Kenneth Moreland 4064a3bd06 Allow ComputeMoments to operate on any scalar field
Previously, the `ComputeMoments` filter only operated on a finite set of
array types as its input field. This included a prescribed list of `Vec`
sizes for the input. The filter has been updated to use more generic
interfaces to the field's array (and float fallback) to enable the
computation of moments on any type of scalar field.
2023-06-05 08:44:03 -04:00

320 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_moments_ComputeMoments_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_moments_ComputeMoments_h
#include <vtkm/Math.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletPointNeighborhood.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleRecombineVec.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleRuntimeVec.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/DataSet.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Field.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/UncertainArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/UncertainCellSet.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/BoundaryState.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace moments
struct ComputeMoments2D : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood
ComputeMoments2D(const vtkm::Vec3f& _spacing, vtkm::Float64 _radius, int _p, int _q)
: RadiusDiscrete(vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[0] - 1e-10)),
vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[1] - 1e-10)),
vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[2] - 1e-10)))
, SpacingProduct(_spacing[0] * _spacing[1])
, p(_p)
, q(_q)
assert(_spacing[0] > 1e-10);
assert(_spacing[1] > 1e-10);
assert(_spacing[2] > 1e-10);
assert(_p >= 0);
assert(_q >= 0);
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn, FieldInNeighborhood, FieldOut);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_2, Boundary, _3);
template <typename NeighIn, typename TOut>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const NeighIn& image,
const vtkm::exec::BoundaryState& boundary,
TOut& moment) const
using ComponentType = typename TOut::ComponentType;
const vtkm::IdComponent numComponents = moment.GetNumberOfComponents();
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] = vtkm::TypeTraits<ComponentType>::ZeroInitialization();
// Clamp the radius to the dataset bounds (discard out-of-bounds points).
const auto minRadius = boundary.ClampNeighborIndex(-this->RadiusDiscrete);
const auto maxRadius = boundary.ClampNeighborIndex(this->RadiusDiscrete);
vtkm::Vec2f_64 radius;
for (vtkm::IdComponent j = minRadius[1]; j <= maxRadius[1]; ++j)
if (j > -this->RadiusDiscrete[1] && boundary.IJK[1] + j == 0)
{ // Don't double count samples that exist on other nodes:
radius[1] = j * 1. / this->RadiusDiscrete[1];
for (vtkm::IdComponent i = minRadius[0]; i <= maxRadius[0]; ++i)
if (i > -this->RadiusDiscrete[0] && boundary.IJK[0] + i == 0)
{ // Don't double count samples that exist on other nodes:
radius[0] = i * 1. / this->RadiusDiscrete[0];
if (vtkm::Dot(radius, radius) <= 1)
ComponentType multiplier =
static_cast<ComponentType>(vtkm::Pow(radius[0], p) * vtkm::Pow(radius[1], q));
auto inputField = image.Get(i, j, 0);
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] += multiplier * inputField[componentI];
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] *= static_cast<ComponentType>(this->SpacingProduct);
vtkm::Vec3i_32 RadiusDiscrete;
const vtkm::Float64 SpacingProduct;
const int p;
const int q;
struct ComputeMoments3D : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletPointNeighborhood
ComputeMoments3D(const vtkm::Vec3f& _spacing, vtkm::Float64 _radius, int _p, int _q, int _r)
: RadiusDiscrete(vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[0] - 1e-10)),
vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[1] - 1e-10)),
vtkm::IdComponent(_radius / (_spacing[2] - 1e-10)))
, SpacingProduct(vtkm::ReduceProduct(_spacing))
, p(_p)
, q(_q)
, r(_r)
assert(_spacing[0] > 1e-10);
assert(_spacing[1] > 1e-10);
assert(_spacing[2] > 1e-10);
assert(_p >= 0);
assert(_q >= 0);
assert(_r >= 0);
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn, FieldInNeighborhood, FieldOut);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_2, Boundary, _3);
template <typename NeighIn, typename TOut>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const NeighIn& image,
const vtkm::exec::BoundaryState& boundary,
TOut& moment) const
using ComponentType = typename TOut::ComponentType;
const vtkm::IdComponent numComponents = moment.GetNumberOfComponents();
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] = vtkm::TypeTraits<ComponentType>::ZeroInitialization();
// Clamp the radius to the dataset bounds (discard out-of-bounds points).
const auto minRadius = boundary.ClampNeighborIndex(-this->RadiusDiscrete);
const auto maxRadius = boundary.ClampNeighborIndex(this->RadiusDiscrete);
vtkm::Vec3f_64 radius;
for (vtkm::IdComponent k = minRadius[2]; k <= maxRadius[2]; ++k)
if (k > -this->RadiusDiscrete[2] && boundary.IJK[2] + k == 0)
{ // Don't double count samples that exist on other nodes:
radius[2] = k * 1. / this->RadiusDiscrete[2];
for (vtkm::IdComponent j = minRadius[1]; j <= maxRadius[1]; ++j)
if (j > -this->RadiusDiscrete[1] && boundary.IJK[1] + j == 0)
{ // Don't double count samples that exist on other nodes:
radius[1] = j * 1. / this->RadiusDiscrete[1];
for (vtkm::IdComponent i = minRadius[0]; i <= maxRadius[0]; ++i)
if (i > -this->RadiusDiscrete[0] && boundary.IJK[0] + i == 0)
{ // Don't double count samples that exist on other nodes:
radius[0] = i * 1. / this->RadiusDiscrete[0];
if (vtkm::Dot(radius, radius) <= 1)
ComponentType multiplier = static_cast<ComponentType>(
vtkm::Pow(radius[0], p) * vtkm::Pow(radius[1], q) * vtkm::Pow(radius[2], r));
auto inputField = image.Get(i, j, k);
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] += multiplier * inputField[componentI];
// For variable sized Vecs, need to iterate over each component.
for (vtkm::IdComponent componentI = 0; componentI < numComponents; ++componentI)
moment[componentI] *= static_cast<ComponentType>(this->SpacingProduct);
vtkm::Vec3i_32 RadiusDiscrete;
const vtkm::Float64 SpacingProduct;
const int p;
const int q;
const int r;
class ComputeMoments
ComputeMoments(double _radius, const vtkm::Vec3f& _spacing)
: Radius(_radius)
, Spacing(_spacing)
class ResolveUnknownCellSet
template <typename T>
void operator()(const vtkm::cont::CellSetStructured<2>& input,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec<T>& pixels,
vtkm::Vec3f spacing,
vtkm::Float64 radius,
int maxOrder,
vtkm::cont::DataSet& output) const
using WorkletType = vtkm::worklet::moments::ComputeMoments2D;
using DispatcherType = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherPointNeighborhood<WorkletType>;
for (int order = 0; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
for (int p = 0; p <= order; ++p)
const int q = order - p;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRuntimeVec<T> moments{ pixels.GetNumberOfComponents() };
DispatcherType dispatcher(WorkletType{ spacing, radius, p, q });
dispatcher.Invoke(input, pixels, moments);
std::string fieldName = std::string("index") + std::string(p, '0') + std::string(q, '1');
vtkm::cont::Field momentsField(
fieldName, vtkm::cont::Field::Association::Points, moments);
template <typename T>
void operator()(const vtkm::cont::CellSetStructured<3>& input,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec<T>& pixels,
vtkm::Vec3f spacing,
vtkm::Float64 radius,
int maxOrder,
vtkm::cont::DataSet& output) const
using WorkletType = vtkm::worklet::moments::ComputeMoments3D;
using DispatcherType = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherPointNeighborhood<WorkletType>;
for (int order = 0; order <= maxOrder; ++order)
for (int r = 0; r <= order; ++r)
const int qMax = order - r;
for (int q = 0; q <= qMax; ++q)
const int p = order - r - q;
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRuntimeVec<T> moments{ pixels.GetNumberOfComponents() };
DispatcherType dispatcher(WorkletType{ spacing, radius, p, q, r });
dispatcher.Invoke(input, pixels, moments);
std::string fieldName = std::string("index") + std::string(p, '0') +
std::string(q, '1') + std::string(r, '2');
vtkm::cont::Field momentsField(
fieldName, vtkm::cont::Field::Association::Points, moments);
template <typename T>
void Run(const vtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet& input,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleRecombineVec<T>& pixels,
int maxOrder,
vtkm::cont::DataSet& output) const
.CastAndCall(ResolveUnknownCellSet(), pixels, this->Spacing, this->Radius, maxOrder, output);
const vtkm::Float64 Radius;
const vtkm::Vec3f Spacing;
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_moments_ComputeMoments_h