diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml index 0c19459..5fdc79c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml @@ -38,11 +38,16 @@ jobs: steps: - name: Checkout repository - uses: actions/checkout@v3 + uses: actions/checkout@v4 + + - name: setup go + uses: actions/setup-go@v5 + with: + go-version: '1.22' # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning. - name: Initialize CodeQL - uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2 + uses: github/codeql-action/init@v3 with: languages: ${{ matrix.language }} # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file. @@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ jobs: # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java). # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below) - name: Autobuild - uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2 + uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v3 # ℹī¸ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell. # 📚 See https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idstepsrun @@ -69,4 +74,4 @@ jobs: # ./location_of_script_within_repo/buildscript.sh - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis - uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2 + uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v3 diff --git a/docs/cluster_scaling_schedules_crd.yaml b/docs/cluster_scaling_schedules_crd.yaml index c682abe..b45690c 100644 --- a/docs/cluster_scaling_schedules_crd.yaml +++ b/docs/cluster_scaling_schedules_crd.yaml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: annotations: - controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.10.0 + controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.11.0 creationTimestamp: null name: clusterscalingschedules.zalando.org spec: diff --git a/docs/scaling_schedules_crd.yaml b/docs/scaling_schedules_crd.yaml index f64c158..27f2ea4 100644 --- a/docs/scaling_schedules_crd.yaml +++ b/docs/scaling_schedules_crd.yaml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: annotations: - controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.10.0 + controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.11.0 creationTimestamp: null name: scalingschedules.zalando.org spec: diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 40f3fe6..02bbecb 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -1,61 +1,66 @@ module github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter require ( - github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.50.8 + github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go v1.50.38 github.com/influxdata/influxdb-client-go v0.2.0 - github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.18.0 - github.com/prometheus/common v0.46.0 + github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.15.1 + github.com/prometheus/common v0.44.0 github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.3 github.com/spf13/cobra v1.8.0 github.com/spyzhov/ajson v0.9.0 - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.9.0 github.com/szuecs/routegroup-client v0.25.0 github.com/zalando-incubator/cluster-lifecycle-manager 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go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc v1.10.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric v0.31.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk v1.10.0 // indirect go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace v1.14.0 // indirect - go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v0.15.0 // indirect + go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp v0.19.0 // indirect go.uber.org/atomic v1.9.0 // indirect go.uber.org/multierr v1.8.0 // indirect go.uber.org/zap v1.21.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.19.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.21.0 // indirect golang.org/x/mod v0.14.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/sys v0.17.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/term v0.17.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.18.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/term v0.18.0 // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.14.0 // indirect golang.org/x/time v0.5.0 // indirect golang.org/x/tools v0.16.1 // indirect @@ -103,29 +109,29 @@ require ( google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api v0.0.0-20230525234035-dd9d682886f9 // indirect 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+++ b/go.sum @@ -641,6 +641,8 @@ github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.0.4/go.mod h1:fO7iG3H7G2nSZ7m0zPUDn85XEX2GTukHG github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex v0.0.0-20161002113705-648efa622239/go.mod h1:2FmKhYUyUczH0OGQWaF5ceTx0UBShxjsH6f8oGKYe2c= github.com/antihax/optional v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uupD/76wgC+ih3iEmQUL+0Ugr19nfwCT1kdvxnR2qWY= github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr v0.0.0-20220418222510-f25a4f6275ed/go.mod h1:F7bn7fEU90QkQ3tnmaTx3LTKLEDqnwWODIYppRQ5hnY= +github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr v1.4.10 h1:yL7+Jz0jTC6yykIK/Wh74gnTJnrGr5AyrNMXuA0gves= +github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr v1.4.10/go.mod h1:F7bn7fEU90QkQ3tnmaTx3LTKLEDqnwWODIYppRQ5hnY= github.com/apache/arrow/go/arrow v0.0.0-20190426170622-338c62a2a205 h1:Q3Yr8G0gJVzxRCjt4lehWEGi+oG1ebN495o/mmh4Zss= github.com/apache/arrow/go/arrow v0.0.0-20190426170622-338c62a2a205/go.mod h1:W8yIftLTH1FLJvxuZc4tFnIlZ2tWg7RCoJR1HcETAso= github.com/apache/arrow/go/v10 v10.0.1/go.mod h1:YvhnlEePVnBS4+0z3fhPfUy7W1Ikj0Ih0vcRo/gZ1M0= @@ -653,9 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h1:fEO7lRTdivWO2qYVCVG7dEADOMo/MLDCVr8So2g88Uw= -sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.0.37 h1:fAPTNEpzQMOLMGwOHNbUkR2xXTQwMJOZYNx+/mLlOh0= -sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.0.37/go.mod h1:vfnxT4FXNT8eGvO+xi/DsyC/qHmdujqwrUa1WSspCsk= -sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools v0.10.0 h1:0L5DTDTFB67jm9DkfrONgTGmfc/zYow0ZaHyppizU2U= +sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.1.2 h1:trsWhjU5jZrx6UvFu4WzQDrN7Pga4a7Qg+zcfcj64PA= +sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client v0.1.2/go.mod h1:+qG7ISXqCDVVcyO8hLn12AKVYYUjM7ftlqsqmrhMZE0= sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools v0.10.0/go.mod h1:uvr0EW6IsprfB0jpQq6evtKy+hHyHCXNfdWI5ONPx94= -sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver v1.25.0 h1:MsCbgpUeK3dMiDOsDyoO/Ild/tpJPzfR3GQT7ghtXpw= -sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver v1.25.0/go.mod h1:Zk2s4ZF1EsAgyUM40fceQf8nwg3camoRaGktx2B2Pj0= +sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools v0.11.0 h1:YXX32GEP8l3ESvb6y/LwJp5J01eP6vN9w/cxVeg5yxU= +sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools v0.11.0/go.mod h1:dm4bN3Yp1ZP+hbbeSLF8zOEHsI1/bf15u3JNcgRv2TM= +sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver v1.27.0 h1:kaZwUqVBCf9L3cfQ1VtdKPLYo3rp5dN2SbNf1UXHt24= +sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver v1.27.0/go.mod h1:204Z2fcsiUjBM0UV6o3TCqfvmunN+607ohKqbnda3q0= sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20220713155537-f223a00ba0e2/go.mod h1:B8JuhiUyNFVKdsE8h686QcCxMaH6HrOAZj4vswFpcB0= sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd h1:EDPBXCAspyGV4jQlpZSudPeMmr1bNJefnuqLsRAsHZo= sigs.k8s.io/json v0.0.0-20221116044647-bc3834ca7abd/go.mod h1:B8JuhiUyNFVKdsE8h686QcCxMaH6HrOAZj4vswFpcB0= diff --git a/pkg/api/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go b/pkg/api/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go index 57244ed..a9ba0fa 100644 --- a/pkg/api/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go +++ b/pkg/api/generated/openapi/zz_generated.openapi.go @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ func GetOpenAPIDefinitions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) map[string]common.OpenA "k8s.io/api/core/v1.CephFSVolumeSource": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_CephFSVolumeSource(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.CinderPersistentVolumeSource": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_CinderPersistentVolumeSource(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.CinderVolumeSource": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_CinderVolumeSource(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ClaimSource": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ClaimSource(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ClientIPConfig": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ClientIPConfig(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ComponentCondition": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ComponentCondition(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ComponentStatus": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ComponentStatus(ref), @@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ func GetOpenAPIDefinitions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) map[string]common.OpenA "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Container": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Container(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerImage": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerImage(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerPort(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerResizePolicy(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerState": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerState(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerStateRunning": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStateRunning(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerStateTerminated": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStateTerminated(ref), @@ -167,6 +169,8 @@ func GetOpenAPIDefinitions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) map[string]common.OpenA "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodPortForwardOptions": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodPortForwardOptions(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodProxyOptions": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodProxyOptions(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodReadinessGate": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodReadinessGate(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodResourceClaim": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodResourceClaim(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSchedulingGate": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSchedulingGate(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSecurityContext": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSecurityContext(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSignature": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSignature(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSpec": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSpec(ref), @@ -191,6 +195,7 @@ func GetOpenAPIDefinitions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) map[string]common.OpenA "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ReplicationControllerList": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerList(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ReplicationControllerSpec": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerSpec(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ReplicationControllerStatus": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerStatus(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceClaim": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceClaim(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceFieldSelector": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceFieldSelector(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceQuota": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceQuota(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceQuotaList": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceQuotaList(ref), @@ -232,6 +237,7 @@ func GetOpenAPIDefinitions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) map[string]common.OpenA "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TopologySelectorTerm": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TopologySelectorTerm(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraint": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TopologySpreadConstraint(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TypedLocalObjectReference(ref), + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedObjectReference": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TypedObjectReference(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Volume": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Volume(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_VolumeDevice(ref), "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount": schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_VolumeMount(ref), @@ -469,9 +475,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_AzureDiskVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback }, "cachingMode": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "cachingMode is the Host Caching mode: None, Read Only, Read Write.", + Description: "cachingMode is the Host Caching mode: None, Read Only, Read Write.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"None\"`\n - `\"ReadOnly\"`\n - `\"ReadWrite\"`", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"None", "ReadOnly", "ReadWrite"}, }, }, "fsType": { @@ -490,9 +497,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_AzureDiskVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback }, "kind": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "kind expected values are Shared: multiple blob disks per storage account Dedicated: single blob disk per storage account Managed: azure managed data disk (only in managed availability set). defaults to shared", + Description: "kind expected values are Shared: multiple blob disks per storage account Dedicated: single blob disk per storage account Managed: azure managed data disk (only in managed availability set). defaults to shared\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Dedicated\"`\n - `\"Managed\"`\n - `\"Shared\"`", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Dedicated", "Managed", "Shared"}, }, }, }, @@ -700,13 +708,13 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_CSIPersistentVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCall }, "controllerExpandSecretRef": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "controllerExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerExpandVolume call. This is an beta field and requires enabling ExpandCSIVolumes feature gate. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.", + Description: "controllerExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI ControllerExpandVolume call. This field is optional, and may be empty if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecretReference"), }, }, "nodeExpandSecretRef": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "nodeExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodeExpandVolume call. This is an alpha field and requires enabling CSINodeExpandSecret feature gate. This field is optional, may be omitted if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.", + Description: "nodeExpandSecretRef is a reference to the secret object containing sensitive information to pass to the CSI driver to complete the CSI NodeExpandVolume call. This is a beta field which is enabled default by CSINodeExpandSecret feature gate. This field is optional, may be omitted if no secret is required. If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecretReference"), }, }, @@ -1040,6 +1048,33 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_CinderVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c } } +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ClaimSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ClaimSource describes a reference to a ResourceClaim.