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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_Matrix_h
#define vtk_m_Matrix_h
#include <vtkm/Assert.h>
#include <vtkm/Math.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/TypeTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/VecTraits.h>
namespace vtkm {
/// \brief Basic Matrix type.
/// The Matrix class holds a small two dimensional array for simple linear
/// algebra and vector operations. VTK-m provides several Matrix-based
/// operations to assist in visualization computations.
/// A Matrix is not intended to hold very large arrays. Rather, they are a
/// per-thread data structure to hold information like geometric transforms and
/// tensors.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
class Matrix {
typedef T ComponentType;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_ROWS = NumRow;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COLUMNS = NumCol;
Matrix() { }
explicit Matrix(const ComponentType &value)
: Components(vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS>(value)) { }
/// Brackets are used to reference a matrix like a 2D array (i.e.
/// matrix[row][column]).
const vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS> &
operator[](vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex) const {
VTKM_ASSERT(rowIndex >= 0);
return this->Components[rowIndex];
/// Brackets are used to referens a matrix like a 2D array i.e.
/// matrix[row][column].
vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS> &
operator[](vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex) {
VTKM_ASSERT(rowIndex >= 0);
return this->Components[rowIndex];
/// Parentheses are used to reference a matrix using mathematical tuple
/// notation i.e. matrix(row,column).
const ComponentType &
operator()(vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex, vtkm::IdComponent colIndex) const {
VTKM_ASSERT(rowIndex >= 0);
VTKM_ASSERT(colIndex >= 0);
return (*this)[rowIndex][colIndex];
/// Parentheses are used to reference a matrix using mathematical tuple
/// notation i.e. matrix(row,column).
ComponentType &
operator()(vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex, vtkm::IdComponent colIndex) {
VTKM_ASSERT(rowIndex >= 0);
VTKM_ASSERT(colIndex >= 0);
return (*this)[rowIndex][colIndex];
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS>, NUM_ROWS> Components;
/// Returns a tuple containing the given row (indexed from 0) of the given
/// matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
const vtkm::Vec<T, NumCol> &MatrixGetRow(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix, vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex)
return matrix[rowIndex];
/// Returns a tuple containing the given column (indexed from 0) of the given
/// matrix. Might not be as efficient as the \c MatrixGetRow function.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T, NumRow> MatrixGetColumn(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix, vtkm::IdComponent columnIndex)
vtkm::Vec<T, NumRow> columnValues;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
columnValues[rowIndex] = matrix(rowIndex, columnIndex);
return columnValues;
/// Convenience function for setting a row of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
void MatrixSetRow(vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> &rowValues)
matrix[rowIndex] = rowValues;
/// Convenience function for setting a column of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
void MatrixSetColumn(vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent columnIndex,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> &columnValues)
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
matrix(rowIndex, columnIndex) = columnValues[rowIndex];
/// Standard matrix multiplication.
template<typename T,
vtkm::IdComponent NumRow,
vtkm::IdComponent NumCol,
vtkm::IdComponent NumInternal>
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumInternal> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumInternal,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> result;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
T sum = T(leftFactor(rowIndex, 0) * rightFactor(0, colIndex));
for (vtkm::IdComponent internalIndex = 1;
internalIndex < NumInternal;
sum = T(sum + (leftFactor(rowIndex, internalIndex)
* rightFactor(internalIndex, colIndex)));
result(rowIndex, colIndex) = sum;
return result;
/// Standard matrix-vector multiplication.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> product;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
product[rowIndex] =
vtkm::dot(vtkm::MatrixGetRow(leftFactor,rowIndex), rightFactor);
return product;
/// Standard vector-matrix multiplication
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> product;
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
product[colIndex] =
vtkm::MatrixGetColumn(rightFactor, colIndex));
return product;
/// Returns the identity matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> MatrixIdentity()
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> result(T(0));
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
result(index,index) = T(1.0);
return result;
/// Fills the given matrix with the identity matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixIdentity(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &matrix)
matrix = vtkm::MatrixIdentity<T,Size>();
/// Returns the transpose of the given matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRows, vtkm::IdComponent NumCols>
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumCols,NumRows> MatrixTranspose(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRows,NumCols> &matrix)
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumCols,NumRows> result;
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < NumRows; index++)
vtkm::MatrixSetColumn(result, index, vtkm::MatrixGetRow(matrix, index));
#ifdef VTKM_ICC
// For reasons I do not really understand, the Intel compiler with with
// optimization on is sometimes removing this for loop. It appears that the
// optimizer sometimes does not recognize that the MatrixSetColumn function
// has side effects. I cannot fathom any reason for this other than a bug in
// the compiler, but unfortunately I do not know a reliable way to
// demonstrate the problem.
