Kenneth Moreland 4725288224 Fix the size of Mask and ScatterPermutation arrays
While adding checks to the size of implicit arrays, it was discovered
that some of the Mask and ScatterPermutation arrays were constructed
with the wrong sizes during dispatch. In particular, these arrays were
supposed to be sized on the output, but were instead sized on the input.
They went unnoticed because they were using implicit arrays that worked
even if the array access went out of bounds.
2023-04-12 14:37:26 -06:00

804 lines
32 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h
#include <vtkm/List.h>
#include <vtkm/StaticAssert.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/FunctionInterface.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/Invocation.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/CastAndCall.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ErrorBadType.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/TryExecute.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/ControlSignatureTagBase.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/Transport.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheck.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/ExecutionSignatureTagBase.h>
#include <vtkm/internal/DecayHelpers.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/internal/WorkletBase.h>
#include <vtkmstd/integer_sequence.h>
#include <vtkmstd/is_trivial.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
namespace internal
template <typename Domain>
inline auto SchedulingRange(const Domain& inputDomain) -> decltype(inputDomain.GetNumberOfValues())
return inputDomain.GetNumberOfValues();
template <typename Domain>
inline auto SchedulingRange(const Domain* const inputDomain)
-> decltype(inputDomain->GetNumberOfValues())
return inputDomain->GetNumberOfValues();
template <typename Domain, typename SchedulingRangeType>
inline auto SchedulingRange(const Domain& inputDomain, SchedulingRangeType type)
-> decltype(inputDomain.GetSchedulingRange(type))
return inputDomain.GetSchedulingRange(type);
template <typename Domain, typename SchedulingRangeType>
inline auto SchedulingRange(const Domain* const inputDomain, SchedulingRangeType type)
-> decltype(inputDomain->GetSchedulingRange(type))
return inputDomain->GetSchedulingRange(type);
namespace detail
// This code is actually taking an error found at compile-time and not
// reporting it until run-time. This seems strange at first, but this
// behavior is actually important. With dynamic arrays and similar dynamic
// classes, there may be types that are technically possible (such as using a
// vector where a scalar is expected) but in reality never happen. Thus, for
// these unsupported combinations we just silently halt the compiler from
// attempting to create code for these errant conditions and throw a run-time
// error if one every tries to create one.
inline void PrintFailureMessage(int index)
std::stringstream message;
message << "Encountered bad type for parameter " << index
<< " when calling Invoke on a dispatcher.";
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType(message.str());
inline void PrintNullPtrMessage(int index, int mode)
std::stringstream message;
if (mode == 0)
message << "Encountered nullptr for parameter " << index;
message << "Encountered nullptr for " << index << " from last parameter ";
message << " when calling Invoke on a dispatcher.";
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadValue(message.str());
template <typename T>
inline void not_nullptr(T* ptr, int index, int mode = 0)
if (!ptr)
PrintNullPtrMessage(index, mode);
template <typename T>
inline void not_nullptr(T&&, int, int mode = 0)
template <typename T>
inline T& as_ref(T* ptr)
return *ptr;
template <typename T>
inline T&& as_ref(T&& t)
return std::forward<T>(t);
template <typename T, bool noError>
struct ReportTypeOnError : std::integral_constant<bool, noError>
template <int Value, bool noError>
struct ReportValueOnError : std::integral_constant<bool, noError>
template <typename Type>
struct IsDynamicTypeImpl
using T = vtkm::internal::remove_pointer_and_decay<Type>;
using DynamicTag = typename vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTraits<T>::DynamicTag;
using type =
typename std::is_same<DynamicTag, vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall>::type;
template <typename T>
using IsDynamicType = typename IsDynamicTypeImpl<T>::type;
template <typename SigTagList, typename ParamList, typename IndexSequence>
struct ZipControlParamImpl;
template <typename... SigTags, typename... Params, vtkm::IdComponent... Indices>
struct ZipControlParamImpl<vtkm::List<SigTags...>,
vtkmstd::integer_sequence<vtkm::IdComponent, Indices...>>
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(SigTags) == sizeof...(Params));
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(SigTags) == sizeof...(Indices));
using type = vtkm::List<
vtkm::List<SigTags, Params, std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, (Indices + 1)>>...>;
template <typename SigTagList, typename ParamList, typename IndexSequence>
using ZipControlParam = typename ZipControlParamImpl<SigTagList, ParamList, IndexSequence>::type;
