Adding change log for cell and point locator APIs.

Done towards resolution of
This commit is contained in:
ayenpure 2018-07-02 16:10:26 -06:00
parent 8eeb1be266
commit e319dcd6a1

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#Interfaces for VTK-m spatial search strucutres added
The objective for this feature was to add a commom interface for the VTK-m
spatial search strucutes for ease of use for the users.
VTK-m now distinguishes locators into two types, cell locators and point
locators. Cell locators can be used to query a containing cell for a point,
and point locators can be used to search for other points that are close to the
given point.
All cell locators are now required to inherit from the interface
`vtkm::cont::CellLocator`, and all point locatos are required to inherit from
the interface `vtkm::cont::PointLocator`
These interfaces describe the necessary features that are required from either
a cell locator, or a point locator and provided an easy way to use them in the
execution environment.
By deriving new search structures from these locator interfaces, it makes it
easier for users to build the underlying strucutres as well, abstracting away
complicated details. After providing all the required data from a
`vtkm::cont::DataSet` object, the user only need to call the `Update` method
on the object of `vtkm::cont::CellLocator`, or `vtkm::cont::PointLocator`.
For example, building the cell locator which used a Bounding Interval Hiererchy
tree as a search structure, provided in the class
`vtkm::cont::BoundingIntervalHierarchy` which inherits from
`vtkm::cont::CellLocator`, only requires few steps.
// Build a bounding interval hierarchy with 5 splitting planes,
// and a maximum of 10 cells in the leaf node.
vtkm::cont::BoundingIntervalHierarchy locator(5, 10);
// Provide the cell set required by the search structure.
// Provide the coordinate system required by the search structure.
// Cell the Update methods to finish building the underlying tree.
Similarly, users can easily build available point locators as well.
When using an object of `vtkm::cont::CellLocator`, or `vtkm::cont::PointLocator`
in the execution environment, they need to be passed to the worklet as an
`ExecObject` argument. In the execution environment, users will receive a
pointer to an object of type `vtkm::exec::CellLocator`, or
`vtkm::exec::PointLocator` respectively. `vtkm::exec::CellLocator` provides a
method `FindCell` to use in the execution environment to query the containing
cell of a point. `vtkm::exec::PointLocator` provides a method
`FindNearestNeighbor` to query for the nearest point.
As of now, VTK-m provides only one implementation for each of the given
interfaces. `vtkm::cont::BoundingIntervalHierarchy` which is an implementation
of `vtkm::cont::CellLocator`, and `vtkm::cont::PointLocatorUniformGrid`, which
is an implementation of `vtkm::cont::PointLocator`.