Kenneth Moreland 4f9fa08fa1 Remove ArrayHandleStreaming capabilities
The `ArrayHandleStreaming` class stems from an old research project
experimenting with bringing data from an `ArrayHandle` in parts and
overlapping device transfer and execution. It works, but only in very
limited contexts. Thus, it is not actually used today. Plus, the feature
requires global indexing to be permutated throughout the worklet
dispatching classes of VTK-m for no further reason.

Because it is not really used, there are other more promising approaches
on the horizon, and it makes further scheduling improvements difficult,
we are removing this functionality.
2020-03-24 15:01:56 -06:00

306 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_exec_serial_internal_TaskTiling_h
#define vtk_m_exec_serial_internal_TaskTiling_h
#include <vtkm/exec/TaskBase.h>
//Todo: rename this header to TaskInvokeWorkletDetail.h
#include <vtkm/exec/internal/WorkletInvokeFunctorDetail.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace exec
namespace serial
namespace internal
template <typename WType>
VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT void TaskTilingSetErrorBuffer(
void* w,
const vtkm::exec::internal::ErrorMessageBuffer& buffer)
using WorkletType = typename std::remove_cv<WType>::type;
WorkletType* const worklet = static_cast<WorkletType*>(w);
template <typename WType, typename IType>
VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT void TaskTiling1DExecute(void* w, void* const v, vtkm::Id start, vtkm::Id end)
using WorkletType = typename std::remove_cv<WType>::type;
using InvocationType = typename std::remove_cv<IType>::type;
WorkletType const* const worklet = static_cast<WorkletType*>(w);
InvocationType const* const invocation = static_cast<InvocationType*>(v);
for (vtkm::Id index = start; index < end; ++index)
//Todo: rename this function to DoTaskInvokeWorklet
template <typename FType>
VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT void FunctorTiling1DExecute(void* f, void* const, vtkm::Id start, vtkm::Id end)
using FunctorType = typename std::remove_cv<FType>::type;
FunctorType const* const functor = static_cast<FunctorType*>(f);
for (vtkm::Id index = start; index < end; ++index)
template <typename WType, typename IType>
VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT void TaskTiling3DExecute(void* w,
void* const v,
const vtkm::Id3& maxSize,
vtkm::Id istart,
vtkm::Id iend,
vtkm::Id j,
vtkm::Id k)
using WorkletType = typename std::remove_cv<WType>::type;
using InvocationType = typename std::remove_cv<IType>::type;
WorkletType const* const worklet = static_cast<WorkletType*>(w);
InvocationType const* const invocation = static_cast<InvocationType*>(v);
vtkm::Id3 index(istart, j, k);
auto threadIndex1D = index[0] + maxSize[0] * (index[1] + maxSize[1] * index[2]);
for (vtkm::Id i = istart; i < iend; ++i, ++threadIndex1D)
index[0] = i;
//Todo: rename this function to DoTaskInvokeWorklet
template <typename FType>
VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT void FunctorTiling3DExecute(void* f,
void* const,
const vtkm::Id3& vtkmNotUsed(maxSize),
vtkm::Id istart,
vtkm::Id iend,
vtkm::Id j,
vtkm::Id k)
using FunctorType = typename std::remove_cv<FType>::type;
FunctorType const* const functor = static_cast<FunctorType*>(f);
vtkm::Id3 index(istart, j, k);
for (vtkm::Id i = istart; i < iend; ++i)
index[0] = i;
// TaskTiling1D represents an execution pattern for a worklet
// that is best expressed in terms of single dimension iteration space. TaskTiling1D
// also states that for best performance a linear consecutive range of values
// should be given to the worklet for optimal performance.
// Note: The worklet and invocation must have a lifetime that is at least
// as long as the Task
class VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT TaskTiling1D : public vtkm::exec::TaskBase
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
/// This constructor supports general functors that which have a call
/// operator with the signature:
/// operator()(vtkm::Id)
template <typename FunctorType>
TaskTiling1D(FunctorType& functor)
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
, ExecuteFunction(nullptr)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(nullptr)
//Setup the execute and set error buffer function pointers
this->ExecuteFunction = &FunctorTiling1DExecute<FunctorType>;
this->SetErrorBufferFunction = &TaskTilingSetErrorBuffer<FunctorType>;
//Bind the Worklet to void*
this->Worklet = (void*)&functor;
/// This constructor supports any vtkm worklet and the associated invocation
/// parameters that go along with it
template <typename WorkletType, typename InvocationType>
TaskTiling1D(WorkletType& worklet, InvocationType& invocation)
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
, ExecuteFunction(nullptr)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(nullptr)
//Setup the execute and set error buffer function pointers
this->ExecuteFunction = &TaskTiling1DExecute<WorkletType, InvocationType>;
this->SetErrorBufferFunction = &TaskTilingSetErrorBuffer<WorkletType>;
//Bind the Worklet and Invocation to void*
this->Worklet = (void*)&worklet;
this->Invocation = (void*)&invocation;
/// explicit Copy constructor.
