Robert Maynard 22ea58335a iVTK-m CUDA backend doesn't use thrust::cuda::pointer any more.
This was removed as CUDA 9.0 on MSVC has issues where CUB/Thrust
would fail to compile when given these types.
2018-02-02 08:33:17 -05:00

216 lines
8.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_exec_cuda_internal_ExecutionPolicy_h
#define vtk_m_exec_cuda_internal_ExecutionPolicy_h
#include <vtkm/BinaryPredicates.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/cuda/ErrorCuda.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/cuda/internal/WrappedOperators.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
#include <thrust/system/cuda/execution_policy.h>
#include <thrust/system/cuda/memory.h>
#define ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread ::thrust::cuda::par.on(cudaStreamPerThread)
struct vtkm_cuda_policy : thrust::device_execution_policy<vtkm_cuda_policy>
//Specialize the sort call for cuda pointers using less/greater operators.
//The purpose of this is that for 32bit types (UInt32,Int32,Float32) thrust
//will call a super fast radix sort only if the operator is thrust::less
//or thrust::greater.
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__ void sort(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, vtkm::SortLess> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and less than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, thrust::less<T>());
template <typename T, typename RandomAccessIterator>
__host__ __device__ void sort_by_key(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
RandomAccessIterator values_first,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, vtkm::SortLess> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and less than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort_by_key(
ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, values_first, thrust::less<T>());
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__ void sort(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, ::thrust::less<T>> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and less than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, thrust::less<T>());
template <typename T, typename RandomAccessIterator>
__host__ __device__ void sort_by_key(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
RandomAccessIterator values_first,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, ::thrust::less<T>> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and less than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort_by_key(
ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, values_first, thrust::less<T>());
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__ void sort(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, vtkm::SortGreater> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and greater than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, thrust::greater<T>());
template <typename T, typename RandomAccessIterator>
__host__ __device__ void sort_by_key(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
RandomAccessIterator values_first,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, vtkm::SortGreater> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and greater than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort_by_key(
ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, values_first, thrust::greater<T>());
template <typename T>
__host__ __device__ void sort(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, ::thrust::greater<T>> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and greater than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, thrust::greater<T>());
template <typename T, typename RandomAccessIterator>
__host__ __device__ void sort_by_key(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* first,
T* last,
RandomAccessIterator values_first,
vtkm::exec::cuda::internal::WrappedBinaryPredicate<T, ::thrust::greater<T>> comp)
{ //sort for concrete pointers and greater than op
//this makes sure that we invoke the thrust radix sort and not merge sort
return thrust::sort_by_key(
ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, values_first, thrust::greater<T>());
template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename StrictWeakOrdering>
__host__ __device__ void sort(const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
RandomAccessIterator first,
RandomAccessIterator last,
StrictWeakOrdering comp)
//At this point the pointer type is not a cuda pointers and/or
//the operator is not an approved less/greater operator.
//This most likely will cause thrust to internally determine that
//the best sort implementation is merge sort.
return thrust::sort(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, comp);
template <typename RandomAccessIteratorKeys,
typename RandomAccessIteratorValues,
typename StrictWeakOrdering>
__host__ __device__ void sort_by_key(const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
RandomAccessIteratorKeys first,
RandomAccessIteratorKeys last,
RandomAccessIteratorValues values_first,
StrictWeakOrdering comp)
//At this point the pointer type is not a cuda pointers and/or
//the operator is not an approved less/greater operator.
//This most likely will cause thrust to internally determine that
//the best sort implementation is merge sort.
return thrust::sort_by_key(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread, first, last, values_first, comp);
template <typename T,
typename InputIterator2,
typename OutputIterator1,
typename OutputIterator2,
typename BinaryPredicate,
typename BinaryFunction>
__host__ __device__::thrust::pair<OutputIterator1, OutputIterator2> reduce_by_key(
const vtkm_cuda_policy& exec,
T* keys_first,
T* keys_last,
InputIterator2 values_first,
OutputIterator1 keys_output,
OutputIterator2 values_output,
BinaryPredicate binary_pred,
BinaryFunction binary_op)
#if defined(__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__) && (__CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 7) && (__CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ >= 5)
::thrust::pair<OutputIterator1, OutputIterator2> result =
//only sync if we are being invoked from the host
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
return result;
return thrust::reduce_by_key(ThrustCudaPolicyPerThread,