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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
2019-04-15 23:24:21 +00:00
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include <vtkm/cont/VariantArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/TypeTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleCast.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleCompositeVector.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleConstant.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleCounting.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleGroupVec.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleImplicit.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleIndex.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandlePermutation.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleUniformPointCoordinates.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleVirtual.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleZip.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/internal/IteratorFromArrayPortal.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/testing/Testing.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
// Make an "unusual" type to use in the test. This is simply a type that
// is sure not to be declared elsewhere.
struct UnusualType
using T = vtkm::Id;
T X;
UnusualType() = default;
UnusualType(T x)
: X(x)
UnusualType& operator=(T x)
this->X = x;
return *this;
operator T() const { return this->X; }
} // anonymous namespace
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
namespace vtkm
// VariantArrayHandle requires its value type to have a defined VecTraits
// class. One of the tests is to use an "unusual" array.
// Make an implementation here. Because I am lazy, this is only a partial
// implementation.
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <>
struct VecTraits<UnusualType> : VecTraits<UnusualType::T>
} // namespace vtkm
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
const vtkm::Id ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <typename T>
struct TestValueFunctor
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
T operator()(vtkm::Id index) const { return TestValue(index, T()); }
struct CheckFunctor
template <typename T, typename S>
static void CheckArray(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array.GetNumberOfValues() == ARRAY_SIZE, "Unexpected array size.");
template <typename S>
static void CheckArray(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<UnusualType, S>& array)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array.GetNumberOfValues() == ARRAY_SIZE, "Unexpected array size.");
auto portal = array.ReadPortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < array.GetNumberOfValues(); ++index)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(portal.Get(index) == TestValue(index, UnusualType::T{}));
template <typename T>
void operator()(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>& array,
bool& calledBasic,
bool& vtkmNotUsed(calledVirtual)) const
calledBasic = true;
std::cout << " Checking for basic array type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
template <typename T>
void operator()(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleVirtual<T>& array,
bool& vtkmNotUsed(calledBasic),
bool& calledVirtual) const
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
calledVirtual = true;
std::cout << " Checking for virtual array type: " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
template <typename T, typename S>
void operator()(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>&, bool&, bool&) const
VTKM_TEST_FAIL("Array resolved to unexpected type.");
template <typename TypeList>
void BasicArrayVariantChecks(const vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandleBase<TypeList>& array,
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
vtkm::IdComponent numComponents)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array.GetNumberOfValues() == ARRAY_SIZE,
"Dynamic array reports unexpected size.");
std::cout << "array.GetNumberOfComponents() = " << array.GetNumberOfComponents() << ", "
<< "numComponents = " << numComponents << "\n";
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array.GetNumberOfComponents() == numComponents,
"Dynamic array reports unexpected number of components.");
template <typename TypeList>
void CheckArrayVariant(const vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandleBase<TypeList>& array,
vtkm::IdComponent numComponents,
bool isBasicArray)
BasicArrayVariantChecks(array, numComponents);
std::cout << " CastAndCall with default storage" << std::endl;
bool calledBasic = false;
bool calledVirtual = false;
CastAndCall(array, CheckFunctor(), calledBasic, calledVirtual);
calledBasic || calledVirtual,
"The functor was never called (and apparently a bad value exception not thrown).");
if (isBasicArray)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(calledBasic, "The functor was never called with the basic array fast path");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(!calledVirtual, "The functor was somehow called with the virtual path");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(!calledBasic, "The array somehow got cast to a basic storage.");
std::cout << " CastAndCall with extra storage" << std::endl;
calledBasic = false;
calledVirtual = false;
array.CastAndCall(vtkm::List<vtkm::cont::StorageTagBasic, vtkm::cont::StorageTagConstant>{},
calledBasic || calledVirtual,
"The functor was never called (and apparently a bad value exception not thrown).");
if (isBasicArray)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(calledBasic, "The functor was never called with the basic array fast path");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(!calledVirtual, "The functor was somehow called with the virtual path");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(!calledBasic, "The array somehow got cast to a basic storage.");
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <typename T>
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle CreateArrayVariant(T)