/// Note this required so that compilers don't use the templated constructor
/// as the copy constructor which will cause compile issues
TaskTiling1D(TaskTiling1D& task)
: Worklet(task.Worklet)
, Invocation(task.Invocation)
, ExecuteFunction(task.ExecuteFunction)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(task.SetErrorBufferFunction)
TaskTiling1D(TaskTiling1D&& task) = default;
void SetErrorMessageBuffer(const vtkm::exec::internal::ErrorMessageBuffer& buffer)
this->SetErrorBufferFunction(this->Worklet, buffer);
void operator()(vtkm::Id start, vtkm::Id end) const
this->ExecuteFunction(this->Worklet, this->Invocation, start, end);
void* Worklet;
void* Invocation;
using ExecuteSignature = void (*)(void*, void* const, vtkm::Id, vtkm::Id);
ExecuteSignature ExecuteFunction;
using SetErrorBufferSignature = void (*)(void*, const vtkm::exec::internal::ErrorMessageBuffer&);
SetErrorBufferSignature SetErrorBufferFunction;
// TaskTiling3D represents an execution pattern for a worklet
// that is best expressed in terms of an 3 dimensional iteration space. TaskTiling3D
// also states that for best performance a linear consecutive range of values
// in the X dimension should be given to the worklet for optimal performance.
// Note: The worklet and invocation must have a lifetime that is at least
// as long as the Task
class VTKM_NEVER_EXPORT TaskTiling3D : public vtkm::exec::TaskBase
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
/// This constructor supports general functors that which have a call
/// operator with the signature:
/// operator()(vtkm::Id)
template <typename FunctorType>
TaskTiling3D(FunctorType& functor)
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
, ExecuteFunction(nullptr)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(nullptr)
//Setup the execute and set error buffer function pointers
this->ExecuteFunction = &FunctorTiling3DExecute<FunctorType>;
this->SetErrorBufferFunction = &TaskTilingSetErrorBuffer<FunctorType>;
//Bind the Worklet to void*
this->Worklet = (void*)&functor;
template <typename WorkletType, typename InvocationType>
TaskTiling3D(WorkletType& worklet, InvocationType& invocation)
: Worklet(nullptr)
, Invocation(nullptr)
, ExecuteFunction(nullptr)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(nullptr)
// Setup the execute and set error buffer function pointers
this->ExecuteFunction = &TaskTiling3DExecute<WorkletType, InvocationType>;
this->SetErrorBufferFunction = &TaskTilingSetErrorBuffer<WorkletType>;
// At this point we bind the Worklet and Invocation to void*
this->Worklet = (void*)&worklet;
this->Invocation = (void*)&invocation;
/// explicit Copy constructor.
/// Note this required so that compilers don't use the templated constructor
/// as the copy constructor which will cause compile issues
TaskTiling3D(TaskTiling3D& task)
: Worklet(task.Worklet)
, Invocation(task.Invocation)
, ExecuteFunction(task.ExecuteFunction)
, SetErrorBufferFunction(task.SetErrorBufferFunction)
TaskTiling3D(TaskTiling3D&& task) = default;
void SetErrorMessageBuffer(const vtkm::exec::internal::ErrorMessageBuffer& buffer)
this->SetErrorBufferFunction(this->Worklet, buffer);
void operator()(const vtkm::Id3& maxSize,
vtkm::Id istart,
vtkm::Id iend,
vtkm::Id j,
vtkm::Id k) const
this->ExecuteFunction(this->Worklet, this->Invocation, maxSize, istart, iend, j, k);
void* Worklet;
void* Invocation;
using ExecuteSignature =
void (*)(void*, void* const, const vtkm::Id3&, vtkm::Id, vtkm::Id, vtkm::Id, vtkm::Id);
ExecuteSignature ExecuteFunction;
using SetErrorBufferSignature = void (*)(void*, const vtkm::exec::internal::ErrorMessageBuffer&);
SetErrorBufferSignature SetErrorBufferFunction;
} // vtkm::exec::serial::internal
#endif //vtk_m_exec_serial_internal_TaskTiling_h