This commit is contained in:
Samuel Li 2017-02-12 18:15:20 -07:00
parent afda56c9c4
commit 56b9587d02

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ private:
// Y
@ -355,6 +356,8 @@ private:
// ---------------------------------------------------
// | | | | | | |
@ -585,6 +588,8 @@ private:
// Worklet: 3D forward transform along X (left-right)
template< typename DeviceTag >
class ForwardTransform3DLeftRight: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
@ -710,11 +715,10 @@ private:
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen, approxLen;
const vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
const IndexTranslator3CubesLeftRight translator;
const IndexTranslator3CubesLeftRight translator;
vtkm::Id lstart, hstart;
// Worklet: 3D forward transform along Y (Top-down)
template< typename DeviceTag >
class ForwardTransform3DTopDown: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
@ -839,11 +843,10 @@ private:
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen, approxLen;
const vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
const IndexTranslator3CubesLeftRight translator;
const IndexTranslator3CubesTopDown translator;
vtkm::Id lstart, hstart;
// Worklet: 3D forward transform along Z (Front-Back)
template< typename DeviceTag >
class ForwardTransform3DFrontBack: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
@ -968,12 +971,564 @@ private:
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen, approxLen;
const vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
const IndexTranslator3CubesLeftRight translator;
const IndexTranslator3CubesFrontBack translator;
vtkm::Id lstart, hstart;
// ---------------------------------------------------
// | | | | | | |
// |cube1 | cube5 |cube2 |cube3 | cube5 |cube4 |
// | ext1 | cA | ext2 | ext3 | cD | ext4 |
// | (x1) | (xa) | (x2) | (x3) | (xd) | (x4) |
// | | | | | | |
// ----------------------------------------------------
// The following 3 classes perform the same functionaliry in 3 directions
// Worklet: perform a simple 3D inverse transform along X direction (Left-right)
template< typename DeviceTag >
class InverseTransform3DLeftRight: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
typedef void ControlSignature( WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext1
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext2
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext3
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext4
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // cA+cD (signal)
FieldOut< ScalarAll> ); // outptu coefficients
typedef void ExecutionSignature( _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, WorkIndex );
typedef _6 InputDomain;
// Constructor
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &lo_fil,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &hi_fil,
vtkm::Id fil_len,
vtkm::Id x_1, vtkm::Id y_1, vtkm::Id z_1, // ext1
vtkm::Id x_2, vtkm::Id y_2, vtkm::Id z_2, // ext2
vtkm::Id x_3, vtkm::Id y_3, vtkm::Id z_3, // ext3
vtkm::Id x_4, vtkm::Id y_4, vtkm::Id z_4, // ext4
vtkm::Id x_a, vtkm::Id y_a, vtkm::Id z_a, // cA
vtkm::Id x_d, vtkm::Id y_d, vtkm::Id z_d, // cD
vtkm::Id x_5, vtkm::Id y_5, vtkm::Id z_5, // signal, actual dims
vtkm::Id startX5, vtkm::Id startY5, vtkm::Id startZ5 )
lowFilter( lo_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
highFilter( hi_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
filterLen( fil_len ),
translator(x_1, y_1, z_1,
x_2, y_2, z_2,
x_3, y_3, z_3,
x_4, y_4, z_4,
x_a, y_a, z_a,
x_d, y_d, z_d,
x_5, y_5, z_5,
startX5, startY5, startZ5 )
outDimX = x_a + x_d;
outDimY = y_a + y_d;
outDimY = z_a + z_d;
cALenExtended = x_1 + x_a + x_2;
void Output1Dto3D( vtkm::Id idx, vtkm::Id &x, vtkm::Id &y, vtkm::Id &z ) const
z = idx / (outDimX * outDimY);
y = (idx - z * outDimX * outDimY) / outDimX;
x = idx % outDimX;
// Use 64-bit float for convolution calculation
#define VAL vtkm::Float64
#define MAKEVAL(a) (static_cast<VAL>(a))
template <typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5 >
