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2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_UnknownArrayHandle_h
#define vtk_m_cont_UnknownArrayHandle_h
#include <vtkm/cont/vtkm_cont_export.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayExtractComponent.h>
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleCast.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleMultiplexer.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleRecombineVec.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleStride.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/StorageList.h>
#include <vtkm/TypeList.h>
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#include <memory>
#include <typeindex>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace detail
template <typename T, typename S>
static void UnknownAHDelete(void* mem)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
delete arrayHandle;
template <typename T, typename S>
static void* UnknownAHNewInstance()
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
return new vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
template <typename T, typename S>
static vtkm::Id UnknownAHNumberOfValues(void* mem)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
return arrayHandle->GetNumberOfValues();
template <typename T, typename StaticSize = typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::IsSizeStatic>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsImpl;
template <typename T>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsImpl<T, vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic>
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent Value = vtkm::VecTraits<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS;
template <typename T>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsImpl<T, vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeVariable>
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent Value = 0;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename T>
static vtkm::IdComponent UnknownAHNumberOfComponents()
return UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsImpl<T>::Value;
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template <typename T, typename StaticSize = typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::IsSizeStatic>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlatImpl;
template <typename T>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlatImpl<T, vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic>
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent Value = vtkm::VecFlat<T>::NUM_COMPONENTS;
template <typename T>
struct UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlatImpl<T, vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeVariable>
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent Value = 0;
template <typename T>
static vtkm::IdComponent UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlat()
return UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlatImpl<T>::Value;
template <typename T, typename S>
static void UnknownAHAllocate(void* mem,
vtkm::Id numValues,
vtkm::CopyFlag preserve,
vtkm::cont::Token& token)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
arrayHandle->Allocate(numValues, preserve, token);
template <typename T, typename S>
static std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer>
UnknownAHExtractComponent(void* mem, vtkm::IdComponent componentIndex, vtkm::CopyFlag allowCopy)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
auto componentArray = vtkm::cont::ArrayExtractComponent(*arrayHandle, componentIndex, allowCopy);
vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer* buffers = componentArray.GetBuffers();
return std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer>(buffers, buffers + 2);
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template <typename T, typename S>
static void UnknownAHReleaseResources(void* mem)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
template <typename T, typename S>
static void UnknownAHReleaseResourcesExecution(void* mem)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
template <typename T, typename S>
static void UnknownAHPrintSummary(void* mem, std::ostream& out, bool full)
using AH = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
AH* arrayHandle = reinterpret_cast<AH*>(mem);
vtkm::cont::printSummary_ArrayHandle(*arrayHandle, out, full);
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT UnknownAHContainer;
struct MakeUnknownAHContainerFunctor
template <typename T, typename S>
std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> operator()(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array) const;
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT UnknownAHComponentInfo
std::type_index Type;
bool IsIntegral;
bool IsFloat;
bool IsSigned;
std::size_t Size;
UnknownAHComponentInfo() = delete;
bool operator==(const UnknownAHComponentInfo& rhs);
template <typename T>
static UnknownAHComponentInfo Make()
return UnknownAHComponentInfo{ typeid(T),
sizeof(T) };
UnknownAHComponentInfo(std::type_index&& type,
bool isIntegral,
bool isFloat,
bool isSigned,
std::size_t size)
: Type(std::move(type))
, IsIntegral(isIntegral)
, IsFloat(isFloat)
, IsSigned(isSigned)
, Size(size)
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT UnknownAHContainer
void* ArrayHandlePointer;
std::type_index ValueType;
std::type_index StorageType;
UnknownAHComponentInfo BaseComponentType;
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using DeleteType = void(void*);
DeleteType* DeleteFunction;
using NewInstanceType = void*();
NewInstanceType* NewInstance;
using NewInstanceBasicType = std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer>();
NewInstanceBasicType* NewInstanceBasic;
NewInstanceBasicType* NewInstanceFloatBasic;
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using NumberOfValuesType = vtkm::Id(void*);
NumberOfValuesType* NumberOfValues;
using NumberOfComponentsType = vtkm::IdComponent();
NumberOfComponentsType* NumberOfComponents;
NumberOfComponentsType* NumberOfComponentsFlat;