\n\nExactly one of these fields should be set. Consumers of this type must treat an empty object as if it has an unknown value.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "resourceClaimName": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ResourceClaimName is the name of a ResourceClaim object in the same namespace as this pod.", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "resourceClaimTemplateName": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ResourceClaimTemplateName is the name of a ResourceClaimTemplate object in the same namespace as this pod.\n\nThe template will be used to create a new ResourceClaim, which will be bound to this pod. When this pod is deleted, the ResourceClaim will also be deleted. The name of the ResourceClaim will be -, where is the PodResourceClaim.Name. Pod validation will reject the pod if the concatenated name is not valid for a ResourceClaim (e.g. too long).\n\nAn existing ResourceClaim with that name that is not owned by the pod will not be used for the pod to avoid using an unrelated resource by mistake. Scheduling and pod startup are then blocked until the unrelated ResourceClaim is removed.\n\nThis field is immutable and no changes will be made to the corresponding ResourceClaim by the control plane after creating the ResourceClaim.", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } +} + func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ClientIPConfig(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ @@ -1674,6 +1709,25 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Container(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements"), }, }, + "resizePolicy": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "atomic", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Resources resize policy for the container.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, "volumeMounts": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ Extensions: spec.Extensions{ @@ -1750,14 +1804,16 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Container(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope Description: "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller. Defaults to File. Cannot be updated.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"FallbackToLogsOnError\"` will read the most recent contents of the container logs for the container status message when the container exits with an error and the terminationMessagePath has no contents.\n - `\"File\"` is the default behavior and will set the container status message to the contents of the container's terminationMessagePath when the container exits.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}, + }, }, "imagePullPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Description: "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"` means that kubelet always attempts to pull the latest image. Container will fail If the pull fails.\n - `\"IfNotPresent\"` means that kubelet pulls if the image isn't present on disk. Container will fail if the image isn't present and the pull fails.\n - `\"Never\"` means that kubelet never pulls an image, but only uses a local image. Container will fail if the image isn't present", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}, + }, }, "securityContext": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -1791,7 +1847,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Container(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, } } @@ -1865,7 +1921,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerPort(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common Default: "TCP", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}, + }, }, "hostIP": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -1881,6 +1938,36 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerPort(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common } } +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerResizePolicy(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ContainerResizePolicy represents resource resize policy for the container.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "resourceName": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Name of the resource to which this resource resize policy applies. Supported values: cpu, memory.", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "restartPolicy": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Restart policy to apply when specified resource is resized. If not specified, it defaults to NotRequired.", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + }, + Required: []string{"resourceName", "restartPolicy"}, + }, + }, + } +} + func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerState(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ @@ -2038,7 +2125,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ "name": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "This must be a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a pod must have a unique name. Cannot be updated.", + Description: "Name is a DNS_LABEL representing the unique name of the container. Each container in a pod must have a unique name across all container types. Cannot be updated.", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -2046,21 +2133,21 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "state": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Details about the container's current condition.", + Description: "State holds details about the container's current condition.", Default: map[string]interface{}{}, Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerState"), }, }, "lastState": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Details about the container's last termination condition.", + Description: "LastTerminationState holds the last termination state of the container to help debug container crashes and restarts. This field is not populated if the container is still running and RestartCount is 0.", Default: map[string]interface{}{}, Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerState"), }, }, "ready": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Specifies whether the container has passed its readiness probe.", + Description: "Ready specifies whether the container is currently passing its readiness check. The value will change as readiness probes keep executing. If no readiness probes are specified, this field defaults to true once the container is fully started (see Started field).\n\nThe value is typically used to determine whether a container is ready to accept traffic.", Default: false, Type: []string{"boolean"}, Format: "", @@ -2068,7 +2155,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "restartCount": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "The number of times the container has been restarted.", + Description: "RestartCount holds the number of times the container has been restarted. Kubelet makes an effort to always increment the value, but there are cases when the state may be lost due to node restarts and then the value may be reset to 0. The value is never negative.", Default: 0, Type: []string{"integer"}, Format: "int32", @@ -2076,7 +2163,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "image": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "The image the container is running. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images.", + Description: "Image is the name of container image that the container is running. The container image may not match the image used in the PodSpec, as it may have been resolved by the runtime. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images.", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -2084,7 +2171,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "imageID": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "ImageID of the container's image.", + Description: "ImageID is the image ID of the container's image. The image ID may not match the image ID of the image used in the PodSpec, as it may have been resolved by the runtime.", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -2092,24 +2179,45 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ContainerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "containerID": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Container's ID in the format '://'.", + Description: "ContainerID is the ID of the container in the format '://'. Where type is a container runtime identifier, returned from Version call of CRI API (for example \"containerd\").", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, }, "started": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Specifies whether the container has passed its startup probe. Initialized as false, becomes true after startupProbe is considered successful. Resets to false when the container is restarted, or if kubelet loses state temporarily. Is always true when no startupProbe is defined.", + Description: "Started indicates whether the container has finished its postStart lifecycle hook and passed its startup probe. Initialized as false, becomes true after startupProbe is considered successful. Resets to false when the container is restarted, or if kubelet loses state temporarily. In both cases, startup probes will run again. Is always true when no startupProbe is defined and container is running and has passed the postStart lifecycle hook. The null value must be treated the same as false.", Type: []string{"boolean"}, Format: "", }, }, + "allocatedResources": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "AllocatedResources represents the compute resources allocated for this container by the node. Kubelet sets this value to Container.Resources.Requests upon successful pod admission and after successfully admitting desired pod resize.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + AdditionalProperties: &spec.SchemaOrBool{ + Allows: true, + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + "resources": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Resources represents the compute resource requests and limits that have been successfully enacted on the running container after it has been started or has been successfully resized.", + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements"), + }, + }, }, Required: []string{"name", "ready", "restartCount", "image", "imageID"}, }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerState"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerState", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"}, } } @@ -2259,7 +2367,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EmptyDirVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback) }, "sizeLimit": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "sizeLimit is the total amount of local storage required for this EmptyDir volume. The size limit is also applicable for memory medium. The maximum usage on memory medium EmptyDir would be the minimum value between the SizeLimit specified here and the sum of memory limits of all containers in a pod. The default is nil which means that the limit is undefined. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/volumes#emptydir", + Description: "sizeLimit is the total amount of local storage required for this EmptyDir volume. The size limit is also applicable for memory medium. The maximum usage on memory medium EmptyDir would be the minimum value between the SizeLimit specified here and the sum of memory limits of all containers in a pod. The default is nil which means that the limit is undefined. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#emptydir", Ref: ref("k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"), }, }, @@ -2280,7 +2388,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EndpointAddress(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ "ip": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "The IP of this endpoint. May not be loopback (, link-local (, or link-local multicast (( IPv6 is also accepted but not fully supported on all platforms. Also, certain kubernetes components, like kube-proxy, are not IPv6 ready.", + Description: "The IP of this endpoint. May not be loopback ( or ::1), link-local ( or fe80::/10), or link-local multicast ( or ff02::/16).", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -2347,11 +2455,12 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EndpointPort(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common. Description: "The IP protocol for this port. Must be UDP, TCP, or SCTP. Default is TCP.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"SCTP\"` is the SCTP protocol.\n - `\"TCP\"` is the TCP protocol.\n - `\"UDP\"` is the UDP protocol.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}, + }, }, "appProtocol": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "The application protocol for this port. This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax. Un-prefixed names are reserved for IANA standard service names (as per RFC-6335 and https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names). Non-standard protocols should use prefixed names such as mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol.", + Description: "The application protocol for this port. This is used as a hint for implementations to offer richer behavior for protocols that they understand. This field follows standard Kubernetes label syntax. Valid values are either:\n\n* Un-prefixed protocol names - reserved for IANA standard service names (as per RFC-6335 and https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names).\n\n* Kubernetes-defined prefixed names:\n * 'kubernetes.io/h2c' - HTTP/2 over cleartext as described in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7540\n\n* Other protocols should use implementation-defined prefixed names such as mycompany.com/my-custom-protocol.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -2761,6 +2870,25 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainer(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements"), }, }, + "resizePolicy": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "atomic", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Resources resize policy for the container.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, "volumeMounts": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ Extensions: spec.Extensions{ @@ -2837,14 +2965,16 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainer(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c Description: "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller. Defaults to File. Cannot be updated.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"FallbackToLogsOnError\"` will read the most recent contents of the container logs for the container status message when the container exits with an error and the terminationMessagePath has no contents.\n - `\"File\"` is the default behavior and will set the container status message to the contents of the container's terminationMessagePath when the container exits.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}, + }, }, "imagePullPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Description: "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"` means that kubelet always attempts to pull the latest image. Container will fail If the pull fails.\n - `\"IfNotPresent\"` means that kubelet pulls if the image isn't present on disk. Container will fail if the image isn't present and the pull fails.\n - `\"Never\"` means that kubelet never pulls an image, but only uses a local image. Container will fail if the image isn't present", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}, + }, }, "securityContext": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -2885,7 +3015,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainer(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, } } @@ -3014,6 +3144,25 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainerCommon(ref common.ReferenceCallb Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements"), }, }, + "resizePolicy": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "atomic", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Resources resize policy for the container.