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2020-03-04 22:18:29 +00:00
# Add a vtkm::Tuple class
This change added a `vtkm::Tuple` class that is very similar in nature to
`std::tuple`. This should replace our use of tao tuple.
The motivation for this change was some recent attempts at removing objects
like `Invocation` and `FunctionInterface`. I expected these changes to
speed up the build, but in fact they ended up slowing down the build. I
believe the problem was that these required packing variable parameters
into a tuple. I was using the tao `tuple` class, but it seemed to slow down
the compile. (That is, compiling tao's `tuple` seemed much slower than
compiling the equivalent `FunctionInterface` class.)
The implementation of `vtkm::Tuple` is using `pyexpander` to build lots of
simple template cases for the object (with a backup implementation for even
longer argument lists). I believe the compiler is better and parsing
through thousands of lines of simple templates than to employ clever MPL to
build general templates.
## Usage
The `vtkm::Tuple` class is defined in the `vtkm::Tuple.h` header file. A
`Tuple` is designed to behave much like a `std::tuple` with some minor
syntax differences to fit VTK-m coding standards.
A tuple is declared with a list of template argument types.
``` cpp
vtkm::Tuple<vtkm::Id, vtkm::Vec3f, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32>> myTuple;
If given no arguments, a `vtkm::Tuple` will default-construct its contained
objects. A `vtkm::Tuple` can also be constructed with the initial values of
all contained objects.
``` cpp
vtkm::Tuple<vtkm::Id, vtkm::Vec3f, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32>>
myTuple(0, vtkm::Vec3f(0, 1, 2), array);
For convenience there is a `vtkm::MakeTuple` function that takes arguments
and packs them into a `Tuple` of the appropriate type. (There is also a
`vtkm::make_tuple` alias to the function to match the `std` version.)
``` cpp
auto myTuple = vtkm::MakeTuple(0, vtkm::Vec3f(0, 1, 2), array);
Data is retrieved from a `Tuple` by using the `vtkm::Get` method. The `Get`
method is templated on the index to get the value from. The index is of
type `vtkm::IdComponent`. (There is also a `vtkm::get` that uses a
`std::size_t` as the index type as an alias to the function to match the
`std` version.)
``` cpp
vtkm::Id a = vtkm::Get<0>(myTuple);
vtkm::Vec3f b = vtkm::Get<1>(myTuple);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float32> c = vtkm::Get<2>(myTuple);
Likewise `vtkm::TupleSize` and `vtkm::TupleElement` (and their aliases
`vtkm::Tuple_size`, `vtkm::tuple_element`, and `vtkm::tuple_element_t`) are
## Extended Functionality
The `vtkm::Tuple` class contains some functionality beyond that of
`std::tuple` to cover some common use cases in VTK-m that are tricky to
implement. In particular, these methods allow you to use a `Tuple` as you
would commonly use parameter packs. This allows you to stash parameter
packs in a `Tuple` and then get them back out again.
### For Each
`vtkm::Tuple::ForEach()` is a method that takes a function or functor and
calls it for each of the items in the tuple. Nothing is returned from
`ForEach` and any return value from the function is ignored.
`ForEach` can be used to check the validity of each item.
``` cpp
void CheckPositive(vtkm::Float64 x)
if (x < 0)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue("Values need to be positive.");
// ...
vtkm::Tuple<vtkm::Float64, vtkm::Float64, vtkm::Float64> tuple(
CreateValue1(), CreateValue2(), CreateValue3());
// Will throw an error if any of the values are negative.
`ForEach` can also be used to aggregate values.
``` cpp
struct SumFunctor
vtkm::Float64 Sum = 0;
template <typename T>
void operator()(const T& x)
this->Sum = this->Sum + static_cast<vtkm::Float64>(x);
// ...
vtkm::Tuple<vtkm::Float32, vtkm::Float64, vtkm::Id> tuple(
CreateValue1(), CreateValue2(), CreateValue3());
SumFunctor sum;
vtkm::Float64 average = sum.Sum / 3;
### Transform
`vtkm::Tuple::Transform` is a method that builds a new `Tuple` by calling a
function or functor on each of the items. The return value is placed in the
corresponding part of the resulting `Tuple`, and the type is automatically
created from the return type of the function.
``` cpp
struct GetReadPortalFunctor
template <typename Array>
typename Array::ReadPortal operator()(const Array& array) const
return array.ReadPortal();
// ...
auto arrayTuple = vtkm::MakeTuple(array1, array2, array3);
auto portalTuple = arrayTuple.Transform(GetReadPortalFunctor{});
### Apply
`vtkm::Tuple::Apply` is a method that calls a function or functor using the
objects in the `Tuple` as the arguments. If the function returns a value,
that value is returned from `Apply`.
``` cpp
struct AddArraysFunctor
template <typename Array1, typename Array2, typename Array3>
vtkm::Id operator()(Array1 inArray1, Array2 inArray2, Array3 outArray) const
vtkm::Id length = inArray1.GetNumberOfValues();
VTKM_ASSERT(inArray2.GetNumberOfValues() == length);
auto inPortal1 = inArray1.ReadPortal();
auto inPortal2 = inArray2.ReadPortal();
auto outPortal = outArray.WritePortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < length; ++index)
outPortal.Set(index, inPortal1.Get(index) + inPortal2.Get(index));
return length;
// ...
auto arrayTuple = vtkm::MakeTuple(array1, array2, array3);
vtkm::Id arrayLength = arrayTuple.Apply(AddArraysFunctor{});
If additional arguments are given to `Apply`, they are also passed to the
function (before the objects in the `Tuple`). This is helpful for passing
state to the function. (This feature is not available in either `ForEach`
or `Transform` for technical implementation reasons.)
``` cpp
struct ScanArrayLengthFunctor
template <std::size_t N, typename Array, typename... Remaining>
std::array<vtkm::Id, N + 1 + sizeof...(Remaining)>
operator()(const std::array<vtkm::Id, N>& partialResult,
const Array& nextArray,
const Remaining&... remainingArrays) const
std::array<vtkm::Id, N + 1> nextResult;
std::copy(partialResult.begin(), partialResult.end(), nextResult.begin());
nextResult[N] = nextResult[N - 1] + nextArray.GetNumberOfValues();
return (*this)(nextResult, remainingArray);
template <std::size_t N>
std::array<vtkm::Id, N> operator()(const std::array<vtkm::Id, N>& result) const
return result;
// ...
auto arrayTuple = vtkm::MakeTuple(array1, array2, array3);
std::array<vtkm::Id, 4> =
arrayTuple.Apply(ScanArrayLengthFunctor{}, std::array<vtkm::Id, 1>{ 0 });