Merge topic '173_tbb_unique'

3b03177c Add TBB specialization of Unique.
94d668dd Add serial version of Unique.

Acked-by: Kitware Robot <>
Acked-by: Robert Maynard <>
Merge-request: !933
This commit is contained in:
Allison Vacanti 2017-09-20 18:35:02 +00:00 committed by Kitware Robot
commit 0b36596fd5
3 changed files with 278 additions and 0 deletions

@ -363,6 +363,24 @@ public:
std::sort(iterators.GetBegin(), iterators.GetEnd(), wrappedCompare);
template <typename T, class Storage>
VTKM_CONT static void Unique(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& values)
Unique(values, std::equal_to<T>());
template <typename T, class Storage, class BinaryCompare>
VTKM_CONT static void Unique(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& values,
BinaryCompare binary_compare)
auto arrayPortal = values.PrepareForInPlace(Device());
vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators<decltype(arrayPortal)> iterators(arrayPortal);
internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<bool, BinaryCompare> wrappedCompare(binary_compare);
auto end = std::unique(iterators.GetBegin(), iterators.GetEnd(), wrappedCompare);
values.Shrink(static_cast<vtkm::Id>(end - iterators.GetBegin()));
VTKM_CONT static void Synchronize()
// Nothing to do. This device is serial and has no asynchronous operations.

@ -244,6 +244,21 @@ public:
template <typename T, class Storage>
VTKM_CONT static void Unique(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& values)
Unique(values, std::equal_to<T>());
template <typename T, class Storage, class BinaryCompare>
VTKM_CONT static void Unique(vtkm::cont::ArrayHandle<T, Storage>& values,
BinaryCompare binary_compare)
vtkm::Id outputSize =
tbb::UniquePortals(values.PrepareForInPlace(DeviceAdapterTagTBB()), binary_compare);
VTKM_CONT static void Synchronize()
// Nothing to do. This device schedules all of its operations using a

