localization, right? You have no idea who will be using your extension! You have no idea who will be translating it! At least support the basics, it's not hard, and having the framework in place will let you transition much more easily later on." - ,"description":"drive the point home. It's good for you." - } - ,"l10nFirstParagraph": { - "message":"When the options page loads, elements decorated with data-l10n will automatically be localized!" - ,"description":"inform that elements will be localized on load" - } - ,"l10nSecondParagraph": { - "message":"If you need more complex localization, you can also define data-l10n-args. This should contain $containerType$ filled with $dataType$, which will be passed into Chrome's i18n API as $functionArgs$. In fact, this paragraph does just that, and wraps the args in mono-space font. Easy!" - ,"description":"introduce the data-l10n-args attribute. End on a lame note." - ,"placeholders": { - "containerType": { - "content":"$1" - ,"example":"'array', 'list', or something similar" - ,"description":"type of the args container" - } - ,"dataType": { - "content":"$2" - ,"example":"string" - ,"description":"type of data in each array index" - } - ,"functionArgs": { - "content":"$3" - ,"example":"arguments" - ,"description":"whatever you call what you pass into a function/method. args, params, etc." - } - } - } - ,"l10nThirdParagraph": { - "message":"Message contents are passed right into innerHTML without processing - include any tags (or even scripts) that you feel like. If you have an input field, the placeholder will be set instead, and buttons will have the value attribute set." - ,"description":"inform that we handle placeholders, buttons, and direct HTML input" - } - ,"l10nButtonsBefore": { - "message":"Different types of buttons are handled as well. <button> elements have their html set:" - } - ,"l10nButton": { - "message":"in a button" - } - ,"l10nButtonsBetween": { - "message":"while <input type='submit'> and <input type='button'> get their 'value' set (note: no HTML):" - } - ,"l10nSubmit": { - "message":"a submit value" - } - ,"l10nButtonsAfter": { - "message":"Awesome, no?" - } - ,"l10nExtras": { - "message":"You can even set data-l10n on things like the <title> tag, which lets you have translatable page titles, or fieldset <legend> tags, or anywhere else - the default Boil.localize() behavior will check every tag in the document, not just the body." - ,"description":"inform about places which may not be obvious, like , etc" - } -} +{}