using AllocateType = void(void*, vtkm::Id, vtkm::CopyFlag, vtkm::cont::Token&);
AllocateType* Allocate;
using ExtractComponentType = std::vector<vtkm::cont::internal::Buffer>(void*,
ExtractComponentType* ExtractComponent;
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using ReleaseResourcesType = void(void*);
ReleaseResourcesType* ReleaseResources;
ReleaseResourcesType* ReleaseResourcesExecution;
using PrintSummaryType = void(void*, std::ostream&, bool);
PrintSummaryType* PrintSummary;
void operator=(const UnknownAHContainer&) = delete;
~UnknownAHContainer() { this->DeleteFunction(this->ArrayHandlePointer); }
std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> MakeNewInstance() const;
template <typename T, typename S>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> Make(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array)
return std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer>(new UnknownAHContainer(array));
template <typename TargetT, typename SourceT, typename SourceS>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> Make(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<TargetT, vtkm::cont::StorageTagCast<SourceT, SourceS>>& array)
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast<TargetT, vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<SourceT, SourceS>> castArray =
return Make(castArray.GetSourceArray());
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename T, typename... Ss>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> Make(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer<Ss...>>& array)
auto&& variant = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Ss>...>(array)
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
if (variant.IsValid())
return variant.CastAndCall(MakeUnknownAHContainerFunctor{});
return std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer>{};
UnknownAHContainer(const UnknownAHContainer&) = default;
template <typename T, typename S>
explicit UnknownAHContainer(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array);
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceBasic(vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeStatic)
return UnknownAHContainer::Make(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleBasic<T>{});
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceBasic(vtkm::VecTraitsTagSizeVariable)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType("Cannot create a basic array container from with ValueType of " +
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceBasic()
return UnknownAHNewInstanceBasic<T>(typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::IsSizeStatic{});
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceFloatBasic(
using FloatT = typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::template ReplaceBaseComponentType<vtkm::FloatDefault>;
return UnknownAHContainer::Make(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleBasic<FloatT>{});
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceFloatBasic(
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType("Cannot create a basic array container from with ValueType of " +
template <typename T>
static std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> UnknownAHNewInstanceFloatBasic()
return UnknownAHNewInstanceFloatBasic<T>(typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::IsSizeStatic{});
template <typename T, typename S>
#ifdef VTKM_GCC
// On rare occasion, we have seen errors like this:
// `_ZN4vtkm4cont6detailL27UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsIxEEiv' referenced in section
// `.data.rel.ro.local' of CMakeFiles/UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing.dir/UnitTestCellSet.cxx.o:
// defined in discarded section
// `.text._ZN4vtkm4cont6detailL27UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsIxEEiv[_ZN4vtkm4cont14ArrayGetValuesINS0_15StorageTagBasicExNS0_18StorageTagCountingES2_EEvRKNS0_11ArrayHandleIxT_EERKNS4_IT0_T1_EERNS4_IS9_T2_EE]'
// of CMakeFiles/UnitTests_vtkm_cont_testing.dir/UnitTestCellSet.cxx.o
// I don't know what circumstances exactly lead up to this, but it appears that the compiler
// is being overly aggressive with removing unused symbols. In this instance, it seems to have
// removed a function actually being used. This might be a bug in the compiler (I happen to have
// seen it in gcc 8.3), or it could be caused by a link-time optimizer. The problem should be
// able to be solved by explictly saying that this templated method is being used. (I can't think
// of any circumstances where this template would be instantiated but not used.) If the compiler
// knows this is being used, it should know all the templated methods internal are also used.
inline UnknownAHContainer::UnknownAHContainer(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array)
: ArrayHandlePointer(new vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>(array))
, ValueType(typeid(T))
, StorageType(typeid(S))
, BaseComponentType(
UnknownAHComponentInfo::Make<typename vtkm::VecTraits<T>::BaseComponentType>())
, DeleteFunction(detail::UnknownAHDelete<T, S>)
, NewInstance(detail::UnknownAHNewInstance<T, S>)
, NewInstanceBasic(detail::UnknownAHNewInstanceBasic<T>)
, NewInstanceFloatBasic(detail::UnknownAHNewInstanceFloatBasic<T>)
, NumberOfValues(detail::UnknownAHNumberOfValues<T, S>)
, NumberOfComponents(detail::UnknownAHNumberOfComponents<T>)
, NumberOfComponentsFlat(detail::UnknownAHNumberOfComponentsFlat<T>)
, Allocate(detail::UnknownAHAllocate<T, S>)
, ExtractComponent(detail::UnknownAHExtractComponent<T, S>)
, ReleaseResources(detail::UnknownAHReleaseResources<T, S>)
, ReleaseResourcesExecution(detail::UnknownAHReleaseResourcesExecution<T, S>)
, PrintSummary(detail::UnknownAHPrintSummary<T, S>)
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename T, typename S>
inline std::shared_ptr<UnknownAHContainer> MakeUnknownAHContainerFunctor::operator()(
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array) const
return UnknownAHContainer::Make(array);
} // namespace detail
2020-08-05 12:42:33 +00:00
// Forward declaration. Include UncertainArrayHandle.h if using this.
