Kenneth Moreland c238cfea50 Improve deprecation support for moved or renamed headers
VTK-m has a deprecation method that supports API changes in minor
releases. When an API change is made, the old API is marked with the
VTKM_DEPRECATED macro. If code attempts to use the old API, it still
works, but the compiler issues a warning that the thing is deprecated
and where to find the new API.

We have recently run into an issue when the API changes have a header
file renamed or moved. We still keep the old header file with the old
API, so code including that file will still work. However, sometimes
code expected the contents of that header file without directly
including that header file. In these cases, the code could get an error
about missing classes.

As an example, consider the change from `DynamicCellSet` to
`UnknownCellSet`/`UncertainCellSet`. The deprecated `DynamicCellSet` is
still around. But there is a lot of code that did not directly include
DynamicCellSet.h. This header file was necessarily included by
DataSet.h. Now, when this code uses `vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSet`, you
get a confusing error that the class does not exist. Backward
compatibility broken.

In response to this, we should be more careful about where we put the
deprecated API. Instead of containing the deprecated API, moved headers
should be empty except for a warning and an inclusion of the new header
file. The deprecated API should be moved to the new header file. For
example, in the case of `DynamicCellSet`, the implementation for the
deprecated `DynamicCellSet` is moved to UnknownCellSet.h, which is
included by anything that was including DynamicCellSet.h before.
2022-02-16 07:08:05 -07:00

