Kenneth Moreland dc91446972 Fix issue with Intel compiler removing loop in MatrixTranspose
For some reason when optimization was on with the Intel compiler it
was removing the loop in some instances of the templated MatrixTranspose
function. I inserted an empty assembly statement that prevents the
compiler from removing the loop but does not add any actual code. That
seems to fix the problem.
2015-07-06 14:31:43 -06:00

612 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2015 Sandia Corporation.
// Copyright 2015 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2015 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_Matrix_h
#define vtk_m_Matrix_h
#include <vtkm/Math.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/TypeTraits.h>
#include <vtkm/VecTraits.h>
namespace vtkm {
/// \brief Basic Matrix type.
/// The Matrix class holds a small two dimensional array for simple linear
/// algebra and vector operations. VTK-m provides several Matrix-based
/// operations to assist in visualization computations.
/// A Matrix is not intended to hold very large arrays. Rather, they are a
/// per-thread data structure to hold information like geometric transforms and
/// tensors.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
class Matrix {
typedef T ComponentType;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_ROWS = NumRow;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COLUMNS = NumCol;
Matrix() { }
explicit Matrix(const ComponentType &value)
: Components(vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS>(value)) { }
/// Brackets are used to reference a matrix like a 2D array (i.e.
/// matrix[row][column]).
const vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS> &
operator[](vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex) const {
return this->Components[rowIndex];
/// Brackets are used to referens a matrix like a 2D array i.e.
/// matrix[row][column].
vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS> &
operator[](vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex) {
return this->Components[rowIndex];
/// Parentheses are used to reference a matrix using mathematical tuple
/// notation i.e. matrix(row,column).
const ComponentType &
operator()(vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex, vtkm::IdComponent colIndex) const {
return (*this)[rowIndex][colIndex];
/// Parentheses are used to reference a matrix using mathematical tuple
/// notation i.e. matrix(row,column).
ComponentType &
operator()(vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex, vtkm::IdComponent colIndex) {
return (*this)[rowIndex][colIndex];
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<ComponentType, NUM_COLUMNS>, NUM_ROWS> Components;
/// Returns a tuple containing the given row (indexed from 0) of the given
/// matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
const vtkm::Vec<T, NumCol> &MatrixGetRow(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix, vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex)
return matrix[rowIndex];
/// Returns a tuple containing the given column (indexed from 0) of the given
/// matrix. Might not be as efficient as the \c MatrixGetRow function.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T, NumRow> MatrixGetColumn(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix, vtkm::IdComponent columnIndex)
vtkm::Vec<T, NumRow> columnValues;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
columnValues[rowIndex] = matrix(rowIndex, columnIndex);
return columnValues;
/// Convenience function for setting a row of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
void MatrixSetRow(vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> &rowValues)
matrix[rowIndex] = rowValues;
/// Convenience function for setting a column of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
void MatrixSetColumn(vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent columnIndex,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> &columnValues)
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
matrix(rowIndex, columnIndex) = columnValues[rowIndex];
/// Standard matrix multiplication.
template<typename T,
vtkm::IdComponent NumRow,
vtkm::IdComponent NumCol,
vtkm::IdComponent NumInternal>
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumInternal> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumInternal,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> result;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
T sum = leftFactor(rowIndex, 0) * rightFactor(0, colIndex);
for (vtkm::IdComponent internalIndex = 1;
internalIndex < NumInternal;
sum += leftFactor(rowIndex, internalIndex)
* rightFactor(internalIndex, colIndex);
result(rowIndex, colIndex) = sum;
return result;
/// Standard matrix-vector multiplication.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> product;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
product[rowIndex] =
vtkm::dot(vtkm::MatrixGetRow(leftFactor,rowIndex), rightFactor);
return product;
/// Standard vector-matrix multiplication
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> MatrixMultiply(
const vtkm::Vec<T,NumRow> &leftFactor,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &rightFactor)
vtkm::Vec<T,NumCol> product;
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
product[colIndex] =
vtkm::MatrixGetColumn(rightFactor, colIndex));
return product;
/// Returns the identity matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> MatrixIdentity()
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> result(T(0));
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
result(index,index) = T(1.0);
return result;
/// Fills the given matrix with the identity matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixIdentity(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &matrix)
matrix = vtkm::MatrixIdentity<T,Size>();
/// Returns the transpose of the given matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRows, vtkm::IdComponent NumCols>
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumCols,NumRows> MatrixTranspose(
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRows,NumCols> &matrix)
vtkm::Matrix<T,NumCols,NumRows> result;
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < NumRows; index++)
vtkm::MatrixSetColumn(result, index, vtkm::MatrixGetRow(matrix, index));
#ifdef VTKM_ICC
// For reasons I do not really understand, the Intel compiler with with
// optimization on is sometimes removing this for loop. It appears that the
// optimizer sometimes does not recognize that the MatrixSetColumn function
// has side effects. I cannot fathom any reason for this other than a bug in
// the compiler, but unfortunately I do not know a reliable way to
// demonstrate the problem.
return result;
namespace detail {
// Used with MatrixLUPFactor.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactorFindPivot(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
vtkm::IdComponent topCornerIndex,
T &inversionParity,
bool &valid)
vtkm::IdComponent maxRowIndex = topCornerIndex;
T maxValue = vtkm::Abs(A(maxRowIndex, topCornerIndex));
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = topCornerIndex + 1;
rowIndex < Size;
T compareValue = vtkm::Abs(A(rowIndex, topCornerIndex));
if (maxValue < compareValue)
maxValue = compareValue;
maxRowIndex = rowIndex;
if (maxValue < vtkm::Epsilon<T>()) { valid = false; }
if (maxRowIndex != topCornerIndex)
// Swap rows in matrix.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> maxRow = vtkm::MatrixGetRow(A, maxRowIndex);
vtkm::MatrixSetRow(A, topCornerIndex, maxRow);
// Record change in permutation matrix.
vtkm::IdComponent maxOriginalRowIndex = permutation[maxRowIndex];
permutation[maxRowIndex] = permutation[topCornerIndex];
permutation[topCornerIndex] = maxOriginalRowIndex;
// Keep track of inversion parity.
inversionParity = -inversionParity;
// Used with MatrixLUPFactor
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactorFindUpperTriangleElements(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::IdComponent topCornerIndex)
// Compute values for upper triangle on row topCornerIndex
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
colIndex < Size;
A(topCornerIndex,colIndex) /= A(topCornerIndex,topCornerIndex);
// Update the rest of the matrix for calculations on subsequent rows
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
rowIndex < Size;
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = topCornerIndex+1;
colIndex < Size;
A(rowIndex,colIndex) -=
/// Performs an LUP-factorization on the given matrix using Crout's method. The
/// LU-factorization takes a matrix A and decomposes it into a lower triangular
/// matrix L and upper triangular matrix U such that A = LU. The
/// LUP-factorization also allows permutation of A, which makes the
/// decomposition always posible so long as A is not singular. In addition to
/// matrices L and U, LUP also finds permutation matrix P containing all zeros
/// except one 1 per row and column such that PA = LU.
/// The result is done in place such that the lower triangular matrix, L, is
/// stored in the lower-left triangle of A including the diagonal. The upper
/// triangular matrix, U, is stored in the upper-right triangle of L not
/// including the diagonal. The diagonal of U in Crout's method is all 1's (and
/// therefore not explicitly stored).
/// The permutation matrix P is represented by the permutation vector. If
/// permutation[i] = j then row j in the original matrix A has been moved to
/// row i in the resulting matrices. The permutation matrix P can be
/// represented by a matrix with p_i,j = 1 if permutation[i] = j and 0
/// otherwise. If using LUP-factorization to compute a determinant, you also
/// need to know the parity (whether there is an odd or even amount) of
/// inversions. An inversion is an instance of a smaller number appearing after
/// a larger number in permutation. Although you can compute the inversion
/// parity after the fact, this function keeps track of it with much less
/// compute resources. The parameter inversionParity is set to 1.0 for even
/// parity and -1.0 for odd parity.
/// Not all matrices (specifically singular matrices) have an
/// LUP-factorization. If the LUP-factorization succeeds, valid is set to true.
/// Otherwise, valid is set to false and the result is indeterminant.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
void MatrixLUPFactor(vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
T &inversionParity,
bool &valid)
// Initialize permutation.
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
permutation[index] = index;
inversionParity = 1;
valid = true;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < Size; rowIndex++)
MatrixLUPFactorFindPivot(A, permutation, rowIndex, inversionParity, valid);
MatrixLUPFactorFindUpperTriangleElements(A, rowIndex);
/// Use a previous factorization done with MatrixLUPFactor to solve the
/// system Ax = b. Instead of A, this method takes in the LU and P
/// matrices calculated by MatrixLUPFactor from A. The x matrix is returned.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
MatrixLUPSolve(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &LU,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> &permutation,
const vtkm::Vec<T,Size> &b)
// The LUP-factorization gives us PA = LU or equivalently A = inv(P)LU.
// Substituting into Ax = b gives us inv(P)LUx = b or LUx = Pb.
// Now consider the intermediate vector y = Ux.
// Substituting in the previous two equations yields Ly = Pb.
// Solving Ly = Pb is easy because L is triangular and P is just a
// permutation.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> y;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < Size; rowIndex++)
y[rowIndex] = b[permutation[rowIndex]];
// Recall that L is stored in the lower triangle of LU including diagonal.
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < rowIndex; colIndex++)
y[rowIndex] -= LU(rowIndex,colIndex)*y[colIndex];
y[rowIndex] /= LU(rowIndex,rowIndex);
// Now that we have y, we can easily solve Ux = y for x.
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> x;
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = Size-1; rowIndex >= 0; rowIndex--)
// Recall that U is stored in the upper triangle of LU with the diagonal
// implicitly all 1's.
x[rowIndex] = y[rowIndex];
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = rowIndex+1; colIndex < Size; colIndex++)
x[rowIndex] -= LU(rowIndex,colIndex)*x[colIndex];
return x;
} // namespace detail
/// Solve the linear system Ax = b for x. If a single solution is found, valid
/// is set to true, false otherwise.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> SolveLinearSystem(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
const vtkm::Vec<T,Size> &b,
bool &valid)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity; // Unused.
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// Next, use the decomposition to solve the system.
return detail::MatrixLUPSolve(LU, permutation, b);
/// Find and return the inverse of the given matrix. If the matrix is singular,
/// the inverse will not be correct and valid will be set to false.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> MatrixInverse(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A,
bool &valid)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity; // Unused
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// We will use the decomposition to solve AX = I for X where X is
// clearly the inverse of A. Our solve method only works for vectors,
// so we solve for one column of invA at a time.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> invA;
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> ICol(T(0));
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < Size; colIndex++)
ICol[colIndex] = 1;
vtkm::Vec<T,Size> invACol = detail::MatrixLUPSolve(LU, permutation, ICol);
ICol[colIndex] = 0;
vtkm::MatrixSetColumn(invA, colIndex, invACol);
return invA;
/// Compute the determinant of a matrix.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent Size>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> &A)
// First, we will make an LUP-factorization to help us.
vtkm::Matrix<T,Size,Size> LU = A;
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent,Size> permutation;
T inversionParity;
bool valid;
detail::MatrixLUPFactor(LU, permutation, inversionParity, valid);
// If the matrix is singular, the factorization is invalid, but in that
// case we know that the determinant is 0.
if (!valid) { return 0; }
// The determinant is equal to the product of the diagonal of the L matrix,
// possibly negated depending on the parity of the inversion. The
// inversionParity variable is set to 1.0 and -1.0 for even and odd parity,
// respectively. This sign determines whether the product should be negated.
T product = inversionParity;
for (vtkm::IdComponent index = 0; index < Size; index++)
product *= LU(index,index);
return product;
// Specializations for common small determinants.
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,1,1> &A)
return A(0,0);
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,2,2> &A)
return A(0,0)*A(1,1) - A(1,0)*A(0,1);
template<typename T>
T MatrixDeterminant(const vtkm::Matrix<T,3,3> &A)
return A(0,0) * A(1,1) * A(2,2) + A(1,0) * A(2,1) * A(0,2) +
A(2,0) * A(0,1) * A(1,2) - A(0,0) * A(2,1) * A(1,2) -
A(1,0) * A(0,1) * A(2,2) - A(2,0) * A(1,1) * A(0,2);
// Implementations of traits for matrices.
/// Tag used to identify 2 dimensional types (matrices). A TypeTraits class
/// will typedef this class to DimensionalityTag.
struct TypeTraitsMatrixTag {};
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
struct TypeTraits<vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> > {
typedef typename TypeTraits<T>::NumericTag NumericTag;
typedef TypeTraitsMatrixTag DimensionalityTag;
/// A matrix has vector traits to implement component-wise operations.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
struct VecTraits<vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> > {
typedef vtkm::Matrix<T, NumRow, NumCol> MatrixType;
typedef T ComponentType;
static const vtkm::IdComponent NUM_COMPONENTS = NumRow*NumCol;
typedef vtkm::VecTraitsTagMultipleComponents HasMultipleComponents;
static const ComponentType &GetComponent(const MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component) {
vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = component % NumCol;
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = component / NumCol;
return matrix(rowIndex,colIndex);
static ComponentType &GetComponent(MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component) {
vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = component % NumCol;
vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = component / NumCol;
return matrix(rowIndex,colIndex);
static void SetComponent(MatrixType &matrix,
vtkm::IdComponent component,
T value)
GetComponent(matrix, component) = value;
} // namespace vtkm
// Basic comparison operators.
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
bool operator==(const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &a,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &b)
for (vtkm::IdComponent colIndex = 0; colIndex < NumCol; colIndex++)
for (vtkm::IdComponent rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < NumRow; rowIndex++)
if (a(rowIndex, colIndex) != b(rowIndex, colIndex)) return false;
return true;
template<typename T, vtkm::IdComponent NumRow, vtkm::IdComponent NumCol>
bool operator!=(const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &a,
const vtkm::Matrix<T,NumRow,NumCol> &b)
return !(a == b);
#endif //vtk_m_Matrix_h