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Raw Normal View History

2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// Copyright 2019 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
// Copyright 2019 UT-Battelle, LLC.
// Copyright 2019 Los Alamos National Security.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 with Los Alamos National
// Laboratory (LANL), the U.S. Government retains certain rights in
// this software.
#ifndef vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h
#define vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h
#include <vtkm/Range.h>
#include <vtkm/Types.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Algorithm.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandle.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleBitField.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleConstant.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayRangeCompute.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/BitField.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/Logging.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapTopology.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/MaskIndices.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapField.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/WorkletMapTopology.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
/// Orients normals to point outside of the dataset. This requires a closed
/// manifold surface or else the behavior is undefined. This requires an
/// unstructured cellset as input.
class OrientPointNormals
static constexpr vtkm::Id INVALID_ID = -1;
// Returns true if v1 and v2 are pointing in the same hemisphere.
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC static bool SameDirection(const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& v1, const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& v2)
return vtkm::Dot(v1, v2) >= 0;
// Ensure that the normal is pointing in the same hemisphere as ref.
// Returns true if normal is modified.
template <typename T>
VTKM_EXEC static bool Align(vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& normal, const vtkm::Vec<T, 3>& ref)
if (!SameDirection(normal, ref))
normal = -normal;
return true;
return false;
// Locates starting points for BFS traversal of dataset by finding points
// on the dataset boundaries. The normals for these points are corrected by
// making them point outside of the dataset, and they are marked as both
// active and visited.
class WorkletMarkSourcePoints : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn coords,
FieldInOut normals,
WholeArrayIn ranges,
FieldOut activePoints,
FieldOut visitedPoints,
FieldOut refPoints);
using ExecutionSignature =
_6(InputIndex pointId, _1 coord, _2 normal, _3 ranges, _4 activePoints, _5 visitedPoints);
template <typename CoordT, typename NormalT, typename RangePortal>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::Id operator()(const vtkm::Id pointId,
const vtkm::Vec<CoordT, 3>& point,
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3>& normal,
const RangePortal& ranges,
bool& isActive,
bool& isVisited) const
for (vtkm::IdComponent dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim)
const auto& range = ranges.Get(dim);
const auto val = static_cast<decltype(range.Min)>(point[dim]);
if (val <= range.Min)
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3> ref{ static_cast<NormalT>(0) };
ref[dim] = static_cast<NormalT>(-1);
Align(normal, ref);
isActive = true;
isVisited = true;
return pointId;
else if (val >= range.Max)
vtkm::Vec<NormalT, 3> ref{ static_cast<NormalT>(0) };
ref[dim] = static_cast<NormalT>(1);
Align(normal, ref);
isActive = true;
isVisited = true;
return pointId;
isActive = false;
isVisited = false;
return INVALID_ID;
// Traverses the active points (via mask) and marks the connected cells as
// active. Set the reference point for all adjacent cells to the current
// point.
class WorkletMarkActiveCells : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitPointsWithCells
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellSet,
// InOut to preserve data on masked indices
BitFieldInOut activeCells,
BitFieldInOut visitedCells,
FieldInOutPoint activePoints);
using ExecutionSignature = _4(CellIndices cells, _2 activeCells, _3 visitedCells);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
// Mark all unvisited cells as active:
template <typename CellListT, typename ActiveCellsT, typename VisitedCellsT>
VTKM_EXEC bool operator()(const CellListT& cells,
ActiveCellsT& activeCells,
VisitedCellsT& visitedCells) const
for (vtkm::IdComponent c = 0; c < cells.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++c)
const vtkm::Id cellId = cells[c];
const bool alreadyVisited = visitedCells.CompareAndSwapBitAtomic(cellId, true, false);
if (!alreadyVisited)
{ // This thread is first to visit cell
activeCells.SetBitAtomic(cellId, true);
// Mark the current point as inactive:
return false;
// Traverses the active cells and mark the connected points as active,
// propogating the reference pointId.
class WorkletMarkActivePoints : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
2019-01-24 16:09:21 +00:00
using ControlSignature = void(CellSetIn cellSet,
BitFieldInOut activePoints,
BitFieldIn visitedPoints,
WholeArrayInOut refPoints,
FieldInOutCell activeCells);
using ExecutionSignature = _5(PointIndices points,
_2 activePoints,
_3 visitedPoints,
_4 refPoints);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
template <typename PointListT,
typename ActivePointsT,
typename VisitedPointsT,
typename RefPointsT>
VTKM_EXEC bool operator()(const PointListT& points,
ActivePointsT& activePoints,
VisitedPointsT& visitedPoints,
RefPointsT& refPoints) const
// Find any point in the cell that has already been visited, and take
// its id as the reference for this cell.
vtkm::Id refPtId = INVALID_ID;
for (vtkm::IdComponent p = 0; p < points.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++p)
const vtkm::Id pointId = points[p];
const bool alreadyVisited = visitedPoints.GetBit(pointId);
if (alreadyVisited)
refPtId = pointId;
// There must be one valid point in each cell:
VTKM_ASSERT("Reference point not found." && refPtId != INVALID_ID);
// Propogate the reference point to other cell members
for (vtkm::IdComponent p = 0; p < points.GetNumberOfComponents(); ++p)
const vtkm::Id pointId = points[p];
// Mark this point as active
const bool alreadyVisited = visitedPoints.GetBit(pointId);
if (!alreadyVisited)
const bool alreadyActive = activePoints.CompareAndSwapBitAtomic(pointId, true, false);
if (!alreadyActive)
{ // If we're the first thread to mark point active, set ref point:
refPoints.Set(pointId, refPtId);
// Mark current cell as inactive:
return false;
// For each point with a refPtId set, ensure that the associated normal is
// in the same hemisphere as the reference normal.
