Adding back point coordinate computations in isosurface worklet

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Meyer Sewell - 188584 2015-09-01 15:00:31 -06:00
parent 1b01d824c6
commit 74dcd1c5cc

@ -176,6 +176,29 @@ public:
// Compute the coordinates of the uniform regular grid at each of the cell's eight vertices
vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> p[8];
// If we have offset and spacing, can we simplify this computation
vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> offset = vtkm::make_Vec(xmin+(xmax-xmin),
zmin+(zmax-zmin) );
vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> spacing = vtkm::make_Vec( 1.0f /((float)(xdim-1)),
1.0f /((float)(ydim-1)),
1.0f /((float)(zdim-1)));
vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> firstPoint = offset * spacing * vtkm::make_Vec( x, y, z );
vtkm::Vec<FieldType, 3> secondPoint = offset * spacing * vtkm::make_Vec( x+1, y+1, z+1 );
p[0] = vtkm::make_Vec( firstPoint[0], firstPoint[1], firstPoint[2]);
p[1] = vtkm::make_Vec( secondPoint[0], firstPoint[1], firstPoint[2]);
p[2] = vtkm::make_Vec( secondPoint[0], secondPoint[1], firstPoint[2]);
p[3] = vtkm::make_Vec( firstPoint[0], secondPoint[1], firstPoint[2]);
p[4] = vtkm::make_Vec( firstPoint[0], firstPoint[1], secondPoint[2]);
p[5] = vtkm::make_Vec( secondPoint[0], firstPoint[1], secondPoint[2]);
p[6] = vtkm::make_Vec( secondPoint[0], secondPoint[1], secondPoint[2]);
p[7] = vtkm::make_Vec( firstPoint[0], secondPoint[1], secondPoint[2]);
// Get the scalar source values at the eight vertices
float s[8];
s[0] = this->Source.Get(i0);