Remove trailing whitespaces

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Ruebel 2020-10-01 00:16:28 -07:00 committed by Gunther H. Weber
parent 11598d3348
commit 5353a1c3b2
12 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public:
std::string regularStructureFileName = std::string("Rank_") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(rank)) + std::string("_Block_") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + "_Round_" + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string("_Step_1_Contour_Tree_Regular_Structure.gv");
std::ofstream regularStructureFile(regularStructureFileName);
regularStructureFile << worklet::contourtree_distributed::ContourTreeDotGraphPrint<T, MeshType, vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType()
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 1 Contour Tree Regular Structure"),
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 1 Contour Tree Regular Structure"),
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ public:
std::string superStructureFileName = std::string("Rank_") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(rank)) + std::string("_Block_") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + "_Round_" + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string("_Step_2_Contour_Tree_Super_Structure.gv");
std::ofstream superStructureFile(superStructureFileName);
superStructureFile << worklet::contourtree_distributed::ContourTreeDotGraphPrint<T, MeshType, vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType()
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 2 Contour Tree Super Structure"),
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 2 Contour Tree Super Structure"),
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public:
std::ofstream boundaryTreeFile(boundaryTreeFileName);
boundaryTreeFile << vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::BoundaryTreeDotGraphPrint
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 3 Boundary Tree"),
// and save the Interior Forest as another dot file
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ public:
std::ofstream interiorForestFile(interiorForestFileName);
interiorForestFileName << InteriorForestDotGraphPrintFile<MeshType>
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 4 Interior Forest"),
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ public:
std::ofstream boundaryTreeMeshFile(boundaryTreeMeshFileName);
boundaryTreeMeshFile << vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::ContourTreeMeshDotGraphPrint<FieldType>
(std::string("Block ") + std::to_string(static_cast<int>(block->BlockIndex)) + " Round " + std::to_string(rp.round()) + " Partner " + std::to_string(ingid) + std::string(" Step 5 Boundary Tree Mesh"),

@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ std::string ContourTreeDotGraphPrint(
if (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_BOUNDARY_NODES)
isGrey = (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_REGULAR_STRUCTURE) && mesh.liesOnBoundary(regularID);
else if (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_CRITICAL_BOUNDARY_NODES)
isGrey = (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_REGULAR_STRUCTURE) && mesh.isNecessary(regularID);
isGrey = (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_REGULAR_STRUCTURE) && mesh.isNecessary(regularID);
else if (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_NECESSARY_SUPERNODES)
isGrey = (showMask & vtkm::worklet::contourtree_distributed::SHOW_SUPER_STRUCTURE) // skip if superstructure not shown
&& !vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::NoSuchElement(superID) // ignore non-super nodes

@ -132,16 +132,16 @@ public:
// convert into new IDs
indexType newHypernodeID = nOldHypernodes + newHypernode;
indexType newHypernodeSuperID = hierarchicalSuperID[oldSupernodeID];
// store the new hypernode ID
hierarchicalTree.hypernodes[newHypernodeID] = newHypernodeSuperID;
// retrieve the hyperarc and convert, carrying masking bits
indexType newHyperarcOldSuperID = hierarchicalHyperarc[oldSupernodeID];
indexType isAscendingHyperarc = isAscending(newHyperarcOldSuperID) ? IS_ASCENDING : 0x0;
newHyperarcOldSuperID = maskedIndex(newHyperarcOldSuperID);
indexType newHyperarcNewSuperID = hierarchicalSuperID[newHyperarcOldSuperID] | isAscendingHyperarc;
// and store it
hierarchicalTree.hyperarcs[newHypernodeID] = newHyperarcNewSuperID;
} // per new hypernode

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public:
indexType oldSuperparent = contourTree->superparents[oldSortIndex];
// and to a regular ID
indexType oldSuperparentNewRegularID = hierarchicalRegularID[oldSuperparent];
// Assuming that the new supernodes & hypernodes have been transferred, EVERY supernode in the old tree
// now has hierarchicalRegularID set correctly. Since every regular node belongs on a superarc in the old tree,
// we can use the ends of the superarc to invoke a search in the hierarchical tree for the superparent.
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public:
indexType oldSupertargetOldSortID = contourTree->supernodes[oldSupertargetSuperID];
indexType oldSupertargetOldRegularID = mesh->SortOrder(oldSupertargetOldSortID);
indexType oldSupertargetNewRegularID = hierarchicalTreeID[oldSupertargetOldRegularID];
// set up variables for our pruning search
// collect the low end's values
indexType lowEndRegularID = oldSuperarcAscends ? oldSuperparentNewRegularID : oldSupertargetNewRegularID;

