2024-01-04 15:25:07 -05:00

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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_Logging_h
#define vtk_m_cont_Logging_h
#include <vtkm/internal/Configure.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/ExportMacros.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/vtkm_cont_export.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
/// \file Logging.h
/// \brief Logging utilities.
/// This file includes the logging system for VTK-m. There are a variety of
/// macros to print log messages using C++ stream or printf syntax. Nested
/// scopes may be created in the log output, and there are several helper
/// functions to help format common types of log data such as byte counts and
/// type names.
/// Logging is enabled via the CMake option VTKm_ENABLE_LOGGING by default.
/// The default log level is set to only log Warn and Error messages; Fatal
/// levels are printed to stderr by default. The logging system will need
/// to be initialized through a call to either vtkm::cont::Initialize or
/// vtkm::cont::InitLogging.
/// Additional logging features are enabled by calling vtkm::cont::InitLogging
/// (or preferably, vtkm::cont::Initialize) in an executable. This will:
/// - Set human-readable names for the log levels in the output.
/// - Allow the stderr logging level to be set at runtime by passing a
/// '--vtkm-log-level [level]' argument to the executable.
/// - Name the main thread.
/// - Print a preamble with details of the program's startup (args, etc).
/// - Install signal handlers to automatically print stacktraces and error
/// contexts (linux only) on crashes.
/// The main logging entry points are the macros VTKM_LOG_S and VTKM_LOG_F,
/// which using C++ stream and printf syntax, repectively. Other variants exist,
/// including conditional logging and special-purpose logs for writing specific
/// events, such as DynamicObject cast results and TryExecute failures.
/// The logging backend supports the concept of "Scopes". By creating a new
/// scope with the macros VTKM_LOG_SCOPE or VTKM_LOG_SCOPE_FUNCTION, a new
/// "logging scope" is opened within the C++ scope the macro is called from. New
/// messages will be indented in the log until the scope ends, at which point
/// a message is logged with the elapsed time that the scope was active. Scopes
/// may be nested to arbitrary depths.
/// The logging implementation is thread-safe. When working in a multithreaded
/// environment, each thread may be assigned a human-readable name using
/// vtkm::cont::SetThreadName. This will appear in the log output so that
/// per-thread messages can be easily tracked.
/// By default, only Warn, Error, and Fatal messages are printed to
/// stderr. This can be changed at runtime by passing the '--vtkm-log-level' flag to an
/// executable that calls vtkm::cont::InitLogging. Alternatively, the
/// application can explicitly call vtkm::cont::SetStderrLogLevel to change the
/// verbosity. When specifying a verbosity, all log levels with enum values
/// less-than-or-equal-to the requested level are printed.
/// vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Off (or "--vtkm-log-level Off") may be used to silence the log
/// completely.
/// The helper functions vtkm::cont::GetHumanReadableSize and
/// vtkm::cont::GetSizeString assist in formating byte sizes to a more readable
/// format. Similarly, the vtkm::cont::TypeToString template functions provide RTTI
/// based type-name information. When logging is enabled, these use the logging
/// backend to demangle symbol names on supported platforms.
/// The more verbose VTK-m log levels are:
/// - Perf: Logs performance information, using the scopes feature to track
/// execution time of filters, worklets, and device algorithms with
/// microsecond resolution.
/// - MemCont / MemExec: These levels log memory allocations in the control and
/// execution environments, respectively.
/// - MemTransfer: This level logs memory transfers between the control and host
/// environments.
/// - KernelLaunches: This level logs details about each device side kernel launch
/// such as the CUDA PTX, Warps, and Grids used.
/// - Cast: Logs details of dynamic object resolution.
/// The log may be shared and extended by applications that use VTK-m. There
/// are two log level ranges left available for applications: User and
/// UserVerbose. The User levels may be enabled without showing any of the
/// verbose VTK-m levels, while UserVerbose levels will also enable all VTK-m
/// levels.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...)
/// \brief Writes a message using stream syntax to the indicated log \a level.