// This must be done in a separate step from MarkActivePoints since modifying
// visitedPoints in that worklet would create race conditions.
class WorkletProcessNormals : public vtkm::worklet::WorkletMapField
using ControlSignature = void(FieldIn refIds,
WholeArrayInOut normals,
// InOut to preserve data on masked indices
BitFieldInOut visitedPoints);
using ExecutionSignature = void(InputIndex ptId, _1 refPtId, _2 normals, _3 visitedPoints);
using MaskType = vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices;
template <typename NormalsPortal, typename VisitedPointsT>
VTKM_EXEC void operator()(const vtkm::Id ptId,
const vtkm::Id refPtId,
NormalsPortal& normals,
VisitedPointsT& visitedPoints) const
visitedPoints.SetBitAtomic(ptId, true);
using Normal = typename NormalsPortal::ValueType;
Normal normal = normals.Get(ptId);
const Normal ref = normals.Get(refPtId);
if (Align(normal, ref))
normals.Set(ptId, normal);
template <typename CellSetType,
typename CoordsCompType,
typename CoordsStorageType,
typename PointNormalCompType,
typename PointNormalStorageType>
VTKM_CONT static void Run(
const CellSetType& cells,
const vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<CoordsCompType, 3>, CoordsStorageType>& coords,
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Vec<PointNormalCompType, 3>, PointNormalStorageType>&
using RangeType = vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Range>;
using MarkSourcePoints = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<WorkletMarkSourcePoints>;
using MarkActiveCells = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<WorkletMarkActiveCells>;
using MarkActivePoints = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<WorkletMarkActivePoints>;
using ProcessNormals = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapField<WorkletProcessNormals>;
const vtkm::Id numCells = cells.GetNumberOfCells();
"OrientPointNormals worklet (%lld points, %lld cells)",
// active = cells / point to be used in the next worklet invocation mask.
vtkm::cont::BitField activePointBits; // Initialized by MarkSourcePoints
auto activePoints = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(activePointBits);
vtkm::cont::BitField activeCellBits;
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::Fill(activeCellBits, false, numCells);
auto activeCells = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(activeCellBits);
// visited = cells / points that have been corrected.
vtkm::cont::BitField visitedPointBits; // Initialized by MarkSourcePoints
auto visitedPoints = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(visitedPointBits);
vtkm::cont::BitField visitedCellBits;
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::Fill(visitedCellBits, false, numCells);
auto visitedCells = vtkm::cont::make_ArrayHandleBitField(visitedCellBits);
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> mask; // Allocated as needed
// For each point, store a reference alignment point. Allocated by
// MarkSourcePoints.
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<vtkm::Id> refPoints;
// 1) Compute range of coords.
const RangeType ranges = vtkm::cont::ArrayRangeCompute(coords);
// 2) Label source points for traversal (use those on a boundary).
// Correct the normals for these points by making them point towards the
// boundary.
MarkSourcePoints dispatcher;
dispatcher.Invoke(coords, pointNormals, ranges, activePoints, visitedPoints, refPoints);
for (size_t iter = 1;; ++iter)
// 3) Mark unvisited cells adjacent to active points
vtkm::Id numActive = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activePointBits, mask);
"MarkActiveCells from " << numActive << " active points.");
MarkActiveCells dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(cells, activeCellBits, visitedCellBits, activePoints);
// 4) Mark unvisited points in active cells, using ref point from cell.
vtkm::Id numActive = vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activeCellBits, mask);
"MarkActivePoints from " << numActive << " active cells.");
MarkActivePoints dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(cells, activePointBits, visitedPointBits, refPoints, activeCells);
vtkm::Id numActivePoints =
vtkm::cont::Algorithm::BitFieldToUnorderedSet(activePointBits, mask);
if (numActivePoints == 0)
{ // Done!
VTKM_LOG_S(vtkm::cont::LogLevel::Perf, "Iteration " << iter << ": Traversal complete.");
"Iteration " << iter << ": Processing " << numActivePoints << " normals.");
// 5) Correct normals for active points.
ProcessNormals dispatcher{ vtkm::worklet::MaskIndices{ mask } };
dispatcher.Invoke(refPoints, pointNormals, visitedPointBits);
} // end namespace vtkm::worklet
#endif // vtkm_m_worklet_OrientPointNormals_h