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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h
#define vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/ThreadIndicesBasic.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/ConnectivityStructured.h>
namespace vtkm {
namespace exec {
namespace arg {
namespace detail {
/// Most cell shape tags have a default constructor, but the generic cell shape
/// tag does not to prevent accidently losing the Id, which, unlike the other
/// cell shapes, can vary.
template<typename CellShapeTag>
struct CellShapeInitializer
static CellShapeTag GetDefault() { return CellShapeTag(); }
struct CellShapeInitializer<vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric>
static vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric GetDefault()
return vtkm::CellShapeTagGeneric(vtkm::CELL_SHAPE_EMPTY);
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Container for thread indices in a topology map
/// This specialization of \c ThreadIndices adds extra indices that deal with
/// topology maps. In particular, it saves the indices used to map the "from"
/// elements in the map. The input and output indices from the superclass are
/// considered to be indexing the "to" elements.
/// This class is templated on the type that stores the connectivity (such
/// as \c ConnectivityExplicit or \c ConnectivityStructured).
template<typename ConnectivityType>
class ThreadIndicesTopologyMap : public vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic
typedef vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic Superclass;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::IndicesType IndicesFromType;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::CellShapeTag CellShapeTag;
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
: Superclass(threadIndex, invocation),
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(this->GetInputIndex());
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(this->GetInputIndex());
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements.
/// A topology map has "from" and "to" elements (for example from points to
/// cells). For each worklet invocation, there is exactly one "to" element,
/// but can be several "from" element. This method returns a Vec-like object
/// containing the indices to the "from" elements.
IndicesFromType GetIndicesFrom() const { return this->IndicesFrom; }
/// \brief The shape of the input cell.
/// In topology maps that map from points to something, the indices make up
/// the structure of a cell. Although the shape tag is not technically and
/// index, it defines the meaning of the indices, so we put it here. (That
/// and this class is the only convenient place to store it.)
CellShapeTag GetCellShape() const { return this->CellShape; }
IndicesFromType IndicesFrom;
CellShapeTag CellShape;
namespace detail {
// Helper function to increase an index to 3D.
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id3 index) { return index; }
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id2 index)
return vtkm::Id3(index[0], index[1], 0);
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Id,1> index)
return vtkm::Id3(index[0], 0, 0);
vtkm::Id3 InflateTo3D(vtkm::Id index)
return vtkm::Id3(index, 0, 0);
vtkm::Id3 Deflate(const vtkm::Id3& index, vtkm::Id3)
return index;
vtkm::Id2 Deflate(const vtkm::Id3& index, vtkm::Id2)
return vtkm::Id2(index[0], index[1]);
} // namespace detail
// Specialization for structured connectivity types.
template<typename FromTopology,
typename ToTopology,
vtkm::IdComponent Dimension>
class ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<
vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured<FromTopology,ToTopology,Dimension> >
typedef vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesBasic Superclass;
typedef vtkm::exec::ConnectivityStructured<FromTopology,ToTopology,Dimension>
typedef typename ConnectivityType::IndicesType IndicesFromType;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::CellShapeTag CellShapeTag;
typedef typename ConnectivityType::SchedulingRangeType LogicalIndexType;
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
this->InputIndex = invocation.OutputToInputMap.Get(threadIndex);
this->OutputIndex = threadIndex;
this->VisitIndex = invocation.VisitArray.Get(threadIndex);
this->LogicalIndex = connectivity.FlatToLogicalToIndex(this->InputIndex);
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(this->LogicalIndex);
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(this->InputIndex);
template<typename Invocation>
ThreadIndicesTopologyMap(vtkm::Id3 threadIndex, const Invocation &invocation)
// The connectivity is stored in the invocation parameter at the given
// input domain index. If this class is being used correctly, the type
// of the domain will match the connectivity type used here. If there is
// a compile error here about a type mismatch, chances are a worklet has
// set its input domain incorrectly.
const ConnectivityType &connectivity = invocation.GetInputDomain();
const LogicalIndexType logicalIndex =
detail::Deflate(threadIndex, LogicalIndexType());
const vtkm::Id index = connectivity.LogicalToFlatToIndex(logicalIndex);
// We currently only support multidimensional indices on one-to-one input-
// to-output mappings. (We don't have a use case otherwise.)
this->InputIndex = this->OutputIndex = index;
this->VisitIndex = invocation.VisitArray.Get(index);
this->LogicalIndex = logicalIndex;
this->IndicesFrom = connectivity.GetIndices(logicalIndex);
this->CellShape = connectivity.GetCellShape(index);
/// \brief The logical index into the input domain.
/// This is similar to \c GetIndex3D except the Vec size matches the actual
/// dimensions of the data.
LogicalIndexType GetIndexLogical() const
return this->LogicalIndex;
/// \brief The index into the input domain.
/// This index refers to the input element (array value, cell, etc.) that
/// this thread is being invoked for. This is the typical index used during
/// fetches.
vtkm::Id GetInputIndex() const
return this->InputIndex;
/// \brief The 3D index into the input domain.
/// Overloads the implementation in the base class to return the 3D index
/// for the input.
vtkm::Id3 GetInputIndex3D() const
return detail::InflateTo3D(this->GetIndexLogical());
/// \brief The index into the output domain.
/// This index refers to the output element (array value, cell, etc.) that
/// this thread is creating. This is the typical index used during
/// Fetch::Store.
vtkm::Id GetOutputIndex() const
return this->OutputIndex;
/// \brief The visit index.
/// When multiple output indices have the same input index, they are
/// distinguished using the visit index.
vtkm::IdComponent GetVisitIndex() const
return this->VisitIndex;
/// \brief The input indices of the "from" elements.
/// A topology map has "from" and "to" elements (for example from points to
/// cells). For each worklet invocation, there is exactly one "to" element,
/// but can be several "from" element. This method returns a Vec-like object
/// containing the indices to the "from" elements.
IndicesFromType GetIndicesFrom() const { return this->IndicesFrom; }
/// \brief The shape of the input cell.
/// In topology maps that map from points to something, the indices make up
/// the structure of a cell. Although the shape tag is not technically and
/// index, it defines the meaning of the indices, so we put it here. (That
/// and this class is the only convenient place to store it.)
CellShapeTag GetCellShape() const { return this->CellShape; }
vtkm::Id InputIndex;
vtkm::Id OutputIndex;
vtkm::IdComponent VisitIndex;
LogicalIndexType LogicalIndex;
IndicesFromType IndicesFrom;
CellShapeTag CellShape;
} // namespace vtkm::exec::arg
#endif //vtk_m_exec_arg_ThreadIndicesTopologyMap_h