/// The ellipsis may be replaced with the log message as if constructing a C++
/// stream, e.g:
/// \code
/// VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executed functor " << vtkm::cont::TypeToString(functor)
/// << " on device " << deviceId.GetName());
/// \endcode
/// \def VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...)
/// \brief Writes a message using printf syntax to the indicated log \a level.
/// The ellipsis may be replaced with the log message as if constructing a
/// printf call, e.g:
/// \code
/// VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executed functor %s on device %s",
/// vtkm::cont::TypeToString(functor).c_str(),
/// deviceId.GetName().c_str());
/// \endcode
/// \def VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...)
/// Same as VTKM_LOG_S, but only logs if \a cond is true.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...)
/// Same as VTKM_LOG_F, but only logs if \a cond is true.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...)
/// Creates a new scope at the requested \a level. The log scope ends when the
/// code scope ends. The ellipses form the scope name using printf syntax.
/// \code
/// {
/// VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf,
/// "Executing filter %s",
/// vtkm::cont::TypeToString(myFilter).c_str());
/// myFilter.Execute();
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Equivalent to `VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, __func__)`
/// \def VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...)
/// This ostream-style log message is always emitted, even when logging is
/// disabled at compile time.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging the successful cast of dynamic object.
/// \param inObj The dynamic object.
/// \param outObj The resulting downcasted object.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging a failed cast of dynamic object.
/// \param inObj The dynamic object.
/// \param outType The candidate type (or typelist) that was unsuccessful.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId)
/// \brief Convenience macro for logging a TryExecute failure to the Error level.
/// If logging is disabled, a message is still printed to stderr.
/// \param errorMessage The error message detailing the failure.
/// \param functorName The name of the functor (see vtkm::cont::TypeToString)
/// \param deviceId The device tag / id for the device on which the functor
/// failed.
/// \def VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId)
/// \brief Similar to VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL, but also informs the user
/// that the device has been disable for future TryExecute calls.
/// \param errorMessage The error message detailing the failure.
/// \param functorName The name of the functor (see vtkm::cont::TypeToString)
/// \param deviceId The device tag / id for the device on which the functor
/// failed.
/// \def VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset)
/// \brief Convenience macro for creating a custom log level that is usable
/// in the other macros. If logging is disabled this macro does nothing.
/// \param name The name to give the new log level
/// \param offset The offset from the vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserFirst value
/// from the LogLevel enum. Additionally moduloed against the
/// vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserLast value
/// \note This macro is to be used for quickly setting log levels. For a
/// more maintainable solution it is recommended to create a custom enum class
/// and then cast appropriately, as described here:
/// https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/-/issues/358#note_550157
#define VTKM_CONCAT_IMPL(s1, s2) s1##s2
#define VTKM_CONCAT(s1, s2) VTKM_CONCAT_IMPL(s1, s2)
#ifdef __COUNTER__
#define VTKM_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE VTKM_CONCAT(vtk_m_anonymous_, __LINE__)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...) \
vtkm::cont::LogCondStream(level, cond, __FILE__, __LINE__) << __VA_ARGS__
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...) \
vtkm::cont::LogCond(level, cond, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...) \
vtkm::cont::detail::LogScope VTKM_ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE { level, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__ }
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE_FUNCTION(level) VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, __func__)
#define VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...) VTKM_LOG_S(level, __VA_ARGS__)
// Convenience macros:
// Cast success:
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj) \
VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Cast, \
"Cast succeeded: %s (%p) --> %s (%p)", \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(inObj).c_str(), \
&inObj, \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(outObj).c_str(), \
// Cast failure:
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType) \
VTKM_LOG_F(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Cast, \
"Cast failed: %s (%p) --> %s", \
vtkm::cont::TypeToString(inObj).c_str(), \
&inObj, \
// TryExecute failure
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing functor: " << functorName); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName())
// Same, but disabling device:
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing functor: " << functorName); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName()); \
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Error, "The failing device has been disabled.")