template <typename ValueTypeList, typename StorageTypeList>
class UncertainArrayHandle;
/// \brief An ArrayHandle of an unknown value type and storage.
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/// `UnknownArrayHandle` holds an `ArrayHandle` object using runtime polymorphism
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/// to manage different value and storage types rather than compile-time templates.
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/// This adds a programming convenience that helps avoid a proliferation of
/// templates. It also provides the management necessary to interface VTK-m with
/// data sources where types will not be known until runtime and is the storage
/// mechanism for classes like `DataSet` and `Field` that can hold numerous
/// types.
/// To interface between the runtime polymorphism and the templated algorithms
/// in VTK-m, `UnknownArrayHandle` contains a method named `CastAndCallForTypes`
/// that determines the correct type from some known list of value types and
/// storage. This mechanism is used internally by VTK-m's worklet invocation
/// mechanism to determine the type when running algorithms.
/// If the `UnknownArrayHandle` is used in a context where the possible array
/// types can be whittled down to a finite list (or you have to), you can
/// specify lists of value types and storage using the `ResetTypesAndStorage`
/// method. This will convert this object to an `UncertainArrayHandle` of the
/// given types. In cases where a finite set of types need to specified but
/// there is no known subset, `VTKM_DEFAULT_TYPE_LIST` and
/// `VTKM_DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIST` can be used.
/// `ArrayHandleCast` and `ArrayHandleMultiplexer` are treated special. If
/// the `UnknownArrayHandle` is set to an `ArrayHandle` of one of these
/// types, it will actually store the `ArrayHandle` contained. Likewise,
/// if the `ArrayHandle` is retrieved as one of these types, it will
/// automatically convert it if possible.
class VTKM_CONT_EXPORT UnknownArrayHandle
std::shared_ptr<detail::UnknownAHContainer> Container;
VTKM_CONT bool IsValueTypeImpl(std::type_index type) const;
VTKM_CONT bool IsStorageTypeImpl(std::type_index type) const;
VTKM_CONT bool IsBaseComponentTypeImpl(const detail::UnknownAHComponentInfo& type) const;
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VTKM_CONT UnknownArrayHandle() = default;
UnknownArrayHandle(const UnknownArrayHandle&) = default;
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template <typename T, typename S>
VTKM_CONT UnknownArrayHandle(const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array)
: Container(detail::UnknownAHContainer::Make(array))
UnknownArrayHandle& operator=(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle&) = default;
/// \brief Returns whether an array is stored in this `UnknownArrayHandle`.
/// If the `UnknownArrayHandle` is constructed without an `ArrayHandle`, it
/// will not have an underlying type, and therefore the operations will be
/// invalid. It is still possible to set this `UnknownArrayHandle` to an
/// `ArrayHandle`.
VTKM_CONT bool IsValid() const;
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/// \brief Create a new array of the same type as this array.
/// This method creates a new array that is the same type as this one and
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/// returns a new `UnknownArrayHandle` for it. This method is convenient when
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/// creating output arrays that should be the same type as some input array.
VTKM_CONT UnknownArrayHandle NewInstance() const;
/// \brief Create a new `ArrayHandleBasic` with the same `ValueType` as this array.
/// This method creates a new `ArrayHandleBasic` that has the same `ValueType` as the
/// array held by this one and returns a new `UnknownArrayHandle` for it. This method
/// is convenient when creating output arrays that should have the same types of values
/// of the input, but the input might not be a writable array.
VTKM_CONT UnknownArrayHandle NewInstanceBasic() const;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// \brief Create a new `ArrayHandleBasic` with the base component of `FloatDefault`
/// This method creates a new `ArrayHandleBasic` that has a `ValueType` that is similar
/// to the array held by this one except that the base component type is replaced with
/// `vtkm::FloatDefault`. For example, if the contained array has `vtkm::Int32` value types,
/// the returned array will have `vtkm::FloatDefault` value types. If the contained array
/// has `vtkm::Id3` value types, the returned array will have `vtkm::Vec3f` value types.
