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2019-04-15 23:24:21 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
2019-04-15 23:24:21 +00:00
#ifndef vtk_m_cont_ArrayHandleSwizzle_h
#define vtk_m_cont_ArrayHandleSwizzle_h
#include <vtkm/cont/ArrayHandleTransform.h>
#include <vtkm/VecTraits.h>
#include <vtkmstd/integer_sequence.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace internal
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
class SwizzleFunctor
using InTraits = vtkm::VecTraits<InType>;
using InComponentType = typename InTraits::ComponentType;
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NUM_IN_COMPONENTS = InTraits::NUM_COMPONENTS;
using OutTraits = vtkm::VecTraits<OutType>;
using OutComponentType = typename OutTraits::ComponentType;
static constexpr vtkm::IdComponent NUM_OUT_COMPONENTS = OutTraits::NUM_COMPONENTS;
template <vtkm::IdComponent... Is>
using IndexSequence = vtkmstd::integer_sequence<vtkm::IdComponent, Is...>;
using IndexList = vtkmstd::make_integer_sequence<vtkm::IdComponent, NUM_OUT_COMPONENTS>;
using MapType = vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent, NUM_OUT_COMPONENTS>;
VTKM_CONT SwizzleFunctor(const MapType& map)
: Map(map)
VTKM_CONT SwizzleFunctor() = default;
VTKM_EXEC_CONT OutType operator()(const InType& vec) const
return this->Swizzle(vec, IndexList{});
VTKM_CONT static MapType InitMap() { return IndexListAsMap(IndexList{}); }
template <vtkm::IdComponent... Is>
VTKM_CONT static MapType IndexListAsMap(IndexSequence<Is...>)
return { Is... };
template <vtkm::IdComponent... Is>
VTKM_EXEC_CONT OutType Swizzle(const InType& vec, IndexSequence<Is...>) const
return { InTraits::GetComponent(vec, this->Map[Is])... };
MapType Map = InitMap();
namespace detail
template <typename InType, typename OutType, typename Invertible>
struct GetInverseSwizzleImpl;
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
struct GetInverseSwizzleImpl<InType, OutType, std::true_type>
using Type = vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<OutType, InType>;
template <typename ForwardMapType>
VTKM_CONT static Type Value(const ForwardMapType& forwardMap)
// Note that when reversing the map, if the forwardMap repeats any indices, then
// the map is not 1:1 and is not invertible. We cannot check that at compile time.
// In this case, results can become unpredictible.
using InverseMapType = typename Type::MapType;
InverseMapType inverseMap = Type::InitMap();
for (vtkm::IdComponent inIndex = 0; inIndex < ForwardMapType::NUM_COMPONENTS; ++inIndex)
inverseMap[forwardMap[inIndex]] = inIndex;
return Type(inverseMap);
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
struct GetInverseSwizzleImpl<InType, OutType, std::false_type>
using Type = vtkm::cont::internal::NullFunctorType;
template <typename ForwardMapType>
VTKM_CONT static Type Value(const ForwardMapType&)
return Type{};
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
using SwizzleInvertible = std::integral_constant<bool,
vtkm::VecTraits<InType>::NUM_COMPONENTS ==
} // namespace detail
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType> GetSwizzleFunctor(
const typename vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>::MapType& forwardMap)
return vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>(forwardMap);
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
using InverseSwizzleType = typename detail::
GetInverseSwizzleImpl<InType, OutType, detail::SwizzleInvertible<InType, OutType>>::Type;
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
VTKM_CONT InverseSwizzleType<InType, OutType> GetInverseSwizzleFunctor(
const typename vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>::MapType& forwardMap)
return detail::
GetInverseSwizzleImpl<InType, OutType, detail::SwizzleInvertible<InType, OutType>>::Value(
} // namespace vtkm::internal
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
namespace detail
template <typename ArrayHandleType, vtkm::IdComponent OutSize>
struct ArrayHandleSwizzleTraits
using InType = typename ArrayHandleType::ValueType;
using OutType = vtkm::Vec<typename vtkm::VecTraits<InType>::ComponentType, OutSize>;
using SwizzleFunctor = vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>;
using InverseSwizzleFunctor = vtkm::internal::InverseSwizzleType<InType, OutType>;
using MapType = typename SwizzleFunctor::MapType;
static SwizzleFunctor GetFunctor(const MapType& forwardMap)
return vtkm::internal::GetSwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>(forwardMap);
static InverseSwizzleFunctor GetInverseFunctor(const MapType& forwardMap)
return vtkm::internal::GetInverseSwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>(forwardMap);
using Superclass =
vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleTransform<ArrayHandleType, SwizzleFunctor, InverseSwizzleFunctor>;
} // namespace detail
/// \brief Swizzle the components of the values in an `ArrayHandle`.