// Custom log level
#define VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset) \
static constexpr vtkm::cont::LogLevel name = static_cast<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>( \
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>::type>( \
vtkm::cont::LogLevel::UserFirst) + \
offset % \
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<vtkm::cont::LogLevel>::type>( \
#define VTKM_LOG_S(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_F(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_S(level, cond, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_IF_F(level, cond, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_SCOPE(level, ...)
#define VTKM_LOG_ERROR_CONTEXT(desc, data)
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_SUCC(inObj, outObj)
#define VTKM_LOG_CAST_FAIL(inObj, outType)
#define VTKM_DEFINE_USER_LOG_LEVEL(name, offset)
// Always emitted. When logging is disabled, std::cerr is used.
#define VTKM_LOG_ALWAYS_S(level, ...) \
(static_cast<int>(level) < 0 ? std::cerr : std::cout) \
<< vtkm::cont::GetLogLevelName(level) << ": " << __VA_ARGS__ << "\n"
// TryExecute failures are still important enough to log, but we just write to
// std::cerr when logging is disabled.
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_FAIL(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
std::cerr << "Error: TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing functor: " << functorName << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName() << "\n\n"
#define VTKM_LOG_TRYEXECUTE_DISABLE(errorMessage, functorName, deviceId) \
std::cerr << "Error: TryExecute encountered an error: " << errorMessage << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing functor: " << functorName << "\n" \
<< "\t- Failing device: " << deviceId.GetName() << "\n" \
<< "The failing device has been disabled.\n\n"
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
/// Log levels for use with the logging macros.
enum class LogLevel
/// A placeholder used to silence all logging. Do not actually log to
/// this level.
Off = -9, //loguru::Verbosity_OFF,
/// Fatal errors that should abort execution.
Fatal = -3, // loguru::Verbosity_FATAL,
/// Important but non-fatal errors, such as device fail-over.
Error = -2, // loguru::Verbosity_ERROR,
/// Less important user errors, such as out-of-bounds parameters.
Warn = -1, // loguru::Verbosity_WARNING,
/// Information messages (detected hardware, etc) and temporary debugging
/// output.
Info = 0, //loguru::Verbosity_INFO,
/// The first in a range of logging levels reserved for code that uses VTK-m.
/// Internal VTK-m code will not log on these levels but will report these logs.
UserFirst = 1,
/// The last in a range of logging levels reserved for code that uses VTK-m.
UserLast = 255,
/// Information about which devices are enabled/disabled.
/// General timing data and algorithm flow information, such as filter
/// execution, worklet dispatches, and device algorithm calls.
/// Host-side resource allocations/frees (e.g. ArrayHandle control buffers).
/// Device-side resource allocations/frees (e.g ArrayHandle device buffers).
/// Transferring of data between a host and device.
/// Details on device-side kernel launches.
/// Reports when a dynamic object is (or is not) resolved via a CastAndCall or other
/// casting method.
/// The first in a range of logging levels reserved for code that uses VTK-m.
/// Internal VTK-m code will not log on these levels but will report these logs.
/// These are used similarly to those in the UserFirst range but are at a lower
/// precedence that also includes more verbose reporting from VTK-m.
UserVerboseFirst = 1024,
/// The last in a range of logging levels reserved for code that uses VTK-m.
UserVerboseLast = 2047
* This shouldn't be called directly -- prefer calling vtkm::cont::Initialize,
* which takes care of logging as well as other initializations.
* Initializes logging. Sets up custom log level and thread names. Parses any
* "--vtkm-log-level [LogLevel]" arguments to set the stderr log level. This argument may
* be either numeric, or the 4-character string printed in the output. Note that
* loguru will consume the "--vtkm-log-level [LogLevel]" argument and shrink the arg list.
* If the parameterless overload is used, the `--vtkm-log-level` parsing is not used, but
* other functionality should still work.
* @note This function is not threadsafe and should only be called from a single
* thread (ideally the main thread).
* @{
void InitLogging(int& argc, char* argv[], const std::string& loggingFlag = "--vtkm-log-level");
void InitLogging();
* Set the range of log levels that will be printed to stderr. All levels
* with an enum value less-than-or-equal-to \a level will be printed.
