Added HierarchicalContourTree<FieldType>::DumpVolumes

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Ruebel 2021-03-23 12:33:49 -07:00 committed by Gunther H. Weber
parent 3daab361cd
commit ce6c09152c

@ -68,6 +68,8 @@
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_contourtree_distributed_hierarchical_contour_tree_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_contourtree_distributed_hierarchical_contour_tree_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/contourtree_augmented/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/contourtree_augmented/meshtypes/ContourTreeMesh.h>
@ -221,6 +223,12 @@ public:
std::string DebugPrint(const char* message, const char* fileName, long lineNum) const;
// modified version of dumpSuper() that also gives volume counts
std::string DumpVolumes(vtkm::Id totalVolume,
const vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType& intrinsicVolume,
const vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType& dependentVolume);
/// Used internally to Invoke worklets
vtkm::cont::Invoker Invoke;
@ -821,6 +829,7 @@ std::string HierarchicalContourTree<FieldType>::DebugPrint(const char* message,
"nSupernodes In Round", this->NumSupernodesInRound, -1, resultStream);
"nHypernodes In Round", this->NumHypernodesInRound, -1, resultStream);
resultStream << "Owned Regular Vertices: " << this->NumOwnedRegularVertices << std::endl;
@ -865,6 +874,80 @@ std::string HierarchicalContourTree<FieldType>::PrintTreeStats() const
} // PrintTreeStats
// modified version of dumpSuper() that also gives volume counts
template <typename FieldType>
std::string HierarchicalContourTree<FieldType>::DumpVolumes(
vtkm::Id totalVolume,
const vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType& intrinsicVolume,
const vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IdArrayType& dependentVolume)
{ // DumpVolumes()
// a local string stream to build the output
std::stringstream outStream;
// header info
outStream << "============" << std::endl;
outStream << "Contour Tree" << std::endl;
// loop through all superarcs
auto supernodesPortal = this->Supernodes.ReadPortal();
auto regularNodeGlobalIdsPortal = this->RegularNodeGlobalIds.ReadPortal();
auto superarcsPortal = this->Superarcs.ReadPortal();
auto intrinsicVolumePortal = intrinsicVolume.ReadPortal();
auto dependentVolumePortal = dependentVolume.ReadPortal();
for (vtkm::Id supernode = 0; supernode < this->Supernodes.GetNumberOfValues(); supernode++)
{ // per supernode
// convert all the way down to global regular IDs
vtkm::Id fromRegular = supernodesPortal.Get(supernode);
vtkm::Id fromGlobal = regularNodeGlobalIdsPortal.Get(fromRegular);
// retrieve the superarc target
vtkm::Id toSuper = superarcsPortal.Get(supernode);
// if it is NO_SUCH_ELEMENT, it is the root or an attachment point
// for an augmented tree, it can only be the root
// in any event, we don't want to print them
if (vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::NoSuchElement(toSuper))
// now break out the ascending flag & the underlying ID
bool superarcAscends = vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::IsAscending(toSuper);
toSuper = vtkm::worklet::contourtree_augmented::MaskedIndex(toSuper);
vtkm::Id toRegular = supernodesPortal.Get(toSuper);
vtkm::Id toGlobal = regularNodeGlobalIdsPortal.Get(toRegular);
// compute the weights
vtkm::Id weight = dependentVolumePortal.Get(supernode);
// -1 because the validation output does not count the supernode for the superarc
vtkm::Id arcWeight = intrinsicVolumePortal.Get(supernode) - 1;
vtkm::Id counterWeight = totalVolume - weight + arcWeight;
// orient with high end first
if (superarcAscends)
{ // ascending superarc
outStream << "H: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << toGlobal;
outStream << " L: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << fromGlobal;
outStream << " VH: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << weight;
outStream << " VR: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << arcWeight;
outStream << " VL: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << counterWeight;
outStream << std::endl;
} // ascending superarc
{ // descending superarc
outStream << "H: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << fromGlobal;
outStream << " L: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << toGlobal;
outStream << " VH: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << counterWeight;
outStream << " VR: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << arcWeight;
outStream << " VL: " << std::setw(VOLUME_PRINT_WIDTH) << weight;
outStream << std::endl;
} // descending superarc
} // per supernode
// return the string
return outStream.str();
} // DumpVolumes()
} // namespace contourtree_distributed
} // namespace worklet
} // namespace vtkm