Kenneth Moreland ecacc89b7d Make reproduce_ci_env.py more tolerant of scripts
When `reproduce_ci_env.py` makes its docker container, it creates a pair
of scripts, `setup-gitlab-env.sh` and `run-gitlab-stage.sh`, inside the
container. These scripts came from the `before_script` and `script` CI
configuration parameters, respectively.

These two scripts were created by joining each item in the CI
configuration lists with `&&` onto a single line. However, this meant
that each list item had to be on its own line or it didn't work. A
recent configuration change meant that one of the configurations
contained multiple shell commands separated by newlines. This change
builds the script with multiple lines (which have to be carefully
escaped in the generated dockerfile).

Also modified these strings to escape quotes (`"`). This is important as
the dockerfile generates these scripts using an `echo` command that
needs to quote all of the arguments together.
2021-10-05 14:18:25 -06:00

346 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
import enum
import os
import tempfile
import string
import subprocess
import sys
import platform
import re
import yaml
def get_root_dir():
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
#find the where .gitlab-ci.yml is located
src_root = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], cwd=dir_path)
src_root = str(src_root, 'utf-8')
src_root = src_root.rstrip('\n')
# Corrections in case the filename is a funny Cygwin path
src_root = re.sub(r'^/cygdrive/([a-z])/', r'\1:/', src_root)
return src_root
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
stage_and_job = str(args[0]).split(':')
if len(stage_and_job) == 1:
stage_and_job = ['build', stage_and_job[0]]
return stage_and_job
return args
def load_ci_file(ci_file_path):
ci_state = {}
if ci_file_path:
root_dir = os.path.dirname(ci_file_path)
ci_state = yaml.safe_load(open(ci_file_path))
if 'include' in ci_state:
for inc in ci_state['include']:
if 'local' in inc:
#the local paths can start with '/'
include_path = inc['local'].lstrip('/')
include_path = os.path.join(root_dir, include_path)
return ci_state
# Recursively updates the target dictionary with the source dictionary.
# By recursive, I mean that if source contains a sub-dictionary that
# target also contains, the target sub-dictionary is updated rather than
# replaced. Likewise for sub-sub-dictionaries and so on. This code is
# taken from StackOverflow:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3232943/update-value-of-a-nested-dictionary-of-varying-depth
def recursive_dictionary_update(target, source):
import collections.abc
for key, value in source.items():
if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
target[key] = recursive_dictionary_update(target.get(key, {}), value)
target[key] = value
return target
def flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, name):
import copy
entry = copy.deepcopy(ci_state[name])
#Flatten 'extends' entries, only presume the first level of inheritance is
if 'extends' in entry:
if not isinstance(entry['extends'], list):
entry['extends'] = [ entry['extends'] ]
for e in entry['extends']:
recursive_dictionary_update(entry, ci_state[e])
del entry['extends']
return entry
def ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state):
stages = ci_state['stages']
jobs = dict((s,[]) for s in stages)
for key in ci_state:
entry = flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, key)
is_job = False
if 'stage' in entry:
stage = entry['stage']
if stage in stages:
is_job = True
# if we have a job ( that isn't private )
if is_job and not key.startswith('.'):
# clean up the name
clean_name = key
if ':' in key:
clean_name = key.split(':')[1]
return jobs
def subset_yml(ci_state, stage, name):
#given a stage and name generate a new yaml
#file that only contains information for stage and name.
#Does basic extend merging so that recreating the env is easier
runner_yml = {}
if stage+":"+name in ci_state:
name = stage+":"+name
runner_yml[name] = flattened_entry_copy(ci_state, name)
return runner_yml
class CallMode(enum.Enum):
call = 1
output = 2
def subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd, mode=CallMode.call):
system = platform.system()
if (system == 'Windows') or (system == 'Darwin'):
# Windows and MacOS run Docker in a VM, so they don't need sudo
full_cmd = ['docker'] + cmd
# Unix needs to run docker with root privileges
full_cmd = ['sudo', 'docker'] + cmd
print(" ".join(full_cmd), flush=True)
if mode is CallMode.call:
return subprocess.check_call(full_cmd, cwd=cwd)
if mode is CallMode.output:
return subprocess.check_output(full_cmd, cwd=cwd)
# User Command: 'list'
def list_jobs(ci_file_path, *args):
ci_state = load_ci_file(ci_file_path)
jobs = ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state)
for key,values in jobs.items():
print('Jobs for Stage:', key)
for v in values:
# User Command: 'build' | 'setup'
def create_container(ci_file_path, *args):
ci_state = load_ci_file(ci_file_path)
ci_jobs = ci_stages_and_jobs(ci_state)
stage,name = extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args)
if not stage in ci_jobs:
print('Unable to find stage: ', stage)
print('Valid stages are:', list(ci_jobs.keys()))
if not name in ci_jobs[stage]:
print('Unable to find job: ', name)
print('Valid jobs are:', ci_jobs[stage])
#we now have the relevant subset of the yml
#fully expanded into a single definition
subset = subset_yml(ci_state, stage, name)
job_name = name
if stage+":"+name in subset:
job_name = stage+":"+name
runner_name = stage+":"+name
runner = subset[job_name]
src_dir = get_root_dir()
gitlab_env = [ k + '="' + v + '"' for k,v in runner['variables'].items()]
# propagate any https/http proxy info
if os.getenv('http_proxy'):
gitlab_env = [ 'http_proxy=' + os.getenv('http_proxy') ] + gitlab_env
if os.getenv('https_proxy'):
gitlab_env = [ 'https_proxy=' + os.getenv('https_proxy') ] + gitlab_env
# The script and before_script could be anywhere!
script_search_locations = [ci_state, subset, runner]
for loc in script_search_locations:
if 'before_script' in loc:
before_script = loc['before_script']
if 'script' in loc:
script = loc['script']
docker_template = string.Template('''
FROM $image
#Copy all of this project to the src directory
COPY . /src
ENV $gitlab_env
RUN echo "$before_script" >> /setup-gitlab-env.sh && \
echo "$script" >> /run-gitlab-stage.sh && \
bash /setup-gitlab-env.sh
docker_content = docker_template.substitute(image=runner['image'],
gitlab_env= " ".join(gitlab_env),
.replace('\n', '\\n\\\n')
.replace('"', '\\"'),
script="\n".join(script).replace('\n', '\\n\\\n')
.replace('"', '\\"'))
# Write out the file
docker_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
docker_file.write(bytes(docker_content, 'utf-8'))
# now we need to run docker and build this image with a name equal to the
# ci name, and the docker context to be the current git repo root dir so
# we can copy the current project src automagically
subprocess_call_docker(['build', '-f', docker_file.name, '-t', runner_name, src_dir],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Unable to build the docker image for: ', runner_name)
# remove the temp file
# User Command: 'help'
def run_container(ci_file_path, *args):
# Exec/Run ( https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/#run-docker-exec-on-a-running-container )
src_dir = get_root_dir()
stage,name = extract_stage_job_from_cmdline(*args)
image_name = stage+':'+name
cmd = ['run', '-itd', image_name]
container_id = subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir, mode=CallMode.output)
container_id = str(container_id, 'utf-8')
container_id= container_id.rstrip('\n')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Unable to run the docker image for: ', image_name)
cmd = ['exec', '-it', container_id, 'bash']
subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Unable to attach an iteractive shell to : ', container_id)
cmd = ['container', 'stop', container_id]
subprocess_call_docker(cmd, cwd=src_dir)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Unable to stop container: ', container_id)
# User Command: 'help'
def help_usage(ci_file_path, *args):
print('Setup gitlab-ci docker environments/state locally')
print('Usage: reproduce_ci_env.py [command] [stage] <name>')
print('Commands:\n' + \
' list: List all stage and job names for gitlab-ci\n'+\
' create: build a docker container for this gitlab-ci job.\n'+\
' Will match the <stage> to docker repo, and <name> to the tag. \n' +\
' If no explicit <stage> is provided will default to `build` stage. \n' +\
' run: Launch an interactive shell inside the docker image\n' +\
' for a given stage:name with the correct environment and will automatically\n' +\
' run the associated stage script.\n'
' If no explicit <stage> is provided will default to `build` stage. \n')
print('Example:\n' + \
' reproduce_ci_env create centos7\n'+\
' reproduce_ci_env run build:centos7\n')
def main(argv):
ci_file_path = os.path.join(get_root_dir(), '.gitlab-ci.yml')
if len(argv) == 0:
help_usage( ci_file_path )
if len(argv) > 3:
help_usage( ci_file_path )
#commands we want
# - list
# -- list all 'jobs'
# - create | setup
# -- create a docker image that represents a given stage:name
# - run | exec
# -- run the script for the stage:name inside the correct docker image
# and provide an interactive shell
# -- help
#setup arg function table
commands = {
'list': list_jobs,
'create': create_container,
'setup': create_container,
'exec': run_container,
'run': run_container,
'help': help_usage
if argv[0] in commands:
#splat the subset of the vector so they are separate call parameters
commands[argv[0]]( ci_file_path, *argv[1:3] )
commands['help']( ci_file_path )
if __name__ == '__main__':