Robert Maynard c631dccfcb Invocation parameters are now non const and can be 'modified'
The invocation parameters need to be non const as we want to
be able to call non-const methods like `PrepareForOutput` on them
from a transport function.

The original implementation abused the fact that everything
could be copied by value and have that work properly. But
when we start introducing virtual classes copying by value of
a base type can cause type slicing.
2018-07-06 14:27:36 -04:00

329 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2014 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2014 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2014 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtk_m_internal_Invocation_h
#define vtk_m_internal_Invocation_h
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace internal
/// \brief Container for types when dispatching worklets.
/// When a dispatcher and associated class invoke a worklet, they need to keep
/// track of the types of all parameters and the associated features of the
/// worklet. \c Invocation is a class that manages all these types.
template <typename _ParameterInterface,
typename _ControlInterface,
typename _ExecutionInterface,
vtkm::IdComponent _InputDomainIndex,
typename _OutputToInputMapType = vtkm::internal::NullType,
typename _VisitArrayType = vtkm::internal::NullType>
struct Invocation
/// \brief The types of the parameters
/// \c ParameterInterface is (expected to be) a \c FunctionInterface class
/// that lists the types of the parameters for the invocation.
using ParameterInterface = _ParameterInterface;
/// \brief The tags of the \c ControlSignature.
/// \c ControlInterface is (expected to be) a \c FunctionInterface class that
/// represents the \c ControlSignature of a worklet (although dispatchers
/// might modify the control signature to provide auxiliary information).
using ControlInterface = _ControlInterface;
/// \brief The tags of the \c ExecutionSignature.
/// \c ExecutionInterface is (expected to be) a \c FunctionInterface class that
/// represents the \c ExecutionSignature of a worklet (although dispatchers
/// might modify the execution signature to provide auxiliary information).
using ExecutionInterface = _ExecutionInterface;
/// \brief The index of the input domain.
/// When a worklet is invoked, the pool of working threads is based of some
/// constituent element of the input (such as the points or cells). This
/// index points to the parameter that defines this input domain.
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent InputDomainIndex = _InputDomainIndex;
/// \brief An array representing the output to input map.
/// When a worklet is invoked, there is an optional scatter operation that
/// allows you to vary the number of outputs each input affects. This is
/// represented with a map where each output points to an input that creates
/// it.
using OutputToInputMapType = _OutputToInputMapType;
/// \brief An array containing visit indices.
/// When a worklet is invoked, there is an optinonal scatter operation that
/// allows you to vary the number of outputs each input affects. Thus,
/// multiple outputs may point to the same input. The visit index uniquely
/// identifies which instance each is.
using VisitArrayType = _VisitArrayType;
/// \brief Default Invocation constructors that holds the given parameters
/// by reference.
Invocation(const ParameterInterface& parameters,
OutputToInputMapType outputToInputMap = OutputToInputMapType(),
VisitArrayType visitArray = VisitArrayType())
: Parameters(parameters)
, OutputToInputMap(outputToInputMap)
, VisitArray(visitArray)
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c Parameters replaced.
template <typename NewParameterInterface>
struct ChangeParametersType
using type = Invocation<NewParameterInterface,
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c Parameters are replaced with those provided.
template <typename NewParameterInterface>
VTKM_CONT typename ChangeParametersType<NewParameterInterface>::type ChangeParameters(
const NewParameterInterface& newParameters) const
return typename ChangeParametersType<NewParameterInterface>::type(
newParameters, this->OutputToInputMap, this->VisitArray);
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c ControlInterface replaced.
template <typename NewControlInterface>
struct ChangeControlInterfaceType
using type =
Invocation<ParameterInterface, NewControlInterface, ExecutionInterface, InputDomainIndex>;
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c ControlInterface type is changed to the type given.
template <typename NewControlInterface>
typename ChangeControlInterfaceType<NewControlInterface>::type ChangeControlInterface(
NewControlInterface) const
return typename ChangeControlInterfaceType<NewControlInterface>::type(
this->Parameters, this->OutputToInputMap, this->VisitArray);
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c ExecutionInterface replaced.
template <typename NewExecutionInterface>
struct ChangeExecutionInterfaceType
using type =
Invocation<ParameterInterface, NewExecutionInterface, ExecutionInterface, InputDomainIndex>;
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c ExecutionInterface type is changed to the type given.
