Kenneth Moreland 70f6220fa3 Add vtkm::List
`vtkm::List` is meant to replace `vtkm::ListTag`. Rather than
subclassing a base class with a variadic template, all lists expose the
list of types.

`vtkm::ListTag` was originally created before we required C++11 so
supporting variadic templates was problematic. To hide the issue we had,
we made list tags subclass other lists rather than be the list
themselves. It makes for nicer types in the compiler, but hides
important details about what is actually in the type. It also creates
lots of unnecessary new types.

The new `vtkm::List` is in some ways simpler. All lists have to be a
`vtkm::List`. Subclasses are not supported (or rather, they will not
work as expected). All manipulations (such as `vtkm::ListAppend`)
resolve directly back to a `vtkm::List`. Although the types reported by
the compiler will be longer, they will be more specific to the types
being used. Also, the new implimentation should ultimately use fewer
2019-12-04 17:13:56 -07:00

423 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_List_h
#define vtk_m_List_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/brigand.hpp>
namespace vtkm
template <typename... Ts>
struct List
namespace internal
template <typename T>
struct IsListImpl
using type = std::false_type;
template <typename... Ts>
struct IsListImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>>
using type = std::true_type;
template <typename T>
using IsList = typename vtkm::internal::IsListImpl<T>::type;
} // namespace internal
/// Checks that the argument is a proper list. This is a handy concept
/// check for functions and classes to make sure that a template argument is
/// actually a device adapter tag. (You can get weird errors elsewhere in the
/// code when a mistake is made.)
#define VTKM_IS_LIST(type) \
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((::vtkm::internal::IsList<type>::value), \
"Provided type is not a valid VTK-m list type.")
namespace detail
/// list value that is used to represent a list actually matches all values
struct UniversalTypeTag
//We never want this tag constructed, and by deleting the constructor
//we get an error when trying to use this class with ForEach.
UniversalTypeTag() = delete;
} // namespace detail
namespace internal
// This is here so that the old (deprecated) `ListTag`s can convert themselves to the new
// `List` style and be operated on. When that deprecated functionality goes away, we can
// probably remove `AsList` and just operate directly on the `List`s.
template <typename T>
struct AsListImpl;
template <typename... Ts>
struct AsListImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>>
using type = vtkm::List<Ts...>;
template <typename T>
using AsList = typename AsListImpl<T>::type;
/// A special tag for an empty list.
using ListEmpty = vtkm::List<>;
/// A special tag for a list that represents holding all potential values
/// Note: Can not be used with ForEach and some list transforms for obvious reasons.
using ListUniversal = vtkm::List<detail::UniversalTypeTag>;
namespace detail
template <typename T, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl;
template <typename... Ts, template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = Target<Ts...>;
// Cannot apply the universal list.
template <template <typename...> class Target>
struct ListApplyImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Applies the list of types to a template.
/// Given a ListTag and a templated class, returns the class instantiated with the types
/// represented by the ListTag.
template <typename List, template <typename...> class Target>
using ListApply = typename detail::ListApplyImpl<internal::AsList<List>, Target>::type;
/// Becomes an std::integral_constant containing the number of types in a list.
template <typename List>
using ListSize =
vtkm::IdComponent{ brigand::size<internal::AsList<List>>::value }>;
/// \brief Finds the type at the given index.
/// This becomes the type of the list at the given index.
template <typename List, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
using ListAt =
brigand::at<internal::AsList<List>, std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, Index>>;
namespace detail
// This find is roughly based on the brigand::find functionality. We don't use brigand::find
// because it has an apparent bug where if a list contains templated types, it trys to
// apply those types as predicates, which is wrong.
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target, typename... Remaining>
struct FindFirstOfType;
// Not found;
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target> : std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, -1>
// Basic search next one
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched, typename Target, typename Next, typename... Remaining>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, Next, Remaining...>
: std::conditional<std::is_same<Target, Next>::value,
std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, NumSearched>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 1, Target, Remaining...>>::type
// If there are at least 6 entries, check the first 4 to quickly narrow down
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched,
typename Target,
typename T0,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T3,
typename T4,
typename T5,
typename... Ts>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3, T3, T4, T5, Ts...>
: std::conditional<(std::is_same<Target, T0>::value || std::is_same<Target, T1>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T2>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T3>::value),
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 4, Target, T4, T5, Ts...>>::type
// If there are at least 12 entries, check the first 8 to quickly narrow down
template <vtkm::IdComponent NumSearched,
typename Target,
typename T0,
typename T1,
typename T2,
typename T3,
typename T4,
typename T5,
typename T6,
typename T7,
typename T8,
typename T9,
typename T10,
typename T11,
typename... Ts>
struct FindFirstOfType<NumSearched,