VAL GetVal( const InPortalType1 &ext1,
const InPortalType2 &ext2,
const InPortalType3 &ext3,
const InPortalType4 &ext4,
const InPortalType5 &sig5,
vtkm::Id inCube,
vtkm::Id inIdx ) const
if( inCube == 1 )
return MAKEVAL( ext1.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 2 )
return MAKEVAL( ext2.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 3 )
return MAKEVAL( ext3.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 4 )
return MAKEVAL( ext4.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 5 )
return MAKEVAL( sig5.Get(inIdx) );
vtkm::cont::ErrorControlInternal("Invalid matrix index!");
return -1;
template< typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5, typename OutputValueType >
void operator() (const InPortalType1 &portal1,
const InPortalType2 &portal2,
const InPortalType3 &portal3,
const InPortalType4 &portal4,
const InPortalType5 &portal5,
OutputValueType &coeffOut,
const vtkm::Id &workIdx ) const
vtkm::Id workX, workY, workZ;
vtkm::Id k1, k2, xi, yi, zi;
vtkm::Id inputCube, inputIdx;
Output1Dto3D( workIdx, workX, workY, workZ );
if( filterLen % 2 != 0 ) // odd filter
if( workX % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2; k2 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 1; k2 = filterLen - 2;
VAL sum = 0.0;
xi = (workX + 1) / 2;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( xi, workY, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k1 -= 2;
xi = workX / 2;
while( k2 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( xi + cALenExtended, workY, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += highFilter.Get(k2) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k2 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType> (sum);
else // even filter
if( (filterLen/2) % 2 != 0 ) // odd length half filter
xi = workX / 2;
if( workX % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 2;
else // even length half filter
xi = (workX + 1) / 2;
if( workX % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2;
k1 = filterLen - 1;
VAL cA, cD;
VAL sum = 0.0;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( xi, workY, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cA = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
translator.Translate3Dto1D( xi + cALenExtended, workY, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cD = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * cA + highFilter.Get(k1) * cD;
k1 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType >(sum);
#undef MAKEVAL
#undef VAL
const typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64>::ExecutionTypes<DeviceTag>::PortalConst
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen;
vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
vtkm::Id cALenExtended; // Number of cA at the beginning of input, followed by cD
const IndexTranslator6CubesLeftRight translator;
template< typename DeviceTag >
class InverseTransform3DTopDown: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
typedef void ControlSignature( WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext1
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext2
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext3
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext4
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // cA+cD (signal)
FieldOut< ScalarAll> ); // outptu coefficients
typedef void ExecutionSignature( _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, WorkIndex );
typedef _6 InputDomain;
// Constructor
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &lo_fil,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &hi_fil,
vtkm::Id fil_len,
vtkm::Id x_1, vtkm::Id y_1, vtkm::Id z_1, // ext1
vtkm::Id x_2, vtkm::Id y_2, vtkm::Id z_2, // ext2
vtkm::Id x_3, vtkm::Id y_3, vtkm::Id z_3, // ext3
vtkm::Id x_4, vtkm::Id y_4, vtkm::Id z_4, // ext4
vtkm::Id x_a, vtkm::Id y_a, vtkm::Id z_a, // cA
vtkm::Id x_d, vtkm::Id y_d, vtkm::Id z_d, // cD
vtkm::Id x_5, vtkm::Id y_5, vtkm::Id z_5, // signal, actual dims
vtkm::Id startX5, vtkm::Id startY5, vtkm::Id startZ5 )
