Robert Maynard 16e04db157 FlyingEdges: Handle when pass 1 generates no intersections
Previously if pass 1 generated no intersections, pass 2 would
incorrectly generate no intersections resulting in an empty
2020-06-11 08:32:28 -04:00

359 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_contour_flyingedges_pass4y_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_contour_flyingedges_pass4y_h
#include <vtkm/worklet/contour/FlyingEdgesHelpers.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/contour/FlyingEdgesTables.h>
#include <vtkm/VectorAnalysis.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/gradient/StructuredPointGradient.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace flying_edges
template <typename T>
struct ComputePass4Y : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
vtkm::Id3 PointDims;
T IsoValue;
vtkm::Id CellWriteOffset;
vtkm::Id PointWriteOffset;
ComputePass4Y() {}
ComputePass4Y(T value,
const vtkm::Id3& pdims,
vtkm::Id multiContourCellOffset,
vtkm::Id multiContourPointOffset)
: PointDims(pdims)
, IsoValue(value)
, CellWriteOffset(multiContourCellOffset)
, PointWriteOffset(multiContourPointOffset)
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn,
FieldInPoint axis_sums,
FieldInPoint axis_mins,
FieldInPoint axis_maxs,
WholeArrayIn cell_tri_count,
WholeArrayIn edgeData,
WholeArrayIn data,
WholeArrayOut connectivity,
WholeArrayOut edgeIds,
WholeArrayOut weights,
WholeArrayOut inputCellIds);
using ExecutionSignature =
void(ThreadIndices, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, WorkIndex);
template <typename ThreadIndices,
typename FieldInPointId3,
typename FieldInPointId,
typename WholeTriField,
typename WholeEdgeField,
typename WholeDataField,
typename WholeConnField,
typename WholeEdgeIdField,
typename WholeWeightField,
typename WholeCellIdField>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const ThreadIndices& threadIndices,
const FieldInPointId3& axis_sums,
const FieldInPointId& axis_mins,
const FieldInPointId& axis_maxs,
const WholeTriField& cellTriCount,
const WholeEdgeField& edges,
const WholeDataField& field,
const WholeConnField& conn,
const WholeEdgeIdField& interpolatedEdgeIds,
const WholeWeightField& weights,
const WholeCellIdField& inputCellIds,
vtkm::Id oidx) const
using AxisToSum = SumYAxis;
//This works as cellTriCount was computed with ScanExtended
//and therefore has one more entry than the number of cells
vtkm::Id cell_tri_offset = cellTriCount.Get(oidx);
vtkm::Id next_tri_offset = cellTriCount.Get(oidx + 1);
if (cell_tri_offset == next_tri_offset)
{ //we produce nothing
cell_tri_offset += this->CellWriteOffset;
Pass4TrimState state(
AxisToSum{}, this->PointDims, threadIndices, axis_sums, axis_mins, axis_maxs, edges);
if (!state.hasWork)
const vtkm::Id3 pdims = this->PointDims;
const vtkm::Id3 increments = compute_incs3d(pdims);
vtkm::Id edgeIds[12];
auto edgeCase = getEdgeCase(edges, state.startPos, (state.axis_inc * state.left));
init_voxelIds(AxisToSum{}, this->PointWriteOffset, edgeCase, axis_sums, edgeIds);
for (vtkm::Id i = state.left; i < state.right; ++i) // run along the trimmed voxels
edgeCase = getEdgeCase(edges, state.startPos, (state.axis_inc * i));
vtkm::UInt8 numTris = data::GetNumberOfPrimitives(edgeCase);
if (numTris > 0)
// Start by generating triangles for this case
state.cellId, edgeCase, numTris, edgeIds, cell_tri_offset, conn, inputCellIds);
// Now generate edgeIds and weights along voxel axes if needed. Remember to take
// boundary into account.
auto* edgeUses = data::GetEdgeUses(edgeCase);
if (!fully_interior(state.boundaryStatus) || case_includes_axes(edgeUses))
(state.axis_inc * i),
advance_voxelIds(edgeUses, edgeIds);
state.increment(AxisToSum{}, pdims);
template <typename WholeDataField, typename WholeIEdgeField, typename WholeWeightField>
VTKM_EXEC inline void Generate(const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 3>& boundaryStatus,
const WholeDataField& field,
const WholeIEdgeField& interpolatedEdgeIds,
const WholeWeightField& weights,
const vtkm::Id4& startPos,
const vtkm::Id3& incs,
vtkm::Id offset,
vtkm::UInt8 const* const edgeUses,
vtkm::Id* edgeIds) const
using AxisToSum = SumYAxis;
vtkm::Id2 pos(startPos[0] + offset, 0);
auto s0 = field.Get(pos[0]);
//EdgesUses 0,4,8 work for Y axis
if (edgeUses[0])
{ // edgesUses[0] == i axes edge
auto writeIndex = edgeIds[0];
pos[1] = startPos[0] + offset + incs[AxisToSum::xindex];
auto s1 = field.Get(pos[1]);
T t = static_cast<T>((this->IsoValue - s0) / (s1 - s0));
interpolatedEdgeIds.Set(writeIndex, pos);
weights.Set(writeIndex, static_cast<vtkm::FloatDefault>(t));
if (edgeUses[4])
{ // edgesUses[4] == j axes edge
auto writeIndex = edgeIds[4];
pos[1] = startPos[1] + offset;
auto s1 = field.Get(pos[1]);
T t = static_cast<T>((this->IsoValue - s0) / (s1 - s0));
interpolatedEdgeIds.Set(writeIndex, pos);
weights.Set(writeIndex, static_cast<vtkm::FloatDefault>(t));
if (edgeUses[8])
{ // edgesUses[8] == k axes edge
auto writeIndex = edgeIds[8];
pos[1] = startPos[2] + offset;
auto s1 = field.Get(pos[1]);
T t = static_cast<T>((this->IsoValue - s0) / (s1 - s0));
interpolatedEdgeIds.Set(writeIndex, pos);
weights.Set(writeIndex, static_cast<vtkm::FloatDefault>(t));
// On the boundary cells special work has to be done to cover the partial
// cell axes. These are boundary situations where the voxel axes is not
// fully formed. These situations occur on the +x,+y,+z volume
// boundaries. The other cases such as interior, or -x,-y,-z boundaries fall through
// which is expected
// clang-format off
const bool onX = boundaryStatus[AxisToSum::xindex] & FlyingEdges3D::MaxBoundary;
const bool onY = boundaryStatus[AxisToSum::yindex] & FlyingEdges3D::MaxBoundary;
const bool onZ = boundaryStatus[AxisToSum::zindex] & FlyingEdges3D::MaxBoundary;
if (onX) //+x boundary
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 5, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 9, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
if (onY) //+x +y
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 11, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
if (onZ) //+x +z
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 7, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
if (onY) //+y boundary
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 1, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 10, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
if (onZ) //+y +z boundary
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 3, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
if (onZ) //+z boundary
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 2, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
this->InterpolateEdge(pos[0], incs, 6, edgeUses, edgeIds, field, interpolatedEdgeIds, weights);
// clang-format on
// Indicate whether voxel axes need processing for this case.
