
169 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "KernelBase.h"
// Gaussian kernel.
// Compact support is achived by truncating the kernel beyond the cutoff radius
// This implementation uses a factor of 5 between smoothing length and cutoff
namespace vtkm { namespace worklet {
namespace kernels {
template <int Dimensions>
struct Gaussian : public KernelBase< Gaussian<Dimensions> >
// Constructor
// Calculate coefficients used repeatedly when evaluating the kernel
// value or gradient
Gaussian(double smoothingLength)
: KernelBase< Gaussian<Dimensions> >(smoothingLength)
Hinverse_ = 1.0/smoothingLength;
Hinverse2_ = Hinverse_*Hinverse_;
maxRadius_ = 5.0*smoothingLength;
maxRadius2_ = maxRadius_*maxRadius_;
norm_ = 1.0 / pow(M_PI, static_cast<double>(Dimensions) / 2.0);
scale_W_ = norm_ * power<Dimensions> (Hinverse_);
scale_GradW_ = - 2.0 * power<Dimensions+1>(Hinverse_) / norm_;
// return the multiplier between smoothing length and max cutoff distance
constexpr double getDilationFactor() const { return 5.0; }
// compute w(h) for the given distance
inline double w(double distance) const
if (distance<maxDistance()) {
// compute r/h
double normedDist = distance * Hinverse_;
// compute w(h)
return scale_W_ * exp(-normedDist * normedDist);
return 0.0;
// compute w(h) for the given squared distance
inline double w2(double distance2) const
if (distance2<maxSquaredDistance()) {
// compute (r/h)^2
double normedDist = distance2 * Hinverse2_;
// compute w(h)
return scale_W_ * exp(-normedDist);
return 0.0;
// compute w(h) for a variable h kernel
inline double w(double h, double distance) const
if (distance<maxDistance(h)) {
double Hinverse = 1.0/h;
double scale_W = norm_ * power<Dimensions>(Hinverse);
double Q = distance * Hinverse;
return scale_W * exp(-Q*Q);
return 0;
// compute w(h) for a variable h kernel using distance squared
inline double w2(double h, double distance2) const
if (distance2<maxSquaredDistance(h)) {
double Hinverse = 1.0/h;
double scale_W = norm_ * power<Dimensions>(Hinverse);
double Q = distance2 * Hinverse * Hinverse;
return scale_W * exp(-Q);
return 0;
// Calculates the kernel derivative for a distance {x,y,z} vector
// from the centre
inline vector_type gradW(double distance, const vector_type& pos) const
double Q = distance * Hinverse_;
if (Q != 0.0)
return scale_GradW_ * exp(-Q * Q) * pos;
else {
return vector_type(0.0);
// Calculates the kernel derivative for a distance {x,y,z} vector
// from the centre using a variable h
inline vector_type gradW(double h, double distance, const vector_type& pos) const
double Hinverse = 1.0/h;
double scale_GradW = - 2.0 * power<Dimensions+1>(Hinverse)
/ pow(M_PI, static_cast<double>(Dimensions) / 2.0);
double Q = distance * Hinverse;
//!!! check this due to the fitting offset
if (distance != 0.0)
return scale_GradW * exp(-Q * Q) * pos;
else {
return vector_type(0.0);
// return the maximum distance at which this kernel is non zero
inline double maxDistance() const
return maxRadius_;
// return the maximum distance at which this variable h kernel is non zero
inline double maxDistance(double h) const
return getDilationFactor()*h;
// return the maximum distance at which this kernel is non zero
inline double maxSquaredDistance() const
return maxRadius2_;
// return the maximum distance at which this kernel is non zero
inline double maxSquaredDistance(double h) const
return power<2>(getDilationFactor())*h*h;
double norm_;
double Hinverse_;
double Hinverse2_;
double maxRadius_;
double maxRadius2_;
double scale_W_;
double scale_GradW_;