lowFilter( lo_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
highFilter( hi_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
filterLen( fil_len ),
translator(x_1, y_1, z_1,
x_2, y_2, z_2,
x_3, y_3, z_3,
x_4, y_4, z_4,
x_a, y_a, z_a,
x_d, y_d, z_d,
x_5, y_5, z_5,
startX5, startY5, startZ5 )
outDimX = x_a + x_d;
outDimY = y_a + y_d;
outDimY = z_a + z_d;
cALenExtended = y_1 + y_a + y_2;
void Output1Dto3D( vtkm::Id idx, vtkm::Id &x, vtkm::Id &y, vtkm::Id &z ) const
z = idx / (outDimX * outDimY);
y = (idx - z * outDimX * outDimY) / outDimX;
x = idx % outDimX;
// Use 64-bit float for convolution calculation
#define VAL vtkm::Float64
#define MAKEVAL(a) (static_cast<VAL>(a))
template <typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5 >
VAL GetVal( const InPortalType1 &ext1,
const InPortalType2 &ext2,
const InPortalType3 &ext3,
const InPortalType4 &ext4,
const InPortalType5 &sig5,
vtkm::Id inCube,
vtkm::Id inIdx ) const
if( inCube == 1 )
return MAKEVAL( ext1.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 2 )
return MAKEVAL( ext2.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 3 )
return MAKEVAL( ext3.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 4 )
return MAKEVAL( ext4.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 5 )
return MAKEVAL( sig5.Get(inIdx) );
vtkm::cont::ErrorControlInternal("Invalid matrix index!");
return -1;
template< typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5, typename OutputValueType >
void operator() (const InPortalType1 &portal1,
const InPortalType2 &portal2,
const InPortalType3 &portal3,
const InPortalType4 &portal4,
const InPortalType5 &portal5,
OutputValueType &coeffOut,
const vtkm::Id &workIdx ) const
vtkm::Id workX, workY, workZ;
vtkm::Id k1, k2, xi, yi, zi;
vtkm::Id inputCube, inputIdx;
Output1Dto3D( workIdx, workX, workY, workZ );
if( filterLen % 2 != 0 ) // odd filter
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2; k2 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 1; k2 = filterLen - 2;
VAL sum = 0.0;
yi = (workY + 1) / 2;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k1 -= 2;
yi = workY / 2;
while( k2 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi + cALenExtended, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += highFilter.Get(k2) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k2 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType >(sum);
else // even filter
if( (filterLen/2) % 2 != 0 )
yi = workY / 2;
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 2;
yi = (workY + 1) / 2;
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2;
k1 = filterLen - 1;
VAL cA, cD;
VAL sum = 0.0;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cA = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi + cALenExtended, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cD = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * cA + highFilter.Get(k1) * cD;
k1 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType >(sum);
#undef MAKEVAL
#undef VAL
const typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64>::ExecutionTypes<DeviceTag>::PortalConst
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen;
vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
vtkm::Id cALenExtended; // Number of cA at the beginning of input, followed by cD
const IndexTranslator6CubesTopDown translator;
template< typename DeviceTag >
class InverseTransform3DFrontBack: public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
typedef void ControlSignature( WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext1
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext2
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext3
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // ext4
WholeArrayIn< ScalarAll >, // cA+cD (signal)
FieldOut< ScalarAll> ); // outptu coefficients
typedef void ExecutionSignature( _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, WorkIndex );
typedef _6 InputDomain;
// Constructor
