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// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
2019-04-15 23:24:21 +00:00
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
namespace vtkm
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ray
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 2, int>::type>
Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Ray()
: Origin{ 0.f }
, Direction{ 1.f, 0.f }
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 3, int>::type>
Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Ray()
: Origin{ 0.f }
, Direction{ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Ray(const LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>& segment)
: Origin(segment.Endpoints[0])
, Direction(vtkm::Normal(segment.Direction()))
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Ray(const Vector& point, const Vector& direction)
: Origin(point)
, Direction(vtkm::Normal(direction))
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
typename Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Vector Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Evaluate(
CoordType param) const
auto pointOnLine = this->Origin + this->Direction * param;
return pointOnLine;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
bool Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::IsValid() const
// At least on Ubuntu 17.10, cuda 9.1 will fail with an internal
// compiler error when calling vtkm::IsInf() here. But the fix
// below works. The fix should be removed as soon as our dashboards
// allow it.
#if __CUDACC_VER_MAJOR__ == 9 && __CUDACC_VER_MINOR__ == 1
return !isinf(this->Direction[0]);
return !vtkm::IsInf(this->Direction[0]);
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
CoordType Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::DistanceTo(const Vector& point) const
Vector closest;
CoordType param;
return this->DistanceTo(point, param, closest);
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
CoordType Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::DistanceTo(const Vector& point,
CoordType& param,
Vector& projectedPoint) const
const auto& dir = this->Direction;
auto mag2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(dir);
if (mag2 <= static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f))
// We have a point, not a line segment.
projectedPoint = this->Origin;
param = static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f);
return vtkm::Magnitude(point - this->Origin);
// Find the closest point on the line, then clamp to the ray if the
// parameter value is negative.
param = vtkm::Dot(point - this->Origin, dir) / mag2;
if (!TwoSided)
param = vtkm::Max(param, static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f));
// Compute the distance between the closest point and the input point.
projectedPoint = this->Evaluate(param);
auto dist = vtkm::Magnitude(point - projectedPoint);
return dist;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim, bool IsTwoSided>
template <bool OtherTwoSided, int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 2, int>::type>
bool Ray<CoordType, Dim, IsTwoSided>::Intersect(const Ray<CoordType, Dim, OtherTwoSided>& other,
Vector& point,
CoordType tol)
auto d1 = this->Direction;
auto d2 = other.Direction;
auto denom = d1[0] * d2[1] - d1[1] * d2[0];
if (vtkm::Abs(denom) < tol)
{ // The lines are coincident or at least parallel.
return false;
const auto& a = this->Origin;
const auto& b = other.Origin;
CoordType numerU = a[1] * d2[0] + d2[1] * b[0] - b[1] * d2[0] - d2[1] * a[0];
CoordType uParam = numerU / denom;
point = a + uParam * d1;
if (TwoSided && OtherTwoSided)
return true;
CoordType numerV = d1[0] * (a[1] - b[1]) - d1[1] * (a[0] - b[0]);
CoordType vParam = numerV / denom;
return (TwoSided || (uParam + tol) > 0) && (OtherTwoSided || (vParam + tol) > 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LineSegment
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 2, int>::type>
LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::LineSegment()
: Endpoints{ { 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } }
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 3, int>::type>
LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::LineSegment()
: Endpoints{ { 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f } }
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::LineSegment(const Vector& p0, const Vector& p1)
: Endpoints{ p0, p1 }
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
bool LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::IsSingular(CoordType tol2) const
return vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(this->Direction()) < tol2;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 2, int>::type>
Ray<CoordType, Dim, true> LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::PerpendicularBisector() const
const Vector dir = this->Direction();
const Vector perp(-dir[1], dir[0]);
const Vector mid = this->Center();
return Ray<CoordType, Dim, true>(mid, perp);
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 3, int>::type>
Plane<CoordType> LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::PerpendicularBisector() const
return Plane<CoordType>(this->Center(), this->Direction());
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
typename LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::Vector LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::Evaluate(
CoordType param) const
auto pointOnLine = this->Endpoints[0] * (1.0f - param) + this->Endpoints[1] * param;
return pointOnLine;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
CoordType LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::DistanceTo(const Vector& point) const
Vector closest;
CoordType param;
return this->DistanceTo(point, param, closest);
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
CoordType LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::DistanceTo(const Vector& point,
CoordType& param,
Vector& projectedPoint) const
auto dir = this->Endpoints[1] - this->Endpoints[0];
auto mag2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(dir);
if (mag2 <= static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f))
// We have a point, not a line segment.
projectedPoint = this->Endpoints[0];
param = static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f);
return vtkm::Magnitude(point - this->Endpoints[0]);
// Find the closest point on the line, then clamp to the line segment
param = vtkm::Clamp(vtkm::Dot(point - this->Endpoints[0], dir) / mag2,
// Compute the distance between the closest point and the input point.
projectedPoint = this->Evaluate(param);
auto dist = vtkm::Magnitude(point - projectedPoint);
return dist;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
template <int Dim_, typename std::enable_if<Dim_ == 2, int>::type>
bool LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>::IntersectInfinite(const LineSegment<CoordType, Dim>& other,
Vector& point,
CoordType tol)
auto d1 = this->Direction();
auto d2 = other.Direction();
auto denom = d1[0] * d2[1] - d1[1] * d2[0];
if (vtkm::Abs(denom) < tol)
{ // The lines are coincident or at least parallel.
return false;
const auto& a = this->Endpoints;
const auto& b = other.Endpoints;
CoordType numerX = (a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[0][1] * a[1][0]) * -d2[0] -
(b[0][0] * b[1][1] - b[0][1] * b[1][0]) * -d1[0];
CoordType numerY = (a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[0][1] * a[1][0]) * -d2[1] -
(b[0][0] * b[1][1] - b[0][1] * b[1][0]) * -d1[1];
point = Vector(numerX / denom, numerY / denom);
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plane
template <typename CoordType>
: Origin{ 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }
, Normal{ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }
template <typename CoordType>
Plane<CoordType>::Plane(const Vector& origin, const Vector& normal, CoordType tol2)
: Origin(origin)
, Normal(vtkm::Normal(normal))
if (tol2 > 0.0f && vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(normal) < tol2)
auto inf = vtkm::Infinity<CoordType>();
Normal = vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>(inf, inf, inf);
template <typename CoordType>
CoordType Plane<CoordType>::DistanceTo(const Vector& point) const
auto dist = vtkm::Dot(point - this->Origin, this->Normal);
return dist;
template <typename CoordType>
typename Plane<CoordType>::Vector Plane<CoordType>::ClosestPoint(const Vector& point) const
auto vop = vtkm::Project(point - this->Origin, this->Normal);
auto closest = point - vop;
return closest;
template <typename CoordType>
template <bool IsTwoSided>
bool Plane<CoordType>::Intersect(const Ray<CoordType, 3, IsTwoSided>& ray,
CoordType& parameter,
Vector& point,
bool& lineInPlane,
CoordType tol) const
CoordType d0 = this->DistanceTo(ray.Origin);
CoordType dirDot = vtkm::Dot(this->Normal, ray.Direction);
// If the ray/line lies parallel to the plane, the intersection is degenerate:
if (vtkm::Abs(dirDot) < tol)
lineInPlane = (vtkm::Abs(d0) < tol);
return false;
lineInPlane = false;
parameter = -d0 / dirDot;
// If we have a ray (not a line) and it points away from the
// side of the plane where its origin lies, then there is no
// intersection.
if (!IsTwoSided)
if (parameter < 0.0f)
return false;
// Check whether an endpoint lies in the plane:
if (vtkm::Abs(d0) < tol)
parameter = static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f);
point = ray.Origin;
return true;
// The perpendicular distance of the origin to the plane
// forms one side of a triangle whose hypotenuse is the
// parameter value (because ray.Direction has unit length).
// The dot product of the plane normal and ray direction
// is the cosine of the angle between the hypotenuse and
// the shortest path to the plane, so....
point = ray.Origin + parameter * ray.Direction;
return true;
template <typename CoordType>
bool Plane<CoordType>::Intersect(const LineSegment<CoordType>& segment,
CoordType& parameter,
bool& lineInPlane) const
Vector point;
return this->Intersect(segment, parameter, point, lineInPlane);
template <typename CoordType>
bool Plane<CoordType>::Intersect(const LineSegment<CoordType>& segment,
CoordType& parameter,
Vector& point,
bool& lineInPlane) const
CoordType d0 = this->DistanceTo(segment.Endpoints[0]);
CoordType d1 = this->DistanceTo(segment.Endpoints[1]);
if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0)
// The entire segment lies in the plane.
lineInPlane = true;
return true;
lineInPlane = false;
// Check whether an endpoint lies in the plane:
if (d0 == 0)
parameter = static_cast<CoordType>(0.0f);
point = segment.Endpoints[0];
return true;
if (d1 == 0)
parameter = static_cast<CoordType>(1.0f);
point = segment.Endpoints[1];
return true;
// See whether endpoints lie on opposite sides of the plane:
// Note that the vtkm::SignBit comments below cause an internal compiler
// error on cuda 9.1, ubuntu 17.10 or they would be used:
bool c0 = d0 < 0; // !!vtkm::SignBit(d0);
bool c1 = d1 < 0; // !!vtkm::SignBit(d1);
CoordType a0 = vtkm::Abs(d0);
CoordType a1 = vtkm::Abs(d1);
if (c0 == c1)
// Both endpoints lie to the same side of the plane, so
// there is no intersection. Report the closest endpoint.