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, "volumeMounts": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ Extensions: spec.Extensions{ @@ -3090,14 +3239,16 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainerCommon(ref common.ReferenceCallb Description: "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller. Defaults to File. Cannot be updated.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"FallbackToLogsOnError\"` will read the most recent contents of the container logs for the container status message when the container exits with an error and the terminationMessagePath has no contents.\n - `\"File\"` is the default behavior and will set the container status message to the contents of the container's terminationMessagePath when the container exits.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"FallbackToLogsOnError", "File"}, + }, }, "imagePullPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Description: "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images#updating-images\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"` means that kubelet always attempts to pull the latest image. Container will fail If the pull fails.\n - `\"IfNotPresent\"` means that kubelet pulls if the image isn't present on disk. Container will fail if the image isn't present and the pull fails.\n - `\"Never\"` means that kubelet never pulls an image, but only uses a local image. Container will fail if the image isn't present", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "IfNotPresent", "Never"}, + }, }, "securityContext": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -3131,7 +3282,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_EphemeralContainerCommon(ref common.ReferenceCallb }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerPort", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ContainerResizePolicy", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvFromSource", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EnvVar", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Lifecycle", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Probe", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.SecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeDevice", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.VolumeMount"}, } } @@ -3859,7 +4010,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_HTTPGetAction(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common Description: "Scheme to use for connecting to the host. Defaults to HTTP.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"HTTP\"` means that the scheme used will be http://\n - `\"HTTPS\"` means that the scheme used will be https://", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"HTTP", "HTTPS"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"HTTP", "HTTPS"}, + }, }, "httpHeaders": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -3966,9 +4118,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_HostPathVolumeSource(ref common.ReferenceCallback) }, "type": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "type for HostPath Volume Defaults to \"\" More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath", + Description: "type for HostPath Volume Defaults to \"\" More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes#hostpath\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"\"` For backwards compatible, leave it empty if unset\n - `\"BlockDevice\"` A block device must exist at the given path\n - `\"CharDevice\"` A character device must exist at the given path\n - `\"Directory\"` A directory must exist at the given path\n - `\"DirectoryOrCreate\"` If nothing exists at the given path, an empty directory will be created there as needed with file mode 0755, having the same group and ownership with Kubelet.\n - `\"File\"` A file must exist at the given path\n - `\"FileOrCreate\"` If nothing exists at the given path, an empty file will be created there as needed with file mode 0644, having the same group and ownership with Kubelet.\n - `\"Socket\"` A UNIX socket must exist at the given path", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"", "BlockDevice", "CharDevice", "Directory", "DirectoryOrCreate", "File", "FileOrCreate", "Socket"}, }, }, }, @@ -4914,7 +5067,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_NamespaceStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm Description: "Phase is the current lifecycle phase of the namespace. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/namespaces/\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Active\"` means the namespace is available for use in the system\n - `\"Terminating\"` means the namespace is undergoing graceful termination", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Active", "Terminating"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Active", "Terminating"}, + }, }, "conditions": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ @@ -5374,7 +5528,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_NodeSelectorRequirement(ref common.ReferenceCallba Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"DoesNotExist", "Exists", "Gt", "In", "Lt", "NotIn"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"DoesNotExist", "Exists", "Gt", "In", "Lt", "NotIn"}, + }, }, "values": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -5510,7 +5665,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_NodeSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Open }, "configSource": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Deprecated: Previously used to specify the source of the node's configuration for the DynamicKubeletConfig feature. This feature is removed from Kubelets as of 1.24 and will be fully removed in 1.26.", + Description: "Deprecated: Previously used to specify the source of the node's configuration for the DynamicKubeletConfig feature. This feature is removed.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.NodeConfigSource"), }, }, @@ -5571,7 +5726,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_NodeStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op Description: "NodePhase is the recently observed lifecycle phase of the node. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#phase The field is never populated, and now is deprecated.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Pending\"` means the node has been created/added by the system, but not configured.\n - `\"Running\"` means the node has been configured and has Kubernetes components running.\n - `\"Terminated\"` means the node has been removed from the cluster.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Pending", "Running", "Terminated"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Pending", "Running", "Terminated"}, + }, }, "conditions": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ @@ -5601,7 +5757,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_NodeStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op }, }, SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "List of addresses reachable to the node. Queried from cloud provider, if available. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#addresses Note: This field is declared as mergeable, but the merge key is not sufficiently unique, which can cause data corruption when it is merged. Callers should instead use a full-replacement patch. See http://pr.k8s.io/79391 for an example.", + Description: "List of addresses reachable to the node. Queried from cloud provider, if available. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/nodes/node/#addresses Note: This field is declared as mergeable, but the merge key is not sufficiently unique, which can cause data corruption when it is merged. Callers should instead use a full-replacement patch. See https://pr.k8s.io/79391 for an example. Consumers should assume that addresses can change during the lifetime of a Node. However, there are some exceptions where this may not be possible, such as Pods that inherit a Node's address in its own status or consumers of the downward API (status.hostIP).", Type: []string{"array"}, Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ @@ -5983,7 +6139,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeClaimCondition(ref common.Referenc return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "PersistentVolumeClaimCondition contails details about state of pvc", + Description: "PersistentVolumeClaimCondition contains details about state of pvc", Type: []string{"object"}, Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ "type": { @@ -6139,28 +6295,29 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeClaimSpec(ref common.ReferenceCall }, "volumeMode": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec.", + Description: "volumeMode defines what type of volume is required by the claim. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in claim spec.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Block\"` means the volume will not be formatted with a filesystem and will remain a raw block device.\n - `\"Filesystem\"` means the volume will be or is formatted with a filesystem.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Block", "Filesystem"}, }, }, "dataSource": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "dataSource field can be used to specify either: * An existing VolumeSnapshot object (snapshot.storage.k8s.io/VolumeSnapshot) * An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. If the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, this field will always have the same contents as the DataSourceRef field.", + Description: "dataSource field can be used to specify either: * An existing VolumeSnapshot object (snapshot.storage.k8s.io/VolumeSnapshot) * An existing PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) If the provisioner or an external controller can support the specified data source, it will create a new volume based on the contents of the specified data source. When the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate is enabled, dataSource contents will be copied to dataSourceRef, and dataSourceRef contents will be copied to dataSource when dataSourceRef.namespace is not specified. If the namespace is specified, then dataSourceRef will not be copied to dataSource.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference"), }, }, "dataSourceRef": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any local object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the DataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, both fields (DataSource and DataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. There are two important differences between DataSource and DataSourceRef: * While DataSource only allows two specific types of objects, DataSourceRef\n allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.\n* While DataSource ignores disallowed values (dropping them), DataSourceRef\n preserves all values, and generates an error if a disallowed value is\n specified.\n(Beta) Using this field requires the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled.", - Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference"), + Description: "dataSourceRef specifies the object from which to populate the volume with data, if a non-empty volume is desired. This may be any object from a non-empty API group (non core object) or a PersistentVolumeClaim object. When this field is specified, volume binding will only succeed if the type of the specified object matches some installed volume populator or dynamic provisioner. This field will replace the functionality of the dataSource field and as such if both fields are non-empty, they must have the same value. For backwards compatibility, when namespace isn't specified in dataSourceRef, both fields (dataSource and dataSourceRef) will be set to the same value automatically if one of them is empty and the other is non-empty. When namespace is specified in dataSourceRef, dataSource isn't set to the same value and must be empty. There are three important differences between dataSource and dataSourceRef: * While dataSource only allows two specific types of objects, dataSourceRef\n allows any non-core object, as well as PersistentVolumeClaim objects.\n* While dataSource ignores disallowed values (dropping them), dataSourceRef\n preserves all values, and generates an error if a disallowed value is\n specified.\n* While dataSource only allows local objects, dataSourceRef allows objects\n in any namespaces.\n(Beta) Using this field requires the AnyVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled. (Alpha) Using the namespace field of dataSourceRef requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled.", + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedObjectReference"), }, }, }, }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.LabelSelector"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceRequirements", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedLocalObjectReference", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TypedObjectReference", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1.LabelSelector"}, } } @@ -6176,7 +6333,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeClaimStatus(ref common.ReferenceCa Description: "phase represents the current phase of PersistentVolumeClaim.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Bound\"` used for PersistentVolumeClaims that are bound\n - `\"Lost\"` used for PersistentVolumeClaims that lost their underlying PersistentVolume. The claim was bound to a PersistentVolume and this volume does not exist any longer and all data on it was lost.\n - `\"Pending\"` used for PersistentVolumeClaims that are not yet bound", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Bound", "Lost", "Pending"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Bound", "Lost", "Pending"}, + }, }, "accessModes": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -6245,9 +6403,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeClaimStatus(ref common.ReferenceCa }, "resizeStatus": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "resizeStatus stores status of resize operation. ResizeStatus is not set by default but when expansion is complete resizeStatus is set to empty string by resize controller or kubelet. This is an alpha field and requires enabling RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature.", + Description: "resizeStatus stores status of resize operation. ResizeStatus is not set by default but when expansion is complete resizeStatus is set to empty string by resize controller or kubelet. This is an alpha field and requires enabling RecoverVolumeExpansionFailure feature.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"\"` When expansion is complete, the empty string is set by resize controller or kubelet.\n - `\"ControllerExpansionFailed\"` State set when expansion has failed in resize controller with a terminal error. Transient errors such as timeout should not set this status and should leave ResizeStatus unmodified, so as resize controller can resume the volume expansion.\n - `\"ControllerExpansionInProgress\"` State set when resize controller starts expanding the volume in control-plane\n - `\"NodeExpansionFailed\"` State set when expansion has failed in kubelet with a terminal error. Transient errors don't set NodeExpansionFailed.\n - `\"NodeExpansionInProgress\"` State set when kubelet starts expanding the volume.\n - `\"NodeExpansionPending\"` State set when resize controller has finished expanding the volume but further expansion is needed on the node.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"", "ControllerExpansionFailed", "ControllerExpansionInProgress", "NodeExpansionFailed", "NodeExpansionInProgress", "NodeExpansionPending"}, }, }, }, @@ -6700,7 +6859,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) Description: "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy defines what happens to a persistent volume when released from its claim. Valid options are Retain (default for manually created PersistentVolumes), Delete (default for dynamically provisioned PersistentVolumes), and Recycle (deprecated). Recycle must be supported by the volume plugin underlying this PersistentVolume. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#reclaiming\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Delete\"` means the volume will be deleted from Kubernetes on release from its claim. The volume plugin must support Deletion.\n - `\"Recycle\"` means the volume will be recycled back into the pool of unbound persistent volumes on release from its claim. The volume plugin must support Recycling.\n - `\"Retain\"` means the volume will be left in its current phase (Released) for manual reclamation by the administrator. The default policy is Retain.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Delete", "Recycle", "Retain"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Delete", "Recycle", "Retain"}, + }, }, "storageClassName": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -6726,9 +6886,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) }, "volumeMode": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "volumeMode defines if a volume is intended to be used with a formatted filesystem or to remain in raw block state. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in spec.", + Description: "volumeMode defines if a volume is intended to be used with a formatted filesystem or to remain in raw block state. Value of Filesystem is implied when not included in spec.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Block\"` means the volume will not be formatted with a filesystem and will remain a raw block device.\n - `\"Filesystem\"` means the volume will be or is formatted with a filesystem.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Block", "Filesystem"}, }, }, "nodeAffinity": { @@ -6757,7 +6918,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PersistentVolumeStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallbac Description: "phase indicates if a volume is available, bound to a claim, or released by a claim. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes#phase\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Available\"` used for PersistentVolumes that are not yet bound Available volumes are held by the binder and matched to PersistentVolumeClaims\n - `\"Bound\"` used for PersistentVolumes that are bound\n - `\"Failed\"` used for PersistentVolumes that failed to be correctly recycled or deleted after being released from a claim\n - `\"Pending\"` used for PersistentVolumes that are not available\n - `\"Released\"` used for PersistentVolumes where the bound PersistentVolumeClaim was deleted released volumes must be recycled before becoming available again this phase is used by the persistent volume claim binder to signal to another process to reclaim the resource", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Available", "Bound", "Failed", "Pending", "Released"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Available", "Bound", "Failed", "Pending", "Released"}, + }, }, "message": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -7562,6 +7724,59 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodReadinessGate(ref common.ReferenceCallback) com } } +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodResourceClaim(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "PodResourceClaim references exactly one ResourceClaim through a ClaimSource. It adds a name to it that uniquely identifies the ResourceClaim inside the Pod. Containers that need access to the ResourceClaim reference it with this name.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "name": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Name uniquely identifies this resource claim inside the pod. This must be a DNS_LABEL.", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "source": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Source describes where to find the ResourceClaim.", + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ClaimSource"), + }, + }, + }, + Required: []string{"name"}, + }, + }, + Dependencies: []string{ + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ClaimSource"}, + } +} + +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSchedulingGate(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "PodSchedulingGate is associated to a Pod to guard its scheduling.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "name": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Name of the scheduling gate. Each scheduling gate must have a unique name field.", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + }, + Required: []string{"name"}, + }, + }, + } +} + func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSecurityContext(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ @@ -7604,7 +7819,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSecurityContext(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c }, "supplementalGroups": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID. If unspecified, no groups will be added to any container. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.", + Description: "A list of groups applied to the first process run in each container, in addition to the container's primary GID, the fsGroup (if specified), and group memberships defined in the container image for the uid of the container process. If unspecified, no additional groups are added to any container. Note that group memberships defined in the container image for the uid of the container process are still effective, even if they are not included in this list. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.", Type: []string{"array"}, Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ @@ -7640,9 +7855,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSecurityContext(ref common.ReferenceCallback) c }, "fsGroupChangePolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "fsGroupChangePolicy defines behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod. This field will only apply to volume types which support fsGroup based ownership(and permissions). It will have no effect on ephemeral volume types such as: secret, configmaps and emptydir. Valid values are \"OnRootMismatch\" and \"Always\". If not specified, \"Always\" is used. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.", + Description: "fsGroupChangePolicy defines behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod. This field will only apply to volume types which support fsGroup based ownership(and permissions). It will have no effect on ephemeral volume types such as: secret, configmaps and emptydir. Valid values are \"OnRootMismatch\" and \"Always\". If not specified, \"Always\" is used. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"` indicates that volume's ownership and permissions should always be changed whenever volume is mounted inside a Pod. This the default behavior.\n - `\"OnRootMismatch\"` indicates that volume's ownership and permissions will be changed only when permission and ownership of root directory does not match with expected permissions on the volume. This can help shorten the time it takes to change ownership and permissions of a volume.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "OnRootMismatch"}, }, }, "seccompProfile": { @@ -7769,10 +7985,11 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenA }, "restartPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Restart policy for all containers within the pod. One of Always, OnFailure, Never. Default to Always. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#restart-policy\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"`\n - `\"Never\"`\n - `\"OnFailure\"`", + Description: "Restart policy for all containers within the pod. One of Always, OnFailure, Never. In some contexts, only a subset of those values may be permitted. Default to Always. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#restart-policy\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Always\"`\n - `\"Never\"`\n - `\"OnFailure\"`", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "Never", "OnFailure"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Always", "Never", "OnFailure"}, + }, }, "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -7793,7 +8010,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenA Description: "Set DNS policy for the pod. Defaults to \"ClusterFirst\". Valid values are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or 'None'. DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the policy selected with DNSPolicy. To have DNS options set along with hostNetwork, you have to specify DNS policy explicitly to 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet'.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"ClusterFirst\"` indicates that the pod should use cluster DNS first unless hostNetwork is true, if it is available, then fall back on the default (as determined by kubelet) DNS settings.\n - `\"ClusterFirstWithHostNet\"` indicates that the pod should use cluster DNS first, if it is available, then fall back on the default (as determined by kubelet) DNS settings.\n - `\"Default\"` indicates that the pod should use the default (as determined by kubelet) DNS settings.\n - `\"None\"` indicates that the pod should use empty DNS settings. DNS parameters such as nameservers and search paths should be defined via DNSConfig.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"ClusterFirst", "ClusterFirstWithHostNet", "Default", "None"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"ClusterFirst", "ClusterFirstWithHostNet", "Default", "None"}, + }, }, "nodeSelector": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ @@ -8009,9 +8227,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenA }, "preemptionPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "PreemptionPolicy is the Policy for preempting pods with lower priority. One of Never, PreemptLowerPriority. Defaults to PreemptLowerPriority if unset.", + Description: "PreemptionPolicy is the Policy for preempting pods with lower priority. One of Never, PreemptLowerPriority. Defaults to PreemptLowerPriority if unset.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Never\"` means that pod never preempts other pods with lower priority.\n - `\"PreemptLowerPriority\"` means that pod can preempt other pods with lower priority.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Never", "PreemptLowerPriority"}, }, }, "overhead": { @@ -8074,12 +8293,60 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenA Format: "", }, }, + "schedulingGates": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-map-keys": []interface{}{ + "name", + }, + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "map", + "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name", + "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy": "merge", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "SchedulingGates is an opaque list of values that if specified will block scheduling the pod. If schedulingGates is not empty, the pod will stay in the SchedulingGated state and the scheduler will not attempt to schedule the pod.\n\nSchedulingGates can only be set at pod creation time, and be removed only afterwards.\n\nThis is a beta feature enabled by the PodSchedulingReadiness feature gate.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSchedulingGate"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + "resourceClaims": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-map-keys": []interface{}{ + "name", + }, + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "map", + "x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name", + "x-kubernetes-patch-strategy": "merge,retainKeys", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ResourceClaims defines which ResourceClaims must be allocated and reserved before the Pod is allowed to start. The resources will be made available to those containers which consume them by name.\n\nThis is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.\n\nThis field is immutable.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodResourceClaim"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, }, Required: []string{"containers"}, }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Affinity", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Container", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EphemeralContainer", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.HostAlias", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.LocalObjectReference", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodDNSConfig", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodOS", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodReadinessGate", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Toleration", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraint", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Volume", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Affinity", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Container", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.EphemeralContainer", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.HostAlias", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.LocalObjectReference", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodDNSConfig", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodOS", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodReadinessGate", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodResourceClaim", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSchedulingGate", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodSecurityContext", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Toleration", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.TopologySpreadConstraint", "k8s.io/api/core/v1.Volume", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"}, } } @@ -8095,7 +8362,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope Description: "The phase of a Pod is a simple, high-level summary of where the Pod is in its lifecycle. The conditions array, the reason and message fields, and the individual container status arrays contain more detail about the pod's status. There are five possible phase values:\n\nPending: The pod has been accepted by the Kubernetes system, but one or more of the container images has not been created. This includes time before being scheduled as well as time spent downloading images over the network, which could take a while. Running: The pod has been bound to a node, and all of the containers have been created. At least one container is still running, or is in the process of starting or restarting. Succeeded: All containers in the pod have terminated in success, and will not be restarted. Failed: All containers in the pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in failure. The container either exited with non-zero status or was terminated by the system. Unknown: For some reason the state of the pod could not be obtained, typically due to an error in communicating with the host of the pod.\n\nMore info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle#pod-phase\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Failed\"` means that all containers in the pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in a failure (exited with a non-zero exit code or was stopped by the system).\n - `\"Pending\"` means the pod has been accepted by the system, but one or more of the containers has not been started. This includes time before being bound to a node, as well as time spent pulling images onto the host.\n - `\"Running\"` means the pod has been bound to a node and all of the containers have been started. At least one container is still running or is in the process of being restarted.\n - `\"Succeeded\"` means that all containers in the pod have voluntarily terminated with a container exit code of 0, and the system is not going to restart any of these containers.