/// Given an `ArrayHandle` with `Vec` values, `ArrayHandleSwizzle` allows you to
/// reorder the components of all the `Vec` values. This reordering is done in place,
/// so the array does not have to be duplicated.
/// The resulting array does not have to contain all of the components of the input.
/// For example, you could use `ArrayHandleSwizzle` to drop one of the components of
/// each vector. However, if you do that, then the swizzled array is read-only. If
/// there is a 1:1 map from input components to output components, writing to the
/// array will be enabled.
/// The swizzle map given to `ArrayHandleSwizzle` must comprise valid component indices
/// (between 0 and number of components - 1). Also, the component indices should not
/// be repeated, particularly if you expect to write to the array. These conditions are
/// not checked.
template <typename ArrayHandleType, vtkm::IdComponent OutSize>
class ArrayHandleSwizzle
: public detail::ArrayHandleSwizzleTraits<ArrayHandleType, OutSize>::Superclass
using Traits = detail::ArrayHandleSwizzleTraits<ArrayHandleType, OutSize>;
(ArrayHandleSwizzle<ArrayHandleType, OutSize>),
(typename Traits::Superclass));
using MapType = typename Traits::MapType;
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleSwizzle(const ArrayHandleType& array, const MapType& map)
: Superclass(array, Traits::GetFunctor(map), Traits::GetInverseFunctor(map))
template <typename ArrayHandleType, vtkm::IdComponent OutSize>
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleSwizzle<ArrayHandleType, OutSize> make_ArrayHandleSwizzle(
const ArrayHandleType& array,
const vtkm::Vec<vtkm::IdComponent, OutSize>& map)
return ArrayHandleSwizzle<ArrayHandleType, OutSize>(array, map);
template <typename ArrayHandleType, typename... SwizzleIndexTypes>
VTKM_CONT ArrayHandleSwizzle<ArrayHandleType, vtkm::IdComponent(sizeof...(SwizzleIndexTypes) + 1)>
make_ArrayHandleSwizzle(const ArrayHandleType& array,
vtkm::IdComponent swizzleIndex0,
SwizzleIndexTypes... swizzleIndices)
return make_ArrayHandleSwizzle(array, vtkm::make_Vec(swizzleIndex0, swizzleIndices...));
} // namespace vtkm::cont
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
// Specializations of serialization related classes
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
namespace vtkm
namespace cont
template <typename InType, typename OutType>
struct SerializableTypeString<vtkm::internal::SwizzleFunctor<InType, OutType>>
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
static VTKM_CONT const std::string& Get()
static std::string name = "Swizzle<" + SerializableTypeString<InType>::Get() + "," +
SerializableTypeString<OutType>::Get() + ">";
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
return name;
template <typename AH, vtkm::IdComponent NComps>
struct SerializableTypeString<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSwizzle<AH, NComps>>
: SerializableTypeString<typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSwizzle<AH, NComps>::Superclass>
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
} // vtkm::cont
namespace mangled_diy_namespace
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
template <typename AH, vtkm::IdComponent NComps>
struct Serialization<vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSwizzle<AH, NComps>>
: Serialization<typename vtkm::cont::ArrayHandleSwizzle<AH, NComps>::Superclass>
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
} // diy
/// @endcond SERIALIZATION
2018-06-08 15:56:40 +00:00
#endif // vtk_m_cont_ArrayHandleSwizzle_h