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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_DescriptiveStatistics_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_DescriptiveStatistics_h
#include <vtkm/cont/Algorithm.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayCopy.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleZip.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
class DescriptiveStatistics
template <typename T>
struct StatState
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
: n_(0)
, min_(std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
, max_(std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest())
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
, sum_(0)
, mean_(0)
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
, M2_(0)
, M3_(0)
, M4_(0)
2020-06-15 21:15:43 +00:00
StatState(T value)
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
: n_(1)
, min_(value)
, max_(value)
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
, sum_(value)
, mean_(value)
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
, M2_(0)
, M3_(0)
, M4_(0)
StatState operator+(const StatState<T>& y) const
const StatState<T>& x = *this;
StatState result;
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result.n_ = x.n_ + y.n_;
result.min_ = vtkm::Min(x.min_, y.min_);
result.max_ = vtkm::Max(x.max_, y.max_);
// TODO: consider implementing compensated sum
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
result.sum_ = x.sum_ + y.sum_;
// It is tempting to try to deviate from the literature and calculate
// mean in each "reduction" from sum and n. This saves one multiplication.
// However, RESIST THE TEMPTATION!!! This takes us back to the naive
// algorithm (mean = sum of a bunch of numbers / N) that actually
// accumulates more error and causes problem when calculating M2
// (and thus variance).
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// TODO: Verify that FieldStatistics exhibits the same problem since
// it is using a "parallel" version of the naive algorithm as well.
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// TODO: or better, just deprecate FieldStatistics.
T delta = y.mean_ - x.mean_;
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result.mean_ = x.mean_ + delta * y.n_ / result.n_;
T delta2 = delta * delta;
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result.M2_ = x.M2_ + y.M2_ + delta2 * x.n_ * y.n_ / result.n_;
T delta3 = delta * delta2;
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T n2 = result.n_ * result.n_;
result.M3_ = x.M3_ + y.M3_;
result.M3_ += delta3 * x.n_ * y.n_ * (x.n_ - y.n_) / n2;
result.M3_ += T(3.0) * delta * (x.n_ * y.M2_ - y.n_ * x.M2_) / result.n_;
T delta4 = delta2 * delta2;
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T n3 = result.n_ * n2;
result.M4_ = x.M4_ + y.M4_;
result.M4_ += delta4 * x.n_ * y.n_ * (x.n_ * x.n_ - x.n_ * y.n_ + y.n_ * y.n_) / n3;
result.M4_ += T(6.0) * delta2 * (x.n_ * x.n_ * y.M2_ + y.n_ * y.n_ * x.M2_) / n2;
result.M4_ += T(4.0) * delta * (x.n_ * y.M3_ - y.n_ * x.M3_) / result.n_;
return result;
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T N() const { return this->n_; }
T Min() const { return this->min_; }
T Max() const { return this->max_; }
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T Sum() const { return this->sum_; }
T Mean() const { return this->mean_; }
T SampleStddev() const { return vtkm::Sqrt(this->SampleVariance()); }
T PopulationStddev() const { return vtkm::Sqrt(this->PopulationVariance()); }
T SampleVariance() const
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VTKM_ASSERT(n_ != 1);
return this->M2_ / (this->n_ - 1);
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T PopulationVariance() const { return this->M2_ / this->n_; }
T Skewness() const
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if (this->M2_ == 0)
// Shamelessly swiped from Boost Math
// The limit is technically undefined, but the interpretation here is clear:
// A constant dataset has no skewness.
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return T(0);
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return vtkm::Sqrt(this->n_) * this->M3_ / vtkm::Pow(this->M2_, T{ 1.5 });
T Kurtosis() const
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
if (this->M2_ == 0)
// Shamelessly swiped from Boost Math
// The limit is technically undefined, but the interpretation here is clear:
// A constant dataset has no kurtosis.
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
return T(0);
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
return this->n_ * this->M4_ / (this->M2_ * this->M2_);
// GCC4.8 is not happy about initializing data members here.
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T n_;
T min_;
T max_;
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
T sum_;
T mean_;
2020-06-16 19:01:08 +00:00
T M2_;
T M3_;
T M4_;
}; // StatState
struct MakeStatState
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT vtkm::worklet::DescriptiveStatistics::StatState<T> operator()(T value) const
return vtkm::worklet::DescriptiveStatistics::StatState<T>{ value };
/// \brief Calculate various summary statistics for the input ArrayHandle
/// Reference:
/// [1] Wikipeida, parallel algorithm for calculating variance
/// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Parallel_algorithm
/// [2] Implementation of [1] in the Trust library
/// https://github.com/thrust/thrust/blob/master/examples/summary_statistics.cu
/// [3] Bennett, Janine, et al. "Numerically stable, single-pass, parallel statistics algorithms."
/// 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing and Workshops. IEEE, 2009.
template <typename FieldType, typename Storage>
VTKM_CONT static StatState<FieldType> Run(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<FieldType, Storage>& field)
using Algorithm = vtkm::cont::Algorithm;
// Essentially a TransformReduce. Do we have that convenience in VTKm?
auto states = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleTransform(field, MakeStatState{});
return Algorithm::Reduce(states, StatState<FieldType>{});
template <typename KeyType, typename ValueType, typename KeyInStorage, typename ValueInStorage>
VTKM_CONT static auto Run(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<KeyType, KeyInStorage>& keys,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType, ValueInStorage>& values)
-> vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleZip<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<KeyType>,
using Algorithm = vtkm::cont::Algorithm;
// Make a copy of the input arrays so we don't modify them
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<KeyType> keys_copy;
vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(keys, keys_copy);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<ValueType> values_copy;
vtkm::cont::ArrayCopy(values, values_copy);
// Gather values of the same key by sorting them according to keys
Algorithm::SortByKey(keys_copy, values_copy);
auto states = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleTransform(values_copy, MakeStatState{});
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<KeyType> keys_out;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<StatState<ValueType>> results;
Algorithm::ReduceByKey(keys_copy, states, keys_out, results, vtkm::Add{});
return vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleZip(keys_out, results);
}; // DescriptiveStatistics
} // worklet
} // vtkm
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_DescriptiveStatistics_h