Improvements to moving data into ArrayHandle We have made several improvements to adding data into an `ArrayHandle`. ## Moving data from an `std::vector` For numerous reasons, it is convenient to define data in a `std::vector` and then wrap that into an `ArrayHandle`. It is often the case that an `std::vector` is filled and then becomes unused once it is converted to an `ArrayHandle`. In this case, what we really want is to pass the data off to the `ArrayHandle` so that the `ArrayHandle` is now managing the data and not the `std::vector`. C++11 has a mechanism to do this: move semantics. You can now pass variables to functions as an "rvalue" (right-hand value). When something is passed as an rvalue, it can pull state out of that variable and move it somewhere else. `std::vector` implements this movement so that an rvalue can be moved to another `std::vector` without actually copying the data. `make_ArrayHandle` now also takes advantage of this feature to move rvalue `std::vector`s. There is a special form of `make_ArrayHandle` named `make_ArrayHandleMove` that takes an rvalue. There is also a special overload of `make_ArrayHandle` itself that handles an rvalue `vector`. (However, using the explicit move version is better if you want to make sure the data is actually moved.) ## Make `ArrayHandle` from initalizer list A common use case for using `std::vector` (particularly in our unit tests) is to quickly add an initalizer list into an `ArrayHandle`. Now you can by simply passing an initializer list to `make_ArrayHandle`. ## Deprecated `make_ArrayHandle` with default shallow copy For historical reasons, passing an `std::vector` or a pointer to `make_ArrayHandle` does a shallow copy (i.e. `CopyFlag` defaults to `Off`). Although more efficient, this mode is inherintly unsafe, and making it the default is asking for trouble. To combat this, calling `make_ArrayHandle` without a copy flag is deprecated. In this way, if you wish to do the faster but more unsafe creation of an `ArrayHandle` you should explicitly express that. This requried quite a few changes through the VTK-m source (particularly in the tests). ## Similar changes to `Field` `vtkm::cont::Field` has a `make_Field` helper function that is similar to `make_ArrayHandle`. It also features the ability to create fields from `std::vector`s and C arrays. It also likewise had the same unsafe behavior by default of not copying from the source of the arrays. That behavior has similarly been depreciated. You now have to specify a copy flag. The ability to construct a `Field` from an initializer list of values has also been added.
2020-07-16 16:32:32 +00:00
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> array;
return vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle(array);
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle CreateArrayVariant(UnusualType)
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<UnusualType> array;
auto portal = array.WritePortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; ++index)
portal.Set(index, TestValue(index, UnusualType::T{}));
return vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle(array);
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
void CheckCastToArrayHandle(const ArrayHandleType& array)
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle arrayVariant = array;
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
"Dynamic array reporting is wrong type.");
ArrayHandleType castArray1;
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(arrayVariant.IsType<ArrayHandleType>(), "Did not query handle correctly.");
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array == castArray1, "Did not get back same array.");
ArrayHandleType castArray2 = arrayVariant.Cast<ArrayHandleType>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(array == castArray2, "Did not get back same array.");
// A vtkm::Vec if NumComps > 1, otherwise a scalar
template <typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumComps>
using VecOrScalar = typename std::conditional<(NumComps > 1), vtkm::Vec<T, NumComps>, T>::type;
template <typename ArrayType>
void CheckCastToVirtualArrayHandle(const ArrayType& array)
using ValueType = typename ArrayType::ValueType;
using VTraits = vtkm::VecTraits<ValueType>;
using ComponentType = typename VTraits::ComponentType;
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NumComps = VTraits::NUM_COMPONENTS;
using Storage = typename ArrayType::StorageTag;
2019-12-05 21:38:41 +00:00
using StorageList = vtkm::ListAppend<VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIST, vtkm::List<Storage>>;
using TypeList = vtkm::ListAppend<VTKM_DEFAULT_TYPE_LIST, vtkm::List<ValueType>>;
using VariantArrayType = vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandleBase<TypeList>;
VariantArrayType arrayVariant = array;
auto testArray = arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<ValueType, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
auto testArray =
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<VecOrScalar<vtkm::Int8, NumComps>, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
auto testArray =
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<VecOrScalar<vtkm::Int64, NumComps>, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
auto testArray =
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<VecOrScalar<vtkm::UInt64, NumComps>, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
auto testArray =
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<VecOrScalar<vtkm::Float32, NumComps>, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
auto testArray =
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<VecOrScalar<vtkm::Float64, NumComps>, StorageList>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(testArray.GetNumberOfValues() == array.GetNumberOfValues(),
"Did not get back virtual array handle representation.");
bool threw = false;
arrayVariant.template AsVirtual<vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NumComps + 1>, StorageList>();
catch (vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType&)
// caught expected exception
threw = true;
"Casting to different vector width did not throw expected "
"ErrorBadType exception.");
template <typename T, typename ArrayVariantType>
void TryNewInstance(T, ArrayVariantType originalArray)
// This check should already have been performed by caller, but just in case.
