Kenneth Moreland 3e1339f9a7 Remove deprecated features from VTK-m
With the major revision 2.0 of VTK-m, many items previously marked as
deprecated were removed. If updating to a new version of VTK-m, it is
recommended to first update to VTK-m 1.9, which will include the deprecated
features but provide warnings (with the right compiler) that will point to
the replacement code. Once the deprecations have been fixed, updating to
2.0 should be smoother.
2022-11-17 07:12:31 -06:00

295 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) Kitware, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
// This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
// PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#ifndef vtk_m_worklet_WorkletMapTopology_h
#define vtk_m_worklet_WorkletMapTopology_h
#include <vtkm/worklet/internal/WorkletBase.h>
#include <vtkm/TopologyElementTag.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/ControlSignatureTagBase.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TransportTagArrayInOut.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TransportTagArrayOut.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TransportTagCellSetIn.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TransportTagTopologyFieldIn.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheckTagArrayIn.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheckTagArrayInOut.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheckTagArrayOut.h>
#include <vtkm/cont/arg/TypeCheckTagCellSet.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/CellShape.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/FetchTagArrayDirectIn.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/FetchTagArrayDirectInOut.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/FetchTagArrayDirectOut.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/FetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/FetchTagCellSetIn.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/IncidentElementCount.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/IncidentElementIndices.h>
#include <vtkm/exec/arg/ThreadIndicesTopologyMap.h>
#include <vtkm/worklet/DispatcherMapTopology.h>
namespace vtkm
namespace worklet
template <typename WorkletType>
class DispatcherMapTopology;
namespace detail
struct WorkletMapTopologyBase : vtkm::worklet::internal::WorkletBase
template <typename Worklet>
using Dispatcher = vtkm::worklet::DispatcherMapTopology<Worklet>;
} // namespace detail
/// @brief Base class for worklets that map topology elements onto each other.
/// The template parameters for this class must be members of the
/// TopologyElementTag group. The VisitTopology indicates the elements of a
/// cellset that will be visited, and the IncidentTopology will be mapped onto
/// the VisitTopology.
/// For instance,
/// `WorkletMapTopology<TopologyElementTagPoint, TopologyElementCell>` will
/// execute one instance per point, and provides convenience methods for
/// gathering information about the cells incident to the current point.
template <typename VisitTopology, typename IncidentTopology>
class WorkletMapTopology : public detail::WorkletMapTopologyBase
using VisitTopologyType = VisitTopology;
using IncidentTopologyType = IncidentTopology;
/// \brief A control signature tag for input fields from the \em visited
/// topology.
struct FieldInVisit : vtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase
using TypeCheckTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayIn;
using TransportTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagTopologyFieldIn<VisitTopologyType>;
using FetchTag = vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectIn;
/// \brief A control signature tag for input fields from the \em incident
/// topology.
struct FieldInIncident : vtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase
using TypeCheckTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayIn;
using TransportTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagTopologyFieldIn<IncidentTopologyType>;
using FetchTag = vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayTopologyMapIn;
/// \brief A control signature tag for output fields.
/// This tag takes a template argument that is a type list tag that limits
/// the possible value types in the array.
struct FieldOut : vtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase
using TypeCheckTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayOut;
using TransportTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayOut;
using FetchTag = vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectOut;
/// \brief A control signature tag for input-output (in-place) fields from
/// the visited topology.
struct FieldInOut : vtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase
using TypeCheckTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagArrayInOut;
using TransportTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagArrayInOut;
using FetchTag = vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagArrayDirectInOut;
/// \brief A control signature tag for input connectivity.
struct CellSetIn : vtkm::cont::arg::ControlSignatureTagBase
using TypeCheckTag = vtkm::cont::arg::TypeCheckTagCellSet;
using TransportTag =
vtkm::cont::arg::TransportTagCellSetIn<VisitTopologyType, IncidentTopologyType>;
using FetchTag = vtkm::exec::arg::FetchTagCellSetIn;
/// \brief An execution signature tag for getting the cell shape. This only
/// makes sense when visiting cell topologies.
struct CellShape : vtkm::exec::arg::CellShape
/// \brief An execution signature tag to get the number of \em incident
/// elements.