/// If the contained array already has `vtkm::FloatDefault` as the base component (e.g.
/// `vtkm::FloatDefault`, `vtkm::Vec3f`, `vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec2f, 3>`), then the value type
/// will be preserved.
/// The created array is returned in a new `UnknownArrayHandle`.
/// This method is used to convert an array of an unknown type to an array of an almost
/// known type.
VTKM_CONT UnknownArrayHandle NewInstanceFloatBasic() const;
/// \brief Returns the name of the value type stored in the array.
/// Returns an empty string if no array is stored.
VTKM_CONT std::string GetValueTypeName() const;
/// \brief Returns the name of the base component of the value type stored in the array.
/// Returns an empty string if no array is stored.
VTKM_CONT std::string GetBaseComponentTypeName() const;
/// \brief Returns the name of the storage tag for the array.
/// Returns an empty string if no array is stored.
VTKM_CONT std::string GetStorageTypeName() const;
/// \brief Returns a string representation of the underlying data type.
/// The returned string will be of the form `vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>` rather than the name
/// of an actual subclass. If no array is stored, an empty string is returned.
VTKM_CONT std::string GetArrayTypeName() const;
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/// Returns true if this array matches the ValueType template argument.
template <typename ValueType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsValueType() const
return this->IsValueTypeImpl(typeid(ValueType));
/// Returns true if this array matches the StorageType template argument.
template <typename StorageType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsStorageType() const
return this->IsStorageTypeImpl(typeid(StorageType));
/// \brief Returns true if this array's `ValueType` has the provided base component type.
/// The base component type is the recursive component type of any `Vec`-like object. So
/// if the array's `ValueType` is `vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>`, then the base component
/// type will be `vtkm::Float32`. Likewise, if the `ValueType` is
/// `vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>, 2>`, then the base component type is still
/// `vtkm::Float32`.
/// If the `ValueType` is not `Vec`-like type, then the base component type is the same.
/// So a `ValueType` of `vtkm::Float32` has a base component type of `vtkm::Float32`.
template <typename BaseComponentType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsBaseComponentType() const
return this->IsBaseComponentTypeImpl(detail::UnknownAHComponentInfo::Make<BaseComponentType>());
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// Returns true if this array matches the ArrayHandleType template argument.
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_CONT bool IsType() const
return (this->IsValueType<typename ArrayHandleType::ValueType>() &&
this->IsStorageType<typename ArrayHandleType::StorageTag>());
2020-08-05 12:42:33 +00:00
/// \brief Assigns potential value and storage types.
/// Calling this method will return an `UncertainArrayHandle` with the provided
/// value and storage type lists. The returned object will hold the same
/// `ArrayHandle`, but `CastAndCall`s on the returned object will be constrained
/// to the given types.
// Defined in UncertainArrayHandle.h
template <typename NewValueTypeList, typename NewStorageTypeList>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::UncertainArrayHandle<NewValueTypeList, NewStorageTypeList> ResetTypes(
NewValueTypeList = NewValueTypeList{},
NewStorageTypeList = NewStorageTypeList{}) const;
template <typename NewValueTypeList>
VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Specify both value types and storage types.")
vtkm::cont::UncertainArrayHandle<NewValueTypeList, vtkm::cont::StorageListCommon> ResetTypes(
NewValueTypeList = NewValueTypeList{}) const
return this->ResetTypes<NewValueTypeList, vtkm::cont::StorageListCommon>();
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/// \brief Returns the number of values in the array.
VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id GetNumberOfValues() const;
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/// \brief Returns the number of components for each value in the array.
/// If the array holds `vtkm::Vec` objects, this will return the number of components
/// in each value. If the array holds a basic C type (such as `float`), this will return 1.
/// If the array holds `Vec`-like objects that have the number of components that can vary
/// at runtime, this method will return 0 (because there is no consistent answer).
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VTKM_CONT vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponents() const;
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/// \brief Returns the total number of components for each value in the array.
/// If the array holds `vtkm::Vec` objects, this will return the total number of components
/// in each value assuming the object is flattened out to one level of `Vec` objects.
/// If the array holds a basic C type (such as `float`), this will return 1.
/// If the array holds a simple `Vec` (such as `vtkm::Vec3f`), this will return the number
/// of components (in this case 3).
/// If the array holds a hierarchy of `Vec`s (such as `vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec3f, 2>`), this will
/// return the total number of vecs (in this case 6).