* @{
void SetStderrLogLevel(const char* verbosity);
void SetStderrLogLevel(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level);
* Get the active highest log level that will be printed to stderr.
vtkm::cont::LogLevel GetStderrLogLevel();
* Register a custom name to identify a log level. The name will be truncated
* to 4 characters internally.
* Must not be called after InitLogging. Such calls will fail and log an error.
* There is no need to call this for the default vtkm::cont::LogLevels. They
* are populated in InitLogging and will be overwritten.
void SetLogLevelName(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level, const std::string& name);
* Get a human readable name for the log level. If a name has not been
* registered via InitLogging or SetLogLevelName, the returned string just
* contains the integer representation of the level.
std::string GetLogLevelName(vtkm::cont::LogLevel level);
* Specifies a humman-readable name to identify the current thread in the log output.
* @{
void SetLogThreadName(const std::string& name);
std::string GetLogThreadName();
// Per-thread error context, not currently used, undocumented....
std::string GetLogErrorContext();
* Returns a stacktrace on supported platforms.
* Argument is the number of frames to skip (GetStackTrace and below are already
* skipped).
std::string GetStackTrace(vtkm::Int32 skip = 0);
/// Convert a size in bytes to a human readable string (such as "64 bytes",
/// "1.44 MiB", "128 GiB", etc). @a prec controls the fixed point precision
/// of the stringified number.
std::string GetHumanReadableSize(vtkm::UInt64 bytes, int prec = 2);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT inline std::string GetHumanReadableSize(T&& bytes, int prec = 2)
return GetHumanReadableSize(static_cast<vtkm::UInt64>(std::forward<T>(bytes)), prec);
/// Returns "%1 (%2 bytes)" where %1 is the result from GetHumanReadableSize
/// and %2 is the exact number of bytes.
std::string GetSizeString(vtkm::UInt64 bytes, int prec = 2);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT inline std::string GetSizeString(T&& bytes, int prec = 2)
return GetSizeString(static_cast<vtkm::UInt64>(std::forward<T>(bytes)), prec);
* Use RTTI information to retrieve the name of the type T. If logging is
* enabled and the platform supports it, the type name will also be demangled.
* @{
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const std::type_info& t);
VTKM_CONT_EXPORT VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const std::type_index& t);
template <typename T>
inline VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString()
return TypeToString(typeid(T));
template <typename T>
inline VTKM_CONT std::string TypeToString(const T&)
return TypeToString(typeid(T));
* \brief Conditionally logs a message with a printf-like format.
* \param level Desired LogLevel value for the log message.
* \param cond When false this function is no-op.
* \param file The source file where the log entry was genearted.
* \param line The line in the source file where the log entry was generated.
* \param format Printf like format string.
void LogCond(LogLevel level, bool cond, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format...);
namespace detail
* \brief Logs a scoped message with a printf-like format.
* The indentation level will be determined based on its LogLevel and it will
* print out its wall time upon exiting its scope. The scope starts from when
* the object is created to when it is destroyed.
struct InternalStruct;
std::unique_ptr<InternalStruct> Internals;
* \param level Desired LogLevel value for the log message.
* \param cond When false this function is no-op.
* \param format Printf like format string.
LogScope(LogLevel level, const char* file, unsigned line, const char* format...);
VTKM_CONT ~LogScope();
} // namespace detail
* \brief Conditionally logs a message with a stream-like interface.
* Messages are flushed to output by the destructor.
struct VTKM_CONT_EXPORT LogCondStream
LogCondStream(LogLevel level, bool cond, const char* file, int line)
: Level(level)
, Condition(cond)
, File(file)
, Line(line)
~LogCondStream() noexcept(false);
template <typename T>
VTKM_CONT LogCondStream& operator<<(const T& in)
SStream << in;
return *this;
LogCondStream& operator<<(std::ostream& (*f)(std::ostream&))
return *this;
LogLevel Level;
bool Condition;
const char* File;
int Line;
std::ostringstream SStream;
} // end namespace vtkm::cont
#endif // vtk_m_cont_Logging_h