template <typename WholeField, typename WholeIEdgeField, typename WholeWeightField>
VTKM_EXEC inline void InterpolateEdge(vtkm::Id currentIdx,
const vtkm::Id3& incs,
vtkm::Id edgeNum,
vtkm::UInt8 const* const edgeUses,
vtkm::Id* edgeIds,
const WholeField& field,
const WholeIEdgeField& interpolatedEdgeIds,
const WholeWeightField& weights) const
using AxisToSum = SumYAxis;
// if this edge is not used then get out
if (!edgeUses[edgeNum])
const vtkm::Id writeIndex = edgeIds[edgeNum];
// build the edge information
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::UInt8, 2> verts = data::GetVertMap(edgeNum);
vtkm::Id3 offsets1 = data::GetVertOffsets(AxisToSum{}, verts[0]);
vtkm::Id3 offsets2 = data::GetVertOffsets(AxisToSum{}, verts[1]);
vtkm::Id2 iEdge(currentIdx + vtkm::Dot(offsets1, incs), currentIdx + vtkm::Dot(offsets2, incs));
interpolatedEdgeIds.Set(writeIndex, iEdge);
auto s0 = field.Get(iEdge[0]);
auto s1 = field.Get(iEdge[1]);
T t = static_cast<T>((this->IsoValue - s0) / (s1 - s0));
weights.Set(writeIndex, static_cast<vtkm::FloatDefault>(t));
template <typename T>
struct ComputePass5Y : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
vtkm::internal::ArrayPortalUniformPointCoordinates Coordinates;
vtkm::Id NormalWriteOffset;
ComputePass5Y() {}
ComputePass5Y(const vtkm::Id3& pdims,
const vtkm::Vec3f& origin,
const vtkm::Vec3f& spacing,
vtkm::Id normalWriteOffset,
bool generateNormals)
: Coordinates(pdims, origin, spacing)
, NormalWriteOffset(normalWriteOffset)
if (!generateNormals)
this->NormalWriteOffset = -1;
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn interpEdgeIds,
FieldIn interpWeight,
FieldOut points,
WholeArrayIn field,
WholeArrayOut normals);
using ExecutionSignature = void(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, WorkIndex);
template <typename PT, typename WholeInputField, typename WholeNormalField>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id2& interpEdgeIds,
vtkm::FloatDefault weight,
vtkm::Vec<PT, 3>& outPoint,
const WholeInputField& field,
WholeNormalField& normals,
vtkm::Id oidx) const
vtkm::Vec3f point1 = this->Coordinates.Get(interpEdgeIds[0]);
vtkm::Vec3f point2 = this->Coordinates.Get(interpEdgeIds[1]);
outPoint = vtkm::Lerp(point1, point2, weight);
//NormalWriteOffset of -1 means no normals
if (this->NormalWriteOffset >= 0)
vtkm::Vec<T, 3> g0, g1;
const vtkm::Id3& dims = this->Coordinates.GetDimensions();
vtkm::Id3 ijk{ interpEdgeIds[0] % dims[0],
(interpEdgeIds[0] / dims[0]) % dims[1],
interpEdgeIds[0] / (dims[0] * dims[1]) };
vtkm::worklet::gradient::StructuredPointGradient gradient;
vtkm::exec::BoundaryState boundary(ijk, dims);
coord_neighborhood(this->Coordinates, boundary);
vtkm::exec::FieldNeighborhood<WholeInputField> field_neighborhood(field, boundary);
//compute the gradient at point 1
gradient(boundary, coord_neighborhood, field_neighborhood, g0);
//compute the gradient at point 2. This optimization can be optimized
boundary.IJK = vtkm::Id3{ interpEdgeIds[1] % dims[0],
(interpEdgeIds[1] / dims[0]) % dims[1],
interpEdgeIds[1] / (dims[0] * dims[1]) };
gradient(boundary, coord_neighborhood, field_neighborhood, g1);
vtkm::Vec3f n = vtkm::Lerp(g0, g1, weight);
const auto mag2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(n);
if (mag2 > 0.)
n = n * vtkm::RSqrt(mag2);
normals.Set(this->NormalWriteOffset + oidx, n);