Test variant arguments to worklets

Add a regression test for passing a variant as an argument to a worklet.
Variants are tricky objects, and the compiler might make some strange
assumptions during optimization.

One case that popped up in particular was when a variant contained two
objects with the same `sizeof` but the first object had padding. When the
variant contained the second object, the value under the padded part of
the first object was not set.
This commit is contained in:
Kenneth Moreland 2023-04-04 17:14:38 -06:00
parent de28a43510
commit 0182eb9d9d
3 changed files with 185 additions and 6 deletions

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ constexpr std::size_t MaxSizeOf()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Placeholder for a fullly used structure of the given type.
// Placeholder for a fully used structure of the given type.
template <std::size_t Size, bool = (Size > 8)>
struct SizedPlaceholder

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ constexpr std::size_t MaxSizeOf()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Placeholder for a fullly used structure of the given type.
// Placeholder for a fully used structure of the given type.
template <std::size_t Size, bool = (Size > 8)>
struct SizedPlaceholder

@ -10,13 +10,19 @@
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleIndex.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ExecutionObjectBase.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Invoker.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/UncertainArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/Variant.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/testing/Testing.h>
namespace map_exec_field
struct SimpleExecObject : vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
template <typename Device>
@ -55,9 +61,6 @@ struct TestExecObjectWorklet
namespace map_exec_field
static constexpr vtkm::Id ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
template <typename WorkletType>
@ -105,6 +108,179 @@ struct DoTestWorklet
struct StructWithPadding
vtkm::Int32 A;
// Padding here
vtkm::Int64 C;
struct StructWithoutPadding
vtkm::Int32 A;
vtkm::Int32 B;
vtkm::Int64 C;
struct LargerStruct
vtkm::Int64 C;
vtkm::Int64 D;
vtkm::Int64 E;
using VariantTypePadding = vtkm::exec::Variant<StructWithPadding, StructWithoutPadding>;
using VariantTypeSizes = vtkm::exec::Variant<StructWithPadding, StructWithoutPadding, LargerStruct>;
struct VarientPaddingExecObj : vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
VariantTypePadding Variant;
VTKM_CONT VariantTypePadding PrepareForExecution(const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId&,
vtkm::cont::Token&) const
return this->Variant;
struct VarientSizesExecObj : vtkm::cont::ExecutionObjectBase
VariantTypeSizes Variant;
VTKM_CONT VariantTypeSizes PrepareForExecution(const vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId&,
vtkm::cont::Token&) const
return this->Variant;
struct TestVariantExecObjectPadding : vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldOut a, FieldOut c, ExecObject varient);
// Using an output field as the domain is weird, but it works.
using InputDomain = _1;
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Int32& a, vtkm::Int64& c, const VariantTypePadding& variant) const
a = variant.Get<StructWithPadding>().A;
c = variant.Get<StructWithPadding>().C;
struct TestVariantExecObjectNoPadding : vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldOut a, FieldOut b, FieldOut c, ExecObject varient);
// Using an output field as the domain is weird, but it works.
using InputDomain = _1;
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Int32& a,
vtkm::Int32& b,
vtkm::Int64& c,
const VariantTypePadding& variant) const
a = variant.Get<StructWithoutPadding>().A;
b = variant.Get<StructWithoutPadding>().B;
c = variant.Get<StructWithoutPadding>().C;
struct TestVariantExecObjectLarger : vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldOut c, FieldOut d, FieldOut e, ExecObject varient);
// Using an output field as the domain is weird, but it works.
using InputDomain = _1;
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Int64& c,
vtkm::Int64& d,
vtkm::Int64& e,
const VariantTypeSizes& variant) const
c = variant.Get<LargerStruct>().C;
d = variant.Get<LargerStruct>().D;
e = variant.Get<LargerStruct>().E;
void DoTestVariant()
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Int32> a;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Int32> b;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Int64> c;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Int64> d;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Int64> e;
// Usually you don't need to allocate output arrays, but these worklets do a
// weird thing of using an output array as the input domain (because the
// generative worklets have no input). It's weird to use an output field as
// the input domain, but it works as long as you preallocate the data.
vtkm::cont::Invoker invoke;
std::cout << "Struct with Padding" << std::endl;
VarientPaddingExecObj execObject;
execObject.Variant =
StructWithPadding{ TestValue(0, vtkm::Int32{}), TestValue(1, vtkm::Int64{}) };
invoke(TestVariantExecObjectPadding{}, a, c, execObject);
auto aPortal = a.ReadPortal();
auto cPortal = c.ReadPortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; ++index)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(aPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(0, vtkm::Int32{}));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(cPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(1, vtkm::Int64{}));
std::cout << "Struct without Padding" << std::endl;
VarientPaddingExecObj execObject;
execObject.Variant = StructWithoutPadding{ TestValue(2, vtkm::Int32{}),
TestValue(3, vtkm::Int32{}),
TestValue(4, vtkm::Int64{}) };
invoke(TestVariantExecObjectNoPadding{}, a, b, c, execObject);
auto aPortal = a.ReadPortal();
auto bPortal = b.ReadPortal();
auto cPortal = c.ReadPortal();
// An odd bug was observed with some specific compilers. (Specifically, this was
// last observed with GCC5 used with nvcc compiling CUDA code for the Pascal
// architecture.) It concerned a Variant that contained 2 or more objects of the
// same `sizeof` and the first one listed had some padding (to satisfy alignment)
// and the second one did not. Internally, the `Variant` object constructs a
// `union` of types in the order listed. The compiler seemed to recognize that the
// first entry in the union was the "largest" and used that for trivial copies.
// However, it also recognized the padding in that first object and skipped
// copying that value even if the union was set to the second object. If that
// condition is happening, you will probably see a failure when testing the
// bPortal below.
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; ++index)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(aPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(2, vtkm::Int32{}));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(bPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(3, vtkm::Int32{}));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(cPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(4, vtkm::Int64{}));
std::cout << "LargerStruct" << std::endl;
VarientSizesExecObj execObject;
execObject.Variant = LargerStruct{ TestValue(5, vtkm::Int64{}),
TestValue(6, vtkm::Int64{}),
TestValue(7, vtkm::Int64{}) };
invoke(TestVariantExecObjectLarger{}, c, d, e, execObject);
auto cPortal = c.ReadPortal();
auto dPortal = d.ReadPortal();
auto ePortal = e.ReadPortal();
for (vtkm::Id index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE; ++index)
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(cPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(5, vtkm::Int64{}));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(dPortal.Get(index) == TestValue(6, vtkm::Int64{}));
VTKM_TEST_ASSERT(ePortal.Get(index) == TestValue(7, vtkm::Int64{}));
void TestWorkletMapFieldExecArg(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id)
std::cout << "Testing Worklet with WholeArray on device adapter: " << id.GetName() << std::endl;
@ -112,9 +288,12 @@ void TestWorkletMapFieldExecArg(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId id)
std::cout << "--- Worklet accepting all types." << std::endl;
std::cout << "--- Worklet passing variant." << std::endl;
} // anonymous namespace
} // anonymous-ish namespace
int UnitTestWorkletMapFieldExecArg(int argc, char* argv[])