@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ public:
// attachment points have NULL superarcs and can be ignored
if (noSuchElement(hierarchicalTree.superarcs[newSupernode]))
// OK: we are now guaranteed to have a valid hyperparent
indexType hyperparent = hierarchicalTree.hyperparents[newSupernode];
// we could still be at the end of the array, so we have to test explicitly
if (newSupernode == hierarchicalTree.supernodes.size() - 1)
// compute the delta and store it

@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public:
// set the supernode accordingly
hierarchicalTree.supernodes[newSupernodeID] = newRegularID;
// and set the round and iteration
hierarchicalTree.whichRound[newSupernodeID] = theRound;
hierarchicalTree.whichIteration[newSupernodeID] = whenTransferred[oldSupernodeID];
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ public:
// and we have to work out the supernode each connects to
// unfortunately, the attachment points complicate this compared to the old code
// for sweeping later, we will set the # of superchildren, but we don't have that yet
// So the test will have to be the following:
// i. the "neighbour" is the +1 index
// ii. if the neighbour is off the end, we take the end of the hyperarc
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ public:
{ // not at the end of the array
indexType nbrSuperID = newSupernodes[neighbour];
// immediately check for case iii. by looking at the hierarchicalSuperparent of the neighbour's old ID
// if it's already set, it's because it's an attachment point
if (!noSuchElement(hierarchicalSuperparent[nbrSuperID]))

@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ public:
for (indexType activeSuper = 0; activeSuper < activeSuperarcs.size(); activeSuper++)
{ // per active superarc
indexType lowEnd = activeSuperarcs[activeSuper].low, highEnd = activeSuperarcs[activeSuper].high;
// if the low end thinks it ascends to the high end and does not have a descent, then it must be a lower leaf, unless it's necessary (ie an attachment)
if ((supernodeType[lowEnd] != IS_SADDLE) && (upNeighbour[lowEnd] == highEnd) && noSuchElement(downNeighbour[lowEnd]) && (!residue->isNecessary[lowEnd]))
supernodeType[lowEnd] = IS_LOWER_LEAF;
// symmetrically for the high end
if ((supernodeType[highEnd] != IS_SADDLE) && (downNeighbour[highEnd] == lowEnd) && noSuchElement(upNeighbour[highEnd]) && (!residue->isNecessary[highEnd]))
supernodeType[highEnd] = IS_UPPER_LEAF;
} // per active superarc
} // operator ()

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
for (indexType activeSuper = 0; activeSuper < activeSuperarcs.size(); activeSuper++)
{ // per active superarc
indexType lowEnd = activeSuperarcs[activeSuper].low, highEnd = activeSuperarcs[activeSuper].high;
// test to see whether the top end is critical
if ((upNeighbour[lowEnd] == highEnd) && (supernodeType[highEnd] != IS_REGULAR))
upNeighbour[lowEnd] |= TERMINAL_ELEMENT;

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:
// and set criticality flags at both ends to attachment if they are necessary, regular otherwise
indexType highType = residue->isNecessary[highEnd] ? IS_ATTACHMENT : IS_REGULAR;
indexType lowType = residue->isNecessary[lowEnd] ? IS_ATTACHMENT : IS_REGULAR;
supernodeType[lowEnd] = lowType;
supernodeType[highEnd] = highType;
} // per active superarc

@ -229,10 +229,10 @@ public:
indexType oldSortID = contourTree->supernodes[supernode];
indexType oldRegularID = mesh->SortOrder(oldSortID);
dataType dataValue = mesh->DataValue(oldRegularID);
indexType upGlobalID = residue->above[supernode];
indexType upHierarchicalID = hierTree.FindRegularByGlobal(upGlobalID);
indexType dnGlobalID = residue->below[supernode];
indexType dnHierarchicalID = hierTree.FindRegularByGlobal(dnGlobalID);

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ public:
// find the up & down neighbours
indexType upNbr = maskedIndex(upNeighbour[high]);
indexType downNbr = maskedIndex(downNeighbour[high]);
// test the up neighbour first for leaf-hood
// but only if the corresponding flag is true
if (supernodeType[upNbr] == IS_UPPER_LEAF)
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public:
} // switch on upper end
// test whether the bottom end is a lower leaf
switch (supernodeType[low])
{ // switch on lower end
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public:
// find the up & down neighbours
indexType upNbr = maskedIndex(upNeighbour[low]);
indexType downNbr = maskedIndex(downNeighbour[low]);
// test the up neighbour first for leaf-hood
if (supernodeType[upNbr] == IS_UPPER_LEAF)
{ // up neighbour is an upper leaf

@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ public:
// test to see whether the superarc needs to be transferred
if (residue->isNecessary[from] && residue->isNecessary[to])
// retrieve the position (note that -1 converts partial sum to prefix sum, since all values were 1's originally)
indexType activeSuperarc = activeSuperarcID[superarc] - 1;
// if to is higher
if (isAscending(unmaskedTo))
{ // to is higher