# updates [![](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/updates.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/updates) [![](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/updates.svg)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/updates) [![](https://packagephobia.com/badge?p=updates)](https://packagephobia.com/result?p=updates) ![](./screenshot.png) `updates` is a CLI tool which checks for npm and poetry dependency updates of the current project and optionally updates `package.json`/`pyproject.toml`. It is highly configurable and is typically able to complete in less than a second. # Usage `bun` and `node` are supported and tested. For bun, replace `npx` with `bunx` and `npm` with `bun`. ```bash # check for updates npx updates # update package.json and install new dependencies npx updates -u && npm i ``` ## Options See `--help`. Options that take multiple arguments can take them either via comma-separated value or by specifying the option multiple times. If an option has a optional `pkg` argument but none is given, the option will be applied to all packages instead. All `pkg` options support glob matching via [picomatch](https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch) or regex (on CLI, wrap the regex in slashes, e.g. `'/^foo/'`). ## Notes The module uses global `fetch` under the hood. In Node.js HTTP proxies from environment are [not supported](https://github.com/nodejs/undici/issues/1650), but it's still possible to enable `updates` to use them by installing the `undici` dependency into your project. ## Config File The config file is used to configure certain options of the module. CLI arguments have precedence over options in the config file, except for `include` and `exclude` options which are merged. ```js export default { exclude: [ "semver", "@vitejs/*", /^react(-dom)?$/, ], }; ``` ### Config File Locations The config file can be placed in these locations, relative to `package.json`: - `updates.config.js` - `updates.config.mjs` - `.config/updates.js` - `.config/updates.mjs` ### Config File Options - `include` *Array[String|Regexp]*: Array of dependencies to include - `exclude` *Array[String|Regexp]*: Array of dependencies to exclude - `types` *Array[String]*: Array of dependency types - `registry` *String*: URL to npm registry © [silverwind](https://github.com/silverwind), distributed under BSD licence