/// In a topology map, there are \em visited and \em incident topology
/// elements specified. The scheduling occurs on the \em visited elements,
/// and for each \em visited element there is some number of incident \em
/// mapped elements that are accessible. This \c ExecutionSignature tag
/// provides the number of these \em mapped elements that are accessible.
struct IncidentElementCount : vtkm::exec::arg::IncidentElementCount
/// \brief An execution signature tag to get the indices of from elements.
/// In a topology map, there are \em visited and \em incident topology
/// elements specified. The scheduling occurs on the \em visited elements,
/// and for each \em visited element there is some number of incident \em
/// mapped elements that are accessible. This \c ExecutionSignature tag
/// provides the indices of the \em mapped elements that are incident to the
/// current \em visited element.
struct IncidentElementIndices : vtkm::exec::arg::IncidentElementIndices
/// Topology map worklets use topology map indices.
template <typename OutToInArrayType,
typename VisitArrayType,
typename ThreadToOutArrayType,
typename InputDomainType>
VTKM_EXEC vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<InputDomainType,
GetThreadIndices(vtkm::Id threadIndex,
const OutToInArrayType& outToIn,
const VisitArrayType& visit,
const ThreadToOutArrayType& threadToOut,
const InputDomainType& connectivity) const
const vtkm::Id outIndex = threadToOut.Get(threadIndex);
return vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<InputDomainType,
threadIndex, outToIn.Get(outIndex), visit.Get(outIndex), outIndex, connectivity);
/// In the remaining methods and `constexpr` we determine at compilation time
/// which method definition will be actually used for GetThreadIndices.
/// We want to avoid further function calls when we use WorkletMapTopology in which
/// ScatterType is set as ScatterIdentity and MaskType as MaskNone.
/// Otherwise, we call the default method defined at the bottom of this class.
static constexpr bool IsScatterIdentity =
std::is_same<ScatterType, vtkm::worklet::ScatterIdentity>::value;
static constexpr bool IsMaskNone = std::is_same<MaskType, vtkm::worklet::MaskNone>::value;
template <bool Cond, typename ReturnType>
using EnableFnWhen = typename std::enable_if<Cond, ReturnType>::type;
/// Optimized for ScatterIdentity and MaskNone
template <typename OutToInArrayType,
typename VisitArrayType,
typename ThreadToOutArrayType,
typename InputDomainType,
bool S = IsScatterIdentity,
bool M = IsMaskNone>
VTKM_EXEC EnableFnWhen<
S && M,
GetThreadIndices(vtkm::Id threadIndex1D,
const vtkm::Id3& threadIndex3D,
const OutToInArrayType& vtkmNotUsed(outToIn),
const VisitArrayType& vtkmNotUsed(visit),
const ThreadToOutArrayType& vtkmNotUsed(threadToOut),
const InputDomainType& connectivity) const
return vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<InputDomainType,
threadIndex3D, threadIndex1D, connectivity);
/// Default version
template <typename OutToInArrayType,
typename VisitArrayType,
typename ThreadToOutArrayType,
typename InputDomainType,
bool S = IsScatterIdentity,
bool M = IsMaskNone>
EnableFnWhen<!(S && M),
GetThreadIndices(vtkm::Id threadIndex1D,
const vtkm::Id3& threadIndex3D,
const OutToInArrayType& outToIn,
const VisitArrayType& visit,
const ThreadToOutArrayType& threadToOut,
const InputDomainType& connectivity) const
const vtkm::Id outIndex = threadToOut.Get(threadIndex1D);
return vtkm::exec::arg::ThreadIndicesTopologyMap<InputDomainType,
/// Base class for worklets that map from Points to Cells.
class WorkletVisitCellsWithPoints
: public WorkletMapTopology<vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell, vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint>
using FieldInPoint = FieldInIncident;
using FieldInCell = FieldInVisit;
using FieldOutCell = FieldOut;
using FieldInOutCell = FieldInOut;
using PointCount = IncidentElementCount;
using PointIndices = IncidentElementIndices;
/// Base class for worklets that map from Cells to Points.
class WorkletVisitPointsWithCells
: public WorkletMapTopology<vtkm::TopologyElementTagPoint, vtkm::TopologyElementTagCell>
using FieldInCell = FieldInIncident;
using FieldInPoint = FieldInVisit;
using FieldOutPoint = FieldOut;
using FieldInOutPoint = FieldInOut;
using CellCount = IncidentElementCount;
using CellIndices = IncidentElementIndices;
} // namespace vtkm::worklet
#endif //vtk_m_worklet_WorkletMapTopology_h