Kenneth Moreland bddad9b386 Remove TryExecute from filters
Now that the dispatcher does its own TryExecute, filters do not need to
do that. This change requires all worklets called by filters to be able
to execute without knowing the device a priori.
2018-10-16 15:59:53 -06:00

139 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_filter_Gradient_h
#define vtk_m_filter_Gradient_h
#include <vtkm/filter/FilterCell.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace filter
/// \brief A general filter for gradient estimation.
/// Estimates the gradient of a point field in a data set. The created gradient array
/// can be determined at either each point location or at the center of each cell.
/// The default for the filter is output as cell centered gradients.
/// To enable point based gradient computation enable \c SetComputePointGradient
/// Note: If no explicit name for the output field is provided the filter will
/// default to "Gradients"
class Gradient : public vtkm::filter::FilterCell<Gradient>
/// When this flag is on (default is off), the gradient filter will provide a
/// point based gradients, which are significantly more costly since for each
/// point we need to compute the gradient of each cell that uses it.
void SetComputePointGradient(bool enable) { ComputePointGradient = enable; }
bool GetComputePointGradient() const { return ComputePointGradient; }
/// Add divergence field to the output data. The name of the array
/// will be Divergence and will be a cell field unless \c ComputePointGradient
/// is enabled. The input array must have 3 components in order to
/// compute this. The default is off.
void SetComputeDivergence(bool enable) { ComputeDivergence = enable; }
bool GetComputeDivergence() const { return ComputeDivergence; }
/// Add voriticity/curl field to the output data. The name of the array
/// will be Vorticity and will be a cell field unless \c ComputePointGradient
/// is enabled. The input array must have 3 components in order to
/// compute this. The default is off.
void SetComputeVorticity(bool enable) { ComputeVorticity = enable; }
bool GetComputeVorticity() const { return ComputeVorticity; }
/// Add Q-criterion field to the output data. The name of the array
/// will be QCriterion and will be a cell field unless \c ComputePointGradient
/// is enabled. The input array must have 3 components in order to
/// compute this. The default is off.
void SetComputeQCriterion(bool enable) { ComputeQCriterion = enable; }
bool GetComputeQCriterion() const { return ComputeQCriterion; }
/// Add gradient field to the output data. The name of the array
/// will be Gradients and will be a cell field unless \c ComputePointGradient
/// is enabled. It is useful to turn this off when you are only interested
/// in the results of Divergence, Vorticity, or QCriterion. The default is on.
void SetComputeGradient(bool enable) { StoreGradient = enable; }
bool GetComputeGradient() const { return StoreGradient; }
/// Make the vector gradient output format be in FORTRAN Column-major order.
/// This is only used when the input field is a vector field ( 3 components ).
/// Enabling column-major is important if integrating with other projects
/// such as VTK.
/// Default: Row Order
void SetColumnMajorOrdering() { RowOrdering = false; }
/// Make the vector gradient output format be in C Row-major order.
/// This is only used when the input field is a vector field ( 3 components ).
/// Default: Row Order
void SetRowMajorOrdering() { RowOrdering = true; }
void SetDivergenceName(const std::string& name) { this->DivergenceName = name; }
const std::string& GetDivergenceName() const { return this->DivergenceName; }
void SetVorticityName(const std::string& name) { this->VorticityName = name; }
const std::string& GetVorticityName() const { return this->VorticityName; }
void SetQCriterionName(const std::string& name) { this->QCriterionName = name; }
const std::string& GetQCriterionName() const { return this->QCriterionName; }
template <typename T, typename StorageType, typename DerivedPolicy>
vtkm::cont::DataSet DoExecute(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, StorageType>& field,
const vtkm::filter::FieldMetadata& fieldMeta,
const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
bool ComputePointGradient;
bool ComputeDivergence;
bool ComputeVorticity;
bool ComputeQCriterion;
bool StoreGradient;
bool RowOrdering;
std::string GradientsName;
std::string DivergenceName;
std::string VorticityName;
std::string QCriterionName;
template <>
class FilterTraits<Gradient>
struct TypeListTagGradientInputs : vtkm::ListTagBase<vtkm::Float32,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float32, 3>,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Float64, 3>>
using InputFieldTypeList = TypeListTagGradientInputs;
} // namespace vtkm::filter
#include <vtkm/filter/Gradient.hxx>
#endif // vtk_m_filter_Gradient_h