Add documentation for FunctionInterface and make_FunctionInterface.

This commit is contained in:
Kenneth Moreland 2014-06-06 15:20:50 -06:00
parent 7d769a8f4a
commit e706a52cc8

} // namespace detail
/// \brief Holds parameters and result of a function.
/// To make VTK-m easier for the end user developer, the
/// vtkm::cont::Dispatcher*::Invoke() method takes an arbitrary amount of
/// arguments that get transformed and swizzled into arguments and return value
/// for a worklet operator. In between these two invocations a complicated
/// series of transformations and operations can occur.
/// Supporting arbitrary function and template arguments is difficult and
/// really requires seperate implementations for ANSI and C++11 versions of
/// compilers. Thus, variatic template arguments are, at this point in time,
/// something to be avoided when possible. The intention of \c
/// FunctionInterface is to collect most of the variatic template code into one
/// place. The \c FunctionInterface template class takes a function signature,
/// which can have a variable number of arguments. The \c FunctionInterface
/// will hold in its state a copy of all input parameters (regardless of number
/// or type) and the return value if it exists (i.e. non-null) and the function
/// has been invoked. This means that all arguments can be passed around in a
/// single object so that objects and functions dealing with these variadic
/// parameters can be templated on a single type (the type of \c
/// FunctionInterface).
/// Note that the indexing of the parameters in a \c FunctionInterface starts
/// at 1. You can think of the return value being the parameter at index 0,
/// even if there is no return value. Although this is uncommon in C++, it
/// matches better the parameter indexing for other classes that deal with
/// function signatures.
/// The \c FunctionInterface contains several ways to invoke a functor whose
/// parameters match those of the parameter pack. This allows you to complete
/// the transition of calling an arbitrary function (like a worklet).
/// The following is a rundown of a \c FunctionInterface is created and used.
/// See the independent documentation for more details.
/// Use the \c make_FunctionInterface function to create a \c FunctionInterface
/// and initialize the state of all the parameters. \c make_FunctionInterface
/// takes a variable number of arguments, one for each parameter. Since the
/// return type is not specified as an argument, you must always specify it as
/// a template parameter.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<void(int,double,char)> functionInterface =
/// vtkm::internal::make_FunctionInterface<void>(1, 2.5, 'a');
/// \endcode
/// The number of parameters can be retrieved either with the constant field
/// \c ARITY or with the \c GetArity method.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.GetArity();
/// \endcode
/// You can get a particular parameter using the templated method \c
/// GetParameter. The template parameter is the index of the parameter
/// (starting at 1). Note that if the \c FunctionInterface is used in a
/// templated function or method where the type is not fully resolved, you need
/// to use the \c template keyword. One of the two forms should work. Try
/// switching if you get a compiler error.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// // Use this form if functionInterface is a fully resolved type.
/// functionInterface.GetParameter<1>();
/// // Use this form if functionInterface is partially specified.
/// functionInterface.template GetParameter<1>();
/// \endcode
/// Likewise, there is a \c SetParameter method for changing parameters. The
/// same rules for indexing and template specification apply.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// // Use this form if functionInterface is a fully resolved type.
/// functionInterface.SetParameter<1>(100);
/// // Use this form if functionInterface is partially specified.
/// functionInterface.template SetParameter<1>(100);
/// \endcode
/// \c FunctionInterface can invoke a functor of a matching signature using the
/// parameters stored within. If the functor returns a value, that return value
/// will be stored in the \c FunctionInterface object for later retrieval.
/// There are several versions of the invoke method including those for the
/// control and execution environments as well as methods that allow
/// transformation of the parameters and return value. See the method document
/// for more details.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.InvokeCont(Functor());
/// \endcode
/// Once a functor has been invoked, the return value can be retrieved with the
/// \c GetReturnValue method. \c GetReturnValue should only be used if the
/// function signature has a non-void return value. Otherwise calling this
/// method will result in a compile error.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.GetReturnValue();
/// \endcode
/// Providing the appropriate template specification to specialize when there
/// is no return value can be done but can be tricky. To make it easier, \c
/// FunctionInterface also has a \c GetReturnValueSafe method that provides the
/// return value wrapped in a \c FunctionInterfaceReturnContainer structure.
/// This will work regardless of whether the return value exists (although this
/// container might be empty). Specializing on the type of \c
/// FunctionInterfaceReturnContainer is much easier.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.GetReturnValueSafe();
/// \endcode
/// \c FunctionInterface also provides several methods for modifying the
/// parameters. First, the \c Append method tacks an additional parameter to
/// the end of the function signature.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.Append<std::string>(std::string("New Arg"));
/// \endcode
/// Next, the \c Replace method removes a parameter at a particular position
/// and replaces it with another object of a different type.
/// \code{.cpp}
/// functionInterface.Replace<1>(std::string("new first argument"));
/// \endcode
/// Finally, there are a couple of ways to replace all of the parameters at
/// once. The \c StaticTransform methods take a transform functor that modifies
/// each of the parameters. The \c DynamicTransform methods similarly take a
/// transform functor, but is called in a different way to defer the type
/// resolution to run time. See the documentation for each of these methods for
/// details on how they are used.
template<typename FunctionSignature>
class FunctionInterface
@ -1013,6 +1147,25 @@ private:
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Create a \c FunctionInterface
/// \c make_FunctionInterface is a function that takes a variable number of
/// arguments and returns a \c FunctionInterface object containing these
/// objects. Since the return type for the function signature is not specified,
/// you must always specify it as a template parameter
/// \code{.cpp}
/// vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<void(int,double,char)> functionInterface =
/// vtkm::internal::make_FunctionInterface<void>(1, 2.5, 'a');
/// \endcode
template<typename P0, typename... P>
make_FunctionInterface(P... parameters);
// The following code uses the Boost preprocessor utilities to create
// definitions of make_FunctionInterface for all supported number of arguments.
// The created functions are conceptually defined as follows: