Kenneth Moreland bddad9b386 Remove TryExecute from filters
Now that the dispatcher does its own TryExecute, filters do not need to
do that. This change requires all worklets called by filters to be able
to execute without knowing the device a priori.
2018-10-16 15:59:53 -06:00

263 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_filter_Filter_h
#define vtk_m_filter_Filter_h
#include <vtkm/cont/CoordinateSystem.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/DataSet.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Field.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/MultiBlock.h>
#include <vtkm/filter/FieldSelection.h>
#include <vtkm/filter/FilterTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/filter/PolicyBase.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace filter
/// \brief base class for all filters.
/// This is the base class for all filters. To add a new filter, one can
/// subclass this (or any of the existing subclasses e.g. FilterField,
/// FilterDataSet, FilterDataSetWithField, etc. and implement relevant methods.
/// \section FilterUsage Usage
/// To execute a filter, one typically calls the `auto result =
/// filter.Execute(input)`. Typical usage is as follows:
/// \code{cpp}
/// // create the concrete subclass (e.g. MarchingCubes).
/// vtkm::filter::MarchingCubes marchingCubes;
/// // select fieds to map to the output, if different from default which is to
/// // map all input fields.
/// marchingCubes.SetFieldToPass({"var1", "var2"});
/// // execute the filter on vtkm::cont::DataSet.
/// vtkm::cont::DataSet dsInput = ...
/// auto outputDS = filter.Execute(dsInput);
/// // or, execute on a vtkm::cont::MultiBlock
/// vtkm::cont::MultiBlock mbInput = ...
/// auto outputMB = filter.Execute(mbInput);
/// \endcode
/// `Execute` methods take in the input dataset or multiblock to process and
/// return the result. The type of the result is same as the input type, thus
/// `Execute(DataSet&)` returns a DataSet while `Execute(MultiBlock&)` returns a
/// MultiBlock.
/// The implementation for `Execute(DataSet&)` is merely provided for
/// convenience. Internally, it creates MultiBlock with a single block for the
/// input and then forwards the call to `Execute(MultiBlock&)`. The method
/// returns the first block, if any, from the MultiBlock returned by the
/// forwarded call. If the MultiBlock returned has more than 1 block, then
/// `vtkm::cont::ErrorFilterExecution` will be thrown.
/// \section FilterSubclassing Subclassing
/// Typically, one subclasses one of the immediate subclasses of this class such as
/// FilterField, FilterDataSet, FilterDataSetWithField, etc. Those may impose
/// additional constraints on the methods to implement in the subclasses.
/// Here, we describes the things to consider when directly subclassing
/// vtkm::filter::Filter.
/// \subsection FilterPreExecutePostExecute PreExecute and PostExecute
/// Subclasses may provide implementations for either or both of the following
/// methods.
/// \code{cpp}
/// template <typename DerivedPolicy>
/// void PreExecute(const vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& input,
/// const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// template <typename DerivedPolicy>
/// void PostExecute(const vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& input, vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& output
/// const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// \endcode
/// As the name suggests, these are called and the beginning and before the end
/// of an `Filter::Execute` call. Most filters that don't need to handle
/// multiblock datasets specially, e.g. clip, cut, iso-contour, need not worry
/// about these methods or provide any implementation. If, however, your filter
/// needs do to some initialization e.g. allocation buffers to accumulate
/// results, or finalization e.g. reduce results across all blocks, then these
/// methods provide convenient hooks for the same.
/// \subsection FilterPrepareForExecution PrepareForExecution
/// A concrete subclass of Filter must provide `PrepareForExecution`
/// implementation that provides the meat for the filter i.e. the implementation
/// for the filter's data processing logic. There are two signatures
/// available; which one to implement depends on the nature of the filter.
/// Let's consider simple filters that do not need to do anything special to
/// handle multiblock datasets e.g. clip, contour, etc. These are the filters
/// where executing the filter on a MultiBlock simply means executing the filter
/// on one block at a time and packing the output for each iteration info the
/// result MultiBlock. For such filters, one must implement the following
/// signature.
/// \code{cpp}
/// template <typename DerivedPolicy>
/// vtkm::cont::DataSet PrepareForExecution(
/// const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input,
/// const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// \endcode
/// The role of this method is to execute on the input dataset and generate the
/// result and return it. If there are any errors, the subclass must throw an
/// exception (e.g. `vtkm::cont::ErrorFilterExecution`).
/// In this case, the Filter superclass handles iterating over multiple blocks
/// in the input MultiBlock and calling `PrepareForExecution` iteratively.
/// The aforementioned approach is also suitable for filters that need special
/// handling for multiblock datasets which can be modelled as PreExecute and
/// PostExecute steps (e.g. `vtkm::filter::Histogram`).
/// For more complex filters, like streamlines, particle tracking, where the
/// processing of multiblock datasets cannot be modelled as a reduction of the
/// results, one can implement the following signature.
/// \code{cpp}
/// template <typename DerivedPolicy>
/// vtkm::cont::MultiBlock PrepareForExecution(
/// const vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& input,
/// const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// \endcode
/// The responsibility of this method is the same, except now the subclass is
/// given full control over the execution, including any mapping of fields to
/// output (described in next sub-section).
/// \subsection FilterMapFieldOntoOutput MapFieldOntoOutput
/// Subclasses may provide `MapFieldOntoOutput` method with the following
/// signature:
/// \code{cpp}
/// template <typename DerivedPolicy>
/// VTKM_CONT bool MapFieldOntoOutput(vtkm::cont::DataSet& result,
/// const vtkm::cont::Field& field,
/// const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// \endcode
/// When present, this method will be called after each block execution to map
/// an input field from the corresponding input block to the output block.
template <typename Derived>
class Filter
/// \brief Specify which fields get passed from input to output.
/// After a filter successfully executes and returns a new data set, fields are mapped from
/// input to output. Depending on what operation the filter does, this could be a simple shallow
/// copy of an array, or it could be a computed operation. You can control which fields are
/// passed (and equivalently which are not) with this parameter.
/// By default, all fields are passed during execution.
void SetFieldsToPass(const vtkm::filter::FieldSelection& fieldsToPass)
this->FieldsToPass = fieldsToPass;
void SetFieldsToPass(const vtkm::filter::FieldSelection& fieldsToPass,
vtkm::filter::FieldSelection::ModeEnum mode)
this->FieldsToPass = fieldsToPass;
void SetFieldsToPass(
const std::string& fieldname,
vtkm::cont::Field::Association association,
vtkm::filter::FieldSelection::ModeEnum mode = vtkm::filter::FieldSelection::MODE_SELECT)
this->SetFieldsToPass({ fieldname, association }, mode);
const vtkm::filter::FieldSelection& GetFieldsToPass() const { return this->FieldsToPass; }
vtkm::filter::FieldSelection& GetFieldsToPass() { return this->FieldsToPass; }
/// Executes the filter on the input and produces a result dataset.
/// On success, this the dataset produced. On error, vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution will be thrown.
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DataSet Execute(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input);
template <typename DerivedPolicy>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::DataSet Execute(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input,
const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// Executes the filter on the input MultiBlock and produces a result MultiBlock.
/// On success, this the dataset produced. On error, vtkm::cont::ErrorExecution will be thrown.
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::MultiBlock Execute(const vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& input);
template <typename DerivedPolicy>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::cont::MultiBlock Execute(const vtkm::cont::MultiBlock& input,
const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
/// Map fields from input dataset to output.
/// This is not intended for external use. Subclasses of Filter, however, may
/// use this method to map fields.
template <typename DerivedPolicy>
VTKM_CONT void MapFieldsToPass(const vtkm::cont::DataSet& input,
vtkm::cont::DataSet& output,
const vtkm::filter::PolicyBase<DerivedPolicy>& policy);
vtkm::filter::FieldSelection FieldsToPass;
} // namespace vtkm::filter
#include <vtkm/filter/Filter.hxx>