343 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_UncertainCellSet_h
#define vtk_m_cont_UncertainCellSet_h
#include <vtkm/cont/UnknownCellSet.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
/// \brief A `CellSet` of an uncertain type.
/// `UncertainCellSet` holds a `CellSet` object using runtime polymorphism to
/// manage different types. It behaves like its superclass, `UnknownCellSet`,
/// except that it also contains a template parameter that provides a
/// `vtkm::List` of potential cell set types.
/// These potental types come into play when the `CastAndCall` method is called
/// (or the `UncertainCellSet` is used in the `vtkm::cont::CastAndCall` function).
/// In this case, the `CastAndCall` will search for `CellSet`s of types that match
/// this list.
/// Both `UncertainCellSet` and `UnknownCellSet` have a method named
/// `ResetCellSetList` that redefines the list of potential cell sets by returning
/// a new `UncertainCellSet` containing the same `CellSet` but with the new cell
/// set type list.
template <typename CellSetList>
class VTKM_ALWAYS_EXPORT UncertainCellSet : public vtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet
VTKM_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG((!std::is_same<CellSetList, vtkm::ListUniversal>::value),
"Cannot use vtkm::ListUniversal with UncertainCellSet.");
using Superclass = UnknownCellSet;
using Thisclass = UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>;
VTKM_CONT UncertainCellSet() = default;
template <typename CellSetType>
VTKM_CONT UncertainCellSet(const CellSetType& cellSet)
: Superclass(cellSet)
explicit VTKM_CONT UncertainCellSet(const vtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet& src)
: Superclass(src)
template <typename OtherCellSetList>
explicit VTKM_CONT UncertainCellSet(const UncertainCellSet<OtherCellSetList>& src)
: Superclass(src)
/// \brief Create a new cell set of the same type as this.
/// This method creates a new cell set that is the same type as this one and
/// returns a new `UncertainCellSet` for it.
VTKM_CONT Thisclass NewInstance() const { return Thisclass(this->Superclass::NewInstance()); }
/// \brief Call a functor using the underlying cell set type.
/// `CastAndCall` attempts to cast the held cell set to a specific type,
/// and then calls the given functor with the cast cell set.
template <typename Functor, typename... Args>
VTKM_CONT void CastAndCall(Functor&& functor, Args&&... args) const
// Defined here to avoid circular dependencies between UnknownCellSet and UncertainCellSet.
template <typename NewCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<NewCellSetList> UnknownCellSet::ResetCellSetList(
NewCellSetList) const
return vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<NewCellSetList>(*this);
template <typename NewCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<NewCellSetList> UnknownCellSet::ResetCellSetList() const
return vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<NewCellSetList>(*this);
namespace internal
template <typename CellSetList>
struct DynamicTransformTraits<vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>>
using DynamicTag = vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace vtkm::cont
} // namespace vtkm
// Specializations of serialization related classes
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
template <typename CellSetList>
struct SerializableTypeString<vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>>
static VTKM_CONT std::string Get()
return SerializableTypeString<vtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet>::Get();
} // namespace vtkm::cont
namespace mangled_diy_namespace
namespace internal
struct UncertainCellSetSerializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(const CellSetType& cs, BinaryBuffer& bb) const
vtkmdiy::save(bb, vtkm::cont::SerializableTypeString<CellSetType>::Get());
vtkmdiy::save(bb, cs);
struct UncertainCellSetDeserializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(CellSetType,
vtkm::cont::UnknownCellSet& unknownCellSet,
const std::string& typeString,
bool& success,
BinaryBuffer& bb) const
if (!success && (typeString == vtkm::cont::SerializableTypeString<CellSetType>::Get()))
CellSetType knownCellSet;
vtkmdiy::load(bb, knownCellSet);
unknownCellSet = knownCellSet;
success = true;
} // internal
template <typename CellSetList>
struct Serialization<vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>>
using Type = vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>;
static VTKM_CONT void save(BinaryBuffer& bb, const Type& obj)
obj.CastAndCall(internal::UncertainCellSetSerializeFunctor{}, bb);
static VTKM_CONT void load(BinaryBuffer& bb, Type& obj)
std::string typeString;
vtkmdiy::load(bb, typeString);
bool success = false;
internal::UncertainCellSetDeserializeFunctor{}, CellSetList{}, obj, typeString, success, bb);
if (!success)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType(
"Error deserializing Unknown/UncertainCellSet. Message TypeString: " + typeString);
} // namespace mangled_diy_namespace
/// @endcond SERIALIZATION
// Implement the deprecated functionality of DynamicCellSetBase, which was replaced
// by UnknownCellSet/UncertainCellSet. Everything below this line (up to the #endif
// for the include guard) can be deleted once the deprecated functionality is removed.
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
// This is a deprecated class. Don't warn about deprecation while implementing
// deprecated functionality.
template <typename CellSetList>
"Use vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet.") DynamicCellSetBase
: public vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>
using Superclass = vtkm::cont::UncertainCellSet<CellSetList>;
using Superclass::Superclass;
VTKM_CONT DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList> NewInstance() const
return DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>(this->Superclass::NewInstance());
template <typename NewCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList> ResetCellSetList(NewCellSetList) const
return vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList>(*this);
template <typename NewCellSetList>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList> ResetCellSetList() const
return vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<NewCellSetList>(*this);
inline DynamicCellSet::operator vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST>() const
return vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<VTKM_DEFAULT_CELL_SET_LIST>{ *this };
namespace internal
template <typename CellSetList>
struct DynamicTransformTraits<vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetList>>
using DynamicTag = vtkm::cont::internal::DynamicTransformTagCastAndCall;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace vtkm::cont
// Specializations of serialization related classes
namespace mangled_diy_namespace
namespace internal
struct DynamicCellSetSerializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(const CellSetType& cs, BinaryBuffer& bb) const
vtkmdiy::save(bb, vtkm::cont::SerializableTypeString<CellSetType>::Get());
vtkmdiy::save(bb, cs);
template <typename CellSetTypes>
struct DynamicCellSetDeserializeFunctor
template <typename CellSetType>
void operator()(CellSetType,
vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>& dh,
const std::string& typeString,
bool& success,
BinaryBuffer& bb) const
if (!success && (typeString == vtkm::cont::SerializableTypeString<CellSetType>::Get()))
CellSetType cs;
vtkmdiy::load(bb, cs);
dh = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>(cs);
success = true;
} // internal
template <typename CellSetTypes>
struct Serialization<vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>>
using Type = vtkm::cont::DynamicCellSetBase<CellSetTypes>;
static VTKM_CONT void save(BinaryBuffer& bb, const Type& obj)
obj.CastAndCall(internal::DynamicCellSetSerializeFunctor{}, bb);
static VTKM_CONT void load(BinaryBuffer& bb, Type& obj)
std::string typeString;
vtkmdiy::load(bb, typeString);
bool success = false;
if (!success)
throw vtkm::cont::ErrorBadType("Error deserializing DynamicCellSet. Message TypeString: " +
} // diy
/// @endcond SERIALIZATION
#endif //vtk_m_cont_UncertainCellSet_h