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &lo_fil,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64> &hi_fil,
vtkm::Id fil_len,
vtkm::Id x_1, vtkm::Id y_1, vtkm::Id z_1, // ext1
vtkm::Id x_2, vtkm::Id y_2, vtkm::Id z_2, // ext2
vtkm::Id x_3, vtkm::Id y_3, vtkm::Id z_3, // ext3
vtkm::Id x_4, vtkm::Id y_4, vtkm::Id z_4, // ext4
vtkm::Id x_a, vtkm::Id y_a, vtkm::Id z_a, // cA
vtkm::Id x_d, vtkm::Id y_d, vtkm::Id z_d, // cD
vtkm::Id x_5, vtkm::Id y_5, vtkm::Id z_5, // signal, actual dims
vtkm::Id startX5, vtkm::Id startY5, vtkm::Id startZ5 )
lowFilter( lo_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
highFilter( hi_fil.PrepareForInput( DeviceTag() ) ),
filterLen( fil_len ),
translator(x_1, y_1, z_1,
x_2, y_2, z_2,
x_3, y_3, z_3,
x_4, y_4, z_4,
x_a, y_a, z_a,
x_d, y_d, z_d,
x_5, y_5, z_5,
startX5, startY5, startZ5 )
outDimX = x_a + x_d;
outDimY = y_a + y_d;
outDimY = z_a + z_d;
cALenExtended = y_1 + y_a + y_2;
void Output1Dto3D( vtkm::Id idx, vtkm::Id &x, vtkm::Id &y, vtkm::Id &z ) const
z = idx / (outDimX * outDimY);
y = (idx - z * outDimX * outDimY) / outDimX;
x = idx % outDimX;
// Use 64-bit float for convolution calculation
#define VAL vtkm::Float64
#define MAKEVAL(a) (static_cast<VAL>(a))
template <typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5 >
VAL GetVal( const InPortalType1 &ext1,
const InPortalType2 &ext2,
const InPortalType3 &ext3,
const InPortalType4 &ext4,
const InPortalType5 &sig5,
vtkm::Id inCube,
vtkm::Id inIdx ) const
if( inCube == 1 )
return MAKEVAL( ext1.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 2 )
return MAKEVAL( ext2.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 3 )
return MAKEVAL( ext3.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 4 )
return MAKEVAL( ext4.Get(inIdx) );
else if( inCube == 5 )
return MAKEVAL( sig5.Get(inIdx) );
vtkm::cont::ErrorControlInternal("Invalid matrix index!");
return -1;
template< typename InPortalType1, typename InPortalType2, typename InPortalType3,
typename InPortalType4, typename InPortalType5, typename OutputValueType >
void operator() (const InPortalType1 &portal1,
const InPortalType2 &portal2,
const InPortalType3 &portal3,
const InPortalType4 &portal4,
const InPortalType5 &portal5,
OutputValueType &coeffOut,
const vtkm::Id &workIdx ) const
vtkm::Id workX, workY, workZ;
vtkm::Id k1, k2, xi, yi, zi;
vtkm::Id inputCube, inputIdx;
Output1Dto3D( workIdx, workX, workY, workZ );
if( filterLen % 2 != 0 ) // odd filter
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2; k2 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 1; k2 = filterLen - 2;
VAL sum = 0.0;
yi = (workY + 1) / 2;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k1 -= 2;
yi = workY / 2;
while( k2 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi + cALenExtended, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += highFilter.Get(k2) * GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5,
inputCube, inputIdx );
k2 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType >(sum);
else // even filter
if( (filterLen/2) % 2 != 0 )
yi = workY / 2;
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 1;
k1 = filterLen - 2;
yi = (workY + 1) / 2;
if( workY % 2 != 0 )
k1 = filterLen - 2;
k1 = filterLen - 1;
VAL cA, cD;
VAL sum = 0.0;
while( k1 > -1 )
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cA = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
translator.Translate3Dto1D( workX, yi + cALenExtended, workZ, inputCube, inputIdx );
cD = GetVal( portal1, portal2, portal3, portal4, portal5, inputCube, inputIdx );
sum += lowFilter.Get(k1) * cA + highFilter.Get(k1) * cD;
k1 -= 2;
coeffOut = static_cast< OutputValueType >(sum);
#undef MAKEVAL
#undef VAL
const typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Float64>::ExecutionTypes<DeviceTag>::PortalConst
lowFilter, highFilter;
const vtkm::Id filterLen;
vtkm::Id outDimX, outDimY, outDimZ;
vtkm::Id cALenExtended; // Number of cA at the beginning of input, followed by cD
const IndexTranslator6CubesTopDown translator;
// ---------------------------------------------------
// | | | | | | |