2023-03-12 11:28:27 +08:00

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import type { Work } from "../../src/eid/typ.ts"
import type { DocU } from "../../src/db.ts"
import type * as Q from "../../src/pra/que.ts"
import { Agd, Soc, Usr, rec as arec } from "./article.ts"
import { adm, adm1_def, adm2_def } from "../../src/ont/adm.ts"
import { utc_medium } from "../../src/ont/utc.ts"
import { nav, navpas } from "./nav.ts"
import { bind, pos, que, Section, utc_refresh } from "./template.ts"
import { is_ref, is_rej, is_sec } from "../../src/pra/con.ts"
import { is_aut, lim_re, lim_sec } from "../../src/eid/is.ts"
export function label(
el: HTMLElement,
s: string,
append = false
) {
const l = el.previousElementSibling as HTMLLabelElement
if (append) l.innerText += s
else l.innerText = s
export function txt(
t: HTMLTextAreaElement,
n: string,
s?: string,
) {
if (s) t.value = s
t.addEventListener("input", () => {
label(t, `${n}${t.value.length}/${t.maxLength} 个字符)`) = "auto" = `${t.scrollHeight}px`
if (s) setTimeout(() => t.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")), 50)
function selopt(
sel: HTMLSelectElement,
opt: Iterable<string>,
) {
sel.options.length = 0
for (const op of opt) {
const t = document.createElement("option")
t.text = op
export function ida(
t: HTMLElement,
ht: [string, string][],
cls?: string | null,
) {
ht.forEach(([h, n]) => {
const a = t.appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
a.href = `#${h}`
a.innerText = n
if (cls) a.classList.add(cls)
export function btn<
b: HTMLButtonElement,
s: string,
c?: {
prompt1?: string,
prompt2?: string,
confirm?: string,
pos: (p1?: string, p2?: string) => T,
alert?: string,
refresh: (r: NonNullable<Awaited<T>>) => void,
) {
b.innerText = s
if (c) b.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const p1 = c.prompt1 ? prompt(c.prompt1) : undefined
if (p1 === null) return
const p2 = c.prompt2 ? prompt(c.prompt2) : undefined
if (p2 === null) return
if (!c.confirm || confirm(c.confirm)) {
b.disabled = true
const r = await c.pos(p1, p2)
if (c.alert) {
if (r === null) { alert(c.alert); b.disabled = false; return }
} else {
if (!r || r <= 0) return
if (r || r === 0) setTimeout(() => c.refresh(r), utc_refresh)
}); else b.disabled = true
export function idnam(
t: Section["idnam"],
id: string,
nam?: string,
cls?: string | null,
) {
t.idnam.href = `#${id}` = id
if (nav.hash === id)"active")
if (nam) t.nam.innerText = nam
if (cls)
export function meta(
t: Section["meta"],
id: Usr | Soc,
) {
t.adm.innerText = `${id.adm1} ${id.adm2}`
t.utc.innerText = utc_medium(id.utc)
ida(t.rej, => [`${r}`, id.unam.get(r)!]))
ida(t.ref, => [`${r}`, id.unam.get(r)!]))
let cls = null
if (!is_ref(id)) { cls = "green"; t.ref2.classList.add(cls) }
if (is_rej(id)) { cls = "red"; t.rej2.classList.add(cls) }
return cls
export function rolref(
t: HTMLParagraphElement,
u: Usr,
) {
if (is_aut(u.aut, "aut")) ida(t, [[`${u._id}`, `管理员 (${u.ref.length}推荐)`]], "isec")
if (is_aut(u.aut, "wsl")) ida(t, [[`${u._id}`, `法律援助编辑 (${u.ref.length}推荐)`]], "sec")
if (is_aut(u.aut, "lit")) ida(t, [[`${u._id}`, `理论学习编辑 (${u.ref.length}推荐)`]], "sec")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`a${a}`, `${u.anam.get(a)}联络员 (${r}推荐)`]), "sec")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`s${a}`, `${u.snam.get(a)}联络员 (${r}推荐)`]), "sec")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`a${a}`, `${u.anam.get(a)}志愿者 (${r}推荐)`]), "uid")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`s${a}`, `${u.snam.get(a)}志愿者 (${r}推荐)`]), "uid")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`a${a}`, `${u.anam.get(a)}申请人 (${r}推荐)`]), "res")
ida(t,[a, r]) => [`s${a}`, `${u.snam.get(a)}申请人 (${r}推荐)`]), "res")
export function re(
t: Section["re"],
u: Usr,
) {
label(t.urej, `${u.urej.length}/${lim_re}`, true)
ida(t.urej, => [`${r}`, u.unam.get(r)!]))
