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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_contour_flyingedges_pass2_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_contour_flyingedges_pass2_h
#include <vtkm/worklet/contour/FlyingEdgesHelpers.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/contour/FlyingEdgesTables.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace flying_edges
struct ComputePass2 : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
vtkm::Id3 PointDims;
ComputePass2() {}
explicit ComputePass2(const vtkm::Id3& pdims)
: PointDims(pdims)
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn,
WholeArrayInOut axis_sums,
FieldInPoint axis_mins,
FieldInPoint axis_maxs,
FieldOutCell cell_tri_count,
WholeArrayIn edgeData);
using ExecutionSignature = void(ThreadIndices, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, Device);
using InputDomain = _1;
template <typename ThreadIndices,
typename WholeSumField,
typename FieldInPointId,
typename WholeEdgeField,
typename Device>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const ThreadIndices& threadIndices,
const WholeSumField& axis_sums,
const FieldInPointId& axis_mins,
const FieldInPointId& axis_maxs,
vtkm::Int32& cell_tri_count,
const WholeEdgeField& edges,
Device) const
using AxisToSum = typename select_AxisToSum<Device>::type;
// Pass 2. Traverse all cells in the meta data plane. This allows us to
// easily grab the four edge cases bounding this voxel-row
const vtkm::Id3 ijk = compute_ijk(AxisToSum{}, threadIndices.GetInputIndex3D());
const vtkm::Id3 pdims = this->PointDims;
const vtkm::Id4 startPos = compute_neighbor_starts(AxisToSum{}, ijk, pdims);
const vtkm::Id axis_inc = compute_inc(AxisToSum{}, pdims);
// Compute the subset (start and end) of the row that we need
// to iterate to generate triangles for the iso-surface
vtkm::Id left, right;
bool hasWork = computeTrimBounds(
pdims[AxisToSum::xindex] - 1, edges, axis_mins, axis_maxs, startPos, axis_inc, left, right);
if (!hasWork)
vtkm::Vec<bool, 3> onBoundary(false, false, false); //updated in for-loop
onBoundary[AxisToSum::yindex] = (ijk[AxisToSum::yindex] >= (pdims[AxisToSum::yindex] - 2));
onBoundary[AxisToSum::zindex] = (ijk[AxisToSum::zindex] >= (pdims[AxisToSum::zindex] - 2));
cell_tri_count = 0;
vtkm::Id3 sums = axis_sums.Get(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[0]);
vtkm::Id3 adj_row_sum(0, 0, 0);
vtkm::Id3 adj_col_sum(0, 0, 0);
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::yindex])
adj_row_sum = axis_sums.Get(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[1]);
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::zindex])
adj_col_sum = axis_sums.Get(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[3]);
for (vtkm::Id i = left; i < right; ++i) // run along the trimmed voxels
vtkm::UInt8 edgeCase = getEdgeCase(edges, startPos, (axis_inc * i));
vtkm::UInt8 numTris = data::GetNumberOfPrimitives(edgeCase);
if (numTris > 0)
cell_tri_count += numTris;
// Count the number of y- and z-points to be generated. Pass# 1 counted
// the number of x-intersections along the x-edges. Now we count all
// intersections on the y- and z-voxel axes.
auto* edgeUses = data::GetEdgeUses(edgeCase);
onBoundary[AxisToSum::xindex] = (i >= (pdims[AxisToSum::xindex] - 2));
// row axes edge always counted
sums[AxisToSum::yindex] += edgeUses[4];
// col axes edge always counted
sums[AxisToSum::zindex] += edgeUses[8];
// handle boundary
AxisToSum{}, onBoundary, edgeUses, sums, adj_row_sum, adj_col_sum);
axis_sums.Set(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[0], sums);
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::yindex])
axis_sums.Set(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[1], adj_row_sum);
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::zindex])
axis_sums.Set(threadIndices.GetIndicesIncident()[3], adj_col_sum);
// Count intersections along voxel axes. When traversing the volume across
// edges, the voxel axes on the boundary may be undefined near boundaries
// (because there are no fully-formed cells). Thus the voxel axes on the
// boundary are treated specially.
// Only on these boundaries do we write to the metaData of our neighbor
// as it is safe as those
template <typename AxisToSum>
VTKM_EXEC inline void CountBoundaryEdgeUses(AxisToSum,
vtkm::Vec<bool, 3> onBoundary,
vtkm::UInt8 const* const edgeUses,
vtkm::Id3& sums,
vtkm::Id3& adj_row_sum,
vtkm::Id3& adj_col_sum) const
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::xindex]) //+x boundary
sums[AxisToSum::yindex] += edgeUses[5];
sums[AxisToSum::zindex] += edgeUses[9];
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::yindex]) //+x +y
adj_row_sum[AxisToSum::zindex] += edgeUses[11];
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::zindex]) //+x +z
adj_col_sum[AxisToSum::yindex] += edgeUses[7];
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::yindex]) //+y boundary
adj_row_sum[AxisToSum::zindex] += edgeUses[10];
if (onBoundary[AxisToSum::zindex]) //+z boundary
adj_col_sum[AxisToSum::yindex] += edgeUses[6];