CheckArrayVariant(originalArray, vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS, true);
std::cout << "Create new instance of array." << std::endl;
ArrayVariantType newArray = originalArray.NewInstance();
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
std::cout << "Get a static instance of the new array (which checks the type)." << std::endl;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T> staticArray;
std::cout << "Fill the new array with invalid values and make sure the original" << std::endl
<< "is uneffected." << std::endl;
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; index++)
staticArray.WritePortal().Set(index, TestValue(index + 100, T()));
CheckArrayVariant(originalArray, vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS, true);
std::cout << "Set the new static array to expected values and make sure the new" << std::endl
<< "dynamic array points to the same new values." << std::endl;
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; index++)
staticArray.WritePortal().Set(index, TestValue(index, T()));
CheckArrayVariant(newArray, vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS, true);
template <typename T, typename ArrayVariantType>
void TryAsMultiplexer(T, ArrayVariantType sourceArray)
auto originalArray = sourceArray.template Cast<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>>();
std::cout << "Get multiplex array through direct type." << std::endl;
using MultiplexerType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>,
MultiplexerType multiplexArray = sourceArray.template AsMultiplexer<MultiplexerType>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal_portals(multiplexArray.ReadPortal(), originalArray.ReadPortal()));
std::cout << "Get multiplex array through cast type." << std::endl;
using CastT = typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::template ReplaceBaseComponentType<vtkm::Float64>;
using MultiplexerType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast<CastT, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>>>;
MultiplexerType multiplexArray = sourceArray.template AsMultiplexer<MultiplexerType>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal_portals(multiplexArray.ReadPortal(), originalArray.ReadPortal()));
std::cout << "Make sure multiplex array prefers direct array (1st arg)" << std::endl;
using MultiplexerType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast<T, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>>>;
MultiplexerType multiplexArray = sourceArray.template AsMultiplexer<MultiplexerType>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(multiplexArray.GetStorage().GetArrayHandleVariant().GetIndex() == 0);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal_portals(multiplexArray.ReadPortal(), originalArray.ReadPortal()));
std::cout << "Make sure multiplex array prefers direct array (2nd arg)" << std::endl;
using MultiplexerType =
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast<T, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T>>,
MultiplexerType multiplexArray = sourceArray.template AsMultiplexer<MultiplexerType>();
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(multiplexArray.GetStorage().GetArrayHandleVariant().GetIndex() == 1);
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(test_equal_portals(multiplexArray.ReadPortal(), originalArray.ReadPortal()));
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <typename T>
void TryDefaultType(T)
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle array = CreateArrayVariant(T());
CheckArrayVariant(array, vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS, true);
TryNewInstance(T(), array);
TryAsMultiplexer(T(), array);
struct TryBasicVTKmType
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
template <typename T>
void operator()(T) const
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle array = CreateArrayVariant(T());
array.ResetTypes(vtkm::TypeListAll()), vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS, true);
TryNewInstance(T(), array.ResetTypes(vtkm::TypeListAll()));
void TryUnusualType()
// A string is an unlikely type to be declared elsewhere in VTK-m.