label(t.uref, `${u.uref.length}/${lim_re}`, true)
ida(t.uref, => [`${r}`, u.unam.get(r)!]))
export function rel(
t: Section["rel"],
d: Soc | Agd,
) {
label(t.sec, `${d.sec.length}/${lim_sec}`, true)
ida(t.sec, => [`${r}`, d.unam.get(r)!]))
label(t.uid, `${d.uid.length}/${d.uidlim}`, true)
ida(t.uid, => [`${r}`, d.unam.get(r)!]))
label(t.res, `${d.res.length}/${d.reslim}`, true)
ida(t.res, => [`${r}`, d.unam.get(r)!]))
export function cover(
t: Section["cover"],
a: Agd,
) {
if (a.img.length === 0) { t.cover.remove(); return }
let n = 0
const img = (d: number) => {
n = ((n + d) % a.img.length + a.img.length) % a.img.length;
t.imgn.innerText = `${n + 1} / ${a.img.length}`
t.imgnam.innerText = a.img[n].nam
t.img.src = a.img[n].src
t.prev.addEventListener("click", () => img(-1))"click", () => img(+1))
export function acct(
t: Section["acct"],
a: Agd,
) {
if (a.budget > 0) { = `${}`
t.budget.textContent = `${a.budget}`
t.expense.textContent = `${a.expense}`
const [fpct, epct] = [ / a.budget, a.expense / a.budget].map(p => `${Math.round(p * 100)}%`) = t.fundpct.textContent = fpct = t.expensepct.textContent = epct
if (a.account.length > 0) t.account.href = a.account
else t.account.classList.add("none")
export function goal(
t: HTMLParagraphElement,
a: Agd,
) {
for (const { nam, pct } of a.goal.sort((m, n) => m.pct - n.pct)) {
const g = bind("goal")
g.nam.innerText = nam
if (pct === 0 || pct >= 100) g.pct.classList.add("gray")
if (pct >= 100) {
g.pct.textContent = "完成"
} else {
g.pct.textContent = `${pct}%`"--pct", `${pct}`)
export function seladm(
t: Section["seladm"],
adm1 = adm1_def,
adm2 = adm2_def,
) {
selopt(t.adm1, adm.keys())
t.adm1.value = adm1
selopt(t.adm2, adm.get(adm1)!)
t.adm2.value = adm2
t.adm1.addEventListener("change", () => selopt(t.adm2, adm.get(t.adm1.value)!))
