Kenneth Moreland b80b7e2e71 Add VTK-m User's Guide to source
This is a start of moving the VTK-m User's Guide into the VTK-m source.
This is only the start of the process. There are several goals of this

1. Integrate the documentation into the source code better to better
   keep the code up to date.
2. Move the documentation over to Sphinx so that it can be posted online
   and be more easily linked.
3. Incoporate Doxygen into the guide to keep the documentation
4. Build the user guide examples as part of the VTK-m CI to catch
   compatibility changes quickly.
2023-10-17 11:31:27 -04:00

110 lines
4.3 KiB

## Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
## All rights reserved.
## See LICENSE.txt for details.
## This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
## PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
def role_reparse(rawtext, lineno, inliner):
'''Reparses inline code for a role.
It is often the case that a role for reStructuredText can be defined using
other existing functionality. Rather than try to implement the node building
for such extensions from scratch, it is much easier to substitute the text
with something and instruct the parser to parse that.
Unfortunately, Sphinx currently does not provide the ability to do such a
"reparse" while implementing a role. This method is a hacked version of the
`parse` method of `docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner`. (This code might
break if the internals of that class change.)
To use this method, create a role implementation function as normal, modify
the text/rawText to the form that implements the functionality, and call
this method with the new text as well as the passed in line number and
inliner object.
Note that if the parsing of the text breaks, the error messages may be
confusing because they could refer to items that are not being directly
used in the reStructuredText document.
remaining = rawtext
processed = []
unprocessed = []
messages = []
while remaining:
match = inliner.patterns.initial.search(remaining)
if match:
groups = match.groupdict()
method = inliner.dispatch[groups['start'] or groups['backquote']
or groups['refend'] or groups['fnend']]
before, inlines, remaining, sysmessages = method(inliner, match, lineno)
messages += sysmessages
if inlines:
processed += inliner.implicit_inline(''.join(unprocessed), lineno)
processed += inlines
unprocessed = []
remaining = ''.join(unprocessed) + remaining
if remaining:
processed += inliner.implicit_inline(remaining, lineno)
return processed, messages
import docutils.nodes
import docutils.statemachine
import sphinx.util.nodes
class ReparseNodes:
'''This class is used within directive classes to implement a directive by
creating new reStructuredText code. This new code is fed back to the parser
and the resulting nodes can be returned as the implementation of the
To use this class, construct an object. Then use the ``add_line`` method to
add lines one at a time. When finished, use the ``get_nodes`` function to
get the nodes that should be returned from the directives ``run`` method.
Here is a simple example::
import sphinx.util.docutils
class Foo(sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective):
def run(self):
reparse = ReparseNodes()
reparse.add_line('.. note::', 'fakefile.rst', 1)
reparse.add_line(' This box added in directive.', 'fakefile.rst', 2)
reparse.add_line('', 'fakefile.rst', 3)
reparse.add_line('This text also added in directive.', 'fakefile.rst', 3)
return reparse.get_nodes(self)
def setup(app):
app.add_directive('foo', Foo)
Note that if you want the reparse to base its file location on the location
of your directive (which is a good idea), you can get the name of the file
containing the directive call with ``self.state.document.current_source``
and get the line to directive starts at with ``self.lineno``.
The implementation of this class suggested from
def __init__(self):
self.source = docutils.statemachine.ViewList()
def add_line(self, sourceline, filename, linenumber):
self.source.append(sourceline, filename, linenumber)
def get_nodes(self, directive):
node = docutils.nodes.section()
node.document = directive.state.document
return node.children