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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_io_ImageWriter_h
#define vtk_m_io_ImageWriter_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/DataSet.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace io
/// \brief Manages writing, and loading data from images
/// \c BaseImageWriter implements methods for loading imaging data from a canvas or
/// ArrayHandle and storing that data in a vtkm::cont::DataSet. Image rgb values
/// are represented as a point field in a 2D uniform dataset.
/// \c BaseImageWriter can be constructed from a file, canvas, or ArrayHandle. It can
/// also be empy constructed and filled in with a dataset later.
/// \c BaseImageWriter implements virtual methods for writing files. Ideally,
/// these methods will be overriden in various subclasses to implement specific
/// functionality for writing data to specific image file-types.
class BaseImageWriter
/// Constructs an emtpy BaseImageWriter.
BaseImageWriter() = default;
explicit BaseImageWriter(const vtkm::Id& maxColorValue)
: MaxColorValue(maxColorValue)
~BaseImageWriter() noexcept = default;
/// Write and store ImageDataSet to a file. Meant to be implemented in
/// overriden image-specific classes
virtual void WriteToFile(const std::string& fileName,
const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) const = 0;
vtkm::Id GetImageWidth(vtkm::cont::DataSet dataSet) const;
vtkm::Id GetImageHeight(vtkm::cont::DataSet dataSet) const;
const std::string& GetPointFieldName() const { return this->PointFieldName; }
void SetMaxColorValue(const vtkm::Id& maxColorValue) { this->MaxColorValue = maxColorValue; }
std::string PointFieldName = "pixel-data";
vtkm::Id MaxColorValue{ 0 };
/// \brief Manages writing images using the PNM format
/// \c PNMWriter extends BaseImageWriter, and implements writing images in a
/// valid PNM format (for magic number P6). More details on the PNM
/// format can be found here: http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html
/// When a file is writen the MaxColorValue found in the file is used to
/// determine the PixelType required to stored PixelType is instead dependent
/// upon the read MaxColorValue obtained from the file
class PNMWriter : public BaseImageWriter
using Superclass = BaseImageWriter;
using Superclass::Superclass;
PNMWriter() = default;
~PNMWriter() noexcept = default;
/// Attempts to write the ImageDataSet to a PNM file. The MaxColorValue
/// set in the file with either be selected from the stored MaxColorValue
/// member variable, or from the templated type if MaxColorValue hasn't been
/// set from a read file.
void WriteToFile(const std::string& fileName, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) const override;
/// Writes image data stored in ImageDataSet to the provided outStream
/// Casts the data to the provided PixelType
template <typename PixelType>
void EncodeFile(std::ofstream& outStream, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) const;
// Currently only works with P6 PNM files (PPM)
std::string MagicNumber{ "P6" };
/// \brief Manages writing images using the PNG format via lodepng
/// \c PNGWriter extends BaseImageWriter and implements writing images in a valid
/// PNG format. It utilizes lodepng's encode file functions to write
/// PNG images that are automatically compressed to optimal sizes relative to
/// the actual bit complexity of the image.
/// \c PNGImage will automatically upsample/downsample written image data
/// to the supplied templated PixelType. For example, it is possible to write
/// a 1-bit greyscale image into a 16bit RGB PNG object. It is up to the user to
/// decide the pixel format for output PNGs
class PNGWriter : public BaseImageWriter
using Superclass = BaseImageWriter;
using Superclass::Superclass;
PNGWriter() = default;
~PNGWriter() noexcept = default;
/// Writes stored data matched to the class's templated type
/// to a file in PNG format. Relies upon the lodepng encoding
/// method to optimize compression and choose the best storage format.
void WriteToFile(const std::string& fileName, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) const override;
/// Writes stored data matched to the method's templated type
/// to a file in PNG format. Relies upon the lodepng encoding
/// method to optimize compression and choose the best storage format.
template <typename PixelType>
void WriteToFile(const std::string& fileName, const vtkm::cont::DataSet& dataSet) const;
} // namespace io
} // namespace vtkm
#include <vtkm/io/ImageWriter.hxx>