export function rec(
t: Section["rec"],
id: "uid" | "sid" | "aid",
d: Usr | Soc | Agd,
froze: boolean,
) {
label(t.recwork, `${}`, true)
label(t.recfund, `${}`, true)
if (froze) { [t.recwork, t.recfund].forEach(el => el.classList.add("froze")); return }
const utc = { work: > 0 ? 0 : -1, fund: > 0 ? 0 : -1 }
const lrec = async (c: "work" | "fund") => {
const p = t[`rec${c}`]
if (utc[c] < 0 || p.scrollTop > 0) return
const h = utc[c] === 0 ? 0 : p.scrollHeight
const rec = await que<Q.Rec>(`rec?c=${c}&${id}=${d._id}&utc=${utc[c]}`)
if (!rec || rec.rec.length === 0) { utc[c] = -1; return }
utc[c] = rec.rec[rec.rec.length - 1]._id.utc
const rc = { ...rec, unam: new Map(rec.unam), anam: new Map(rec.anam) }
for (const r of rc.rec) p.prepend(arec(c, rc, r))
setTimeout(() => p.scrollTop = p.scrollHeight - h, 100)
t.recwork.addEventListener("scroll", () => lrec("work"))
t.recfund.addEventListener("scroll", () => lrec("fund"))
const [dwork, dfund] = [t.recwork, t.recfund].map(r => r.parentElement as HTMLDetailsElement)
dwork.addEventListener("toggle", async () => {
if (! return
if ( === 0) await lrec("work")
dfund.addEventListener("toggle", async () => {
if (! return
if ( === 0) await lrec("fund")
export function putrel(
t: Section["putrel"],
id: "sid" | "aid",
d: Soc | Agd,
refresh: () => void,
) {
if (!nav.pas) { t.putrel.remove(); return }
const namid = new Map([...d.unam.entries()].map(([u, nam]) => [nam, u]))
if (d.ref.includes(nav.pas.uid)) btn(t.putsec, t.putsec.innerText, {
prompt1: "输入要增加或删除的联络员名",
pos: p1 => {
const uid = namid.get(p1 ?? "")
if (!uid) return null
return pos<DocU>("put", { [id]: d._id, rol: "sec", uid, add: !d.sec.includes(uid) })
alert: `无效联络员名或联络员已满\n增删的联络员需先作为申请人或其它出现在${id === "sid" ? "社团" : "活动"}名单`,
refresh: async () => { await navpas(); refresh() },
}); else t.putsec.remove() // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
if (is_sec(nav.pas, { [id]: d._id } as any)) btn(t.putuid, t.putuid.innerText, {
prompt1: "输入要增加或删除的志愿者名",
pos: p1 => {
const uid = namid.get(p1 ?? "")
if (!uid) return null
return pos<DocU>("put", { [id]: d._id, rol: "uid", uid, add: !d.uid.includes(uid) })
alert: `无效志愿者名或志愿者已满\n增删的志愿者需先作为申请人或志愿者出现在${id === "sid" ? "社团" : "活动"}名单`,
refresh: async () => { await navpas(); refresh() },
}); else t.putuid.remove() // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
if (is_aut(nav.pas.aut, "aut") || is_sec(nav.pas, { [id]: d._id } as any)) btn(t.putresn, t.putresn.innerText, d.res.length > 0 ? {
confirm: "清空申请人名单?",
pos: () => pos<DocU>("put", { [id]: d._id, rol: "res" }),
} : undefined); else t.putresn.remove()
const [isuid, isres] = [d.uid.includes(nav.pas.uid), d.res.includes(nav.pas.uid)]
if (!isuid && !is_rej(d) || isres) btn(t.putres, isres ? "取消申请" : "申请加入", !isres && d.res.length >= d.reslim ? undefined : {
pos: () => pos<DocU>("put", { [id]: d._id, rol: "res", uid: nav.pas!.uid, add: !isres }),
alert: "申请人已满",
}); else t.putres.disabled = true
export function putpro(
t: Section["putpro"],
id: "uid" | "sid" | "aid" | "workid",
d: Usr | Soc | Agd | Work,
refresh?: () => void,
) {
if (!nav.pas) { t.putpro.remove(); return }
const repas = id === "sid" || id !== "aid"
const [rej, ref] = [d.rej.includes(nav.pas.uid), d.ref.includes(nav.pas.uid)]
const p = (re: "rej" | "ref", add: boolean) => pos<DocU>("pro", { re, [id]: d._id, add })
btn(t.putrej, rej ? "取消反对" : "反对", refresh ? {
pos: () => p("rej", !rej),
} : undefined)
btn(t.putref, ref ? "取消推荐" : "推荐", refresh ? {
pos: () => p("ref", !ref),
refresh: async () => { if (repas) await navpas(); refresh() },
} : undefined)