\n - `\"Unknown\"` means that for some reason the state of the pod could not be obtained, typically due to an error in communicating with the host of the pod. Deprecated: It isn't being set since 2015 (74da3b14b0c0f658b3bb8d2def5094686d0e9095)", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Failed", "Pending", "Running", "Succeeded", "Unknown"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Failed", "Pending", "Running", "Succeeded", "Unknown"}, + }, }, "conditions": { VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ @@ -8208,10 +8476,11 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, "qosClass": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "The Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the pod based on resource requirements See PodQOSClass type for available QOS classes More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/design-proposals/node/resource-qos.md\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"BestEffort\"` is the BestEffort qos class.\n - `\"Burstable\"` is the Burstable qos class.\n - `\"Guaranteed\"` is the Guaranteed qos class.", + Description: "The Quality of Service (QOS) classification assigned to the pod based on resource requirements See PodQOSClass type for available QOS classes More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-qos/#quality-of-service-classes\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"BestEffort\"` is the BestEffort qos class.\n - `\"Burstable\"` is the Burstable qos class.\n - `\"Guaranteed\"` is the Guaranteed qos class.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"BestEffort", "Burstable", "Guaranteed"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"BestEffort", "Burstable", "Guaranteed"}, + }, }, "ephemeralContainerStatuses": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -8227,6 +8496,13 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PodStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, }, }, + "resize": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Status of resources resize desired for pod's containers. It is empty if no resources resize is pending. Any changes to container resources will automatically set this to \"Proposed\"", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, }, }, }, @@ -8421,7 +8697,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_PortStatus(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}, + }, }, "error": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -8575,7 +8852,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Probe(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPI }, "grpc": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "GRPC specifies an action involving a GRPC port. This is a beta field and requires enabling GRPCContainerProbe feature gate.", + Description: "GRPC specifies an action involving a GRPC port.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.GRPCAction"), }, }, @@ -8656,7 +8933,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ProbeHandler(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common. }, "grpc": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "GRPC specifies an action involving a GRPC port. This is a beta field and requires enabling GRPCContainerProbe feature gate.", + Description: "GRPC specifies an action involving a GRPC port.", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.GRPCAction"), }, }, @@ -9172,7 +9449,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerSpec(ref common.ReferenceCall }, "template": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Template is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. This takes precedence over a TemplateRef. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template", + Description: "Template is the object that describes the pod that will be created if insufficient replicas are detected. This takes precedence over a TemplateRef. The only allowed template.spec.restartPolicy value is \"Always\". More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#pod-template", Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.PodTemplateSpec"), }, }, @@ -9193,7 +9470,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCa Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ "replicas": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Replicas is the most recently oberved number of replicas. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#what-is-a-replicationcontroller", + Description: "Replicas is the most recently observed number of replicas. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller#what-is-a-replicationcontroller", Default: 0, Type: []string{"integer"}, Format: "int32", @@ -9256,6 +9533,28 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ReplicationControllerStatus(ref common.ReferenceCa } } +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceClaim(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "ResourceClaim references one entry in PodSpec.ResourceClaims.", + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "name": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Name must match the name of one entry in pod.spec.resourceClaims of the Pod where this field is used. It makes that resource available inside a container.", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + }, + Required: []string{"name"}, + }, + }, + } +} + func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceFieldSelector(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ @@ -9520,7 +9819,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceRequirements(ref common.ReferenceCallback) }, "requests": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/", + Description: "Requests describes the minimum amount of compute resources required. If Requests is omitted for a container, it defaults to Limits if that is explicitly specified, otherwise to an implementation-defined value. Requests cannot exceed Limits. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/", Type: []string{"object"}, AdditionalProperties: &spec.SchemaOrBool{ Allows: true, @@ -9533,11 +9832,33 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ResourceRequirements(ref common.ReferenceCallback) }, }, }, + "claims": { + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: spec.Extensions{ + "x-kubernetes-list-map-keys": []interface{}{ + "name", + }, + "x-kubernetes-list-type": "map", + }, + }, + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Claims lists the names of resources, defined in spec.resourceClaims, that are used by this container.\n\nThis is an alpha field and requires enabling the DynamicResourceAllocation feature gate.\n\nThis field is immutable. It can only be set for containers.", + Type: []string{"array"}, + Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ + Schema: &spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Default: map[string]interface{}{}, + Ref: ref("k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceClaim"), + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, }, }, }, Dependencies: []string{ - "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"}, + "k8s.io/api/core/v1.ResourceClaim", "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity"}, } } @@ -9803,7 +10124,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement(ref common.Refer Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"BestEffort", "CrossNamespacePodAffinity", "NotBestEffort", "NotTerminating", "PriorityClass", "Terminating"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"BestEffort", "CrossNamespacePodAffinity", "NotBestEffort", "NotTerminating", "PriorityClass", "Terminating"}, + }, }, "operator": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -9811,7 +10133,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ScopedResourceSelectorRequirement(ref common.Refer Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"DoesNotExist", "Exists", "In", "NotIn"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"DoesNotExist", "Exists", "In", "NotIn"}, + }, }, "values": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -9848,7 +10171,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_SeccompProfile(ref common.ReferenceCallback) commo Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Localhost", "RuntimeDefault", "Unconfined"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Localhost", "RuntimeDefault", "Unconfined"}, + }, }, "localhostProfile": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -10270,9 +10594,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_SecurityContext(ref common.ReferenceCallback) comm }, "procMount": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "procMount denotes the type of proc mount to use for the containers. The default is DefaultProcMount which uses the container runtime defaults for readonly paths and masked paths. This requires the ProcMountType feature flag to be enabled. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.", + Description: "procMount denotes the type of proc mount to use for the containers. The default is DefaultProcMount which uses the container runtime defaults for readonly paths and masked paths. This requires the ProcMountType feature flag to be enabled. Note that this field cannot be set when spec.os.name is windows.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Default\"` uses the container runtime defaults for readonly and masked paths for /proc. Most container runtimes mask certain paths in /proc to avoid accidental security exposure of special devices or information.\n - `\"Unmasked\"` bypasses the default masking behavior of the container runtime and ensures the newly created /proc the container stays in tact with no modifications.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Default", "Unmasked"}, }, }, "seccompProfile": { @@ -10610,7 +10935,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServicePort(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O Default: "TCP", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"SCTP", "TCP", "UDP"}, + }, }, "appProtocol": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -10769,7 +11095,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServiceSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O Description: "type determines how the Service is exposed. Defaults to ClusterIP. Valid options are ExternalName, ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer. \"ClusterIP\" allocates a cluster-internal IP address for load-balancing to endpoints. Endpoints are determined by the selector or if that is not specified, by manual construction of an Endpoints object or EndpointSlice objects. If clusterIP is \"None\", no virtual IP is allocated and the endpoints are published as a set of endpoints rather than a virtual IP. \"NodePort\" builds on ClusterIP and allocates a port on every node which routes to the same endpoints as the clusterIP. \"LoadBalancer\" builds on NodePort and creates an external load-balancer (if supported in the current cloud) which routes to the same endpoints as the clusterIP. \"ExternalName\" aliases this service to the specified externalName. Several other fields do not apply to ExternalName services. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"ClusterIP\"` means a service will only be accessible inside the cluster, via the cluster IP.\n - `\"ExternalName\"` means a service consists of only a reference to an external name that kubedns or equivalent will return as a CNAME record, with no exposing or proxying of any pods involved.\n - `\"LoadBalancer\"` means a service will be exposed via an external load balancer (if the cloud provider supports it), in addition to 'NodePort' type.\n - `\"NodePort\"` means a service will be exposed on one port of every node, in addition to 'ClusterIP' type.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"ClusterIP", "ExternalName", "LoadBalancer", "NodePort"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"ClusterIP", "ExternalName", "LoadBalancer", "NodePort"}, + }, }, "externalIPs": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -10791,7 +11118,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServiceSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O Description: "Supports \"ClientIP\" and \"None\". Used to maintain session affinity. Enable client IP based session affinity. Must be ClientIP or None. Defaults to None. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"ClientIP\"` is the Client IP based.\n - `\"None\"` - no session affinity.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"ClientIP", "None"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"ClientIP", "None"}, + }, }, "loadBalancerIP": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -10824,10 +11152,11 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServiceSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O }, "externalTrafficPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "externalTrafficPolicy describes how nodes distribute service traffic they receive on one of the Service's \"externally-facing\" addresses (NodePorts, ExternalIPs, and LoadBalancer IPs). If set to \"Local\", the proxy will configure the service in a way that assumes that external load balancers will take care of balancing the service traffic between nodes, and so each node will deliver traffic only to the node-local endpoints of the service, without masquerading the client source IP. (Traffic mistakenly sent to a node with no endpoints will be dropped.) The default value, \"Cluster\", uses the standard behavior of routing to all endpoints evenly (possibly modified by topology and other features). Note that traffic sent to an External IP or LoadBalancer IP from within the cluster will always get \"Cluster\" semantics, but clients sending to a NodePort from within the cluster may need to take traffic policy into account when picking a node.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Cluster\"` routes traffic to all endpoints.\n - `\"Local\"` preserves the source IP of the traffic by routing only to endpoints on the same node as the traffic was received on (dropping the traffic if there are no local endpoints).", + Description: "externalTrafficPolicy describes how nodes distribute service traffic they receive on one of the Service's \"externally-facing\" addresses (NodePorts, ExternalIPs, and LoadBalancer IPs). If set to \"Local\", the proxy will configure the service in a way that assumes that external load balancers will take care of balancing the service traffic between nodes, and so each node will deliver traffic only to the node-local endpoints of the service, without masquerading the client source IP. (Traffic mistakenly sent to a node with no endpoints will be dropped.) The default value, \"Cluster\", uses the standard behavior of routing to all endpoints evenly (possibly modified by topology and other features). Note that traffic sent to an External IP or LoadBalancer IP from within the cluster will always get \"Cluster\" semantics, but clients sending to a NodePort from within the cluster may need to take traffic policy into account when picking a node.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Cluster\"`\n - `\"Cluster\"` routes traffic to all endpoints.\n - `\"Local\"`\n - `\"Local\"` preserves the source IP of the traffic by routing only to endpoints on the same node as the traffic was received on (dropping the traffic if there are no local endpoints).", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Cluster", "Local"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Cluster", "Cluster", "Local", "Local"}, + }, }, "healthCheckNodePort": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -10871,9 +11200,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServiceSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O }, "ipFamilyPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "IPFamilyPolicy represents the dual-stack-ness requested or required by this Service. If there is no value provided, then this field will be set to SingleStack. Services can be \"SingleStack\" (a single IP family), \"PreferDualStack\" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters or a single IP family on single-stack clusters), or \"RequireDualStack\" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters, otherwise fail). The ipFamilies and clusterIPs fields depend on the value of this field. This field will be wiped when updating a service to type ExternalName.", + Description: "IPFamilyPolicy represents the dual-stack-ness requested or required by this Service. If there is no value provided, then this field will be set to SingleStack. Services can be \"SingleStack\" (a single IP family), \"PreferDualStack\" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters or a single IP family on single-stack clusters), or \"RequireDualStack\" (two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters, otherwise fail). The ipFamilies and clusterIPs fields depend on the value of this field. This field will be wiped when updating a service to type ExternalName.