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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_connectivity_union_find_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_connectivity_union_find_h
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace connectivity
// Reference:
// Jayanti, Siddhartha V., and Robert E. Tarjan.
// "Concurrent Disjoint Set Union." arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01203 (2020).
class UnionFind
// This is the naive findRoot() without path compaction in SV Jayanti et. al.
// Since the parents array is read-only in this function, there is no data
// race when it is called by multiple treads concurrently. We can just call
// Get() which actually calls Load() with memory_order_acquire ordering
// which in turn ensure writes by other threads (via Unite()) are reflected.
template <typename Parents>
static VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Id findRoot(const Parents& parents, vtkm::Id index)
while (parents.Get(index) != index)
index = parents.Get(index);
return index;
template <typename Parents>
static VTKM_EXEC void Unite(Parents& parents, vtkm::Id u, vtkm::Id v)
// Data Race Resolutions
// Since this function modifies the Union-Find data structure, concurrent
// invocation of it by 2 or more threads causes potential data race. Here
// is a case analysis why the potential data race does no harm in the
// context of the single pass connected component algorithm.
// Case 1, Two threads calling Unite(u, v) (and/or Unite(v, u)) concurrently.
// Problem: One thread might attach u to v while the other thread attach
// v to u, causing a cycle in the Union-Find data structure.
// Resolution: This is not so much of a race condition but a problem with
// the consistency of the algorithm. This can also happen in serial.
// This is resolved by "linking by index" as in SV Jayanti et.al. with less
// than as the total order. The two threads will make the same decision on
// how to Unite the two trees (e.g. from root with larger id to root with
// smaller id.) This avoids cycles in the resulting graph and maintains the
// rooted forest structure of Union-Find at the expense of duplicated (but
// benign) work.
// Case 2, T0 calling Unite(u, v) and T1 calling Unite(u, w) concurrently.
// Problem I: There is a potential write after read data race. After T0
// calls findRoot() for u but before actually updating the parent of root_u,
// T1 might have changed root_u to root_w and made root_u "obsolete".
// When the root of the tree to be attached to (e.g. root_u, when root_u < root_v)
// is changed, there is no hazard, since we are just attaching a tree to a
// now a non-root node, root_u, (thus, root_w <- root_u <- root_v).
// However, when the root of the attaching tree (root_v) is changed, it
// means that the root_u has been attached to yet some other root_s and became
// a non-root node. If we are now attaching this non-root node to root_w we
// would leave root_s behind and undoing previous work.
// Atomic Load/Store with memory_order_acquire are not able to detect this
// data race. While Load sees all previous Stores by other threads, it can not
// be aware of any Store after the Load.
// Resolution: Use atomic Compare and Swap in a loop when updating root_u.
// CAS will check if root of u has been updated by some other thread between
// findRoot(u) is called and when root of u is going to be updated. This is
// done by comparing the root_u = findRoot(u) to the current value at
// parents[root_u]. If they are the same, no data race has happened and the
// value in parents[root_u] is updated. However, if root_u != parent[root_u],
// it means parent[root_u] has been updated by some other thread. CAS returns
// the new value of parent[root_u] (root_s in the Problem description) which
// we can use as the new root_u. We keep retrying until there is no more
// data race and root_u == root_w i.e. they are in the same component.
// Problem II: There is a potential concurrent write data race as it is
// possible for the two threads to try to change the same old root to
// different new roots, e.g. T0 calls parents.Set(root_u, root_v) while T1
// calls parents.Set(root_u, root_w) where root_v < root_u and root_w < root_u
// (but the order of root_v and root_w is unspecified.) Each thread assumes
// success while the outcome is actually unspecified.
// Resolution: Use an atomic Compare and Swap is suggested in SV Janati et. al.
// as well as J. Jaiganesht et. al. to resolve the data race. The CAS
// checks if the old root is the same as what we expected. If so, there is
// no data race, CAS will set the root to the desired new value. The return
// value from CAS will equal to our expected old root and signifies a
// successful write which terminates the while loop.
// If the old root is not what we expected, it has been updated by some
// other thread and the update by this thread fails. The root as updated by
// the other thread is returned. This returned value would not equal to
// our desired new root, signifying the need to retry with the while loop.
// We can use this return "new root" as is without calling findRoot() to
// find the "new root". The while loop terminates when both u and v have
// the same root (thus united).
auto root_u = UnionFind::findRoot(parents, u);
auto root_v = UnionFind::findRoot(parents, v);
while (root_u != root_v)
// FIXME: we might be executing the loop one extra time than necessary.
// Nota Bene: VTKm's CompareAndSwap has a different order of parameters
// than common practice, it is (index, new, expected) rather than
// (index, expected, new).
if (root_u < root_v)
root_v = parents.CompareAndSwap(root_v, root_u, root_v);
else if (root_u > root_v)
root_u = parents.CompareAndSwap(root_u, root_v, root_u);
// This compresses the path from each node to its root thus flattening the
// trees and guarantees that the output trees will be rooted stars, i.e.
// they all have depth of 1.
// There is a "seemly" data race for this function. The root returned by
// findRoot() in one thread might become out of date if some other
// thread changed it before this function calls parents.Set() making the
// result tree not "short" enough and thus calls for a CompareAndSwap retry
// loop. However, this data race does not happen for the following reasons:
// 1. Since the only way for a root of a tree to be changed is through Unite(),
// as long as there is no concurrent invocation of Unite() and Flatten() there
// is no data race. This applies even for a compacting findRoot() which can
// still only change the parents of non-root nodes.
// 2. By the same token, since findRoot() does not change root and most
// "damage" parents.Set() can do is resetting root's parent to itself,
// the root of a tree can never be changed by this function. Thus, here
// is no data race between concurrent invocations of this function.
// Since the current findRoot() does not do path compaction, this algorithm
// has O(n) depth with O(n^2) of total work on a Parallel Random Access
// Machine (PRAM). However, we don't live in a synchronous, infinite number
// of processor PRAM world. In reality, since we put "parent pointers" in a
// array and all the pointers are pointing from larger indices to smaller
// ones, invocation for nodes with smaller ids are mostly likely be scheduled
// before and completes earlier than nodes with larger ids. This makes
// the "effective" path length shorter for nodes with larger ids.
// In this way, concurrency actually helps with algorithm complexity.
template <typename Parents>
static VTKM_EXEC void Flatten(Parents& parents, vtkm::Id index)
auto root = findRoot(parents, index);
parents.Set(index, root);
class PointerJumping : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(WholeArrayInOut comp);
using ExecutionSignature = void(WorkIndex, _1);
using InputDomain = _1;
template <typename InOutPortalType>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(vtkm::Id index, InOutPortalType& comps) const
UnionFind::Flatten(comps, index);
} // connectivity
} // worklet
} // vtkm
#endif // vtk_m_worklet_connectivity_union_find_h