parameter = static_cast<CoordType>(a0 < a1 ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
point = segment.Endpoints[a0 < a1 ? 0 : 1];
return false;
// Endpoint distances have the opposite sign; there must be
// an intersection. It must occur at distance 0, and distance
// varies linearly from d0 to d1, so...
parameter = a0 / (a0 + a1);
point = segment.Endpoints[0] * (1.0f - parameter) + segment.Endpoints[1] * parameter;
return true;
template <typename CoordType>
bool Plane<CoordType>::Intersect(const Plane<CoordType>& other,
Ray<CoordType, 3, true>& ray,
bool& coincident,
CoordType tol2) const
auto dir = vtkm::Cross(this->Normal, other.Normal);
auto mag2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(dir);
if (mag2 < tol2)
{ // The planes are parallel.
auto dist = this->DistanceTo(other.Origin);
coincident = dist * dist < tol2;
return false;
// The planes intersect. We want to find a point on the new plane
// and we want it to be near the other plane base points to avoid
// precision issues in the future.
// So, project each plane origin to the other plane along a line
// perpendicular to the plane and the output line. Both of these
// points are on the output line. Average the two points. The result
// will still be on the line and will be closer to the two base points.
auto nn = vtkm::Normal(dir);
auto moveDir01 = vtkm::Cross(this->Normal, nn);
auto moveDir02 = vtkm::Cross(other.Normal, nn);
Ray<CoordType, 3, true> bra(this->Origin, moveDir01);
Ray<CoordType, 3, true> brb(other.Origin, moveDir02);
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p0a;
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p0b;
CoordType pDummyA, pDummyB;
bool bDummyA, bDummyB;
auto tol = vtkm::Sqrt(tol2);
this->Intersect(brb, pDummyA, p0a, bDummyA, tol);
other.Intersect(bra, pDummyB, p0b, bDummyB, tol);
ray = vtkm::Ray<CoordType, 3, true>((p0a + p0b) * 0.5f, nn);
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sphere
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
Sphere<CoordType, Dim>::Sphere()
: Center{ 0.f }
, Radius(static_cast<CoordType>(1.f))
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
Sphere<CoordType, Dim>::Sphere(const Vector& center, CoordType radius)
: Center(center)
, Radius(radius <= 0.f ? static_cast<CoordType>(-1.0f) : radius)
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
bool Sphere<CoordType, Dim>::Contains(const Vector& point, CoordType tol2) const
return this->Classify(point, tol2) < 0;
template <typename CoordType, int Dim>
int Sphere<CoordType, Dim>::Classify(const Vector& point, CoordType tol2) const
if (!this->IsValid())
return 1; // All points are outside invalid spheres.
auto d2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(point - this->Center);
auto r2 = this->Radius * this->Radius;
return d2 < r2 - tol2 ? -1 : (d2 > r2 + tol2 ? +1 : 0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construction techniques
template <typename CoordType, bool IsTwoSided>
vtkm::Plane<CoordType> make_PlaneFromPointAndLine(const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& point,
const vtkm::Ray<CoordType, 3, IsTwoSided>& ray,
CoordType tol2)
auto tmpDir = point - ray.Origin;
return vtkm::Plane<CoordType>(point, vtkm::Cross(ray.Direction, tmpDir), tol2);
template <typename CoordType>
vtkm::Plane<CoordType> make_PlaneFromPointAndLineSegment(
const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& point,
const vtkm::LineSegment3<CoordType>& segment,
CoordType tol2)
auto tmpDir = point - segment.Endpoints[0];
return vtkm::Plane<CoordType>(point, vtkm::Cross(segment.Direction(), tmpDir), tol2);
template <typename CoordType>
vtkm::Circle<CoordType> make_CircleFrom3Points(const typename vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>& p0,
const typename vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>& p1,
const typename vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>& p2,
CoordType tol)
constexpr int Dim = 2;
using Vector = typename vtkm::Circle<CoordType>::Vector;
vtkm::LineSegment<CoordType, Dim> l01(p0, p1);
vtkm::LineSegment<CoordType, Dim> l02(p0, p2);
auto pb01 = l01.PerpendicularBisector();
auto pb02 = l02.PerpendicularBisector();
Vector center;
CoordType radius;
if (!pb01.IsValid() || !pb02.IsValid())
center = Vector(0.f, 0.f);
radius = -1.f;
return vtkm::Circle<CoordType>(center, radius);
auto isValid = pb01.Intersect(pb02, center, tol);
radius = isValid ? vtkm::Magnitude(center - p0) : static_cast<CoordType>(-1.0f);
if (!isValid)
{ // Initialize center to something.
center = Vector(vtkm::Nan<CoordType>(), vtkm::Nan<CoordType>());
return vtkm::Circle<CoordType>(center, radius);
template <typename CoordType>
vtkm::Sphere<CoordType, 3> make_SphereFrom4Points(const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& a0,
const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& a1,
const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& a2,
const vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>& a3,
CoordType tol)
// Choose p3 such that the min(p3 - p[012]) is larger than any other choice of p3.