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"PreferDualStack\"` indicates that this service prefers dual-stack when the cluster is configured for dual-stack. If the cluster is not configured for dual-stack the service will be assigned a single IPFamily. If the IPFamily is not set in service.spec.ipFamilies then the service will be assigned the default IPFamily configured on the cluster\n - `\"RequireDualStack\"` indicates that this service requires dual-stack. Using IPFamilyPolicyRequireDualStack on a single stack cluster will result in validation errors. The IPFamilies (and their order) assigned to this service is based on service.spec.ipFamilies. If service.spec.ipFamilies was not provided then it will be assigned according to how they are configured on the cluster. If service.spec.ipFamilies has only one entry then the alternative IPFamily will be added by apiserver\n - `\"SingleStack\"` indicates that this service is required to have a single IPFamily. The IPFamily assigned is based on the default IPFamily used by the cluster or as identified by service.spec.ipFamilies field", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"PreferDualStack", "RequireDualStack", "SingleStack"}, }, }, "allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts": { @@ -10892,9 +11222,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_ServiceSpec(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O }, "internalTrafficPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "InternalTrafficPolicy describes how nodes distribute service traffic they receive on the ClusterIP. If set to \"Local\", the proxy will assume that pods only want to talk to endpoints of the service on the same node as the pod, dropping the traffic if there are no local endpoints. The default value, \"Cluster\", uses the standard behavior of routing to all endpoints evenly (possibly modified by topology and other features).", + Description: "InternalTrafficPolicy describes how nodes distribute service traffic they receive on the ClusterIP. If set to \"Local\", the proxy will assume that pods only want to talk to endpoints of the service on the same node as the pod, dropping the traffic if there are no local endpoints. The default value, \"Cluster\", uses the standard behavior of routing to all endpoints evenly (possibly modified by topology and other features).\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Cluster\"` routes traffic to all endpoints.\n - `\"Local\"` routes traffic only to endpoints on the same node as the client pod (dropping the traffic if there are no local endpoints).", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Cluster", "Local"}, }, }, }, @@ -11158,7 +11489,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Taint(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPI Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"NoExecute", "NoSchedule", "PreferNoSchedule"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"NoExecute", "NoSchedule", "PreferNoSchedule"}, + }, }, "timeAdded": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -11194,7 +11526,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Toleration(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op Description: "Operator represents a key's relationship to the value. Valid operators are Exists and Equal. Defaults to Equal. Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a pod can tolerate all taints of a particular category.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Equal\"`\n - `\"Exists\"`", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"Equal", "Exists"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"Equal", "Exists"}, + }, }, "value": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -11208,7 +11541,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Toleration(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op Description: "Effect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects. When specified, allowed values are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"NoExecute\"` Evict any already-running pods that do not tolerate the taint. Currently enforced by NodeController.\n - `\"NoSchedule\"` Do not allow new pods to schedule onto the node unless they tolerate the taint, but allow all pods submitted to Kubelet without going through the scheduler to start, and allow all already-running pods to continue running. Enforced by the scheduler.\n - `\"PreferNoSchedule\"` Like TaintEffectNoSchedule, but the scheduler tries not to schedule new pods onto the node, rather than prohibiting new pods from scheduling onto the node entirely. Enforced by the scheduler.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"NoExecute", "NoSchedule", "PreferNoSchedule"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"NoExecute", "NoSchedule", "PreferNoSchedule"}, + }, }, "tolerationSeconds": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -11323,7 +11657,8 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TopologySpreadConstraint(ref common.ReferenceCallb Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", - Enum: []interface{}{"DoNotSchedule", "ScheduleAnyway"}}, + Enum: []interface{}{"DoNotSchedule", "ScheduleAnyway"}, + }, }, "labelSelector": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ @@ -11340,16 +11675,18 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TopologySpreadConstraint(ref common.ReferenceCallb }, "nodeAffinityPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "NodeAffinityPolicy indicates how we will treat Pod's nodeAffinity/nodeSelector when calculating pod topology spread skew. Options are: - Honor: only nodes matching nodeAffinity/nodeSelector are included in the calculations. - Ignore: nodeAffinity/nodeSelector are ignored. All nodes are included in the calculations.\n\nIf this value is nil, the behavior is equivalent to the Honor policy. This is a alpha-level feature enabled by the NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread feature flag.", + Description: "NodeAffinityPolicy indicates how we will treat Pod's nodeAffinity/nodeSelector when calculating pod topology spread skew. Options are: - Honor: only nodes matching nodeAffinity/nodeSelector are included in the calculations. - Ignore: nodeAffinity/nodeSelector are ignored. All nodes are included in the calculations.\n\nIf this value is nil, the behavior is equivalent to the Honor policy. This is a beta-level feature default enabled by the NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread feature flag.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Honor\"` means use this scheduling directive when calculating pod topology spread skew.\n - `\"Ignore\"` means ignore this scheduling directive when calculating pod topology spread skew.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Honor", "Ignore"}, }, }, "nodeTaintsPolicy": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "NodeTaintsPolicy indicates how we will treat node taints when calculating pod topology spread skew. Options are: - Honor: nodes without taints, along with tainted nodes for which the incoming pod has a toleration, are included. - Ignore: node taints are ignored. All nodes are included.\n\nIf this value is nil, the behavior is equivalent to the Ignore policy. This is a alpha-level feature enabled by the NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread feature flag.", + Description: "NodeTaintsPolicy indicates how we will treat node taints when calculating pod topology spread skew. Options are: - Honor: nodes without taints, along with tainted nodes for which the incoming pod has a toleration, are included. - Ignore: node taints are ignored. All nodes are included.\n\nIf this value is nil, the behavior is equivalent to the Ignore policy. This is a beta-level feature default enabled by the NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread feature flag.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Honor\"` means use this scheduling directive when calculating pod topology spread skew.\n - `\"Ignore\"` means ignore this scheduling directive when calculating pod topology spread skew.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Honor", "Ignore"}, }, }, "matchLabelKeys": { @@ -11359,7 +11696,7 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TopologySpreadConstraint(ref common.ReferenceCallb }, }, SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select the pods over which spreading will be calculated. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are ANDed with labelSelector to select the group of existing pods over which spreading will be calculated for the incoming pod. Keys that don't exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. A null or empty list means only match against labelSelector.", + Description: "MatchLabelKeys is a set of pod label keys to select the pods over which spreading will be calculated. The keys are used to lookup values from the incoming pod labels, those key-value labels are ANDed with labelSelector to select the group of existing pods over which spreading will be calculated for the incoming pod. The same key is forbidden to exist in both MatchLabelKeys and LabelSelector. MatchLabelKeys cannot be set when LabelSelector isn't set. Keys that don't exist in the incoming pod labels will be ignored. A null or empty list means only match against labelSelector.\n\nThis is a beta field and requires the MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread feature gate to be enabled (enabled by default).", Type: []string{"array"}, Items: &spec.SchemaOrArray{ Schema: &spec.Schema{ @@ -11423,6 +11760,49 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TypedLocalObjectReference(ref common.ReferenceCall } } +func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_TypedObjectReference(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { + return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ + Schema: spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Type: []string{"object"}, + Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ + "apiGroup": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "APIGroup is the group for the resource being referenced. If APIGroup is not specified, the specified Kind must be in the core API group. For any other third-party types, APIGroup is required.", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "kind": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Kind is the type of resource being referenced", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "name": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Name is the name of resource being referenced", + Default: "", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + "namespace": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "Namespace is the namespace of resource being referenced Note that when a namespace is specified, a gateway.networking.k8s.io/ReferenceGrant object is required in the referent namespace to allow that namespace's owner to accept the reference. See the ReferenceGrant documentation for details. (Alpha) This field requires the CrossNamespaceVolumeDataSource feature gate to be enabled.", + Type: []string{"string"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, + }, + Required: []string{"kind", "name"}, + }, + }, + } +} + func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_Volume(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.OpenAPIDefinition { return common.OpenAPIDefinition{ Schema: spec.Schema{ @@ -11690,9 +12070,10 @@ func schema_k8sio_api_core_v1_VolumeMount(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O }, "mountPropagation": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10.", + Description: "mountPropagation determines how mounts are propagated from the host to container and the other way around. When not set, MountPropagationNone is used. This field is beta in 1.10.\n\nPossible enum values:\n - `\"Bidirectional\"` means that the volume in a container will receive new mounts from the host or other containers, and its own mounts will be propagated from the container to the host or other containers. Note that this mode is recursively applied to all mounts in the volume (\"rshared\" in Linux terminology).\n - `\"HostToContainer\"` means that the volume in a container will receive new mounts from the host or other containers, but filesystems mounted inside the container won't be propagated to the host or other containers. Note that this mode is recursively applied to all mounts in the volume (\"rslave\" in Linux terminology).\n - `\"None\"` means that the volume in a container will not receive new mounts from the host or other containers, and filesystems mounted inside the container won't be propagated to the host or other containers. Note that this mode corresponds to \"private\" in Linux terminology.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", + Enum: []interface{}{"Bidirectional", "HostToContainer", "None"}, }, }, "subPathExpr": { @@ -12627,7 +13008,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_CreateOptions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common. }, "fieldValidation": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields, provided that the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is also enabled. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23 and is the default behavior when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is disabled. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is enabled. - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", + Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -13256,6 +13637,13 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ListOptions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Op Format: "", }, }, + "sendInitialEvents": { + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Description: "`sendInitialEvents=true` may be set together with `watch=true`. In that case, the watch stream will begin with synthetic events to produce the current state of objects in the collection. Once all such events have been sent, a synthetic \"Bookmark\" event will be sent. The bookmark will report the ResourceVersion (RV) corresponding to the set of objects, and be marked with `\"k8s.io/initial-events-end\": \"true\"` annotation. Afterwards, the watch stream will proceed as usual, sending watch events corresponding to changes (subsequent to the RV) to objects watched.\n\nWhen `sendInitialEvents` option is set, we require `resourceVersionMatch` option to also be set. The semantic of the watch request is as following: - `resourceVersionMatch` = NotOlderThan\n is interpreted as \"data at least as new as the provided `resourceVersion`\"\n and the bookmark event is send when the state is synced\n to a `resourceVersion` at least as fresh as the one provided by the ListOptions.\n If `resourceVersion` is unset, this is interpreted as \"consistent read\" and the\n bookmark event is send when the state is synced at least to the moment\n when request started being processed.\n- `resourceVersionMatch` set to any other value or unset\n Invalid error is returned.