template <typename NewExecutionInterface>
typename ChangeExecutionInterfaceType<NewExecutionInterface>::type ChangeExecutionInterface(
NewExecutionInterface) const
return typename ChangeExecutionInterfaceType<NewExecutionInterface>::type(
this->Parameters, this->OutputToInputMap, this->VisitArray);
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c InputDomainIndex replaced.
template <vtkm::IdComponent NewInputDomainIndex>
struct ChangeInputDomainIndexType
using type =
Invocation<ParameterInterface, ControlInterface, ExecutionInterface, NewInputDomainIndex>;
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c InputDomainIndex is changed to the static number given.
template <vtkm::IdComponent NewInputDomainIndex>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT typename ChangeInputDomainIndexType<NewInputDomainIndex>::type
ChangeInputDomainIndex() const
return typename ChangeInputDomainIndexType<NewInputDomainIndex>::type(
this->Parameters, this->OutputToInputMap, this->VisitArray);
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c OutputToInputMapType replaced.
template <typename NewOutputToInputMapType>
struct ChangeOutputToInputMapType
using type = Invocation<ParameterInterface,
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c OutputToInputMap is replaced with that provided.
template <typename NewOutputToInputMapType>
VTKM_CONT typename ChangeOutputToInputMapType<NewOutputToInputMapType>::type
ChangeOutputToInputMap(NewOutputToInputMapType newOutputToInputMap) const
return typename ChangeOutputToInputMapType<NewOutputToInputMapType>::type(
this->Parameters, newOutputToInputMap, this->VisitArray);
/// Defines a new \c Invocation type that is the same as this type except
/// with the \c VisitArrayType replaced.
template <typename NewVisitArrayType>
struct ChangeVisitArrayType
using type = Invocation<ParameterInterface,
/// Returns a new \c Invocation that is the same as this one except that the
/// \c VisitArray is replaced with that provided.
template <typename NewVisitArrayType>
VTKM_CONT typename ChangeVisitArrayType<NewVisitArrayType>::type ChangeVisitArray(
NewVisitArrayType newVisitArray) const
return typename ChangeVisitArrayType<NewVisitArrayType>::type(
this->Parameters, this->OutputToInputMap, newVisitArray);
/// A convenience alias for the input domain type.
using InputDomainType =
typename ParameterInterface::template ParameterType<InputDomainIndex>::type;
/// A convenience alias for the control signature tag of the input domain.
using InputDomainTag = typename ControlInterface::template ParameterType<InputDomainIndex>::type;
/// A convenience method to get the input domain object.
const InputDomainType& GetInputDomain() const
return this->Parameters.template GetParameter<InputDomainIndex>();
/// The state of an \c Invocation object holds the parameters of the
/// invocation. As well as the output to input map and the visit array.
/// This is held by by value so that when we transfer the invocation object
/// over to CUDA it gets properly copied to the device. While we want to
/// hold by reference to reduce the number of copies, it is not possible
/// currently.
ParameterInterface Parameters;
OutputToInputMapType OutputToInputMap;
VisitArrayType VisitArray;
// Do not allow assignment of one Invocation to another. It is too expensive.
void operator=(const Invocation<ParameterInterface,
VisitArrayType>&) = delete;
/// Convenience function for creating an Invocation object.
template <vtkm::IdComponent InputDomainIndex,
typename ControlInterface,
typename ExecutionInterface,
typename ParameterInterface,
typename OutputToInputMapType,
typename VisitArrayType>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::internal::Invocation<ParameterInterface,
make_Invocation(const ParameterInterface& params,
OutputToInputMapType outputToInputMap,
VisitArrayType visitArray)
return vtkm::internal::Invocation<ParameterInterface,
VisitArrayType>(params, outputToInputMap, visitArray);
template <vtkm::IdComponent InputDomainIndex,
typename ControlInterface,
typename ExecutionInterface,
typename ParameterInterface>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::internal::
Invocation<ParameterInterface, ControlInterface, ExecutionInterface, InputDomainIndex>
make_Invocation(const ParameterInterface& params,
ControlInterface = ControlInterface(),
ExecutionInterface = ExecutionInterface())
return vtkm::internal::make_Invocation<InputDomainIndex>(params,
} // namespace vtkm::internal
#endif //vtk_m_internal_Invocation_h