/// If the array holds `Vec`-like objects that have the number of components that can vary
/// at runtime, this method will return 0 (because there is no consistent answer).
VTKM_CONT vtkm::IdComponent GetNumberOfComponentsFlat() const;
/// \brief Reallocate the data in the array.
/// The allocation works the same as the `Allocate` method of `vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle`.
/// @{
VTKM_CONT void Allocate(vtkm::Id numValues,
vtkm::CopyFlag preserve,
vtkm::cont::Token& token) const;
VTKM_CONT void Allocate(vtkm::Id numValues, vtkm::CopyFlag preserve = vtkm::CopyFlag::Off) const;
/// @}
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/// \brief Determine if the contained array can be passed to the given array type.
/// This method will return true if calling `AsArrayHandle` of the given type will
/// succeed. The result is similar to `IsType`, and if `IsType` returns true, then
/// this will return true. However, this method will also return true for other
/// types such as an `ArrayHandleMultiplexer` that can contain the array.
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_CONT bool CanConvert() const;
// MSVC will issue deprecation warnings here if this template is instantiated with
// a deprecated class even if the template is used from a section of code where
// deprecation warnings are suppressed. This is annoying behavior since this template
// has no control over what class it is used with. To get around it, we have to
// suppress all deprecation warnings here.
#ifdef VTKM_MSVC
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/// Returns this array cast appropriately and stored in the given `ArrayHandle` type.
/// Throws an `ErrorBadType` if the stored array cannot be stored in the given array type.
/// Use the `IsType` method to determine if the array can be returned with the given type.
template <typename T, typename S>
VTKM_CONT void AsArrayHandle(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>& array) const
using ArrayType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
if (!this->IsType<ArrayType>())
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, decltype(array));
throwFailedDynamicCast(this->GetArrayTypeName(), vtkm::cont::TypeToString(array));
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
array = *reinterpret_cast<ArrayType*>(this->Container->ArrayHandlePointer);
template <typename T, typename... Ss>
VTKM_CONT void AsArrayHandle(
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer<Ss...>>& array) const;
template <typename TargetT, typename SourceT, typename SourceS>
VTKM_CONT void AsArrayHandle(
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<TargetT, vtkm::cont::StorageTagCast<SourceT, SourceS>>& array) const
using ContainedArrayType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<SourceT, SourceS>;
array = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleCast<TargetT, ContainedArrayType>(
template <typename ArrayType>
VTKM_CONT ArrayType AsArrayHandle() const
ArrayType array;
return array;
#ifdef VTKM_MSVC
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
// For code still expecting a VariantArrayHandle
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use AsArrayHandle.")
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleType Cast() const
return this->AsArrayHandle<ArrayHandleType>();
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use AsArrayHandle.")
VTKM_CONT void CopyTo(ArrayHandleType& array) const
template <typename MultiplexerType>
VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use AsArrayHandle.")
VTKM_CONT MultiplexerType AsMultiplexer() const
return this->AsArrayHandle<MultiplexerType>();
template <typename MultiplexerType>
VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use AsArrayHandle.")
VTKM_CONT void AsMultiplexer(MultiplexerType& result) const
result = this->AsArrayHandle<MultiplexerType>();
/// \brief Extract a component of the array.
/// This method returns an array that holds the data for a given flat component of the data.
/// The `BaseComponentType` has to be specified and must match the contained array (i.e.
/// the result of `IsBaseComponentType` must succeed for the given type).
/// This method treats each value in the array as a flat `Vec` even if it is a `Vec` of
/// `Vec`s. For example, if the array actually holds values of type `Vec<Vec<T, 3>, 2>`,
/// it is treated as if it holds a `Vec<T, 6>`. See `vtkm::VecFlat` for details on how
/// vectors are flattened.
/// The point of using `ExtractComponent` over `AsArrayHandle` is that it drastically reduces
/// the amount of types you have to try. Most of the type the base component type is one of
/// the basic C types (i.e. `int`, `long`, `float`, etc.). You do not need to know what shape
/// the containing `Vec` is in, nor do you need to know the actual storage of the array.
/// Note that the type of the array returned is `ArrayHandleStride`. Using this type of
/// array handle has a slight overhead over basic arrays like `ArrayHandleBasic` and
/// `ArrayHandleSOA`.