vtkm::cont::VariantArrayHandle array = CreateArrayVariant(UnusualType{});
CheckArrayVariant(array, 1, true);
VTKM_TEST_FAIL("CastAndCall failed to error for unrecognized type.");
2017-02-23 15:13:30 +00:00
catch (vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue&)
std::cout << " Caught exception for unrecognized type." << std::endl;
CheckArrayVariant(array.ResetTypes(vtkm::List<UnusualType>()), 1, true);
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
std::cout << " Found type when type list was reset." << std::endl;
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
void TryCastToArrayHandle(const ArrayHandleType& array)
void TryCastToArrayHandle()
std::cout << " Normal array handle." << std::endl;
vtkm::Id buffer[ARRAY_SIZE];
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; index++)
buffer[index] = TestValue(index, vtkm::Id());
Improvements to moving data into ArrayHandle We have made several improvements to adding data into an `ArrayHandle`. ## Moving data from an `std::vector` For numerous reasons, it is convenient to define data in a `std::vector` and then wrap that into an `ArrayHandle`. It is often the case that an `std::vector` is filled and then becomes unused once it is converted to an `ArrayHandle`. In this case, what we really want is to pass the data off to the `ArrayHandle` so that the `ArrayHandle` is now managing the data and not the `std::vector`. C++11 has a mechanism to do this: move semantics. You can now pass variables to functions as an "rvalue" (right-hand value). When something is passed as an rvalue, it can pull state out of that variable and move it somewhere else. `std::vector` implements this movement so that an rvalue can be moved to another `std::vector` without actually copying the data. `make_ArrayHandle` now also takes advantage of this feature to move rvalue `std::vector`s. There is a special form of `make_ArrayHandle` named `make_ArrayHandleMove` that takes an rvalue. There is also a special overload of `make_ArrayHandle` itself that handles an rvalue `vector`. (However, using the explicit move version is better if you want to make sure the data is actually moved.) ## Make `ArrayHandle` from initalizer list A common use case for using `std::vector` (particularly in our unit tests) is to quickly add an initalizer list into an `ArrayHandle`. Now you can by simply passing an initializer list to `make_ArrayHandle`. ## Deprecated `make_ArrayHandle` with default shallow copy For historical reasons, passing an `std::vector` or a pointer to `make_ArrayHandle` does a shallow copy (i.e. `CopyFlag` defaults to `Off`). Although more efficient, this mode is inherintly unsafe, and making it the default is asking for trouble. To combat this, calling `make_ArrayHandle` without a copy flag is deprecated. In this way, if you wish to do the faster but more unsafe creation of an `ArrayHandle` you should explicitly express that. This requried quite a few changes through the VTK-m source (particularly in the tests). ## Similar changes to `Field` `vtkm::cont::Field` has a `make_Field` helper function that is similar to `make_ArrayHandle`. It also features the ability to create fields from `std::vector`s and C arrays. It also likewise had the same unsafe behavior by default of not copying from the source of the arrays. That behavior has similarly been depreciated. You now have to specify a copy flag. The ability to construct a `Field` from an initializer list of values has also been added.
2020-07-16 16:32:32 +00:00
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> array =
vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandle(buffer, ARRAY_SIZE, vtkm::CopyFlag::On);
std::cout << " Cast array handle." << std::endl;
TryCastToArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleCast(array, vtkm::FloatDefault()));
std::cout << " Composite vector array handle." << std::endl;
TryCastToArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleCompositeVector(array, array));
std::cout << " Constant array handle." << std::endl;
TryCastToArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleConstant(5, ARRAY_SIZE));
std::cout << " Counting array handle." << std::endl;
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCounting<vtkm::Id> countingArray(ARRAY_SIZE - 1, -1, ARRAY_SIZE);
std::cout << " Group vec array handle" << std::endl;
2017-05-18 14:29:41 +00:00
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleGroupVec<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id>, 2> groupVecArray(array);
std::cout << " Implicit array handle." << std::endl;
2017-05-30 15:13:18 +00:00
vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleImplicit(TestValueFunctor<vtkm::FloatDefault>(), ARRAY_SIZE));
std::cout << " Index array handle." << std::endl;
std::cout << " Permutation array handle." << std::endl;
TryCastToArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandlePermutation(countingArray, array));
std::cout << " Transform array handle." << std::endl;
2017-05-30 14:00:01 +00:00
vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleTransform(countingArray, TestValueFunctor<vtkm::FloatDefault>()));
std::cout << " Uniform point coordinates array handle." << std::endl;
// std::cout << " Zip array handle." << std::endl;
// CheckCastToArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleZip(countingArray, array));
void TestVariantArrayHandle()
std::cout << "Try common types with default type lists." << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::Id **********************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::FloatDefault ************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::Float32 *****************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::Float64 *****************" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::Vec<Float32,3> **********" << std::endl;
std::cout << "*** vtkm::Vec<Float64,3> **********" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Try exemplar VTK-m types." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Try unusual type." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Try CastToArrayHandle" << std::endl;
} // anonymous namespace
int UnitTestVariantArrayHandle(int argc, char* argv[])
return vtkm::cont::testing::Testing::Run(TestVariantArrayHandle, argc, argv);