template <typename WorkletType>
struct ControlArgumentValidator
template <typename SigTag, typename Param, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
void operator()(vtkm::List<SigTag, Param, std::integral_constant<vtkm::IdComponent, Index>>) const
using T = std::remove_pointer_t<Param>;
using TypeCheckTag = typename SigTag::TypeCheckTag;
static constexpr bool isCorrect = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck<TypeCheckTag, T>::value;
"If you get an error here, that means that your code has invoked a worklet,"
" and one of the arguments of the Invoke is the wrong type. Each argument of the invoke"
" corresponds to a tag in the arguments of the ControlSignature of the worklet. If there"
" is a mismatch, then you get an error here (instead of where you called invoke). For"
" example, if the worklet has a control signature as ControlSignature(CellSetIn, ...) and"
" the first argument passed to the invoke is an ArrayHandle, you will get an error here"
" because you cannot use an ArrayHandle in place of a CellSetIn argument. (You need to use"
" a CellSet.) If the compiler supports it, the next few errors on the following lines of"
" code will give information about where the error actually occurred.");
// If you are getting the error described above, the following lines will give you some
// diagnostics (in the form of compile errors). Each one will result in a compile error
// reporting an undefined type for ReportTypeOnError (or ReportValueOnError). What we are
// really reporting is the first template argument, which is one of the types or values that
// should help pinpoint where the error is. The comment for static_assert provides the
// type/value being reported. (Note that some compilers report better types than others. If
// your compiler is giving unhelpful types like "T" or "WorkletType", you may need to try a
// different compiler.)
static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<WorkletType, isCorrect>::value,
"The first template argument to ReportTypeOnError is the worklet being invoked");
static_assert(ReportValueOnError<Index, isCorrect>::value,
"The first template argument to ReportTypeOnError is the index of Invoke "
"parameter (starting at index 1)");
static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<T, isCorrect>::value,
"The first template argument to ReportTypeOnError is the type passed to Invoke");
static_assert(ReportTypeOnError<TypeCheckTag, isCorrect>::value,
"The first template argument to ReportTypeOnError is the type check tag used");
// Checks that an argument in a ControlSignature is a valid control signature
// tag. Causes a compile error otherwise.
struct DispatcherBaseControlSignatureTagCheck
template <typename ControlSignatureTag, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
struct ReturnType
// If you get a compile error here, it means there is something that is
// not a valid control signature tag in a worklet's ControlSignature.
using type = ControlSignatureTag;
// Checks that an argument in a ExecutionSignature is a valid execution
// signature tag. Causes a compile error otherwise.
struct DispatcherBaseExecutionSignatureTagCheck
template <typename ExecutionSignatureTag, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
struct ReturnType
// If you get a compile error here, it means there is something that is not
// a valid execution signature tag in a worklet's ExecutionSignature.
using type = ExecutionSignatureTag;
struct DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor
template <typename Device, typename DispatcherBaseType, typename Invocation, typename RangeType>
VTKM_CONT bool operator()(Device device,
const DispatcherBaseType* self,
Invocation& invocation,
const RangeType& dimensions)
auto outputRange = self->Scatter.GetOutputRange(dimensions);
invocation, dimensions, outputRange, self->Mask.GetThreadRange(outputRange), device);
return true;
// A look up helper used by DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor to determine
//the types independent of the device we are templated on.
template <typename ControlInterface, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
struct DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes
//Moved out of DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor to reduce code generation
using ControlSignatureTag = typename ControlInterface::template ParameterType<Index>::type;
using TransportTag = typename ControlSignatureTag::TransportTag;
inline vtkm::Id FlatRange(vtkm::Id range)
return range;
inline vtkm::Id FlatRange(const vtkm::Id3& range)
return range[0] * range[1] * range[2];
// A functor used in a StaticCast of a FunctionInterface to transport arguments
// from the control environment to the execution environment.
template <typename ControlInterface, typename InputDomainType, typename Device>
struct DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor
const InputDomainType& InputDomain; // Warning: this is a reference
vtkm::Id InputRange;
vtkm::Id OutputRange;
vtkm::cont::Token& Token; // Warning: this is a reference
// TODO: We need to think harder about how scheduling on 3D arrays works.
// Chances are we need to allow the transport for each argument to manage
// 3D indices (for example, allocate a 3D array instead of a 1D array).
// But for now, just treat all transports as 1D arrays.
template <typename InputRangeType, typename OutputRangeType>
VTKM_CONT DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor(const InputDomainType& inputDomain,
const InputRangeType& inputRange,
const OutputRangeType& outputRange,
vtkm::cont::Token& token)
: InputDomain(inputDomain)
, InputRange(FlatRange(inputRange))
, OutputRange(FlatRange(outputRange))
, Token(token)
template <typename ControlParameter, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
struct ReturnType
using TransportTag =
typename DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes<ControlInterface, Index>::TransportTag;
using T = vtkm::internal::remove_pointer_and_decay<ControlParameter>;
using TransportType = typename vtkm::cont::arg::Transport<TransportTag, T, Device>;
using type = typename std::decay<typename TransportType::ExecObjectType>::type;
// If you get a compile error here, it means that an execution object type is not
// trivially copyable. This is strictly disallowed. All execution objects must be
// trivially copyable so that the can be memcpy-ed between host and devices.
// Note that it is still legal for execution objects to have pointers or other
// references to resources on a particular device. It is up to the generating code
// to ensure that all referenced resources are valid on the target device.
template <typename ControlParameter, vtkm::IdComponent Index>
VTKM_CONT typename ReturnType<ControlParameter, Index>::type operator()(
ControlParameter&& invokeData,
vtkm::internal::IndexTag<Index>) const
using TransportTag =
typename DispatcherBaseTransportInvokeTypes<ControlInterface, Index>::TransportTag;
using T = vtkm::internal::remove_pointer_and_decay<ControlParameter>;
vtkm::cont::arg::Transport<TransportTag, T, Device> transport;
not_nullptr(invokeData, Index);
return transport(as_ref(invokeData),
void operator=(const DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor&) = delete;
// Should this functionality be added to List.h? Should there be the general ability to
// remove some number of items from the beginning or end of a list?
template <typename L>
struct ListRemoveFirstImpl;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
struct ListRemoveFirstImpl<vtkm::List<T, Ts...>>
using type = vtkm::List<Ts...>;
template <typename L>
using ListRemoveFirst = typename ListRemoveFirstImpl<L>::type;
//forward declares
template <std::size_t LeftToProcess>
struct for_each_dynamic_arg;
template <std::size_t LeftToProcess, typename TypeCheckTag>
struct convert_arg_wrapper
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void operator()(T&& t, Args&&... args) const
using Type = typename std::decay<T>::type;
using valid =
std::integral_constant<bool, vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheck<TypeCheckTag, Type>::value>;
this->WillContinue(valid(), std::forward<T>(t), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void WillContinue(std::true_type, T&& t, Args&&... args) const
for_each_dynamic_arg<LeftToProcess - 1>()(std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::forward<T>(t));
template <typename... Args>
void WillContinue(std::false_type, Args&&...) const
template <std::size_t LeftToProcess,
typename T,
typename ContParams,
typename Trampoline,
typename... Args>
inline void convert_arg(vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagStatic,
T&& t,
const ContParams&,
const Trampoline& trampoline,
Args&&... args)
{ //This is a static array, so just push it to the back
using popped_sig = ListRemoveFirst<ContParams>;
for_each_dynamic_arg<LeftToProcess - 1>()(
trampoline, popped_sig(), std::forward<Args>(args)..., std::forward<T>(t));
template <std::size_t LeftToProcess,
typename T,
typename ContParams,
typename Trampoline,
typename... Args>
inline void convert_arg(vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall,
T&& t,
const ContParams&,
const Trampoline& trampoline,
Args&&... args)
{ //This is something dynamic so cast and call
using tag_check = typename vtkm::ListAt<ContParams, 0>::TypeCheckTag;
using popped_sig = ListRemoveFirst<ContParams>;
not_nullptr(t, LeftToProcess, 1);
convert_arg_wrapper<LeftToProcess, tag_check>(),
template <std::size_t LeftToProcess>
struct for_each_dynamic_arg
template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename T, typename... Args>
void operator()(const Trampoline& trampoline, ContParams&& sig, T&& t, Args&&... args) const
//Determine that state of T when it is either a `cons&` or a `* const&`
using Type = vtkm::internal::remove_pointer_and_decay<T>;
using tag = typename vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTraits<Type>::DynamicTag;
//convert the first item to a known type
tag(), std::forward<T>(t), sig, trampoline, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <>
struct for_each_dynamic_arg<0>
template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename... Args>
void operator()(const Trampoline& trampoline, ContParams&&, Args&&... args) const
trampoline.StartInvokeDynamic(std::false_type(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Trampoline, typename ContParams, typename... Args>
inline void deduce(Trampoline&& trampoline, ContParams&& sig, Args&&... args)
for_each_dynamic_arg<sizeof...(Args)>()(std::forward<Trampoline>(trampoline), sig, args...);
} // namespace detail
/// This is a help struct to detect out of bound placeholders defined in the
/// execution signature at compile time
template <vtkm::IdComponent MaxIndexAllowed>
struct PlaceholderValidator
PlaceholderValidator() {}
// An overload operator to detect possible out of bound placeholder
template <int N>
void operator()(vtkm::internal::meta::Type<vtkm::placeholders::Arg<N>>) const
static_assert(N <= MaxIndexAllowed,
"An argument in the execution signature"
" (usually _2, _3, _4, etc.) refers to a control signature argument that"
" does not exist. For example, you will get this error if you have _3 (or"
" _4 or _5 or so on) as one of the execution signature arguments, but you"
" have fewer than 3 (or 4 or 5 or so on) arguments in the control signature.");
template <typename DerivedType>
void operator()(vtkm::internal::meta::Type<DerivedType>) const
/// Base class for all dispatcher classes. Every worklet type should have its
/// own dispatcher.
template <typename DerivedClass, typename WorkletType, typename BaseWorkletType>
class DispatcherBase
using MyType = DispatcherBase<DerivedClass, WorkletType, BaseWorkletType>;
friend struct detail::for_each_dynamic_arg<0>;
using ControlInterface =
vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>;
// We go through the GetExecSig as that generates a default ExecutionSignature
// if one doesn't exist on the worklet
using ExecutionSignature =
typename vtkm::placeholders::GetExecSig<WorkletType>::ExecutionSignature;
using ExecutionInterface = vtkm::internal::FunctionInterface<ExecutionSignature>;
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NUM_INVOKE_PARAMS = ControlInterface::ARITY;
// We don't really need these types, but declaring them checks the arguments
// of the control and execution signatures.
using ControlSignatureCheck = typename ControlInterface::template StaticTransformType<
using ExecutionSignatureCheck = typename ExecutionInterface::template StaticTransformType<
template <typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void StartInvoke(Args&&... args) const
using ParameterInterface =
"Dispatcher Invoke called with wrong number of arguments.");
std::is_base_of<BaseWorkletType, WorkletType>::value,
"The worklet being scheduled by this dispatcher doesn't match the type of the dispatcher");
// Check if the placeholders defined in the execution environment exceed the max bound
// defined in the control environment by throwing a nice compile error.
using ComponentSig = typename ExecutionInterface::ComponentSig;
vtkm::ListTransform<ComponentSig, vtkm::internal::meta::Type>{});
//We need to determine if we have the need to do any dynamic
//transforms. This is fairly simple of a query. We just need to check
//everything in the FunctionInterface and see if any of them have the
//proper dynamic trait. Doing this, allows us to generate zero dynamic
//check & convert code when we already know all the types. This results
//in smaller executables and libraries.