/// When extracting a component of an array, a shallow pointer to the data is returned
/// whenever possible. However, in some circumstances it is impossible to conform the
/// array. In these cases, the data are by default copied. If copying the data would
/// cause problems (for example, you are writing into the array), you can select the
/// optional `allowCopy` flag to `vtkm::CopyFlag::Off`. In this case, an exception
/// will be thrown if the result cannot be represented by a shallow copy.
template <typename BaseComponentType>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleStride<BaseComponentType> ExtractComponent(
vtkm::IdComponent componentIndex,
vtkm::CopyFlag allowCopy = vtkm::CopyFlag::On) const
using ComponentArrayType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleStride<BaseComponentType>;
if (!this->IsBaseComponentType<BaseComponentType>())
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, ComponentArrayType);
throwFailedDynamicCast("UnknownArrayHandle with " + this->GetArrayTypeName(),
"component array of " + vtkm::cont::TypeToString<BaseComponentType>());
auto buffers = this->Container->ExtractComponent(
this->Container->ArrayHandlePointer, componentIndex, allowCopy);
return ComponentArrayType(buffers);
/// \brief Extract the array knowing only the component type of the array.
/// This method returns an `ArrayHandle` that points to the data in the array. This method
/// differs from `AsArrayHandle` because you do not need to know the exact `ValueType` and
/// `StorageTag` of the array. Instead, you only need to know the base component type.
/// `ExtractArrayFromComponents` works by calling the `ExtractComponent` method and then
/// combining them together in a fancy `ArrayHandle`. This allows you to ignore the storage
/// type of the underlying array as well as any `Vec` structure of the value type. However,
/// it also places some limitations on how the data can be pulled from the data.
/// First, you have to specify the base component type. This must match the data in the
/// underlying array (as reported by `IsBaseComponentType`).
/// Second, the array returned will have the `Vec`s flattened. For example, if the underlying
/// array has a `ValueType` of `Vec<Vec<T, 3>, 3>`, then this method will tread the data as
/// if it was `Vec<T, 9>`. There is no way to get an array with `Vec` of `Vec` values.
/// Third, because the `Vec` length of the values in the returned `ArrayHandle` must be
/// determined at runtime, that can break many assumptions of using `Vec` objects. The
/// type is not going to be a `Vec<T,N>` type but rather an internal class that is intended
/// to behave like that. The type should behave mostly like a `Vec`, but will have some
/// differences that can lead to unexpected behavior. For example, this `Vec`-like object
/// will not have a `NUM_COMPONENTS` constant static expression because it is not known
/// at compile time. (Use the `GetNumberOfComponents` method instead.) And for the same
/// reason you will not be able to pass these objects to classes overloaded or templated
/// on the `Vec` type. Also, these `Vec`-like objects cannot be created as new instances.
/// Thus, you will likely have to iterate over all components rather than do operations on
/// the whole `Vec`.
/// Fourth, because `ExtractArrayFromComponents` uses `ExtractComponent` to pull data from
/// the array (which in turn uses `ArrayExtractComponent`), there are some `ArrayHandle` types
/// that will require copying data to a new array. This could be problematic in cases where
/// you want to write to the array. To prevent data from being copied, set the optional
/// `allowCopy` to `vtkm::CopyFlag::Off`. This will cause an exception to be thrown if
/// the resulting array cannot reference the memory held in this `UnknownArrayHandle`.
/// Fifth, component arrays are extracted using `ArrayHandleStride` as the representation
/// for each component. This array adds a slight overhead for each lookup as it performs the
/// arithmetic for finding the index of each component.
template <typename BaseComponentType>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec<BaseComponentType> ExtractArrayFromComponents(
vtkm::CopyFlag allowCopy = vtkm::CopyFlag::On) const
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec<BaseComponentType> result;
vtkm::IdComponent numComponents = this->GetNumberOfComponentsFlat();
for (vtkm::IdComponent cIndex = 0; cIndex < numComponents; ++cIndex)
result.AppendComponentArray(this->ExtractComponent<BaseComponentType>(cIndex, allowCopy));
return result;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// \brief Call a functor using the underlying array type.
/// `CastAndCallForTypes` attempts to cast the held array to a specific value type,
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// and then calls the given functor with the cast array. You must specify
/// the `TypeList` and `StorageList` as template arguments.
/// After the functor argument you may add any number of arguments that will be
/// passed to the functor after the converted `ArrayHandle`.
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename TypeList, typename StorageList, typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCallForTypes(Functor&& functor, Args&&... args) const;
/// \brief Call a functor on an array extracted from the components.