return result;
namespace detail {
// Used with MatrixLUPFactor.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactorFindPivot(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
vtkm::IdComponent topCornerIndex,
T &inversionParity,
bool &valid)
vtkm::IdComponent maxRowIndex = topCornerIndex;
T maxValue = vtkm::Abs(A(maxRowIndex, topCornerIndex));
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = topCornerIndex + 1;
rowIndex < Size;
T compareValue = vtkm::Abs(A(rowIndex, topCornerIndex));
if (maxValue < compareValue)
maxValue = compareValue;
maxRowIndex = rowIndex;
if (maxValue < vtkm::Epsilon<T>()) { valid = false; }
if (maxRowIndex != topCornerIndex)
// Swap rows in matrix.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> maxRow = vtkm::MatrixGetRow(A, maxRowIndex);
vtkm::MatrixSetRow(A, topCornerIndex, maxRow);
// Record change in permutation matrix.
vtkm::IdComponent maxOriginalRowIndex = permutation[maxRowIndex];
permutation[maxRowIndex] = permutation[topCornerIndex];
permutation[topCornerIndex] = maxOriginalRowIndex;
// Keep track of inversion parity.
inversionParity = -inversionParity;
// Used with MatrixLUPFactor
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactorFindUpperTriangleElements(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::IdComponent topCornerIndex)
// Compute values for upper triangle on row topCornerIndex
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
colIndex < Size;
A(topCornerIndex,colIndex) /= A(topCornerIndex,topCornerIndex);
// Update the rest of the matrix for calculations on subsequent rows
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
rowIndex < Size;
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
colIndex < Size;
A(rowIndex,colIndex) -=
/// Performs an LUP-factorization on the given matrix using Crout's method. The
/// LU-factorization takes a matrix A and decomposes it into a lower triangular
/// matrix L and upper triangular matrix U such that A = LU. The
/// LUP-factorization also allows permutation of A, which makes the
/// decomposition always posible so long as A is not singular. In addition to
/// matrices L and U, LUP also finds permutation matrix P containing all zeros
/// except one 1 per row and column such that PA = LU.
/// The result is done in place such that the lower triangular matrix, L, is
/// stored in the lower-left triangle of A including the diagonal. The upper
/// triangular matrix, U, is stored in the upper-right triangle of L not
/// including the diagonal. The diagonal of U in Crout's method is all 1's (and
/// therefore not explicitly stored).
/// The permutation matrix P is represented by the permutation vector. If
/// permutation[i] = j then row j in the original matrix A has been moved to
/// row i in the resulting matrices. The permutation matrix P can be
/// represented by a matrix with p_i,j = 1 if permutation[i] = j and 0
/// otherwise. If using LUP-factorization to compute a determinant, you also
/// need to know the parity (whether there is an odd or even amount) of
/// inversions. An inversion is an instance of a smaller number appearing after
/// a larger number in permutation. Although you can compute the inversion
/// parity after the fact, this function keeps track of it with much less
/// compute resources. The parameter inversionParity is set to 1.0 for even
/// parity and -1.0 for odd parity.
/// Not all matrices (specifically singular matrices) have an
/// LUP-factorization. If the LUP-factorization succeeds, valid is set to true.
/// Otherwise, valid is set to false and the result is indeterminant.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactor(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
T &inversionParity,
bool &valid)
// Initialize permutation.
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
permutation[index] = index;
inversionParity = T(1);
valid = true;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < Size; rowIndex++)
MatrixLUPFactorFindPivot(A, permutation, rowIndex, inversionParity, valid);
MatrixLUPFactorFindUpperTriangleElements(A, rowIndex);
/// Use a previous factorization done with MatrixLUPFactor to solve the
/// system Ax = b. Instead of A, this method takes in the LU and P
/// matrices calculated by MatrixLUPFactor from A. The x matrix is returned.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
MatrixLUPSolve(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &LU,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
const vtkm::Vec<T,Size> &b)
// The LUP-factorization gives us PA = LU or equivalently A = inv(P)LU.