using ParamTypes = typename ParameterInterface::ParameterSig;
using HasDynamicTypes = vtkm::ListAny<ParamTypes, detail::IsDynamicType>;
this->StartInvokeDynamic(HasDynamicTypes(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void StartInvokeDynamic(std::true_type, Args&&... args) const
// As we do the dynamic transform, we are also going to check the static
// type against the TypeCheckTag in the ControlSignature tags. To do this,
// the check needs access to both the parameter (in the parameters
// argument) and the ControlSignature tags (in the ControlInterface type).
using ContParamsInfo =
vtkm::internal::detail::FunctionSigInfo<typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>;
typename ContParamsInfo::Parameters parameters;
detail::deduce(*this, parameters, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void StartInvokeDynamic(std::false_type, Args&&... args) const
using ParameterInterface =
//Nothing requires a conversion from dynamic to static types, so
//next we need to verify that each argument's type is correct. If not
//we need to throw a nice compile time error
using ParamTypes = typename ParameterInterface::ParameterSig;
using ContSigTypes = typename vtkm::internal::detail::FunctionSigInfo<
typename WorkletType::ControlSignature>::Parameters;
using ParamZip = detail::ZipControlParam<
vtkmstd::make_integer_sequence<vtkm::IdComponent, vtkm::ListSize<ParamTypes>::value>>;
// This will cause compile errors if there is an argument mismatch.
vtkm::ListForEach(detail::ControlArgumentValidator<WorkletType>{}, ParamZip{});
auto fi =
vtkm::internal::make_FunctionInterface<void, vtkm::internal::remove_cvref<Args>...>(args...);
auto ivc = vtkm::internal::Invocation<ParameterInterface,
fi, vtkm::internal::NullType{}, vtkm::internal::NullType{});
static_cast<const DerivedClass*>(this)->DoInvoke(ivc);
/// Setting the device ID will force the execute to happen on a particular device. If no device
/// is specified (or the device ID is set to any), then a device will automatically be chosen
/// based on the runtime device tracker.
void SetDevice(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId device) { this->Device = device; }
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId GetDevice() const { return this->Device; }
using ScatterType = typename WorkletType::ScatterType;
using MaskType = typename WorkletType::MaskType;
template <typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void Invoke(Args&&... args) const
"Invoking Worklet: '%s'",
// If you get a compile error here about there being no appropriate constructor for ScatterType
// or MapType, then that probably means that the worklet you are trying to execute has defined a
// custom ScatterType or MaskType and that you need to create one (because there is no default
// way to construct the scatter or mask).
DispatcherBase(const WorkletType& worklet = WorkletType(),
const ScatterType& scatter = ScatterType(),
const MaskType& mask = MaskType())
: Worklet(worklet)
, Scatter(scatter)
, Mask(mask)
, Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
// If you get a compile error here about there being no appropriate constructor for MaskType,
// then that probably means that the worklet you are trying to execute has defined a custom
// MaskType and that you need to create one (because there is no default way to construct the
// mask).
DispatcherBase(const ScatterType& scatter, const MaskType& mask = MaskType())
: Worklet(WorkletType())
, Scatter(scatter)
, Mask(mask)
, Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
// If you get a compile error here about there being no appropriate constructor for ScatterType,
// then that probably means that the worklet you are trying to execute has defined a custom
// ScatterType and that you need to create one (because there is no default way to construct the
// scatter).
DispatcherBase(const WorkletType& worklet,
const MaskType& mask,
const ScatterType& scatter = ScatterType())
: Worklet(worklet)
, Scatter(scatter)
, Mask(mask)
, Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
// If you get a compile error here about there being no appropriate constructor for ScatterType,
// then that probably means that the worklet you are trying to execute has defined a custom
// ScatterType and that you need to create one (because there is no default way to construct the
// scatter).
