Allison Vacanti 5db762ee71 Refactor topology mappings to clarify meaning.
The `From` and `To` nomenclature for topology mapping has been confusing for
both users and developers, especially at lower levels where the intention of
mapping attributes from one element to another is easily conflated with the
concept of mapping indices (which maps in the exact opposite direction).

These identifiers have been renamed to `VisitTopology` and `IncidentTopology`
to clarify the direction of the mapping. The order in which these template
parameters are specified for `WorkletMapTopology` have also been reversed,
since eventually there may be more than one `IncidentTopology`, and having
`IncidentTopology` at the end will allow us to replace it with a variadic
template parameter pack in the future.

Other implementation details supporting these worklets, include `Fetch` tags,
`Connectivity` classes, and methods on the various `CellSet` classes (such as
`PrepareForInput` have also reversed their template arguments. These will need
to be cautiously updated.

The convenience implementations of `WorkletMapTopology` have been renamed for
clarity as follows:

WorkletMapPointToCell --> WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
WorkletMapCellToPoint --> WorkletVisitPointsWithCells

The `ControlSignature` tags have been renamed as follows:

FieldInTo --> FieldInVisit
FieldInFrom --> FieldInMap
FromCount --> IncidentElementCount
FromIndices --> IncidentElementIndices
2019-08-06 11:27:26 -04:00

142 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_CellMeasure_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_CellMeasure_h
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapTopology.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/CellMeasure.h>
namespace vtkm
// Tags used to choose which types of integration are performed on cells:
struct IntegrateOver
struct IntegrateOverCurve : IntegrateOver
struct IntegrateOverSurface : IntegrateOver
struct IntegrateOverSolid : IntegrateOver
// Lists of acceptable types of integration
struct ArcLength : vtkm::ListTagBase<IntegrateOverCurve>
struct Area : vtkm::ListTagBase<IntegrateOverSurface>
struct Volume : vtkm::ListTagBase<IntegrateOverSolid>
struct AllMeasures : vtkm::ListTagBase<IntegrateOverSolid, IntegrateOverSurface, IntegrateOverCurve>
namespace worklet
/**\brief Simple functor that returns the spatial integral of each cell as a cell field.
* The integration is done over the spatial extent of the cell and thus units
* are either null, arc length, area, or volume depending on whether the parametric
* dimension of the cell is 0 (vertices), 1 (curves), 2 (surfaces), or 3 (volumes).
* The template parameter of this class configures which types of cells (based on their
* parametric dimensions) should be integrated. Other cells will report 0.
* Note that the integrals are signed; inverted cells will report negative values.
template <typename IntegrationTypeList>
class CellMeasure : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellset,
FieldInPoint pointCoords,
FieldOutCell volumesOut);
using ExecutionSignature = void(CellShape, PointCount, _2, _3);
using InputDomain = _1;
template <typename CellShape, typename PointCoordVecType, typename OutType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(CellShape shape,
const vtkm::IdComponent& numPoints,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
OutType& volume) const
switch (shape.Id)
vtkmGenericCellShapeMacro(volume =
this->ComputeMeasure<OutType>(numPoints, pts, CellShapeTag()));
this->RaiseError("Asked for volume of unknown cell shape.");
volume = OutType(0.0);
template <typename OutType, typename PointCoordVecType, typename CellShapeType>
VTKM_EXEC OutType ComputeMeasure(const vtkm::IdComponent& numPts,
const PointCoordVecType& pts,
CellShapeType) const
#if defined(VTKM_MSVC)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4068) //unknown pragma
#ifdef __NVCC__
#pragma push
#pragma diag_suppress = code_is_unreachable
switch (vtkm::CellTraits<CellShapeType>::TOPOLOGICAL_DIMENSIONS)
case 0:
// Fall through to return 0 measure.
case 1:
if (vtkm::ListContains<IntegrationTypeList, IntegrateOverCurve>::value)
return vtkm::exec::CellMeasure<OutType>(numPts, pts, CellShapeType(), *this);
case 2:
if (vtkm::ListContains<IntegrationTypeList, IntegrateOverSurface>::value)
return vtkm::exec::CellMeasure<OutType>(numPts, pts, CellShapeType(), *this);
case 3:
if (vtkm::ListContains<IntegrationTypeList, IntegrateOverSolid>::value)
return vtkm::exec::CellMeasure<OutType>(numPts, pts, CellShapeType(), *this);
// Fall through to return 0 measure.
return OutType(0.0);
#ifdef __NVCC__
#pragma pop
#if defined(VTKM_MSVC)
#pragma warning(pop)
} // namespace vtkm::worklet
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_CellMeasure_h