/// `CastAndCallWithExtractedArray` behaves similarly to `CastAndCallForTypes`.
/// It converts the contained data to an `ArrayHandle` and calls a functor with
/// that `ArrayHandle` (and any number of optionally specified arguments).
/// The advantage of `CastAndCallWithExtractedArray` is that you do not need to
/// specify any `TypeList` or `StorageList`. Instead, it internally uses
/// `ExtractArrayFromComponents` to work with most `ArrayHandle` types with only
/// about 10 instances of the functor. In contrast, calling `CastAndCallForTypes`
/// results in many more instances of the functor but handling many fewer types
/// of `ArrayHandle`.
/// There are, however, costs to using this method. Details of these costs are
/// documented for the `ExtractArrayFromComponents` method, but briefly they
/// are that `Vec` types get flattened, the resulting array has a strange `Vec`-like
/// value type that has many limitations on its use, there is an overhead for
/// retrieving each value from the array, and there is a potential that data
/// must be copied.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCallWithExtractedArray(Functor&& functor, Args&&... args) const;
template <typename FunctorOrStorageList, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT VTKM_DEPRECATED(1.6, "Use CastAndCallForTypes.") void CastAndCall(
FunctorOrStorageList&& functorOrStorageList,
Args&&... args) const
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// Releases any resources being used in the execution environment (that are
/// not being shared by the control environment).
VTKM_CONT void ReleaseResourcesExecution() const;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
/// Releases all resources in both the control and execution environments.
VTKM_CONT void ReleaseResources() const;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
VTKM_CONT void PrintSummary(std::ostream& out, bool full = false) const;
// Remove this when deprecated CastAndCall is removed.
template <typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCallImpl(std::false_type, Args&&... args) const
this->CastAndCallForTypes<vtkm::TypeListCommon, vtkm::cont::StorageListCommon>(
template <typename StorageList, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCallImpl(std::true_type, StorageList, Args&&... args) const
this->CastAndCallForTypes<vtkm::TypeListCommon, StorageList>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
// Out of class implementations
namespace detail
template <typename T, typename S>
struct UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert
VTKM_CONT bool operator()(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array) const
return array.IsType<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>>();
template <typename TargetT, typename SourceT, typename SourceS>
struct UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert<TargetT, vtkm::cont::StorageTagCast<SourceT, SourceS>>
VTKM_CONT bool operator()(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array) const
return UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert<SourceT, SourceS>{}(array);
template <typename T>
struct UnknownArrayHandleCanConvertTry
template <typename S>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(S, const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array, bool& canConvert) const
canConvert |= UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert<T, S>{}(array);
template <typename T, typename... Ss>
struct UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert<T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer<Ss...>>
VTKM_CONT bool operator()(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array) const
bool canConvert = false;
vtkm::ListForEach(UnknownArrayHandleCanConvertTry<T>{}, vtkm::List<Ss...>{}, array, canConvert);
return canConvert;
} // namespace detail
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_CONT bool UnknownArrayHandle::CanConvert() const
return detail::UnknownArrayHandleCanConvert<typename ArrayHandleType::ValueType,
typename ArrayHandleType::StorageTag>{}(*this);
namespace detail
struct UnknownArrayHandleMultplexerCastTry
template <typename T, typename S, typename... Ss>
VTKM_CONT void operator()(
const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& unknownArray,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer<Ss...>>& outputArray,
bool& converted) const
using ArrayType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
if (unknownArray.CanConvert<ArrayType>())
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
if (converted && !unknownArray.IsType<ArrayType>())
// The array has already been converted and pushed in the multiplexer. It is
// possible that multiple array types can be put in the ArrayHandleMultiplexer
// (for example, and ArrayHandle or an ArrayHandle that has been cast). Exact
// matches will override other matches (hence, the second part of the condition),
// but at this point we have already found a better array to put inside.
