CellDerivativeFor3DCell has a better version for Vec of Vec fields.

Previously we would compute a 3x3 matrix where each element was a Vec. Using
the jacobain of a single component is sufficient so by using that we safe 2 to
3 times the memory space.

Additionally by moving to doing the derivative as a per component algorithm
we work around the issues found in bug
https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/issues/221. In effect when trying to
construct a Vec of Vec from a component of a different floating type e.g.:

  Vec3d x(0.0, 1.0, 2.0);

  Vec3f a = x;
  Vec3x3f b = x;
  Vec3x3f c(x, x, x);

Generates bad values vectors such as b which look like:

b: [[0,0,0],[1,1,1],[2,2,2]]
c: [[0,1,2],[0,1,2],[0,1,2]]
This commit is contained in:
Robert Maynard 2018-04-27 08:14:34 -04:00
parent 5c5fb020a8
commit 6267deb67e

@ -181,26 +181,26 @@ ParametricDerivative(const FieldVecType &field,
namespace detail
template <typename FieldVecType,
template <typename FieldType,
int NumPoints,
typename WorldCoordType,
typename ParametricCoordType,
typename CellShapeTag>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec<typename FieldVecType::ComponentType, 3> CellDerivativeFor3DCell(
const FieldVecType& field,
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> CellDerivativeFor3DCell(
const vtkm::Vec<FieldType, NumPoints>& field,
const WorldCoordType& wCoords,
const vtkm::Vec<ParametricCoordType, 3>& pcoords,
CellShapeTag tag)
using FieldType = typename FieldVecType::ComponentType;
using GradientType = vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3>;
// For reasons that should become apparent in a moment, we actually want
// the transpose of the Jacobian.
vtkm::Matrix<FieldType, 3, 3> jacobianTranspose;
vtkm::exec::JacobianFor3DCell(wCoords, pcoords, jacobianTranspose, CellShapeTag());
vtkm::exec::JacobianFor3DCell(wCoords, pcoords, jacobianTranspose, tag);
jacobianTranspose = vtkm::MatrixTranspose(jacobianTranspose);
GradientType parametricDerivative = ParametricDerivative(field, pcoords, CellShapeTag());
GradientType parametricDerivative = ParametricDerivative(field, pcoords, tag);
// If we write out the matrices below, it should become clear that the
// Jacobian transpose times the field derivative in world space equals
@ -221,6 +221,44 @@ VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec<typename FieldVecType::ComponentType, 3> CellDerivativeFor3D
return vtkm::SolveLinearSystem(jacobianTranspose, parametricDerivative, valid);
template <typename T,
int N,
int NumPoints,
typename WorldCoordType,
typename ParametricCoordType,
typename CellShapeTag>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, 3> CellDerivativeFor3DCell(
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, NumPoints>& field,
const WorldCoordType& wCoords,
const vtkm::Vec<ParametricCoordType, 3>& pcoords,
CellShapeTag tag)
//We have been given a vector field so we need to solve for each
//component of the vector. For explanation of the logic used see the
//scalar version of CellDerivativeFor3DCell.
vtkm::Matrix<T, 3, 3> perComponentJacobianTranspose;
vtkm::exec::JacobianFor3DCell(wCoords, pcoords, perComponentJacobianTranspose, tag);
perComponentJacobianTranspose = vtkm::MatrixTranspose(perComponentJacobianTranspose);
bool valid; // Ignored.
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<T, N>, 3> result(vtkm::Vec<T, N>(0.0f));
vtkm::Vec<T, NumPoints> perPoint;
for (vtkm::IdComponent i = 0; i < N; ++i)
for (vtkm::IdComponent c = 0; c < NumPoints; ++c)
perPoint[c] = field[c][i];
vtkm::Vec<T, 3> p = ParametricDerivative(perPoint, pcoords, tag);
vtkm::Vec<T, 3> grad = vtkm::SolveLinearSystem(perComponentJacobianTranspose, p, valid);
result[0][i] += grad[0];
result[1][i] += grad[1];
result[2][i] += grad[2];
return result;
template <typename FieldType, typename LUType, typename ParametricCoordType, typename CellShapeTag>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> CellDerivativeFor2DCellFinish(
const vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 4>& field,