\n\nDefaults to true if `resourceVersion=\"\"` or `resourceVersion=\"0\"` (for backward compatibility reasons) and to false otherwise.", + Type: []string{"boolean"}, + Format: "", + }, + }, }, }, }, @@ -13345,7 +13733,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ObjectMeta(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope Properties: map[string]spec.Schema{ "name": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names", + Description: "Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#names", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -13359,7 +13747,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ObjectMeta(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, "namespace": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Namespace defines the space within which each name must be unique. An empty namespace is equivalent to the \"default\" namespace, but \"default\" is the canonical representation. Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for those objects will be empty.\n\nMust be a DNS_LABEL. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/namespaces", + Description: "Namespace defines the space within which each name must be unique. An empty namespace is equivalent to the \"default\" namespace, but \"default\" is the canonical representation. Not all objects are required to be scoped to a namespace - the value of this field for those objects will be empty.\n\nMust be a DNS_LABEL. Cannot be updated. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/namespaces", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -13373,7 +13761,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ObjectMeta(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, "uid": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT operations.\n\nPopulated by the system. Read-only. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids", + Description: "UID is the unique in time and space value for this object. It is typically generated by the server on successful creation of a resource and is not allowed to change on PUT operations.\n\nPopulated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#uids", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -13414,7 +13802,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ObjectMeta(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, "labels": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels", + Description: "Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize (scope and select) objects. May match selectors of replication controllers and services. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels", Type: []string{"object"}, AdditionalProperties: &spec.SchemaOrBool{ Allows: true, @@ -13430,7 +13818,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_ObjectMeta(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.Ope }, "annotations": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/annotations", + Description: "Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata. They are not queryable and should be preserved when modifying objects. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations", Type: []string{"object"}, AdditionalProperties: &spec.SchemaOrBool{ Allows: true, @@ -13531,7 +13919,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_OwnerReference(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common }, "name": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "Name of the referent. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names", + Description: "Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#names", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -13539,7 +13927,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_OwnerReference(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common }, "uid": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "UID of the referent. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids", + Description: "UID of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#uids", Default: "", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", @@ -13721,7 +14109,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_PatchOptions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common.O }, "fieldValidation": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields, provided that the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is also enabled. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23 and is the default behavior when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is disabled. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is enabled. - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", + Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -13952,7 +14340,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_StatusDetails(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common. }, "uid": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "UID of the resource. (when there is a single resource which can be described). More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#uids", + Description: "UID of the resource. (when there is a single resource which can be described). More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names#uids", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, @@ -14348,7 +14736,7 @@ func schema_pkg_apis_meta_v1_UpdateOptions(ref common.ReferenceCallback) common. }, "fieldValidation": { SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ - Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields, provided that the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is also enabled. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23 and is the default behavior when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is disabled. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default when the `ServerSideFieldValidation` feature gate is enabled. - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", + Description: "fieldValidation instructs the server on how to handle objects in the request (POST/PUT/PATCH) containing unknown or duplicate fields. Valid values are: - Ignore: This will ignore any unknown fields that are silently dropped from the object, and will ignore all but the last duplicate field that the decoder encounters. This is the default behavior prior to v1.23. - Warn: This will send a warning via the standard warning response header for each unknown field that is dropped from the object, and for each duplicate field that is encountered. The request will still succeed if there are no other errors, and will only persist the last of any duplicate fields. This is the default in v1.23+ - Strict: This will fail the request with a BadRequest error if any unknown fields would be dropped from the object, or if any duplicate fields are present. The error returned from the server will contain all unknown and duplicate fields encountered.", Type: []string{"string"}, Format: "", }, diff --git a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/clientset.go b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/clientset.go index 82e250b..b2b873b 100644 --- a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/clientset.go +++ b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/clientset.go @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ type Interface interface { ZalandoV1() zalandov1.ZalandoV1Interface } -// Clientset contains the clients for groups. Each group has exactly one -// version included in a Clientset. +// Clientset contains the clients for groups. type Clientset struct { *discovery.DiscoveryClient zalandoV1 *zalandov1.ZalandoV1Client diff --git a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_clusterscalingschedule.go b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_clusterscalingschedule.go index 2a82a16..f9cd951 100644 --- a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_clusterscalingschedule.go +++ b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_clusterscalingschedule.go @@ -21,10 +21,9 @@ package fake import ( "context" - zalandoorgv1 "github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter/pkg/apis/zalando.org/v1" - v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" + v1 "github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter/pkg/apis/zalando.org/v1" + metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" labels "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" - schema "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" types "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" watch "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" testing "k8s.io/client-go/testing" @@ -35,24 +34,24 @@ type FakeClusterScalingSchedules struct { Fake *FakeZalandoV1 } -var clusterscalingschedulesResource = schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "zalando.org", Version: "v1", Resource: "clusterscalingschedules"} +var clusterscalingschedulesResource = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("clusterscalingschedules") -var clusterscalingschedulesKind = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "zalando.org", Version: "v1", Kind: "ClusterScalingSchedule"} +var clusterscalingschedulesKind = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("ClusterScalingSchedule") // Get takes name of the clusterScalingSchedule, and returns the corresponding clusterScalingSchedule object, and an error if there is any. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options v1.GetOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.GetOptions) (result *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootGetAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootGetAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err } // List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of ClusterScalingSchedules that match those selectors. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList, err error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result *v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootListAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterscalingschedulesKind, opts), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootListAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterscalingschedulesKind, opts), &v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } @@ -61,8 +60,8 @@ func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOpti if label == nil { label = labels.Everything() } - list := &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{ListMeta: obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList).ListMeta} - for _, item := range obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList).Items { + list := &v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{ListMeta: obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList).ListMeta} + for _, item := range obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList).Items { if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) { list.Items = append(list.Items, item) } @@ -71,63 +70,63 @@ func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOpti } // Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested clusterScalingSchedules. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { return c.Fake. InvokesWatch(testing.NewRootWatchAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, opts)) } // Create takes the representation of a clusterScalingSchedule and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterScalingSchedule, and an error, if there is any. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Create(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts v1.CreateOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Create(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts metav1.CreateOptions) (result *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootCreateAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterScalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootCreateAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterScalingSchedule), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err } // Update takes the representation of a clusterScalingSchedule and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterScalingSchedule, and an error, if there is any. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Update(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts v1.UpdateOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Update(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (result *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootUpdateAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterScalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootUpdateAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, clusterScalingSchedule), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err } // UpdateStatus was generated because the type contains a Status member. // Add a +genclient:noStatus comment above the type to avoid generating UpdateStatus(). -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts v1.UpdateOptions) (*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, clusterScalingSchedule *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootUpdateSubresourceAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, "status", clusterScalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootUpdateSubresourceAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, "status", clusterScalingSchedule), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err } // Delete takes name of the clusterScalingSchedule and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, opts v1.DeleteOptions) error { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) error { _, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootDeleteActionWithOptions(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name, opts), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootDeleteActionWithOptions(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name, opts), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) return err } // DeleteCollection deletes a collection of objects. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, opts v1.DeleteOptions, listOpts v1.ListOptions) error { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.DeleteOptions, listOpts metav1.ListOptions) error { action := testing.NewRootDeleteCollectionAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, listOpts) - _, err := c.Fake.Invokes(action, &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{}) + _, err := c.Fake.Invokes(action, &v1.ClusterScalingScheduleList{}) return err } // Patch applies the patch and returns the patched clusterScalingSchedule. -func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, opts v1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (result *zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeClusterScalingSchedules) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, opts metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (result *v1.ClusterScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewRootPatchSubresourceAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name, pt, data, subresources...), &zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewRootPatchSubresourceAction(clusterscalingschedulesResource, name, pt, data, subresources...), &v1.ClusterScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ClusterScalingSchedule), err } diff --git a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_scalingschedule.go b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_scalingschedule.go index ef924ef..e59f943 100644 --- a/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_scalingschedule.go +++ b/pkg/client/clientset/versioned/typed/zalando.org/v1/fake/fake_scalingschedule.go @@ -21,10 +21,9 @@ package fake import ( "context" - zalandoorgv1 "github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter/pkg/apis/zalando.org/v1" - v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" + v1 "github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter/pkg/apis/zalando.org/v1" + metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" labels "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" - schema "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" types "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types" watch "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch" testing "k8s.io/client-go/testing" @@ -36,25 +35,25 @@ type FakeScalingSchedules struct { ns string } -var scalingschedulesResource = schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "zalando.org", Version: "v1", Resource: "scalingschedules"} +var scalingschedulesResource = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithResource("scalingschedules") -var scalingschedulesKind = schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "zalando.org", Version: "v1", Kind: "ScalingSchedule"} +var scalingschedulesKind = v1.SchemeGroupVersion.WithKind("ScalingSchedule") // Get takes name of the scalingSchedule, and returns the corresponding scalingSchedule object, and an error if there is any. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options v1.GetOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options metav1.GetOptions) (result *v1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewGetAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewGetAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ScalingSchedule), err } // List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of ScalingSchedules that match those selectors. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList, err error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result *v1.ScalingScheduleList, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewListAction(scalingschedulesResource, scalingschedulesKind, c.ns, opts), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList{}) + Invokes(testing.NewListAction(scalingschedulesResource, scalingschedulesKind, c.ns, opts), &v1.ScalingScheduleList{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err @@ -64,8 +63,8 @@ func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (r if label == nil { label = labels.Everything() } - list := &zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList{ListMeta: obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList).ListMeta} - for _, item := range obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList).Items { + list := &v1.ScalingScheduleList{ListMeta: obj.(*v1.ScalingScheduleList).ListMeta} + for _, item := range obj.(*v1.ScalingScheduleList).Items { if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) { list.Items = append(list.Items, item) } @@ -74,69 +73,69 @@ func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) List(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (r } // Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested scalingSchedules. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts v1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Watch(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) { return c.Fake. InvokesWatch(testing.NewWatchAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, opts)) } // Create takes the representation of a scalingSchedule and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the scalingSchedule, and an error, if there is any. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Create(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, opts v1.CreateOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Create(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *v1.ScalingSchedule, opts metav1.CreateOptions) (result *v1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewCreateAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, scalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewCreateAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, scalingSchedule), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ScalingSchedule), err } // Update takes the representation of a scalingSchedule and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the scalingSchedule, and an error, if there is any. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Update(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, opts v1.UpdateOptions) (result *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Update(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *v1.ScalingSchedule, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (result *v1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewUpdateAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, scalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewUpdateAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, scalingSchedule), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ScalingSchedule), err } // UpdateStatus was generated because the type contains a Status member. // Add a +genclient:noStatus comment above the type to avoid generating UpdateStatus(). -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, opts v1.UpdateOptions) (*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, scalingSchedule *v1.ScalingSchedule, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (*v1.ScalingSchedule, error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewUpdateSubresourceAction(scalingschedulesResource, "status", c.ns, scalingSchedule), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewUpdateSubresourceAction(scalingschedulesResource, "status", c.ns, scalingSchedule), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ScalingSchedule), err } // Delete takes name of the scalingSchedule and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, opts v1.DeleteOptions) error { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Delete(ctx context.Context, name string, opts metav1.DeleteOptions) error { _, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewDeleteActionWithOptions(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name, opts), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewDeleteActionWithOptions(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name, opts), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) return err } // DeleteCollection deletes a collection of objects. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, opts v1.DeleteOptions, listOpts v1.ListOptions) error { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) DeleteCollection(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.DeleteOptions, listOpts metav1.ListOptions) error { action := testing.NewDeleteCollectionAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, listOpts) - _, err := c.Fake.Invokes(action, &zalandoorgv1.ScalingScheduleList{}) + _, err := c.Fake.Invokes(action, &v1.ScalingScheduleList{}) return err } // Patch applies the patch and returns the patched scalingSchedule. -func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, opts v1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (result *zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { +func (c *FakeScalingSchedules) Patch(ctx context.Context, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, opts metav1.PatchOptions, subresources ...string) (result *v1.ScalingSchedule, err error) { obj, err := c.Fake. - Invokes(testing.NewPatchSubresourceAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name, pt, data, subresources...), &zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule{}) + Invokes(testing.NewPatchSubresourceAction(scalingschedulesResource, c.ns, name, pt, data, subresources...), &v1.ScalingSchedule{}) if obj == nil { return nil, err } - return obj.(*zalandoorgv1.ScalingSchedule), err + return obj.(*v1.ScalingSchedule), err } diff --git a/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/factory.go b/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/factory.go index f61751e..df8c482 100644 --- a/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/factory.go +++ b/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/factory.go @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ type sharedInformerFactory struct { // startedInformers is used for tracking which informers have been started. // This allows Start() to be called multiple times safely. startedInformers map[reflect.Type]bool + // wg tracks how many goroutines were started. + wg sync.WaitGroup + // shuttingDown is true when Shutdown has been called. It may still be running + // because it needs to wait for goroutines. + shuttingDown bool } // WithCustomResyncConfig sets a custom resync period for the specified informer types. @@ -107,20 +112,39 @@ func NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(client versioned.Interface, defaultResy return factory } -// Start initializes all requested informers. func (f *sharedInformerFactory) Start(stopCh <-chan struct{}) { f.lock.Lock() defer f.lock.Unlock() + if f.shuttingDown { + return + } + for informerType, informer := range f.informers { if !f.startedInformers[informerType] { - go informer.Run(stopCh) + f.wg.Add(1) + // We need a new variable in each loop iteration, + // otherwise the goroutine would use the loop variable + // and that keeps changing. + informer := informer + go func() { + defer f.wg.Done() + informer.Run(stopCh) + }() f.startedInformers[informerType] = true } } } -// WaitForCacheSync waits for all started informers' cache were synced. +func (f *sharedInformerFactory) Shutdown() { + f.lock.Lock() + f.shuttingDown = true + f.lock.Unlock() + + // Will return immediately if there is nothing to wait for. + f.wg.Wait() +} + func (f *sharedInformerFactory) WaitForCacheSync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) map[reflect.Type]bool { informers := func() map[reflect.Type]cache.SharedIndexInformer { f.lock.Lock() @@ -167,11 +191,58 @@ func (f *sharedInformerFactory) InformerFor(obj runtime.Object, newFunc internal // SharedInformerFactory provides shared informers for resources in all known // API group versions. +// +// It is typically used like this: +// +// ctx, cancel := context.Background() +// defer cancel() +// factory := NewSharedInformerFactory(client, resyncPeriod) +// defer factory.WaitForStop() // Returns immediately if nothing was started. +// genericInformer := factory.ForResource(resource) +// typedInformer := factory.SomeAPIGroup().V1().SomeType() +// factory.Start(ctx.Done()) // Start processing these informers. +// synced := factory.WaitForCacheSync(ctx.Done()) +// for v, ok := range synced { +// if !ok { +// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "caches failed to sync: %v", v) +// return +// } +// } +// +// // Creating informers can also be created after Start, but then +// // Start must be called again: +// anotherGenericInformer := factory.ForResource(resource) +// factory.Start(ctx.Done()) type SharedInformerFactory interface { internalinterfaces.SharedInformerFactory - ForResource(resource schema.GroupVersionResource) (GenericInformer, error) + + // Start initializes all requested informers. They are handled in goroutines + // which run until the stop channel gets closed. + Start(stopCh <-chan struct{}) + + // Shutdown marks a factory as shutting down. At that point no new + // informers can be started anymore and Start will return without + // doing anything. + // + // In addition, Shutdown blocks until all goroutines have terminated. For that + // to happen, the close channel(s) that they were started with must be closed, + // either before Shutdown gets called or while it is waiting. + // + // Shutdown may be called multiple times, even concurrently. All such calls will + // block until all goroutines have terminated. + Shutdown() + + // WaitForCacheSync blocks until all started informers' caches were synced + // or the stop channel gets closed. WaitForCacheSync(stopCh <-chan struct{}) map[reflect.Type]bool + // ForResource gives generic access to a shared informer of the matching type. + ForResource(resource schema.GroupVersionResource) (GenericInformer, error) + + // InternalInformerFor returns the SharedIndexInformer for obj using an internal + // client. + InformerFor(obj runtime.Object, newFunc internalinterfaces.NewInformerFunc) cache.SharedIndexInformer + Zalando() zalandoorg.Interface } diff --git a/pkg/collector/skipper_collector_test.go b/pkg/collector/skipper_collector_test.go index 49347eb..846dbc0 100644 --- a/pkg/collector/skipper_collector_test.go +++ b/pkg/collector/skipper_collector_test.go @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import ( rgfake "github.com/szuecs/routegroup-client/client/clientset/versioned/fake" appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1" autoscalingv2 "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v2" - corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" netv1 "k8s.io/api/networking/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" @@ -561,7 +560,7 @@ func makeIngress(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace, resourceName, backend s TLS: nil, }, Status: netv1.IngressStatus{ - LoadBalancer: corev1.LoadBalancerStatus{ + LoadBalancer: netv1.IngressLoadBalancerStatus{ Ingress: nil, }, }, diff --git a/pkg/server/start.go b/pkg/server/start.go index 15dc7d4..8b62d49 100644 --- a/pkg/server/start.go +++ b/pkg/server/start.go @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import ( "github.com/zalando-incubator/kube-metrics-adapter/pkg/zmon" "golang.org/x/oauth2" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/fields" + utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" openapinamer "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/openapi" genericapiserver "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server" "k8s.io/client-go/informers" @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ import ( "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd" "k8s.io/klog" "sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver/pkg/apiserver" - "sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver/pkg/cmd/server" + "sigs.k8s.io/custom-metrics-apiserver/pkg/cmd/options" ) const ( @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ const ( // NewCommandStartAdapterServer provides a CLI handler for 'start adapter server' command func NewCommandStartAdapterServer(stopCh <-chan struct{}) *cobra.Command { - baseOpts := server.NewCustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions() + baseOpts := options.NewCustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions() o := AdapterServerOptions{ CustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions: baseOpts, EnableCustomMetricsAPI: true, @@ -74,11 +75,8 @@ func NewCommandStartAdapterServer(stopCh <-chan struct{}) *cobra.Command { Short: "Launch the custom metrics API adapter server", Long: "Launch the custom metrics API adapter server", RunE: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) error { - if err := o.Complete(); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := o.Validate(args); err != nil { - return err + if errList := o.Validate(); len(errList) > 0 { + return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errList) } if err := o.RunCustomMetricsAdapterServer(stopCh); err != nil { return err @@ -152,11 +150,16 @@ func (o AdapterServerOptions) RunCustomMetricsAdapterServer(stopCh <-chan struct klog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(o.MetricsAddress, nil)) }() - config, err := o.Config() + serverConfig := genericapiserver.NewConfig(apiserver.Codecs) + err := o.CustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions.ApplyTo(serverConfig) if err != nil { return err } + config := &apiserver.Config{ + GenericConfig: serverConfig, + } + config.GenericConfig.OpenAPIConfig = genericapiserver.DefaultOpenAPIConfig(generatedopenapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitions, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(apiserver.Scheme)) config.GenericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.Info.Title = "kube-metrics-adapter" config.GenericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.Info.Version = "1.0.0" @@ -432,7 +435,7 @@ func newOauth2HTTPClient(ctx context.Context, tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource) *h } type AdapterServerOptions struct { - *server.CustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions + *options.CustomMetricsAdapterServerOptions // RemoteKubeConfigFile is the config used to list pods from the master API server RemoteKubeConfigFile string