DispatcherBase(const MaskType& mask, const ScatterType& scatter = ScatterType())
: Worklet(WorkletType())
, Scatter(scatter)
, Mask(mask)
, Device(vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterTagAny())
friend struct internal::detail::DispatcherBaseTryExecuteFunctor;
template <typename Invocation>
VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id numInstances) const
bool success =
if (!success)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution("Failed to execute worklet on any device.");
template <typename Invocation>
VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id2 dimensions) const
this->BasicInvoke(invocation, vtkm::Id3(dimensions[0], dimensions[1], 1));
template <typename Invocation>
VTKM_CONT void BasicInvoke(Invocation& invocation, vtkm::Id3 dimensions) const
bool success =
if (!success)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution("Failed to execute worklet on any device.");
WorkletType Worklet;
ScatterType Scatter;
MaskType Mask;
// Dispatchers cannot be copied
DispatcherBase(const MyType&) = delete;
void operator=(const MyType&) = delete;
vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterId Device;
template <typename Invocation,
typename InputRangeType,
typename OutputRangeType,
typename ThreadRangeType,
typename DeviceAdapter>
VTKM_CONT void InvokeTransportParameters(Invocation& invocation,
const InputRangeType& inputRange,
OutputRangeType&& outputRange,
ThreadRangeType&& threadRange,
DeviceAdapter device) const
// This token represents the scope of the execution objects. It should
// exist as long as things run on the device.
vtkm::cont::Token token;
// The first step in invoking a worklet is to transport the arguments to
// the execution environment. The invocation object passed to this function
// contains the parameters passed to Invoke in the control environment. We
// will use the template magic in the FunctionInterface class to invoke the
// appropriate Transport class on each parameter and get a list of
// execution objects (corresponding to the arguments of the Invoke in the
// control environment) in a FunctionInterface. Specifically, we use a
// static transform of the FunctionInterface to call the transport on each
// argument and return the corresponding execution environment object.
using ParameterInterfaceType = typename Invocation::ParameterInterface;
ParameterInterfaceType& parameters = invocation.Parameters;
using TransportFunctorType =
detail::DispatcherBaseTransportFunctor<typename Invocation::ControlInterface,
typename Invocation::InputDomainType,
using ExecObjectParameters =
typename ParameterInterfaceType::template StaticTransformType<TransportFunctorType>::type;
ExecObjectParameters execObjectParameters = parameters.StaticTransformCont(
TransportFunctorType(invocation.GetInputDomain(), inputRange, outputRange, token));
// Get the arrays used for scattering input to output.
typename ScatterType::OutputToInputMapType outputToInputMap =
typename ScatterType::VisitArrayType visitArray = this->Scatter.GetVisitArray(inputRange);
// Get the arrays used for masking output elements.
typename MaskType::ThreadToOutputMapType threadToOutputMap =
// Replace the parameters in the invocation with the execution object and
// pass to next step of Invoke. Also add the scatter information.
typename Invocation::ControlInterface,
typename Invocation::ExecutionInterface,
decltype(outputToInputMap.PrepareForInput(device, token)),
decltype(visitArray.PrepareForInput(device, token)),
decltype(threadToOutputMap.PrepareForInput(device, token)),
outputToInputMap.PrepareForInput(device, token),
visitArray.PrepareForInput(device, token),
threadToOutputMap.PrepareForInput(device, token));
this->InvokeSchedule(changedInvocation, threadRange, device);
template <typename Invocation, typename RangeType, typename DeviceAdapter>
VTKM_CONT void InvokeSchedule(const Invocation& invocation, RangeType range, DeviceAdapter) const
using Algorithm = vtkm::cont::DeviceAdapterAlgorithm<DeviceAdapter>;
using TaskTypes = typename vtkm::cont::DeviceTaskTypes<DeviceAdapter>;
// The TaskType class handles the magic of fetching values
// for each instance and calling the worklet's function.
// The TaskType will evaluate to one of the following classes:
// vtkm::exec::internal::TaskSingular
// vtkm::exec::internal::TaskTiling1D
// vtkm::exec::internal::TaskTiling3D
auto task = TaskTypes::MakeTask(this->Worklet, invocation, range);
Algorithm::ScheduleTask(task, range);
} // namespace vtkm::worklet::internal
#endif //vtk_m_worklet_internal_DispatcherBase_h