// From: http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/geometry/sphere4pts.html,
// retrieved 2018-06-12 and paraphrased in terms of local variable names:
// If circlePointInPlaneOfP3-p3 is much smaller than
// circlePointInPlaneOfP3-circleCenterWorld, then the
// sphere center will be very close to circleCenterWorld
// and subject to error.
// It's best to choose p3 so that the least of p0-p3, p1-p3, and
// p2-p3 is larger than for any other.
CoordType d0 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a1 - a0);
CoordType d1 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a2 - a0);
CoordType d2 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a3 - a0);
CoordType d3 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a2 - a1);
CoordType d4 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a3 - a1);
CoordType d5 = vtkm::MagnitudeSquared(a3 - a2);
CoordType sel0 = vtkm::Min(d0, vtkm::Min(d1, d2));
CoordType sel1 = vtkm::Min(d0, vtkm::Min(d3, d4));
CoordType sel2 = vtkm::Min(d1, vtkm::Min(d3, d5));
CoordType sel3 = vtkm::Min(d2, vtkm::Min(d4, d5));
CoordType selm = vtkm::Max(vtkm::Max(sel0, sel1), vtkm::Max(sel2, sel3));
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p0 = a0;
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p1 = a1;
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p2 = a2;
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> p3 = a3;
if (sel0 == selm)
p3 = a0;
p0 = a3;
else if (sel1 == selm)
p3 = a1;
p1 = a3;
else if (sel2 == selm)
p3 = a2;
p2 = a3;
else // sel3 == selm
// do nothing.
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>, 3> axes;
axes[1] = p1 - p0;
axes[2] = p2 - p0;
axes[0] = vtkm::Cross(axes[1], axes[2]);
vtkm::Vec<vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3>, 3> basis;
int rank = vtkm::Orthonormalize(axes, basis, tol);
if (rank < 3)
vtkm::Sphere<CoordType, 3> invalid;
invalid.Radius = -1.0f;
return invalid;
// Project points to plane and fit a circle.
auto p0_p = vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>{ 0.f }; // This is p0's new coordinate...
auto p1_p = vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>(vtkm::ProjectedDistance(axes[1], basis[1]),
vtkm::ProjectedDistance(axes[1], basis[2]));
auto p2_p = vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 2>(vtkm::ProjectedDistance(axes[2], basis[1]),
vtkm::ProjectedDistance(axes[2], basis[2]));
auto circle = make_CircleFrom3Points(p0_p, p1_p, p2_p);
if (!circle.IsValid())
vtkm::Sphere<CoordType, 3> invalid;
invalid.Radius = -1.0f;
return invalid;
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> circleCenterWorld =
p0 + circle.Center[0] * basis[1] + circle.Center[1] * basis[2];
vtkm::Line3<CoordType> centerRay(circleCenterWorld, basis[0]);
// If our remaining unused point (p3) lines on centerRay,
// use one of the other points to locate the sphere's center:
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> circlePointInPlaneOfP3;
if (vtkm::Abs(centerRay.DistanceTo(p3)) < tol)
circlePointInPlaneOfP3 = p0;
Plane<CoordType> pp3(circleCenterWorld, basis[0]);
circlePointInPlaneOfP3 =
circleCenterWorld + vtkm::Normal(pp3.ClosestPoint(p3) - circleCenterWorld) * circle.Radius;
auto bisectorPlane =
vtkm::LineSegment3<CoordType>(circlePointInPlaneOfP3, p3).PerpendicularBisector();
vtkm::Vec<CoordType, 3> sphereCenter;
CoordType param;
bool lineInPlane;
if (!bisectorPlane.Intersect(centerRay, param, sphereCenter, lineInPlane, tol))
vtkm::Sphere<CoordType, 3> invalid;
invalid.Radius = -1.0f;
return invalid;
auto sphereRadius = vtkm::Magnitude(sphereCenter - p3);
vtkm::Sphere<CoordType, 3> result(sphereCenter, sphereRadius);
return result;
} // namespace vtkm