outputArray = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleMultiplexer<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Ss>...>(
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
converted = true;
} // namespace detail
template <typename T, typename... Ss>
void UnknownArrayHandle::AsArrayHandle(
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, vtkm::cont::StorageTagMultiplexer<Ss...>>& array) const
bool converted = false;
detail::UnknownArrayHandleMultplexerCastTry{}, vtkm::List<Ss...>{}, *this, array, converted);
if (!converted)
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, decltype(array));
throwFailedDynamicCast(vtkm::cont::TypeToString(*this), vtkm::cont::TypeToString(array));
namespace detail
struct UnknownArrayHandleTry
template <typename T, typename S, typename Functor, typename... Args>
void operator()(vtkm::List<T, S>,
Functor&& f,
bool& called,
const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& unknownArray,
Args&&... args) const
using DerivedArrayType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>;
if (!called && unknownArray.CanConvert<DerivedArrayType>())
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
called = true;
DerivedArrayType derivedArray;
VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(unknownArray, derivedArray);
// If you get a compile error here, it means that you have called CastAndCall for a
// vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle and the arguments of the functor do not match those
// being passed. This is often because it is calling the functor with an ArrayHandle
// type that was not expected. Either add overloads to the functor to accept all
// possible array types or constrain the types tried for the CastAndCall. Note that
// the functor will be called with an array of type vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, S>.
// Directly using a subclass of ArrayHandle (e.g. vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleConstant<T>)
// might not work.
f(derivedArray, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace detail
namespace internal
namespace detail
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename T>
struct IsUndefinedArrayType
template <typename T, typename S>
struct IsUndefinedArrayType<vtkm::List<T, S>> : vtkm::cont::internal::IsInvalidArrayHandle<T, S>
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
} // namespace detail
template <typename ValueTypeList, typename StorageTypeList>
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
using ListAllArrayTypes =
vtkm::ListRemoveIf<vtkm::ListCross<ValueTypeList, StorageTypeList>, detail::IsUndefinedArrayType>;
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT void ThrowCastAndCallException(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle&,
const std::type_info&);
} // namespace internal
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
template <typename TypeList, typename StorageTagList, typename Functor, typename... Args>
inline void UnknownArrayHandle::CastAndCallForTypes(Functor&& f, Args&&... args) const
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
using crossProduct = internal::ListAllArrayTypes<TypeList, StorageTagList>;
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bool called = false;
if (!called)
// throw an exception
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, TypeList);
internal::ThrowCastAndCallException(*this, typeid(TypeList));
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
// Free function casting helpers
/// Returns true if \c variant matches the type of ArrayHandleType.
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_CONT inline bool IsType(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array)
return array.template IsType<ArrayHandleType>();
/// Returns \c variant cast to the given \c ArrayHandle type. Throws \c
/// ErrorBadType if the cast does not work. Use \c IsType
/// to check if the cast can happen.
template <typename ArrayHandleType>
VTKM_CONT inline ArrayHandleType Cast(const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& array)
return array.template AsArrayHandle<ArrayHandleType>();
namespace detail
struct UnknownArrayHandleTryExtract
template <typename T, typename Functor, typename... Args>
void operator()(T,
Functor&& f,
bool& called,
const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& unknownArray,
Args&&... args) const
if (!called && unknownArray.IsBaseComponentType<T>())
called = true;
auto extractedArray = unknownArray.ExtractArrayFromComponents<T>();
VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(unknownArray, extractedArray);
// If you get a compile error here, it means that you have called
// CastAndCallWithExtractedArray for a vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle and the arguments of
// the functor do not match those being passed. This is often because it is calling the
// functor with an ArrayHandle type that was not expected. Add overloads to the functor to
// accept all possible array types or constrain the types tried for the CastAndCall. Note
// that the functor will be called with an array of type that is different than the actual
// type of the `ArrayHandle` stored in the `UnknownArrayHandle`.
f(extractedArray, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} // namespace detail
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
inline void UnknownArrayHandle::CastAndCallWithExtractedArray(Functor&& functor,
Args&&... args) const
bool called = false;
if (!called)
// Throw an exception.
// The message will be a little wonky because the types are just the value types, not the
// full type to cast to.
VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(*this, vtkm::TypeListScalarAll);
internal::ThrowCastAndCallException(*this, typeid(vtkm::TypeListScalarAll));
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
} // namespace vtkm::cont
// Specializations of serialization related classes
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
template <>
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT SerializableTypeString<vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle>
static VTKM_CONT std::string Get();
} // namespace vtkm::cont
namespace mangled_diy_namespace
template <>
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT Serialization<vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle>
static VTKM_CONT void save(BinaryBuffer& bb, const vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& obj);
static VTKM_CONT void load(BinaryBuffer& bb, vtkm::cont::UnknownArrayHandle& obj);
} // namespace mangled_diy_namespace
/// @endcond SERIALIZATION
2020-08-05 03:16:29 +00:00
#endif //vtk_m_cont_UnknownArrayHandle_h