@ -1068,6 +1068,251 @@ VTKM_CONT static void ScatterPortal(InputPortalType inputPortal,
::tbb::blocked_range<vtkm::Id> range(0, size, TBB_GRAIN_SIZE);
::tbb::parallel_for(range, scatter);
template <typename PortalType, typename BinaryOperationType>
struct UniqueBody
using ValueType = typename PortalType::ValueType;
struct Range
vtkm::Id InputBegin;
vtkm::Id InputEnd;
vtkm::Id OutputBegin;
vtkm::Id OutputEnd;
: InputBegin(-1)
, InputEnd(-1)
, OutputBegin(-1)
, OutputEnd(-1)
Range(vtkm::Id inputBegin, vtkm::Id inputEnd, vtkm::Id outputBegin, vtkm::Id outputEnd)
: InputBegin(inputBegin)
, InputEnd(inputEnd)
, OutputBegin(outputBegin)
, OutputEnd(outputEnd)
void AssertSane() const
VTKM_ASSERT("Input begin precedes end" && this->InputBegin <= this->InputEnd);
VTKM_ASSERT("Output begin precedes end" && this->OutputBegin <= this->OutputEnd);
VTKM_ASSERT("Output not past input" && this->OutputBegin <= this->InputBegin &&
this->OutputEnd <= this->InputEnd);
VTKM_ASSERT("Output smaller than input" &&
(this->OutputEnd - this->OutputBegin) <= (this->InputEnd - this->InputBegin));
bool IsNext(const Range& next) const { return this->InputEnd == next.InputBegin; }
PortalType Portal;
BinaryOperationType BinaryOperation;
Range Ranges;
UniqueBody(const PortalType& portal, BinaryOperationType binaryOperation)
: Portal(portal)
, BinaryOperation(binaryOperation)
UniqueBody(const UniqueBody& body, ::tbb::split)
: Portal(body.Portal)
, BinaryOperation(body.BinaryOperation)
void operator()(const ::tbb::blocked_range<vtkm::Id>& range)
if (range.empty())
bool firstRun = this->Ranges.OutputBegin < 0; // First use of this body object
if (firstRun)
this->Ranges.InputBegin = range.begin();
// Must be a continuation of the previous input range:
VTKM_ASSERT(this->Ranges.InputEnd == range.begin());
this->Ranges.InputEnd = range.end();
using IteratorsType = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators<PortalType>;
using IteratorType = typename IteratorsType::IteratorType;
IteratorsType iters(this->Portal);
IteratorType data = iters.GetBegin();
vtkm::Id readPos = range.begin();
const vtkm::Id readEnd = range.end();
// Determine output index. If we're reusing the body, pick up where the
// last block left off. If not, use the input range.
vtkm::Id writePos;
if (firstRun)
this->Ranges.OutputBegin = range.begin();
this->Ranges.OutputEnd = range.begin();
writePos = range.begin();
writePos = this->Ranges.OutputEnd;
// We're either writing at the end of a previous block, or at the input
// location. Either way, the write position will never be greater than
// the read position.
VTKM_ASSERT(writePos <= readPos);
// Initialize loop variables:
BinaryOperationType functor(this->BinaryOperation);
ValueType current = data[readPos];
// If the start of the current range continues a previous block of
// identical elements, initialize with the previous result and decrement
// the write index.
VTKM_ASSERT(firstRun || writePos > 0);
if (!firstRun && functor(data[writePos - 1], current))
// Ensure that we'll overwrite the duplicate value:
// Copy the last data value into current. TestingDeviceAdapter's test
// using the FuseAll functor requires that the first value in a set of
// duplicates must be used, and this ensures that condition is met.
current = data[writePos];
// Special case: single value in range
if (readPos >= readEnd)
data[writePos] = current;
this->Ranges.OutputEnd = writePos;
for (;;)
// Advance readPos until the value changes
while (readPos < readEnd && functor(current, data[readPos]))
// Write out the unique value
VTKM_ASSERT(writePos <= readPos);
data[writePos] = current;
// Update the current value if there are more entries
if (readPos < readEnd)
current = data[readPos];
// Input range is exhausted if we reach this point.
this->Ranges.OutputEnd = writePos;
void join(const UniqueBody& rhs)
using IteratorsType = vtkm::cont::ArrayPortalToIterators<PortalType>;
using IteratorType = typename IteratorsType::IteratorType;
// Ensure that we're joining two consecutive subsets of the input:
IteratorsType iters(this->Portal);
IteratorType data = iters.GetBegin();
BinaryOperationType functor(this->BinaryOperation);
const vtkm::Id dstBegin = this->Ranges.OutputEnd;
const vtkm::Id lastDstIdx = this->Ranges.OutputEnd - 1;
vtkm::Id srcBegin = rhs.Ranges.OutputBegin;
const vtkm::Id srcEnd = rhs.Ranges.OutputEnd;
// Merge boundaries if needed:
if (functor(data[srcBegin], data[lastDstIdx]))
++srcBegin; // Don't copy the duplicate value
// move data:
if (srcBegin != dstBegin && srcBegin != srcEnd)
// Sanity check:
VTKM_ASSERT(srcBegin < srcEnd);
std::copy(data + srcBegin, data + srcEnd, data + dstBegin);
this->Ranges.InputEnd = rhs.Ranges.InputEnd;
this->Ranges.OutputEnd += srcEnd - srcBegin;
template <typename PortalType, typename BinaryOperationType>
VTKM_CONT vtkm::Id UniquePortals(PortalType portal, BinaryOperationType binaryOperation)
const vtkm::Id inputLength = portal.GetNumberOfValues();
if (inputLength == 0)
return 0;
using WrappedBinaryOp = internal::WrappedBinaryOperator<bool, BinaryOperationType>;
WrappedBinaryOp wrappedBinaryOp(binaryOperation);
UniqueBody<PortalType, WrappedBinaryOp> body(portal, wrappedBinaryOp);
::tbb::blocked_range<vtkm::Id> range(0, inputLength, TBB_GRAIN_SIZE);
::tbb::parallel_reduce(range, body);
VTKM_ASSERT(body.Ranges.InputBegin == 0 && body.Ranges.InputEnd == inputLength &&
body.Ranges.OutputBegin == 0 && body.Ranges.OutputEnd <= inputLength);
return body.Ranges.OutputEnd;