import {execa} from "execa"; import restana from "restana"; import {join, dirname} from "node:path"; import {readFileSync, mkdtempSync} from "node:fs"; import {writeFile, readFile, rm} from "node:fs/promises"; import {fileURLToPath} from "node:url"; import {tmpdir} from "node:os"; import {env} from "node:process"; const testFile = fileURLToPath(new URL("fixtures/test.json", import.meta.url)); const emptyFile = fileURLToPath(new URL("fixtures/empty.json", import.meta.url)); const testPkg = JSON.parse(readFileSync(testFile, "utf8")); const testDir = mkdtempSync(join(tmpdir(), "updates-")); const script = fileURLToPath(new URL("updates.js", import.meta.url)); const dependencyTypes = [ "dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies", "optionalDependencies", "resolutions", ]; const testPackages = new Set(); for (const dependencyType of dependencyTypes) { for (const name of Object.keys(testPkg[dependencyType] || [])) { testPackages.add(name); } } const pyTestPackages = new Set(["djlint", "PyYAML"]); function makeUrl(server) { const {port} = server.address(); return Object.assign(new URL("http://localhost"), {port}).toString(); } function defaultRoute(req, res) { console.error(`default handler hit for ${req.url}`); res.send(404); } function resolutionsBasePackage(name) { const packages = name.match(/(@[^/]+\/)?([^/]+)/g) || []; return packages[packages.length - 1]; } let npmServer, githubServer, githubUrl, pypiServer, pypiUrl, npmUrl; beforeAll(async () => { let commits, tags; [npmServer, githubServer, pypiServer, commits, tags] = await Promise.all([ restana({defaultRoute}), restana({defaultRoute}), restana({defaultRoute}), readFile(fileURLToPath(new URL("fixtures/github/updates-commits.json", import.meta.url))), readFile(fileURLToPath(new URL("fixtures/github/updates-tags.json", import.meta.url))), ]); for (const pkgName of testPackages) { const name = testPkg.resolutions[pkgName] ? resolutionsBasePackage(pkgName) : pkgName; const urlName = name.replace(/\//g, "%2f"); // can not use file URLs because node stupidely throws on "%2f" in paths. const path = join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), `fixtures/npm/${urlName}.json`); npmServer.get(`/${urlName}`, async (_, res) => res.send(await readFile(path))); } for (const pkgName of pyTestPackages) { const path = join(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), `fixtures/pypi/${pkgName}.json`); pypiServer.get(`/pypi/${pkgName}/json`, async (_, res) => res.send(await readFile(path))); } githubServer.get("/repos/silverwind/updates/commits", (_, res) => res.send(commits)); githubServer.get("/repos/silverwind/updates/git/refs/tags", (_, res) => res.send(tags)); [githubServer, pypiServer, npmServer] = await Promise.all([ githubServer.start(0), pypiServer.start(0), npmServer.start(0), ]); githubUrl = makeUrl(githubServer); npmUrl = makeUrl(npmServer); pypiUrl = makeUrl(pypiServer); await writeFile(join(testDir, ".npmrc"), `registry=${npmUrl}`); // Fake registry await writeFile(join(testDir, "package.json"), JSON.stringify(testPkg, null, 2)); // Copy fixture }); afterAll(async () => { await Promise.all([ rm(testDir, {recursive: true}), npmServer?.close(), githubServer?.close(), ]); }); function makeTest(args) { return async () => { const argsArr = [ ...args.split(/\s+/), "-c", "--githubapi", githubUrl, "--pypiapi", pypiUrl, ]; const {stdout} = await execa(script, argsArr, {cwd: testDir}); const {results} = JSON.parse(stdout); // Parse results, with custom validation for the dynamic "age" property for (const dependencyType of [ ...dependencyTypes, "tool.poetry.dependencies", "" ]) { for (const name of Object.keys(results[dependencyType] || {})) { delete results[dependencyType][name].age; } } expect(results).toMatchSnapshot(); }; } test("simple", async () => { const {stdout, stderr, exitCode} = await execa(script, [ "-C", "--githubapi", githubUrl, "--pypiapi", pypiUrl, "--registry", npmUrl, "-f", testFile, ]); expect(stderr).toEqual(""); expect(stdout).toContain("prismjs"); expect(stdout).toContain(""); expect(exitCode).toEqual(0); }); test("empty", async () => { const {stdout, stderr, exitCode} = await execa(script, [ "-C", "--githubapi", githubUrl, "--pypiapi", pypiUrl, "-f", emptyFile, ]); expect(stderr).toEqual(""); expect(stdout).toContain("No dependencies"); expect(exitCode).toEqual(0); }); if (env.CI) { test("global", async () => { await execa("npm", ["i", "-g", "."]); const {stdout, stderr, exitCode} = await execa("updates", [ "-C", "--githubapi", githubUrl, "--pypiapi", pypiUrl, "-f", testFile, ]); expect(stderr).toEqual(""); expect(stdout).toContain("prismjs"); expect(stdout).toContain(""); expect(exitCode).toEqual(0); }); } test("latest", makeTest("-j")); test("greatest", makeTest("-j -g")); test("prerelease", makeTest("-j -g -p")); test("release", makeTest("-j -R")); test("patch", makeTest("-j -P")); test("include version deps", makeTest("-j -i noty")); test("include version deps #2", makeTest("-j -i noty -i noty,noty")); test("exclude version deps", makeTest("-j -e gulp-sourcemaps,prismjs,svgstore,html-webpack-plugin,noty,jpeg-buffer-orientation,styled-components,@babel/preset-env,versions/updates,react")); test("pypi", makeTest( `-j -f ${fileURLToPath(new URL("fixtures/pyproject.toml", import.meta.url))}`, ));