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// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2018 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2018 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2018 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
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// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
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#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_cellmetrics_TypeOfCellTriangle
#define vtk_m_worklet_cellmetrics_TypeOfCellTriangle
* The Verdict manual defines a set of commonly
* used components of a triangle. For example,
* area, side lengths, and so forth.
* These definitions can be found starting on
* page 17 of the Verdict manual.
* This file contains a set of functions which
* implement return the values of those commonly
* used components for subsequent use in metrics.
* Returns the L0 vector, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Vector GetTriangleL0(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Vector L0(pts[2] - pts[1]);
return L0;
* Returns the L1 vector, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Vector GetTriangleL1(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Vector L1(pts[0] - pts[2]);
return L1;
* Returns the L2 vector, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Vector GetTriangleL2(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Vector L2(pts[1] - pts[0]);
return L2;
* Returns the L0 vector's magnitude, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the magnitude of the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleL0Magnitude(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar l0 =
vtkm::Sqrt(vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(GetTriangleL0<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts)));
return l0;
* Returns the L1 vector's magnitude, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the magnitude of the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleL1Magnitude(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar l1 =
vtkm::Sqrt(vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(GetTriangleL1<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts)));
return l1;
* Returns the L2 vector's magnitude, as defined by the verdict manual.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the triangle.
* \return Returns the magnitude of the vector.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleL2Magnitude(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar l2 =
vtkm::Sqrt(vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(GetTriangleL2<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts)));
return l2;
* Returns the Max of the magnitude of each vector which makes up the sides of the triangle.
* That is to say, the length of the longest side.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the verticies of the triangle.
* \return Returns the max of the triangle side lengths.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleLMax(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar l0 = GetTriangleL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1 = GetTriangleL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2 = GetTriangleL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar lmax = vtkm::Max(l0, vtkm::Max(l1, l2));
return lmax;
* Returns the Min of the magnitude of each vector which makes up the sides of the triangle.
* That is to say, the length of the shortest side.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the verticies of the triangle.
* \return Returns the max of the triangle side lengths.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleLMin(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar l0 = GetTriangleL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1 = GetTriangleL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2 = GetTriangleL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar lmin = vtkm::Min(l0, vtkm::Min(l1, l2));
return lmin;
* Returns the area of the triangle.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the verticies of the triangle.
* \return Returns the are of the triangle..
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleArea(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Vector L0 = GetTriangleL0<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Vector L1 = GetTriangleL1<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar hhalf(0.5);
const Scalar crossProductMagnitude = vtkm::Sqrt(vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(vtkm::Cross(L0, L1)));
const Scalar area = hhalf * crossProductMagnitude;
return area;
* Returns the radius of a circle inscribed within the given triangle. This is commonly denoted as 'r'.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the verticies of the triangle.
* \return Returns the inradius.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleInradius(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar two(2.0);
const Scalar area = GetTriangleArea<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l0 = GetTriangleL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1 = GetTriangleL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2 = GetTriangleL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar inradius = (two * area) / (l0 + l1 + l2);
return inradius;
* Returns the radius of a circle circumscribed around the given triangle. This is commonly denoted as 'R'.
* \param [in] pts The three points which define the verticies of the triangle.
* \return Returns the circumradius.
template <typename Scalar, typename Vector, typename CollectionOfPoints>
VTKM_EXEC Scalar GetTriangleCircumradius(const CollectionOfPoints& pts)
const Scalar four(4.0);
const Scalar area = GetTriangleArea<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l0 = GetTriangleL0Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l1 = GetTriangleL1Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar l2 = GetTriangleL2Magnitude<Scalar, Vector, CollectionOfPoints>(pts);
const Scalar circumradius = (l0 * l1 * l2) / (four * area);
return circumradius;