2022-11-28 12:07:11 +08:00

309 lines
8.7 KiB
Raw Blame History

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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-window-prefix
import { Agenda, Rec, User } from "../../../cli/json.ts"
import { utc_medium, utc_short } from "../../src/date.ts"
import { Goal, Tag, Rec as Id } from "../../src/typ.ts"
let hash = ""
let agenda: Agenda[]
let recent: Rec
const tags_all: Tag[] = [
"", "进行中", "已结束",
"设施建设", "物资配给", "软件开发",
"苏州", "成都",
"工益公益", "星星家园"
const tags_count: number[] = []
async function json(
name: string
) {
const r = await fetch(`/json/${name}.json`)
return JSON.parse(await r.text())
function template(
tid: string,
fclass: string[]
): [DocumentFragment, HTMLElement[]] {
const temp = document.getElementById(tid) as HTMLTemplateElement
const t = temp.content.cloneNode(true) as DocumentFragment
return [t, fclass.map(f => t.querySelector(`.${f}`)!)]
function etag(
el: HTMLElement,
tags: string[],
count: number[] = []
) {
el.innerHTML = ""
const [t, [a, n, c]] = template("tag", ["tag", "name", "count"])
const ct = tags.length === count.length
if (!ct) c.parentNode?.removeChild(c)
tags.forEach((tag, i) => {
(a as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#${tag}`
n.innerText = tag.length === 0 ? "全部公示" : tag
if (hash === tag) a.classList.add("darkgray")
else a.classList.remove("darkgray")
if (ct) c.innerText = `${count[i]}`
function egoal(
el: HTMLElement,
goal: Goal[],
) {
el.innerHTML = ""
for (const { pct, name } of goal) {
const [t, [p, n]] = template("goal", ["pct", "name"])
if (pct === 100) {
p.innerText = "完成"
} else if (pct > 0) {
p.style.setProperty("--pct", `${pct}`)
p.innerText = `${pct}%`
n.innerText = name
const roleclr = new Map([
["发起人", "red"],
["支持者", "purple"],
function eid(
id: Id,
uname: Map<number, string>,
aname: Map<number, string>,
role: string | Map<number, string>
) {
const [t, [cinit, cuname, crole, caname, cdate, cmsg]] = template("rec",
["initial", "uname", "role", "aname", "date", "msg"])
const n = uname.get(id.uid)!
cinit.innerText = n[0];
(cinit as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#u${id.uid}`
cuname.innerText = n;
(cuname as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#u${id.uid}`
const r = typeof role === "string" ? role : role.get(id.uid)!
crole.innerText = r;
(crole as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#u${id.uid}`
crole.classList.add(roleclr.get(r) ?? "amber")
caname.innerText = aname.get(id._id.aid)!;
(caname as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#a${id._id.aid}`
cdate.innerText = utc_short(id._id.utc)
return { t, cmsg }
function ework(
d: HTMLElement,
work: Rec["work"],
role: Map<number, string>,
) {
const uname = new Map(work.uname)
const aname = new Map(work.aname)
for (const w of work.rec.reverse()) {
const { t, cmsg } = eid(w, uname, aname, role)
switch (w.op) {
case "goal": cmsg.innerText = `${JSON.stringify(w.goal)}`; break
case "work": cmsg.innerText = w.msg; break
case "video": {
cmsg.innerText = "发布了视频:"
const [t, [a]] = template("video", ["video"])
a.innerText = w.title;
(a as HTMLAnchorElement).href = w.src
function eworker(
d: HTMLElement,
worker: Rec["worker"],
role: Map<number, string>,
) {
const uname = new Map(worker.uname)
const aname = new Map(worker.aname)
for (const w of worker.rec.reverse()) {
const { t, cmsg } = eid(w, uname, aname, role)
cmsg.innerText = `作为 ${w.role} 参与工作`
function efund(
d: HTMLElement,
fund: Rec["fund"]
) {
const uname = new Map(fund.uname)
const aname = new Map(fund.aname)
for (const f of fund.rec.reverse()) {
const { t, cmsg } = eid(f, uname, aname, "支持者")
cmsg.innerText = `提供支持: +${f.fund}\n${f.msg}`
function erec(
b: [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement],
d: [HTMLElement, HTMLElement, HTMLElement],
{ work, worker, fund }: Rec
) {
const toggle = (btn: HTMLElement, div: HTMLElement) => {
const on = btn.classList.contains("darkgray")
b.forEach(b => b.classList.remove("darkgray"))
d.forEach(d => d.style.display = "none")
if (!on) {
div.style.display = "block"
div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight
const count = [work.rec.length, worker.rec.length, fund.rec.length]
b.forEach((btn, n) => {
btn.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText = `${count[n]}`
d[n].style.display = "none"
btn.addEventListener("click", () => toggle(btn, d[n]))
const role = new Map(worker.rec.map(r => [r.uid, r.role]))
ework(d[0], work, role)
eworker(d[1], worker, role)
efund(d[2], fund)
function eagenda(
el: HTMLElement,
agenda: Agenda[]
) {
el.innerHTML = ""
for (const {
_id, name, tag, utc, dat, fund, budget, expense, detail, goal
} of agenda) {
const [t, [
cidname, cid, cname, ctag, cdate,
cphoto, cphoto_title, cphoto_prev, cphoto_next, cphoto_nbr, cphoto_total, cphoto_img,
cbar, cfund, cexpense, cdetail, cgoal,
bwork, bworker, bfund, dwork, dworker, dfund,
]] = template("agenda", [
"idname", "id", "name", "tag", "date",
"photo", "photo-title", "photo-prev", "photo-next", "photo-nbr", "photo-total", "photo-img",
"bar", "fund", "expense", "detail", "goal",
"tab.work", "tab.worker", "tab.fund", "rec.work", "rec.worker", "rec.fund",
(cidname as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#a${_id}`
cid.innerText = `a${_id}`
if (hash === cid.innerText) cid.classList.add("darkgray")
else cid.classList.remove("darkgray")
cname.innerText = name
etag(ctag, tag)
cdate.innerText = `公示时间: ${utc_medium(utc)}\n更新时间${utc_medium(Date.now())}`
if (dat === null || dat.img.length === 0)
else {
cphoto_total.innerText = `${dat.img.length}`
let n = 0
const nimg = (d: number) => {
n = ((n + d) % dat.img.length + dat.img.length) % dat.img.length
cphoto_title.innerText = dat.img[n].title
cphoto_nbr.innerText = `${n + 1}`;
(cphoto_img as HTMLImageElement).src = dat.img[n].src
cphoto_prev.addEventListener("click", () => nimg(-1))
cphoto_next.addEventListener("click", () => nimg(1))
cbar.style.setProperty("--fund", `${fund}`)
cbar.style.setProperty("--budget", `${budget}`)
cbar.style.setProperty("--expense", `${expense}`)
const [sfund, spct, sbudget] = [...cfund.children] as HTMLSpanElement[]
sfund.innerText = `${fund}`
spct.innerText = `${budget == 0 ? 0 : (fund / budget * 100).toFixed(0)}%`
sbudget.innerText = `${budget}`
} {
const [sexpense, spct] = [...cexpense.children] as HTMLSpanElement[]
sexpense.innerText = `${expense}`
spct.innerText = `${budget == 0 ? 0 : (expense / budget * 100).toFixed(0)}%`
(cdetail as HTMLAnchorElement).href = detail
egoal(cgoal, goal)
json(`a${_id}`).then(rec =>
erec([bwork, bworker, bfund], [dwork, dworker, dfund], rec)
function euser(
el: HTMLElement,
uid: number,
{ name, utc, soc, rec }: User
) {
el.innerHTML = ""
const [t, [
cidname, cid, cname, cdate, csoc,
bwork, bworker, bfund, dwork, dworker, dfund,
]] = template("user", [
"idname", "id", "name", "date", "soc",
"tab.work", "tab.worker", "tab.fund", "rec.work", "rec.worker", "rec.fund",
(cidname as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#u${uid}`
cid.innerText = `u${uid}`
if (hash === cid.innerText) cid.classList.add("darkgray")
else cid.classList.remove("darkgray")
cname.innerText = name
cdate.innerText = `注册时间: ${utc_medium(utc)}`
if (soc.length === 0) csoc.innerText += "无"
else for (const s of soc) {
const [_, [a]] = template("member", ["member"]);
(a as HTMLAnchorElement).href = `#s${s._id}`
a.innerText = s.name
erec([bwork, bworker, bfund], [dwork, dworker, dfund], rec)
window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => {
hash = decodeURI(window.location.hash).substring(1)
etag(document.querySelector(".title div.tag")!, tags_all, tags_count)
const main = document.getElementById("main")!
switch (hash[0]) {
case "u": json(hash).then(u => euser(main, parseInt(hash.substring(1)), u)); break
case "s": break
case "a": eagenda(main, agenda.filter(a =>
a._id === parseInt(hash.substring(1))
)); break
default: eagenda(main, agenda.filter(a =>
hash === "" || a.tag.includes(hash as Tag)
)); break
async function load(
) {
[agenda, recent] = await Promise.all([
json("agenda"), json("recent"),
console.log(`loaded ${agenda.length} agenda`)
tags_count.push(agenda.length, ...tags_all.slice(1).map(
t => agenda.filter(a => a.tag.includes(t)).length)
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("hashchange"))