: std::conditional<(std::is_same<Target, T0>::value || std::is_same<Target, T1>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T2>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T3>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T4>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T5>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T6>::value ||
std::is_same<Target, T7>::value),
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched, Target, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7>,
FindFirstOfType<NumSearched + 4, Target, T8, T9, T10, T11, Ts...>>::type
template <typename List, typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl;
template <typename... Ts, typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, FindFirstOfType<0, Target, Ts...>::value>;
template <typename Target>
struct ListIndexOfImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((std::is_same<Target, void>::value && std::is_same<Target, int>::value),
"Cannot get indices in a universal list.");
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Finds the index of a given type.
/// Becomes a `std::integral_constant` for the index of the given type. If the
/// given type is not in the list, the value is set to -1.
template <typename List, typename T>
using ListIndexOf = typename detail::ListIndexOfImpl<internal::AsList<List>, T>::type;
/// \brief Checks to see if the given `T` is in the list pointed to by `List`.
/// Becomes `std::true_type` if the `T` is in `List`. `std::false_type` otherwise.
template <typename List, typename T>
using ListHas = std::integral_constant<bool, (vtkm::ListIndexOf<List, T>::value >= 0)>;
/// Concatinates a set of lists into a single list.
/// Note that this does not work correctly with `vtkm::ListUniversal`.
template <typename... Lists>
using ListAppend = brigand::append<internal::AsList<Lists>...>;
namespace detail
template <class State, class Element, class List>
struct ListIntersectTags
using has_u = vtkm::ListHas<List, Element>;
using type =
typename std::conditional<has_u::value, brigand::push_back<State, Element>, State>::type;
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct ListIntersectImpl
using type =
ListIntersectTags<brigand::_state, brigand::_element, brigand::pin<List2>>>;
template <typename List1>
struct ListIntersectImpl<List1, vtkm::ListUniversal>
using type = List1;
template <typename List2>
struct ListIntersectImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, List2>
using type = List2;
template <>
struct ListIntersectImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, vtkm::ListUniversal>
using type = vtkm::ListUniversal;
} // namespace detail
/// Constructs a list containing types present in all lists.
template <typename List1, typename List2>
using ListIntersect =
typename detail::ListIntersectImpl<internal::AsList<List1>, internal::AsList<List2>>::type;
namespace detail
template <typename T, template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl;
template <typename... Ts, template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl<vtkm::List<Ts...>, Target>
using type = vtkm::List<Target<Ts>...>;
// Cannot transform the universal list.
template <template <typename> class Target>
struct ListTransformImpl<vtkm::ListUniversal, Target>;
} // namespace detail
/// Constructs a list containing all types in a source list applied to a transform template.
template <typename List, template <typename> class Transform>
using ListTransform = typename detail::ListTransformImpl<internal::AsList<List>, Transform>::type;
/// Takes an existing `List` and a predicate template that is applied to each type in the `List`.
/// Any type in the `List` that has a value element equal to true (the equivalent of
/// `std::true_type`), that item will be removed from the list. For example the following type
/// ```cpp
/// vtkm::ListRemoveIf<vtkm::List<int, float, long long, double>, std::is_integral>
/// ```
/// resolves to a `List` that is equivalent to `vtkm::List<float, double>` because
/// `std::is_integral<int>` and `std::is_integral<long long>` resolve to `std::true_type` whereas
/// `std::is_integral<float>` and `std::is_integral<double>` resolve to `std::false_type`.
template <typename List, template <typename> class Predicate>
using ListRemoveIf =
brigand::remove_if<internal::AsList<List>, brigand::bind<Predicate, brigand::_1>>;
namespace detail
// We want to use an initializer list as a trick to call a function once for each type, but
// an initializer list needs a type, so create wrapper function that returns a value.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT inline bool ListForEachCallThrough(Functor&& f, Args&&... args)
return false; // Return value does not matter. Hopefully just thrown away.
template <typename Functor, typename... Ts, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEachImpl(Functor&& f, vtkm::List<Ts...>, Args&&... args)
auto init_list = { ListForEachCallThrough(
std::forward<Functor>(f), Ts{}, std::forward<Args>(args)...)... };
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEachImpl(Functor&&, vtkm::ListEmpty, Args&&...)
// No types to run functor on.
} // namespace detail
/// For each typename represented by the list, call the functor with a
/// default instance of that type.
template <typename Functor, typename List, typename... Args>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT void ListForEach(Functor&& f, List, Args&&... args)
std::forward<Functor>(f), internal::AsList<List>{}, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
namespace detail
template <typename List1, typename List2>
struct ListCrossImpl
// This is a lazy Cartesian product generator.
// This version was settled on as being the best default
// version as all compilers including Intel handle this
// implementation without issue for very large cross products
using type = brigand::reverse_fold<
vtkm::List<List1, List2>,
brigand::lazy::push_front<brigand::_1, brigand::parent<brigand::_1>>>>>>>>>>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Generates a list that is the cross product of two input lists.
/// The resulting list has the form of `vtkm::List<vtkm::List<A1,B1>, vtkm::List<A1,B2>,...>`
template <typename List1, typename List2>
using ListCross =
typename detail::ListCrossImpl<internal::AsList<List1>, internal::AsList<List2>>::type;
} // namespace vtkm
#endif //vtk_m_List_h