// Substituting into Ax = b gives us inv(P)LUx = b or LUx = Pb.
// Now consider the intermediate vector y = Ux.
// Substituting in the previous two equations yields Ly = Pb.
// Solving Ly = Pb is easy because L is triangular and P is just a
// permutation.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> y;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < Size; rowIndex++)
y[rowIndex] = b[permutation[rowIndex]];
// Recall that L is stored in the lower triangle of LU including diagonal.
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < rowIndex; colIndex++)
y[rowIndex] -= LU(rowIndex,colIndex)*y[colIndex];
y[rowIndex] /= LU(rowIndex,rowIndex);
// Now that we have y, we can easily solve Ux = y for x.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> x;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = Size-1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex--)
// Recall that U is stored in the upper triangle of LU with the diagonal
// implicitly all 1's.
x[rowIndex] = y[rowIndex];
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = rowIndex+1; colIndex < Size; colIndex++)
x[rowIndex] -= LU(rowIndex,colIndex)*x[colIndex];
return x;
} // namespace detail
/// Solve the linear system Ax = b for x. If a single solution is found, valid
/// is set to true, false otherwise.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> SolveLinearSystem(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
const vtkm::Vec<T,Size> &b,
bool &valid)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity; // Unused.
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// Next, use the decomposition to solve the system.
return detail::MatrixLUPSolve(LU, permutation, b);
/// Find and return the inverse of the given matrix. If the matrix is singular,
/// the inverse will not be correct and valid will be set to false.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> MatrixInverse(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
bool &valid)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity; // Unused
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// We will use the decomposition to solve AX = I for X where X is
// clearly the inverse of A. Our solve method only works for vectors,
// so we solve for one column of invA at a time.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> invA;
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> ICol(T(0));
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < Size; colIndex++)
ICol[colIndex] = 1;
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> invACol = detail::MatrixLUPSolve(LU, permutation, ICol);
ICol[colIndex] = 0;
vtkm::MatrixSetColumn(invA, colIndex, invACol);
return invA;
/// Compute the determinant of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity;
bool valid;
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// If the matrix is singular, the factorization is invalid, but in that
// case we know that the determinant is 0.
if (!valid) { return 0; }
// The determinant is equal to the product of the diagonal of the L matrix,
// possibly negated depending on the parity of the inversion. The
// inversionParity variable is set to 1.0 and -1.0 for even and odd parity,
// respectively. This sign determines whether the product should be negated.
T product = inversionParity;
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
product *= LU(index,index);
return product;
// Specializations for common small determinants.
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,1,1> &A)
return A(0,0);
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,2,2> &A)
return A(0,0)*A(1,1) - A(1,0)*A(0,1);
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,3,3> &A)
return A(0,0) * A(1,1) * A(2,2) + A(1,0) * A(2,1) * A(0,2) +
A(2,0) * A(0,1) * A(1,2) - A(0,0) * A(2,1) * A(1,2) -
A(1,0) * A(0,1) * A(2,2) - A(2,0) * A(1,1) * A(0,2);
// Implementations of traits for matrices.
/// Tag used to identify 2 dimensional types (matrices). A TypeTraits class
/// will typedef this class to DimensionalityTag.
struct TypeTraitsMatrixTag {};
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
struct TypeTraits<vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> > {
typedef typename TypeTraits<T>::NumericTag NumericTag;
typedef TypeTraitsMatrixTag DimensionalityTag;
/// A matrix has vector traits to implement component-wise operations.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
struct VecTraits<vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> > {
typedef vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> MatrixType;
typedef T ComponentType;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COMPONENTS = NumRow*NumCol;
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagMultipleComponents HasMultipleComponents;
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic IsSizeStatic;
static vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponents(const MatrixType &) {
static const ComponentType &GetComponent(const MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component) {
vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = component % NumCol;
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = component / NumCol;
return matrix(rowIndex,colIndex);
static ComponentType &GetComponent(MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component) {
vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = component % NumCol;
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = component / NumCol;
return matrix(rowIndex,colIndex);
static void SetComponent(MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component,
T value)
GetComponent(matrix, component) = value;
} // namespace vtkm
// Basic comparison operators.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
bool operator==(const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &a,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &b)
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
if (a(rowIndex, colIndex) != b(rowIndex, colIndex)) return false;
return true;
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
bool operator!=(const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &a,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &b)
return !(a == b);
#endif //vtk_m_Matrix_h